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Re: KTVs in Beijing
this is a private strip club, you can sing, drink, play dice with the girls and get them stripped. they will also perform special shows in the room, can touch neh neh & pussy but no fj in the room. if you like the girl, bring back to your hotel and fk lor. 坐台 is 300rmb, overnight is 1krmb. there are many young & pretty girls there. please write a FR after this and i will give you more contacts and places to cheong in beijing. Mark Lim |
Re: KTVs in Beijing
Mark Ge, I will in Beijing next week, thinking of spending 1-2 nights at a resort with a girl. Can you send me the add & contact of jiuhua shangzhuang。I will write a FR after my visit.
Shuqi Ge, Will you be in Beijing next week also ? May be we can bring our own girls and go to the resort together. ke yi ma ? |
Re: KTVs in Beijing
Let's go jiuhua shangzhuang together. I can only go after I find a girl from KTV. |
Re: List of KTVs in Beijing
西城区、海淀区 东方斯卡拉 62626688 中关村店 海淀体育中心院内 佰金KTV广场 82165558/9 西直门外交大东路25号(交大东门南口) 乐圣中关村店 62140299 中关村南大街32号 同一首歌 62256688 西直门桥向北300米文惠桥东 钱柜首体店 88576566,88576588 首体对面腾达大厦裙楼 金樽KTV 62253333,62256980 西直门北大街28号 金库 66051199 西单新一代商城8-10 十七英里KTV 82828988 北京海淀区苏州街3号大恒科技大厦B一层 麦乐迪中关村店 62189088 中关村南大街24号(民院对面) 世纪虹声 58562666 西直门内南小街(青年宫斜对面) 红猪 82356060 82356161 海淀区知春路29号大运村10号楼 今日良缘含金量 010-88877798 海淀区远大东路金源时代B座3-4层 天地人情量贩式 66081618 北京市西城区佟麟阁路85号 麦乐迪月坛店 68085888 月坛北街2号月坛大厦北门 北方鑫柜 62345578/79 海淀区志新路16号志新桥到头往西 名柜 82538809 中关村科贸电子城8层 帝凯乐 62150058 海淀区双榆树南里2号 同一首歌KTV 010-51286055 北京市西直门北大街文慧园西路36号 京师大厦KTV 58802288-8888 新街口外大街北京师范大学京师大厦三层 180CLUB 82613366 北京市海淀区中关村北大街18号 金煌娱乐中心 68233342,68184456 北京海淀区永定路105号 酷热音乐厨房 6818294,88218878 翠微大厦北150米路东 金钻花园KTV 62026667 海淀区花园东路3号花园饭店内 金钻KTV 62026667/62077797 北京海淀区花园东路30号花园饭店内 酷热音乐厨房 62610099,62612299 海淀图书城西侧大地花园酒店一层 流金岁月 68185559/86526086 海淀区金沟河路万城大厦西段四五层 北京青年宫 66183593,66183693 西直门内青年宫地下一层 花样年华 66057788,66067788 西单北大街灵境胡同甲42号兆金大厦 可乐思 62238222 明光桥 海淀区学院路19号 海市蜃楼 66018899-2929 西城区西单广场中友百货9层 JJ KTV 010-66189305 西城区新街口北大街74-76号 2008练歌广场 66188133 西城区西四羊肉胡同地质礼堂 美乐迪 68335888 西城区百万庄华德商都三层 隆煊德 62128235/2035 海淀区皂君庙14号 台凰凤 010-84016632 西城区小石桥胡同2号庆丰大厦 西城KTV 01051262341 北京市西城11号 |
Re: KTVs in Beijing
cool .. thanks bro .. will give it a try and back with a FR |
Re: KTVs in Beijing
enjoy Bro. remember to give feedback and give us new kangtaos.
Re: KTVs in Beijing
"I got a good time in the last trip to visit this KTV you recommended. I will be back to BJ again in mid June and if your time permit will like to organise some SBF bro for a drink or so...just to say thanks on your good recommendation."
Bro adamfish, glad you have enjoyed the place. there are many more nice and cheap places in beijing. please share some of your experience and kangtaos (if any) you have with our bros here also. i will be in beijing during mid june, closing a big deal with olympic people - ha! you may see me in the china newspaper. if i have time will certainly like to meet up with our bros here in beijing. any taker ? i think we should promote the spirit of sharing, cheonging and enjoying together. Mark Lim |
Re: KTVs in Beijing
aya bro, i'm scheduling to travel to beijing early june then going south, really hope can meet up & cheong together.
Members of BOSS: 5931,Ah Tong,Bhoven,BustLover,CumExplorer,Durex,Fruiteefru it, Goo_ey ( tat's me ![]() jamesmalaka,Jimcarey,JT,JDI,Kenzaki,Merc19,MMM88, Monkey4,Navras,Popiah,QooMilk,Sextrooper,simplyhor ny Spursgetz,sunzisky,titts82002,Urger,Wat2woopee |
Re: KTVs in Beijing
never mind 来日方长, one of these days we will have party in beijing.
Re: KTVs in Beijing
Bro Mark,
Sure, I will like to take up your offer to meet up in June. Just let me know when you will be in town and I will also arrange to be there then. By the way, can you also send me your contacts for budget KTV in Beijing as I normally cheong alone and can't afford the expensive places. AL. |
Re: KTVs in Beijing
Bro, please check your pm. this is an excellent place to cheong alone - cheap & good. remember to write an FR after you visit the place. enjoy!
Re: KTVs in Beijing
bro mark...
I'll be going back to BJ in June for business. If possible, would like to meet up with you guys. Let me know when you'll be in town. bro, can you also send me your contacts for budget KTVs good for cheonging alone. JL |
Re: KTVs in Beijing
Brudders, Part 3 of the list:
崇文区、宣武区、丰台区 名乐岛量贩KTV 67165556,67160006 崇文区广渠门内大街16号环境大厦一层 乐圣崇文门店 67086666 崇文门外大街9号新世界正仁大厦 新世纪钱柜 67088899 崇文门外大街9号新世界正仁大厦 眼镜蛇 67078788/89-888 北京市崇文区珠市口东大街12号 百广钱柜 63536699 白广路11号广安门电影院对面 黄河夜总会 51286055 崇文区夕照寺中街29号 金童玉女 63578888-8834 广安门内新时代大酒店3层 安华景苑 63271115,63465585 广安门外马连道东街安华景苑饭店 可乐思 63396508,63396759 六里桥店-西客站对面大中电器旁 快乐站台 88247733,13811022222 丰台区郑常庄326号安美尔大厦 歌巢潮 87682588,87675833 方庄社区蒲芳路16号(肯德基旁) 今日煌都 13681017773 广安门桥往西500米华联商厦后边100米 可乐思 63579138 宣武区虎坊桥(工人俱乐部北边) 金色风华 63401079 北京市宣武区马连道东街15号 天天阳 63440288 广外医院南侧 亚澜湾休闲会馆 13681017773 丰台区丽泽桥向西三百米首联对面 Please up me if you like this. |
Re: KTVs in Beijing
Re: KTVs in Beijing
hi bro.
is there really such places call music cafe in beijing? i know a sg ger who told me she part own one there,one of the more popular ones. maybe you have been to one? will appreciate if you could tell me more thks |
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