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Old 17-08-2013, 02:58 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

These days u pay $100-120 and from the moment u walk in until u leave usually it only takes 30mins or even lesser, $ is too easy and fast for most FLs and if they have a few customers lesser its not an issue so they not inclined to provide good service.

Most bros only chiong when vit M is recharged and they change gals each time so to the FLs these bros who make the majority of their client list are not return customers so they wont bother to provide good service, cos good or not most prob wont come back again.

True go to whorehouse has some form of insurance, at least u get good attitude and acceptable service at the min, a piano massage (better than nothing), get to stay for the full 45-60mins if u want an can always complain to the okt who is just outside if u are not happy.

Some bros esp those who dont chiong often like to anyhow throw money at women which spoils market, because they will start to charge more which is already happening, for eg in thai discos 5-6 years ago a few $10 tequila shots is enough but now they want $50 waterfalls all the time lol, regular players will know how to play the slow and steady game, its those who come out of their caves once in a while that spoil the show.

always rem, feed your dogs too well they will all run away until they become hungry again!
dont starve them nor feed them too well and they'd always be at your sides.
Old 17-08-2013, 03:02 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

support ...
Old 17-08-2013, 03:07 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by simone View Post
☜☞ FYI. I have accepted her under my care again with the same conditions laid down during her last trip.

1) better attitude ( which doesn't neccesarily include hugging ). If she is going to have the same kind of ya-ya attitude. I will again remove her thread

2) she was a lingerie model before. Turned michellin tire model due to drinking. But she has shed most of her rubber. If any gal who has F cups + non saggy. Confirm fake. With boobs like hers, not considered saggy at all. Unless u are a bug fan of the silicone.

3) cut down on her smoking + NO smoking just before any appt( even though its also non of my f%#king biz. All for the sake of non-smokers

4) stop all the skiving nonsense and show some quality service which comsumers here deserve

Any ridiculously bad FRs would result in another thread deletion. ☜☞
for all this... I believe she deserve another chance

the first time i met Tina which i think was late 2011 or early 2012, that time she was fleshy and her attitude was actually good, that was her first time here, i forgot who's her TS then but i think its you.
i think she's a good bonk though.

true some bros including me have met lousy FLs, FLs also met bad customers like fly aeroplane, squeeze their boobs and run away, bonk and run off without paying or worse steal their money while they are showering.

for me im lucky because every few weeks i visit regional countries for work and my company covers all my expenses so i get regular access to FLs in neighboring countries which provides good services at half to 2/3 rates of SG depending on what kind you looking for.
Old 17-08-2013, 03:17 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

my thread got deleted but this is to share and not to flame any OKTs or whomsoever ...

under fl - doom 2 Viet Girl - Tuyen a.k.a Kristen - 81913928

Hello Bro ... SYT Face/Body/Pussy all accurate

Not a good experience for me tho ... please note that if you have a "BIG cock" don't call her Here cannot there cannot ... Ask me to faster cum ok? No GFE / No kissing / Session was over in 30mins after missionary & doggy

Not worth $120+20room/1shot and think I'll stick to better PRC options after this.

Above described are my own personal experiences and might differ from yours ...
Old 17-08-2013, 03:26 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by CravenSg View Post
I m not interested in individual Okts collect fees or not.

I m also not the slightest interested how many gals find an individual Okt reputable, wtf got that to do with customer satisfaction? Machiam like NEA harping on one hawker center when we got dengue epidemic. Wrong focus.

what i m interested:
1. Okt advertise 1 hour become Fl book 3 customers in 1 hour. and getting widespread, out of control. I dun give a fuck its the Fl do it or Okt told her. I dun want such "services" and I appreciate other bros who can post Frs to warn me of such cases. Vice versa.

2. Such Frs getting deleted from Okt threads now worse, within 24 hrs , non-okt threads get deleted. Wtf? Think Straits times forum or Facebook also not so efficient in removing negative comments.

3. I m not interested in ruining anyone`s rice bowl, but for fuck`s sake (pun intended) can do it without conning my money? haiz
Nutshell ... bullseye ... Bingo
Old 17-08-2013, 03:46 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

I thin lets all the cheonging bros here, take a break fr tis forum, find FL elsewhere 1st. Since most bros here so frustrated over the svc, however no one forced u guys to find all tis "sub standards FLs".Mayb its time to giv our own legalised whorehouse G area a try nw. How long hav u try G area? For me its quite a long time since i visit "fishtank".
Old 17-08-2013, 04:25 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by sporeknight76 View Post
But bro, if want to go bk tat times ctc only given thru PMs, the FL will hav less customers definitely. Do u thin they will still charge the same price nw? 100/1/1 120/1/1???

do u realize how many bros or cheongsters come in to SBF here to look for bonks..? Even after minus away all those pranksters/ginnas who like to aeroplane or run off w/o paying, there's still a substantial amt of genuine cheongters who are "serious" in need of a good bonk and good service by the FL.. Hv u come across read my FRs in the past..?

And that's not included, if these genuine cheongsters were to recommend their other frens or kakis to that particular FL if her service is relli tokgong.. Do u think she'll hv less customers..?

As for those FLs who insists to charge high or becum greedy and charge more after becum angpai, that's their own decision.. just dun wail and groan when there's no biz or lesser bros look for them.. If u're a FL, do u think the price of 70/1/1 or 100/1/1 will get u more customers..?

A smart FL will know whats good for her..
Old 17-08-2013, 05:10 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

You are so right. And it is disgusting that a new negative thread/post of her will be promptly deleted.

Originally Posted by KingJulien View Post
I believe in giving second chances, so how about the time lost and money wasted not forgetting the frustration we got when getting time and time again for those bad FLs?

WHO give us the chance?

If this bad practice was not happening in the 1st place, then the FLs will not have the thinking that all sillypore guys are so desperate and money is easily conned from us.....
Old 17-08-2013, 05:28 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

There is no point posting bad FRs in the main thread because your bad FR will be deleted almost immediately.

If okt says he no more advertise the bad service gal in his website or his main threads, well, it's just his word. The gal and him and another okt can agree to swop stables under new names, etc.

The only way is to not post any good FR about the gals in that OKT's main threads.

Every now and then someone got cheated so badly he starts a thread that is useful but this gets deleted by forum moderator.

The only way is to give honest feedback OUTSIDE of sbf. This can be done on other sexforum sites like $$$$$ or whatever. Another way is to start a closed Facebook group.

This particular thread started off with what a shame two other threads on negative service gals got deleted. Well no holding breath on when this particular thread will go the same way.

Originally Posted by min84433 View Post
I only wanted to know who to avoid and who to go for. I really don't want to waste my money on sub standard FL. This is bad?? I think at the end of the day, maybe all brother have to help each other. Found any bad FL should just share at the main thread, who care whether the FL come here with a big loan. We have been carrot cake to them for a long time, one FL told me that her friends just do fast job because Singaporean are stupid to pay even when they do sub standard job so why need to give full 1 hour.

One Bad FL one main thread.... then admin will be very busy deleting all of them. This forum look like one that is run by the government... cannot talk sense to us, delete it... Hope linktoikea will consolidate all picture and put up one thread once a while...
Old 17-08-2013, 05:29 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

I don't fly aeroplane cause I don't know how to fly one...I usually inform FL at least an hour in advance if I can't make it...
as for FL having few customers within an hour...It depends actually...I recall Yan Yan from chaoren007, I reach about 15 min early and call her but she say she still got customer and ask nicely if I can wait for 30min (actually 15 since I was early)...immediately say sorry when I see her for the wait...quality service and thinking back that's the right way since I don't want to affect the FJ of the previous brother...all cheongster should be considerate about each other right?
but extreme cases like 3 to 4 customers within an hour is trash really...
Old 17-08-2013, 06:51 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by simone View Post
☜☞ since we r on the topic of time being lost. I might as well tell you that recent trends of " clients " booking FLs and often end up aeroplaning them. The highest hit was 9 times a day ( FL named gigi ) so is that time wasted? Not to mentioned that FL named KITTY who text me yesterday nite saying ( 有个客人找我两个钟。做两次不给钱还打人 )。 So you think that PRCs should be the ones being stupid? The only diff btw you and the FL now is you get to spit out all your discontent here ; which goes on and on and on. ... My suggestion if i were you. Give up FL totally if you have zero confidence . Hope U are able find better use for your hard earned money elsewhere.

I fully agreed that there are bad customers just as there are bad girls. Bad customers hp number should be shared among FL so that they dont get cheated.

I agreed that bad girls should be given a chance, Okts must bear responsibity too. A bit of fake info can be accepted but not too extreme. No wonder bro is not happy with EE service Pic wise, service advertised and age over stated. I for one is eyeing on her until I saw bro report. I wont be surprised that I will curse the okt and lost trust in his advertisement if I received such aservice.
Old 17-08-2013, 07:13 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by KingJulien View Post
Alright la so u saying we deserve it lor. Also I never said they should be the ones who should be stupid, AND I also think they should not be deserved to be stupid also, they also having hard earned money. Read on my post again. For normal shopping other than FL, we can lodge complaints about the poor services, but once we done with poor bonking session, beside posting our frustration here, we are in the situation whereby we could still happen to go to the same gal with same fu*k up service where she could have change name and number n with diff OKTs.
The part u were saying " we deserved it " never crossed my mind. Pardon me if i made you think that way. What i meant In very simple terms are

SHIT happens all the time. To u , me , FLs. But try not to go on and on. If its something constructive ( or destructive to some ) for example if you find a certain FL being very lousy in service or having bad breath. U are most welcomed to post anywhere even in my thread. Positive things will follow hopefully. Lets avoid making it personal.

Ps : i have deleted Tina's thread before without informing her , reason being she cant give me a good explanation for a bad FR. She too knows its her wrongdoing. No complaints from her.
Old 17-08-2013, 07:26 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by steroidfreak View Post
Not many F cup in the market so give her a chance, I am going to try her next week and will post my genuine FR regardless good or bad. I wun give fake FR one just genuine feedback .
Looking forward to your FR too

Old 17-08-2013, 07:28 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by avfan View Post
any chance if maybe can like in the past give ctc thru pm..? at least can filter and will minimize those "un-genuine" customers..

wif FL no. posted openly, any ginnas can pull such prank easily..
All this aeroplane incidents are intentional. PMs wont really help much. Sigh....
Old 17-08-2013, 07:42 PM
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Re: Sad sad day. Thread on lousy FL to avoid n recommended FL killed

Originally Posted by simone View Post
All this aeroplane incidents are intentional. PMs wont really help much. Sigh....
think its a house to house prank.

All business face this kind of sabo once in a while.
"red eye" syndrome.

At least you have business, haha better then its you sitting there
no business thinking of monkey act of saboing competitors.

If ppl have the right focus of doing it right and well, itll be good for all
parties. Too bad, too many peanut brains around.
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