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Bs Ktv
I tot you sell 'jiu' ?!?!
pao kopi is only PT.. ![]() Quote:
Re: Bs Ktv
Very good businessman Ok, If I open kpt i sure do tat for u. If lar |
Re: Bs Ktv
1/2 thru all the beer gone in my drunker stupor Waiting for u to 'zong money' to show us the way to chiong aarrrggghhhhh Unc Tan, borrow ur tagline ![]() |
Re: Bs Ktv
member of the kaypoh clan....... granted the legal rights to be kaypoh...... THIS IS ANFIELD Fans of Liverpool and Angela Zhang ![]() up list: Bu Jinyun i may be slow in returning favour..but i not "chao kuan" type..who put this siggie for fun.. |
Re: Bs Ktv
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Bs Ktv
I muz go find some kind souls to give me reput pts, to make to
100, then can join ahlongsan's D&D, then can ask him lend me $$ to go chiong, then will show you 'the way' to chiong. Quote:
Re: Bs Ktv
member of the kaypoh clan....... granted the legal rights to be kaypoh...... THIS IS ANFIELD Fans of Liverpool and Angela Zhang ![]() up list: Bu Jinyun i may be slow in returning favour..but i not "chao kuan" type..who put this siggie for fun.. |
Re: Bs Ktv
my kakis and I were there last nite. there was a gal who called herself Hai-lun who wanted to sit with one of them but he had already 2 with him. anyone sat with this gal before? please share your experience. thanks in advance.
Re: Bs Ktv
Not my legs hor ![]() |
Re: Bs Ktv
bro, u oso wan to try to go D&D, can borrow money to chiong, and i go borrow money to treat u kopi... heehhhee. as i am typing now at office, my tigeres oso came to my office to make a long distance call.... hehhehe hiding in one corner to type, or else she sees wat am i doing here.... ![]()
member of the kaypoh clan....... granted the legal rights to be kaypoh...... THIS IS ANFIELD Fans of Liverpool and Angela Zhang ![]() up list: Bu Jinyun i may be slow in returning favour..but i not "chao kuan" type..who put this siggie for fun.. |
Re: Bs Ktv
I no need to go d&d Er.....u sure make phone call only? Can b quite kinky, but dun choose a ricketty table oh! ![]() |
Re: Bs Ktv
nope, i chose a sofa, near my pantry... hehhehehe... actually i wan to do it on my boss's table.... hahahha ![]()
member of the kaypoh clan....... granted the legal rights to be kaypoh...... THIS IS ANFIELD Fans of Liverpool and Angela Zhang ![]() up list: Bu Jinyun i may be slow in returning favour..but i not "chao kuan" type..who put this siggie for fun.. |
Boycott BS Campaign
Dear Fellow brothers,
I have one or many too times to be angry with BS as long as i can be. Everytime there sure to be problems whenever we go BS. Surething, you might say that we are the ones giving problems. But how come we never complain about katong and other KTVs? Let me quote you a couple of incidents that happen. Example 1: I book room for HH at 3pm sharp. Was told to be there at 330pm. I said surething. However something cropped up and i was late by 15 mins. So at 345pm i reached BS only to find out that my room was given away. Fine! i go TH or something else. Example 2: I book room for HH at 445pm. Was told that there was room. Good! Was told to be there at 515pm. I said surething. I decided not to be late. This time, again my room was given away again. Reason being, that they did not recieve my call. Example : 3 Room size problem. Everytime we book a medium, its 2-3 plates of fruits. This time it became 4 plate of fruits. Put the money aside, we usually dun care unless its too much. But dun treat us as Robert. We hate and resent that. Example : 4 Being regulars at BS i tot we always have first take at the rooms. Which room we like and stuff like that. We are so wrong, no you do not get to pick your room. So one fine day we decide to go down again, i call to book for 5 people medium room. Instead we got a large room number 4 which is the awakard sitting arrangement room. Diagonal sofa like watching movie in a cinema. Said i wanted to change room. Said cannot no more room liao. Where half the karaoke is still empty. i said nevermind we can take other large room. Nope all taken liao. Said if we dun want the room, there are still others waiting. What kind of attitude is that. This is not the first time he said that to me already. Also said this to me, if you dun like it here, why bother to come? Everytime when we are there sure got problem one. This one cannot that one cannot. O h come on man.....brothers who know us, know that we are very easy going people, (monster98, manfon, wpp, namelo, turbopower, fun4evermissing, sgmjplayer, strider, devil9992004 etc etc) the list goes on. Ok its gonna get lenghty if i keep going with the examples. It is becos of brothers like me and others who supported this karaoke that made him arrogant and mighty. Now i will put a stand across the board that this kinda action have to stop. If Botak is bad, i think we should take a look at the Guys organising the rooms. I have no more patience and time for this kinda actions. Where i spend money to get angry instead. What theory is that. Instead we regulars are the ones whom should be taken care off. I remember when BS just started, they had only 3 rooms full only. Outta of the 25 rooms. Ask us very nicely to sit and have a couple of drinks. With only 10 girls running around, i highly doubt so. He did ask a favour from us. We did help him out. We intro friends and girls into the place and now this is what we get? guo he chai jiao Cross river tear bridge(Mandarin proverb)? Anyway, from today onwards, we will be officially be boycotting BS. We will also ask our girls not to return to the place and work. There are other better places to go. We dun need this kinda shitty attitude. Not as if my money couldn't go to some other karaoke. Oh yeah one more thing, We are not misers when we chiong, our average bill is about $250-$350. Just incase you guys are wondering. With this kinda of money i believe a lot of other karaoke would love to have us. In short we are easy to please. I for one would love to see a change in employees running around there. Maybe i might return if there's a change in staffing. Otherwise, NO you will never find me there again. I will leave it to the WCWG brothers to write their feel. And also welcome other feedback from all brothers as well. Signing off, Ah Tan
The Sun itself sees not till Heaven clears. |
Re: Bs Ktv
Hmm.....it seems they r still not learning the lesson?
Well well well.......they can carry on high and mighty and the money will flow to other joints But only u kena? or across the board? Cos I have also had attitude from them and also not bad service from them |
Re: Boycott BS Campaign
well bro, i agreed tat BS customer service is on the downside,hv u notice something tat the biz is slowly on the down side for them too. when i visited the place 2 mths back, hard to get rooms and i oso hv the same scenario as u, my fren book for 8.45, tat day he was late 3 minutes and the room was given to others. got once (partially my fault), i booked a room for 3, last minute 2 more of my frens is joining me, so in total got 5, when i reached there, i told the staff whether can upgrade my room to medium room, he told me full, so i told him, once there's vacanted medium room, pls help me transf. in the end, they din bother to do anything, even though i saw some medium rooms are vacanted. i do see some flaws in how the mgt handling things, but the reasons i go there, is to support some of the gals there... but 1 thing i do notice, room vacancy had increased and the no of gals working there and dropped tremendously. so its up to every individuals on their preference : good customer svc or nicer and cleaner rooms wif newer songs. jus my opinion, MHS
member of the kaypoh clan....... granted the legal rights to be kaypoh...... THIS IS ANFIELD Fans of Liverpool and Angela Zhang ![]() up list: Bu Jinyun i may be slow in returning favour..but i not "chao kuan" type..who put this siggie for fun.. |
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