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Old 26-10-2011, 11:56 PM
anakin13 anakin13 is offline
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Re: Stranded on an island

camping here... sis n bro ... nice plot.. sg lost episode 1
Old 27-10-2011, 12:03 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

big sister 'sucking up' on her 'little brother' !
Old 29-10-2011, 01:00 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

No more update or they have been rescued?
Old 29-10-2011, 01:12 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

See this pinoy MILF HERE !
Old 29-10-2011, 02:13 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

camper reporting in!
Old 29-10-2011, 03:33 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

I also stranded on an island.
Luckily, access to food and water not too difficult.
I found that this island was not entirely unpopulated.
Once in a while, when I step out of my hole, I can spot some humans
and they understand my language.
Name of island: Singapore.

Just breaking the tension while waiting la.....
Old 29-10-2011, 05:27 PM
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Talking Re: Stranded on an island

camper reporting in too!
Old 29-10-2011, 06:55 PM
runroader runroader is offline
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Re: Stranded on an island

Originally Posted by runroader View Post
I decided to ejaculate on my big sis. As she pumped my cock with her hand, I could feel the rush. Just before my climax, my whole body tensed and my cock gave a few strong jerks in her hand. She was caught by surprise as my cum burst forth, creaming her on her chest, narrowly missing her face. As she pulled my cock to aim at her side, I moaned loudly as I came, jetting my juice onto the ground beside her. She held on to my cock as I spurted and spurted, until I could cum no more. She looked down at my cum on her chest, then glared at me. She was furious at me for spraying her with my jizz.

As I was coming down from the throes of my climax, she removed her hand from my dick. I tried to apologise but she just stood up and went into the river to wash herself without saying a word. This silent treatment from her was going to last quite a while, I thought to myself. But there was a bigger problem. I looked down and saw that my dick was still hard, still insatiated. As she swam in the river, I stroked myself again. I wanted more, needed more. After making her angry, I’m so fucked.

Just as I expected, she completely ignored me for 3 days. During that time, we still slept in the same tent but she faced away from me. We did our own things and I masturbated on my own whenever I felt the urge. And being alone on this island with my incredibly desirable big sister really fucked my mind bad. I had an almost constant hard-on and it was torture. Whenever I saw her, my imagination ran wild. I imagined doing things with her, even though she was my big sister. I was going crazy with these thoughts. On the 4th day after that incident, I decided to confide in her again, hoping she could once again help me out. But deep down I knew her hand job wasn’t going to be enough. Not by a long shot.

That morning, she had changed into her faded baby blue tank top and a pair of thin panties. The top barely covered her panties and I could see that I was wrong. She was not completely shaven. There was a small patch of dark hair between her legs. She was sitting on the beach, looking at the ocean as I approached her. I could feel my dick already hardening. Great. It was just what I needed to give my intentions away. She pretended not to notice me when I sat down beside her. After thinking for a short while, I said, “Zeh… It has been almost a week already. What if there’s really no help coming…?”

She looked ahead and replied, “I don’t know… We seem to be in the middle of nowhere, I don’t know if they will ever find us. I just have some regrets that’s all... There’re so many things I haven’t done, so much of the world I haven’t seen. I wanna get married and have kids with Darren, watch them grow up, live their own life… You know, that sort of thing… If we are to spend our remaining days here, then I’m glad I don’t have to be alone. At least I still have you for company.”

I was glad she wasn’t mad anymore. I said, “Zeh, that is so bad of you… Haha… But you know, I have those regrets too. I wish to find a girl I love and marry her, start a family and stuff… Too bad those dreams may never come true. And to die a virgin is really a slap to the face. I really wonder how it feels like. Zeh… Have you tried it with Darren yet?” I lied about the part where I was a virgin because a plan was quickly forming in my head now.

“Hai… Jin… I really give up on you liao… This kind of thing is all you can think about. But I guess there’s no harm telling you. Darren always pestered me about sex too. But I really want to save myself for marriage. Those things they do on porn… Well, they do appeal to me sometimes, but I can’t bring myself to do those things. When I have my…ahem… needs, I do it myself lor haha…”

“Zeh… Have you ever wondered if it feels better with a guy than your own… errr… hand? My friends who have tried it all said there’s no comparison. And I have been very curious about it lor. If we really die here, I think that will be my biggest regret.”

“I’m your big sister. I know what you’re getting at, Jin. It is really wrong and sick for us to go that far lah… That day I helped you to jerk off was really my limit liao. No way I’m having sex with you…” She trailed off as she said that last sentence, a trace of uncertainty in her tone. An opportunity may have presented itself to me, if I played my cards right.

“Zeh, before we landed on this island, I would never have looked at you with those eyes. But the fact remains that we may spend our last days here and I really want to know how it’s like to be with a woman. And the way you look, really turned me on during our days here. All of a sudden. I realised you’re incredibly beautiful and I hope that you can fulfill my wish. In fact, we can help each other out.

“Even if we are found, nobody has to know what happened here. When we go back home, we both can forget about the things that happened here and go on with our lives. As long as we look at it objectively, sex is a natural process. Sex with a stranger or me, doesn’t really make a big difference. It can still be the same experience, if you change our perception, right? Some cultures actually treat it as casually as shaking hands. You can treat it as an experiment. If it makes you feel better, you can also pretend I’m Darren again while we’re doing it.”

After a moment’s hesitation, she replied, “Ya… There were times that I also wish to know how it’s like… And as your sister, I will do anything for you. But this is really beyond my limits... Jin… it’s really hard for me to picture you in Darren’s place leh. You’re my younger brother after all… I need more time to think about this okay?”

To be continued?
I left her alone to consider my proposal for the rest of the day. That night, while we were barbequing the fish I caught, she chatted with me about the scenery on the island and her discoveries in the forest. She seemed to have gotten very comfortable around me in just her tank top and panties, and it seemed normal between 2 very close siblings. Except, she was braless underneath her top and her thin panties didn’t cover much. Then as we laughed and ate, she suddenly turned silent for a minute before telling me, “Jin, I have given it some thought about what you asked this morning. I can help you out but I need you to promise me 3 things. If you agree, we might be able to work something out…”

I sat up and listened intently. She continued, “Firstly, I will have to imagine that I’m doing it with Darren, you keep your mouth shut and give me your full cooperation. Secondly, I reserve the right to stop and there will be no protests from you. Lastly, we will never discuss this… ahem… act again for the rest of our lives once we leave this island. Agreed?”

At this point, I would have barked and rolled over like a dog if she told me to. I would agree to any conditions she laid out, as long as I could get what I want. Before this boating mishap, it was unimaginable that I could get into my big sister’s panties. But being stranded with the possibility of never being found, things are different now. So, I replied, “Don’t worry Zeh, I know how hard it is for you to go through with this. I don’t look at this experience with lust or any kind of lewd thoughts. You are the only person I trust and care enough about to make me want to do it with. We are still brother and sister after this. Nothing will ever change that. I won’t lose my respect for you over this because I know you only want to fulfill my wish.”

“Okay Jin, I’ll let you know when I’m ready. I’ll go to sleep first, see you in the morning.” She briefly flashed her familiar sisterly smile and left me by the fire to ponder in anticipation. I could not sleep well that night. I could not stop thinking of what I would do with her. I had to cool off under the waterfall. All the dirty things I did with my ex, I was going to do with my sister. My big sister’s face replaced Jenny’s as I masturbated to those fond memories. After 3 orgasms in the river, I retired to the tent to lie beside her. She was sleeping on her side, with her butt sticking out at me. I fell asleep as I thought to myself, I was going to get my hands on that hot ass very soon.

The next morning, she woke up much earlier than me and went about collecting fruits as usual. I went for a walk in the woods to do some exploration to clear my head a bit. After that I went back to my fishing spot to fish. When I returned around noon, she was resting in the tent. She was lying on her tummy and her tank top had ridden up her perky panty-covered ass. Looking down at her sexy ass and slim waist, I felt so tempted to take her right then. To pull her up by her waist, rip off her panties and plunge my already erect cock into her slit. I almost lost control. She was aware that I was in the tent as well, but she kept silent. Knowing that she might take a long time to get ready for me, I had to take some initiative. I slowly knelt down behind her and called out softly to her, "Zeh..."

To be continued?
Old 29-10-2011, 07:01 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Interesting...more pls.
Old 29-10-2011, 08:16 PM
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Talking Re: Stranded on an island

continue pls!
Old 29-10-2011, 09:58 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Aiyo, just one girl - I was expecting the main character to be stranded with a plane-load of ladies lol.
Pls pm me for return favour.
PS - minimun 5 pointers pls. Tks.
Old 30-10-2011, 02:08 AM
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Pls continue bro.
Old 30-10-2011, 02:13 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

More pls...cannot tahan liao
Old 30-10-2011, 10:12 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Wow piang er... Sibeh imaginative story teller... Hollywood should talent hunt you to write script for Cast Away 2!
Old 30-10-2011, 01:07 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Continue bro... getting sexciting..
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