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Old 28-07-2004, 03:28 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Naim
I am in total agreement with you on this one. Why not just know that they do have our attention and leave it at that?

But sometimes, I do think that it is, in some way, our fault. The problem with us guys is that when the pursuit is on at the start of the relationship, we DO run after them, pick them up at the MRT, pacify them when they are angry, etc. and we do it without reason or thought. Women accept that to be the norm. That's where the problem begins for us. How do we sustain that kind of attention without burning out?
Sometimes I think they merely wants our attention but did it in the wrong way. More importantly, they lack of self confidence and also in their partners as well. They do funny little things to catch our attention, to boost their morale, to let themselves feel wanted, noticed and important.
Old 28-07-2004, 04:51 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Five Stone
Hee hee, in relationship just be 'kiang' enough liao, if she dont do it, in the end you are the one doing it.....
Argue, you lose, dont argue you also lose, in the end LL you still have to do it......
Old 28-07-2004, 05:00 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by blurqueen12
yo...i m a ger here....NOT all the bad stuff u write bout us ARE true OK...u cannot GENERALISE all women like dat...! but there are certain guidelines which i agree it's true coz i m guilty of dat.

when i sae:
Nothing la - means something happen or i not happy but i jus dun wan to tell my bf
Then why in the first place let him feel something is wrong???

ok fault (when in an argument) - i tink it is also partly ur fault...but i dun wan to extend the argument wif u...but i m not happy either..y must i always be i saeing sorry
Either thrash things out nicely, or be forgiving enough to let it go, dont let him have that kind of LL feeling....

anything lor - can't thing of any ideas of wat to do or wat to eat...but i dun realli wan to do anything or eat anything. jus dat my brain cannot think now
Sure, cant think is ok, just dont complain when we make our choice regardless of the consequences.....

njoy urself wif ur female friend ok
- worry dat he mite do something wif the female friend
Would appreciate that you just spell things out, tell us your concern, better still, make the effort to come along.......

no - i i dun feel like sex la...BUT if u turn me on i mite wan to haf it
Yeah rite, by the time we turn you on, we're turn off.......

ok lor i go home on my own - sian ji pua...u r my bf leh...y u not sendin me home...later something happen to me den u will regret it
Hey, sometimes just be reasonable. For example, BF dont drive, GF stay Punggol, BF stay Jurong. Time now is almost midnight, can still catch last bus but to send GF back means $20 taxi home, is this worth it??? You tell me.

...pls la...n not all gers r $$$ suckers ok? i do pay for my bf dinner if he not enuff cash at times n's like if u got money u pay lor if u dun haf money i pay. we take turns to treat each other. so it's not entirely a one sided thing. dun generalise all gers as evil. it's not fair to us.

hahah but i muz admit..sometimes i dun understand how can u guys understand us...hahah
Just my humble opinions........
Old 28-07-2004, 09:27 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

After reading the thread, I do agree with wat most bro said here. There is one thing I dun understand. Why is it always the guys fault when in a quarrel? It seems like no matter wat I always got to be the one to apologise 1st. So guys when is the last time ur gf/wife apologise to u 1st after the quarrel? Seems like they are so perfect and have no faults like that.
Old 28-07-2004, 09:30 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

its called MANJA
Old 28-07-2004, 10:00 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by blurqueen12
yo...i m a ger here....NOT all the bad stuff u write bout us ARE true OK...u cannot GENERALISE all women like dat...! but there are certain guidelines which i agree it's true coz i m guilty of dat.

when i sae:
Nothing la - means something happen or i not happy but i jus dun wan to tell my bf

ok fault (when in an argument) - i tink it is also partly ur fault...but i dun wan to extend the argument wif u...but i m not happy either..y must i always be i saeing sorry

anything lor - can't thing of any ideas of wat to do or wat to eat...but i dun realli wan to do anything or eat anything. jus dat my brain cannot think now

njoy urself wif ur female friend ok
- worry dat he mite do something wif the female friend

no - i i dun feel like sex la...BUT if u turn me on i mite wan to haf it

ok lor i go home on my own - sian ji pua...u r my bf leh...y u not sendin me home...later something happen to me den u will regret it

...pls la...n not all gers r $$$ suckers ok? i do pay for my bf dinner if he not enuff cash at times n's like if u got money u pay lor if u dun haf money i pay. we take turns to treat each other. so it's not entirely a one sided thing. dun generalise all gers as evil. it's not fair to us.

hahah but i muz admit..sometimes i dun understand how can u guys understand us...hahah
There is a saying that Guys think with their brain. And Girls feel with their heart. The rationale is we can never fully understand a girl. And we really don't have to, since it's almost impossible to. If we try, we may become too sensitive and over-react.

We just need to pamper her, act according to her mood, and follow her emotions. Of course just be by her side, supporting her whenever she needs us. Of course certain times, we will not be able to be physically there to support her since we might not even know when she needs us if she doesn't says so. But at least must re-assure her beforehand that we are always 100% ready for her. 100% be with her mentally.
Old 29-07-2004, 01:10 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
Just my humble opinions........
I agreed with yr humble opinions in this post.

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Old 29-07-2004, 09:04 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by 180sx
After reading the thread, I do agree with wat most bro said here. There is one thing I dun understand. Why is it always the guys fault when in a quarrel? It seems like no matter wat I always got to be the one to apologise 1st. So guys when is the last time ur gf/wife apologise to u 1st after the quarrel? Seems like they are so perfect and have no faults like that.
It seems that guys have to be gentleman at all times, no matter the gal do to us or say about us such as calling us bastards insulting our mothers, we also cannot raise our hands, lay a finger on them, cannot use vulgarities on them etc so what is so much about apologising..........
Old 29-07-2004, 10:16 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by MachoDevilX
There is a saying that Guys think with their brain. And Girls feel with their heart. The rationale is we can never fully understand a girl. And we really don't have to, since it's almost impossible to. If we try, we may become too sensitive and over-react.

We just need to pamper her, act according to her mood, and follow her emotions. Of course just be by her side, supporting her whenever she needs us. Of course certain times, we will not be able to be physically there to support her since we might not even know when she needs us if she doesn't says so. But at least must re-assure her beforehand that we are always 100% ready for her. 100% be with her mentally.
Pamper them, give in to them, love them, reassure them, take care of them, standby them..........Sometimes if only she will do half of these for me.....
Old 29-07-2004, 11:02 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

crap la...i tink some pple including my bf r so egoiztic...everitime we quarrel i alwayz haf to be the one who apologize..he never thinkz dat iz partli hiz fault too..he shift everithing to me. some guyz r darn mcp....the bezt part iz dat he quarrel wif me over a game becoz we lozt ........i feel like so second place to the game dohz
Old 29-07-2004, 11:04 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
It seems that guys have to be gentleman at all times, no matter the gal do to us or say about us such as calling us bastards insulting our mothers, we also cannot raise our hands, lay a finger on them, cannot use vulgarities on them etc so what is so much about apologising..........

plz my case i haf to do the oppozite...i m the ger n yet i haf to give in to wat me bf sae...everithing........i alwayz kenna scolded.....but i never scolded him b4. he take me for granted too much
Old 29-07-2004, 11:09 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by blurqueen12
plz my case i haf to do the oppozite...i m the ger n yet i haf to give in to wat me bf sae...everithing........i alwayz kenna scolded.....but i never scolded him b4. he take me for granted too much
So how? Break up with him?

But seriously, I wish I had a gf like you. Kekeke...

Old 29-07-2004, 11:11 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Tomahawk
So how? Break up with him?

But seriously, I wish I had a gf like you. Kekeke...

if he still take me for granted too much .....n continue to scold me for watever small matterz...i mite brk up wif him. there'z a limit to wat my heart can take. i m not hiz punchin bag
Old 29-07-2004, 11:14 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by blurqueen12
if he still take me for granted too much .....n continue to scold me for watever small matterz...i mite brk up wif him. there'z a limit to wat my heart can take. i m not hiz punchin bag
You free tomorrow evening? Can I have your number?

Old 29-07-2004, 11:14 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by blurqueen12
if he still take me for granted too much .....n continue to scold me for watever small matterz...i mite brk up wif him. there'z a limit to wat my heart can take. i m not hiz punchin bag

1 advice to u, break up...
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