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Old 01-11-2005, 05:11 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by sg_boytoy
Anyone remembered Game & Watch - I was good at "Helmet" and "Octopus"
Speaking of electronic games, anybody remember having an old computer at home where you played first generation computer games - green monitor, very basic sound, had to load a big floppy disk? Anybody remember "Castle Wolfenstein"? I spent hours on that damn thing!
Old 01-11-2005, 05:17 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

I always rush back to watch my 6.30pm Transformer and man..that was the best old school days
Old 01-11-2005, 05:18 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by ultra88man
hmm .. i am quite sure some of you guys go "Rumours" to yo-ah-yo .. yo-ah-yo ... hahaha...

Also, Fire is THE disco and Douglas Oliverio is THE man.

thousands of boys have hairstyles like Jimmy Lin and Arron Kwok, wears baggy pants where the thigh is wider than the waist.

I am in Sec School in the mid 80s ...
Bro ultra88man, I am around the same age as you. Speaking of discos/nightclubs, anybody remember the hole-in-the-wall nightspot on the top floor of Far East Plaza? It was a tiny rocker bar, with a really really good metal band (all-Malay) that played covers of Led Zepp, Scorpion, etc. This place was full of mat-rockers but everyone was friendly enough... LOL!
Old 01-11-2005, 05:20 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by sg_boytoy
Jialat liao... some of the items listed by the threadstarter happened after my school life, I so old meh...
Same same...
My time.. skip class to go Great world city and watch movie
Skip class go bowling..

Old liao...
Old 01-11-2005, 05:30 PM
NoFrills NoFrills is offline
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Re: School-life during our time....

haha, yeah those were the days man... seeing those posts made u think back and it seems like yesterday only... still can remember so vividly man...

ha, u all miss out sega also... sega console was also a in thing back then where everyone was discussing how to complete sonic the game and i still remember the cheat code for sonic sia... lol...

and last time tv 12 got this 2 channels - prime 12 and premierre 12 where premierre 12 will show epl matches every sat night... man, i always stay tuned to watch the soccer matches every sat sia...
Old 01-11-2005, 06:06 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by Doenitz79
Great World City? My time don't even have Tiong Bahru Plaza yet let alone Great World City...Feels so old leh...
hahaha.. i mean the great world before it became a city ma...
where movies is only 50 cents.....

I not so young liao le.....

and catching spider was a challenge....
and gers in miniskirt is rare and a sight to behold....
Old 01-11-2005, 06:24 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Let's add on to the list:

1) Toy R Us is at the path way junction after Marine Parade, and further in is a hawker centre. Before it was WyWy wonderspace arcade.

2) My time, SJI, Catholic High, St. Anthony Boys School (where I'm from) and Convent are all locate along Waterloo Street.

3) Sticker albums: Started off with an animal one? Then waste money buying those stickers, and extra ones we used it to gamble by splitting it into 2 stacks and people would bet which one's bottom card number is bigger.

4) Yeah, fishball noodle is only the most $1 or $1.20 in canteen.

5) Pager!!! I had one in secondary school. Like damn pai kia. Hahaha

6) Anyone remember, got one period, they will sell those soft porn magazines even in newstands? Used to buy a lot. Chinese word porn with bikini babes.

7) Roller skating at Goldhill? Square? Or Amara hotel also got one. THat's where I met my first GF when i was 10 and she was 13. ( i bluff her i am 13).

8) Yeah, what happened to all the sand playground?

9) Started smoking around 9-10 yrs old (part time for fun only) Think one small pack is only $1.20?

10) Got one more cartoon! Masks! (Venom are the bad guys)...

11) Leisure World(?) opposite National Stadium: Got arcade. Think there is also a HEALTH CENTRE on the top floor, but didn't know WHAT IT IS at the time, hahahaha (I was only 13-14!) Any Seniors cheong there before???

12) Sega Genisis. Nitendo. Play Street FIghter ONE.
Old 01-11-2005, 10:11 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Any1 remember the South Amercian show which SBC broadcast on Sat afternoon. They are usually dubbed in chinese. I actually followed a few series of it. I remember 1 that talks abt black slavery. Quite interesting in fact.

Anyone play 1 leg back in primary sch? It was a huge recess game for all ages from 7 to 12 yrs old.
Old 01-11-2005, 10:13 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by Doenitz79
I remember Marine Parade central last time got Toy r'us. You have any idea which part was it situated at and when it was gone?

I think it was opposite Parkway Parade. Just beside the hawker centre. It ios situated on the second floor if my memory did not fail mi.
Old 01-11-2005, 10:42 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl
my time is those secret pap agents in ntu as student leaders.. kekeke
wah who is that?
Old 01-11-2005, 10:47 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by hunter89
It really brings back memory.
Not to forget, rushing back from school to catch the cartoons:
Thunder Cats

Playing games like:
Humb Tum Bola
Tua Beh Long
+++ Kah

To know that your queing partner is a gal, and you are to hold hand with her, that is the day when you asked "WHY ME?!?!?!"

How do you hold a gals hand?
By using your little finger and hold her little finger.

Visiting the school dentist is like visiting hell.

Secondary school: Always praying to the sky to rain, so that you can have a good view of the bra when all the gals got drenched.

Fighting behind Technical Block is always a must.

Memories Memories and Memories
technical block very familar leh????
Old 01-11-2005, 10:56 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by Doenitz79
The brand of backpack which everyone aspired to carry was UMBRO. I remember having those kiddy kiddy bags bought by parents,then I saw other kids carry UMBRO feel very paiseh and childish(even though I was still a child then!) Later exams do well,parents buy UMBRO for me sibei happy!
and put safety pins on it and modify it with colorful/luminous shoe lances for tieing a knot...
Old 01-11-2005, 10:58 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

Originally Posted by xiaolibiantai
Yeah Yeah!!! Got another game where a cowboy goes into a bar and shoot at bandits... can't recall the name of the game liao !! Still got 1 game call brick game.
western bar
Old 01-11-2005, 11:00 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

1) still remember last time every sat and sun at 7 pm always got those "Qiong Yao" shows. WTF, ppl having dinner and enjoying quality time with family they all crying there!

2) still remember last time HP is only for the very rich and they come in very big size.

3) those who cannot afford HP take pager and still remember 1 time ppl like to tie small bells to the pager, like scare ppl dunno they own pager.

reali glad that bros here enjoy this thread. keep those memories coming in ya
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Old 01-11-2005, 11:02 PM
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Re: School-life during our time....

still remember primary school watched 1 plus 1-ah xin ( the life story of the jap gal)

ask a girl to be yr girlfriend we SAY WAN TO GO STEAD

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