The Malaysian Commercial Sex SceneA section specifically for the great Sin Cities of Malaysia. Dedicated to our brothers across the Causeway. Malaysia Boleh!
Kan kan.. ahahaha sia ok juga milf tapi prefer yang muda lah..sedap bah badan muda prime ni.. hahaha paling best kalau baru baru 20 tahun.. pejal lagi badan dorang
hahaha itula, kalau ada stock yg muda pastu besar lagi anu nya hmm confirm sa pergi 😂
yes bro.. u ada try ka? not having good experience with her last time. not sure about others
Ya bro sy ada try last week kalau sy x silap.. Masa sy try pun dia layan mau x mau, sy sempat doggy dia sj. Then sy mau missionary trus turn off, adi sy pun layu. Mandi trus ciao.
Ya bro sy ada try last week kalau sy x silap.. Masa sy try pun dia layan mau x mau, sy sempat doggy dia sj. Then sy mau missionary trus turn off, adi sy pun layu. Mandi trus ciao.
ahh same experience juga bro, mcm mau x mau. Mungkin baru ba kali tu..
Omg.. L2L got the first japanese come to kk. Kinda a bit expensive. But have anybody tried her? Damn.. hope she's like those JAV HAHAHAHHA if yes then i'll also go try
Omg.. L2L got the first japanese come to kk. Kinda a bit expensive. But have anybody tried her? Damn.. hope she's like those JAV HAHAHAHHA if yes then i'll also go try
Omg.. L2L got the first japanese come to kk. Kinda a bit expensive. But have anybody tried her? Damn.. hope she's like those JAV HAHAHAHHA if yes then i'll also go try
apa website dia bro? legit ka juga l2l ni haha sbb last time dia suruh bayar dulu oh
Omg.. L2L got the first japanese come to kk. Kinda a bit expensive. But have anybody tried her? Damn.. hope she's like those JAV HAHAHAHHA if yes then i'll also go try