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Old 11-07-2007, 05:48 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by SexKing972 View Post
In this world , i believe nothing is free , even friendship also need money to maintain , even a rich family because of money also will go to court in the end.

I dont feel anything wrong to a friend who can arrange everything and get the cheaper price then provide all the solid information then guide u to go for the place then " GIVE HIM A FREE DRINK " or +++EN for appreciation.

Some people may think that a friend is deserve to do everything and no return for him.........this thinking is wrong.....we should appreciate someone arrange everything for us.

Its depend on who you friend for , let me list some example

If you friend with bill gates....u help him to arrange everything,

bill gates will say .......thanks friend ...u deserve a drive my car.

IF you friend with a pretty girl..u help her to arrange everything,

the girl will say........thanks friend .......are u free tonight

Hi bro, I totally agree with you on this. Nothing is free and even if bros are kind enough to help us for free, we should not take it for granted.

To me as long as the total cost is lower than I would have gone without the discounts, I wouldn't mind. At the end of the day, we fly all the way to CP to cheong and enjoy. No direct flight somemore... Most important is we are happy.

Maybe this is a viewpoint from a newbie who only started cheonging CP and not a frequent visitor.

Old 11-07-2007, 08:29 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by Botarbolampar View Post
Yo bro,

Life is short..............stop replying and starts posting. (mm photos)


Yeah !!!! but i want my taste MMs photo
if not my taste one.........will " F " you upside down
为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。
Old 11-07-2007, 10:20 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Saw this at a Taiwanese web site.

3 Dee or anyone has any experience or info on this?


最近由臺灣商人結合當地軍政高官所成立,由於地點位於非「嚴打」區域,再加上“背景”陣容堅強,此地儼然成 為特區中的特區,也是目前臺灣同胞遊深圳的天堂聖地。在這座渡假村裡,安排有“干濕皆宜”的各種活動,包括 馬場、靶場、高爾夫球場、水上活動海域等;除了這些健康活動外,整座渡假村中,至少也有上百個“地陪”小姐 供男客選擇,做為渡假過程中的導遊,一天的費用也不過800 - 1,000人民幣左右,有美女在旁陪騎馬、打球、遊泳是件多愜意的事,但大多數客人還是喜歡足不出戶地窩在 房間裡,“翻山越嶺”、“探幽取徑”,如果有朋友同行,還可互相交換,真是“男人聖地”,目前也由於價廉物 美,臺灣地區也有人開始組團前往。

由於目前深圳在全面掃黃,但由於此處投資者涵蓋當地的黨政軍要員,公安不敢到此臨檢,可說是目前最安全的地 方。另外據說此地小姐個個如花似玉,來自不同省份,對男士又言聽計從、溫柔婉約,學歷氣質也都有一定的水準 ,再加上消費頗為合理便宜,難怪很快就成為尋芳客的最愛,不過目前此渡假村並未對外大力宣傳,若要前往,需 洽詢深圳地區旅行社。

Old 11-07-2007, 10:25 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Houjie Sauna

Has been talking about CP too much lately, now swtich the topic to another town... Another favorite place of mine, Houjie!

There are two famous sauna in Houjie, one is KD, and another one is the one that in the following story.

The differences between these twos are, KD is famous with the pretty ladies, you can get ktv type of girl to serve you. Although KD still remains one of the famous in HJ, but nowadays you can get the similar standard on another towns too.

(One example, you can get model standard to serve you in CA. but the rate is higher lah, in the whole dongguan, the common rate for suana-model standard is rmb800, excluding room)

And the second famous one, they popular not because of the pretty girls, but the daring and wild playing methods.

In CP, the girl will serve you the 18 sytles with either you lay down on the bed or standing. But this one, beside the normal styles (like ice fire, ass drilling and etc) the girl serve you with 12 styles while hanging in the air (the superman 12 styles)!

Which you cannot get this service anywhere in CP!

My friend forwarded me the styles with the detail explanation, but it is in chinese... I try to translate to english, but complex... Can any bros helps on this?
(for the benefits to those bros who cannot read chinese)

For the bros who is interested, the sauna is located at the GuanTai Lu, which is same street as Sheraton...

【价格一览】:贵宾房228双钟,贵宾房带洗浴SN。但要说明要A房和B房。A可以做十大酷刑,价格500 ;B不可以做空中飞人,价格400

第二关:风火轮;偶平躺,MM双脚倒挂,头向下,用口含住DD做BJ,一边BJ一边做360度转,将布条拧 成麻花后双手一松,MM的身体和小嘴就象哪咤的风火轮一样飞速地转动
第三关:一马平川;偶平躺,MM两腿做一字,一腿架在偶的左肩膀上,另一腿斜放在偶的右腿侧,将DD插入” 妹妹”里做上下运动
第五关:荡千秋;MM坐在布条上,偶站立着推动MM,象荡千秋一样做活塞动,MM一会儿张开大腿,一会儿交 叉大腿,没有一定功力很容易就没了
第六关:金鸡独立;MM一脚站立,另一脚用布条高挂做一字,偶站立将DD插入”妹妹”中做活塞运动,这一招 也很要命啊。
第八关:花开富贵;MM倒立姿势,头和肩膀好着床头支撑着身体,”妹妹”向上,DD由上往下插 入。
第九关:天女散花;偶平躺,MM将一木棍置于布条间,两手握棍,垂体曲脚,MM将DD插入”妹妹”中,一边 做活塞运动一边转身,待布条程麻花状后双脚悬空,MM身体即刻在空中旋转,DD在”妹妹”里犹如钻木取火般 ,啊!!!
第十关:海底捞月;也就是出货的时候,MM两手抚摸着蛋蛋并抬高臀部迎合DD的猛烈抽插,让”妹妹”接下所 有精华,爽啊!!
小妞将冰块咬碎, 随之放进妹妹里。之后,囡囡就邀请阁下”打洞”。要条女能够忍受冰块在妹妹里边,的确系吾容易 。 里边一冰一暖的感觉, 的确过瘾…
小妞将小胶袋注满水,然后放入妹妹里。 跟着就同你ML…
此举是让那些做得多,妹妹松的囡囡用;这样你就觉得会紧一些。 另外, 如果用一般的胶袋,比你笃穿之后,水流出来就好过瘾…
Old 11-07-2007, 10:59 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by coolmanks View Post
Saw this at a Taiwanese web site.

3 Dee or anyone has any experience or info on this?


Yo bro, thanks for sharing... Wow, what a coincident, I just read about this news last night!

My friend forwarded this news to me, the one that i received, was posted yesterday 2001-07-10 17:52:27.

The news and the happening places are in shenzhen, so sorry, nothing much i can tell, since i hardly cheong in shenzhen... mayb u should as bro GTO, post under "Shenzhen Info Needed"...

Fro the benefits to all bros, below is the full story...

(The full report is pretty long, and again, in chinese hor...)

 高档渡假中心 最近由台湾商人结合当地军政高官所成立,由於地点位於非「严打」区域,再加上“背景”阵容坚强,此地俨然成 为特区中的特区,也是目前台湾同胞游深圳的天堂圣地。在这座渡假村里,安排有“乾皆宜”的各种活动,包括马 场、靶场、高尔夫球场、水上活 动海域等;除了这些健康活动外,整座渡假村中,至少也有上百个“地陪”小姐供男客选择,做为渡假过程中的导 游,一天的费用也不过800-1,000RMB左右,有美女在旁陪骑马、打球、游泳是件多惬意的事,但大多数客人还是喜欢足不出户地窝在 房间里,“翻山越岭”、“探幽取径”,如果有朋友同行,还可互相交换,真是“男人圣地”,目前也由於价廉物 美,台湾地 区也有人开始组团前往。
由於目前深圳在全面扫黄,但由於此处投资者涵盖当地的党政军要员,公安不敢到此临检,可说是目前最安全的地 方。另外据说此地小姐个个如花似玉,来自不同省份,对男士又言听计从、温柔婉约,学历气质也都有一定的水准 ,再加上消费颇为合理便宜,难怪很快就成为寻芳客的最爱,不过目前此渡假村并未对外大力宣传,若要前往,需 洽询 深圳地区旅行社。

个体户徵婚 深圳的特种行业为规避扫黄,出现了类似香港的“一楼一凤”及台湾的“个人工作室”的单帮流莺出现,不过对外 的招牌却是“徵婚启事”。自恃外型条件还不差的流莺开始在特区新盖的住宅区中租小套房,之後这些单帮流莺就 在报上打着“徵婚”小广告,并将其条件注明一清二楚,男客在看到後,愿者自然会上门,运气好的 话,也许就能 找到包养的金主,差一点的话,也还有外快生意可做,再怎麽样也有钱赚。

专业鸡头,服务上门 深圳当地有不少专业鸡头能提供安全卫生又有品质保证的上等货色,目前已渐渐走向专业化,例如有家知名的“演 艺经纪公司”旗下不乏在当地夜总会驻唱的小歌星及表演艺人,当 然她们不只是唱歌跳舞那麽简单,真正的大宗收入还是最原始的交易。这家经纪公司的鸡头与港、台的旅行社或常 去光顾的熟客都有联络,只要出发前打个电话告知团员数量、所需小姐条件、消费价格等,鸡头会做好所有安排, 并派车到车站等候,只要人或团一到,立刻直达饭店,让待在房中等候的小姐为客人洗尘,完全不需客户担心,而 且小姐的品质与卫生都有保证,直到所有客人满意为止。虽然稍贵(约1,000 - 2,000RMB一天),但深受顾客喜爱,且目前 已成为深圳观光活动的主流,目前由於竞争激烈,服务都非常好,有机会可一试。

咖啡厅、大陆式摸摸茶 深圳的咖啡厅不像台湾的摸摸茶或情人雅座那麽明目张胆,可以在店内胡天搞地,店内绝对只提供咖啡简餐,但也 仲介优质美女给客人挑选。当客人进门点了东西後,可以发现四周有不少媚眼一直抛过来,只要客人多看两眼,店 内的服务生就会主动上前询问是否有兴趣,只要客人点头,小姐就会过来同桌,此时即可互相了解一下。客人可带 至後面的房间或带出场都可,费用约800-1,000元人民币,小姐的素质和安全上都比外面的野鸡好。但据了 解,由於竞争关系,新开幕的咖啡厅也愈来愈夸张、开放,客人在店里就可以随意的抚摸小姐,而且小姐还会主动 配合,深怕你不尽兴,当然小姐的目的无非就是要你带她到後面去或出场 ,一般而言,到後面去解决大概花个500元就行了,但出场得花800-1,000元。

残废餐 何谓残废餐呢?就是手脚都不用动,一次有两个小姐同时 你吃东西喝饮料,最後来个“双面夹击 ”,将你的小弟弟也饱了,此花样集中於深圳的“布吉”地区,表面上以“波波机”(一种类似宾果游戏的店)做 晃子。 一进到店里,现场早有数十位年轻小姐等你指名挑选,之後客人进场就定位开始下注,这时小姐会开始帮你按摩、 食点心、水果等,至於下注、买票,全都由小姐代劳,这里小姐坐台不另外收钱,因为客人一下注,她们就可抽成 ,甚至分客人的小 费,等客人不玩後正式好戏就可上场。由於这种娱乐场都位於酒店内,因此可直接上房间开始玩“双打”的游戏, 这样整套下来,含吃、住及两位小姐的过夜费只要1,500RMB就可全包,过足当一天皇帝的瘾;小姐年轻貌 美不在话下,目前此玩法正大行其道,有兴趣可前往试试。


选美 最近於广东的深圳、东莞(长平)、中山一带开始选美活动,这种花招是由嫖客充当评审,小姐成群结队的站在评 审面前走台步,顺从评审的指示做出各种风骚动作,此类花招都流行於卡拉OK或叁温暖。 卡拉OK选美:首先由妈妈桑带十多名小姐进来,一字排开进行初选,由於一共有十几组,所以刚开始评审只能走 马看花的地一口气看完,再从这十几组里挑选一组进如复赛,因整个卡拉OK里的客人众多,所以依规定每一包厢 只能留一组做为复赛,当此包厢客人选定一组之後,真正的好戏才开始。 此时妈妈桑就会充当司仪开始介绍

每一个参赛佳丽,例如“一号莉莉,湖南人,18岁,会唱歌、划拳,叁围是36-23-35,最厉害的功夫是吹萧. . . ”,而小姐在这段介绍时,也同时会配合做出猥亵动作,如评审提出质疑,像“胸部有这麽大吗?”时,小姐二话 不说,马上会将上半身礼服脱掉,露出两粒奶子,以 证实自己是货真价实,最後全部评审过後,妈妈桑会询问评审看有无中选的小姐,当然中选的自然就会留下来了。 这些无非都是酒店的花招,但对於客人而言,这是最实在的挑小姐方式 ,而且全部的花费,一个包厢也才1,000RMB而已,实在好玩又便宜,至於当地出场过夜的价格也不过在5 00-800RMB左右,非常合理。

叁温暖选美 叁温暖选美摆出的阵仗虽然没有KTV那麽大,但花招却“豪放”好几倍。当客人洗完澡到贵宾室休息时,经理会 带比“评审”多一倍的小姐进场,在经理一声令下,小姐们同时脱掉制服,只剩一条内裤,接着开始为每一位评审 进行一分钟试压,由於时间短暂,小姐们莫不使出最棒的“手法”,务必让客人愿意留她下来,你说这样好不好玩 ,而且按摩小姐半套服务才300RMB,你也可以一箭双雕。

淑女党 近来深圳火车站一带出现很多淑女打扮的女孩,外表穿着素,见到男性就会上前搭讪,问你“需不需要租房?”、 “要不要玩女孩?”等,据说,这种淑女是专门替那些外省妹拉客的,通常她们二、叁个各自营业,隐密性高,但 游客对此要特别小心,如要玩最好同时多几个朋友一起去,以免遭仙人跳。

处女开苞 提供开苞的处女,以发廊为主,在广东和海南非常盛行,其中以临近深圳的「布吉镇」发廊最多,几乎每家发廊都 会准备至少一个以上的处女,等待好此道的人前来,价格约3,000-4,000RMB,这些女孩大多来自湖南、四川与贵州的农村,有些年纪非常小,如有好此道的朋友请小心,以 免被冠上强奸未成年少女罪名,就得不偿失了。   

总之,介绍得再详细都比不上您亲自去一趟,若有任何Hot News,请别忘了相互通报一声!加油吧!
Old 12-07-2007, 01:16 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

hi guys, if anyone of u planning a trip about 1 week, pls pm me. i am interested.
Old 12-07-2007, 01:45 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
Houjie Sauna

Has been talking about CP too much lately, now swtich the topic to another town... Another favorite place of mine, Houjie!

There are two famous sauna in Houjie, one is KD, and another one is the one that in the following story.

The differences between these twos are, KD is famous with the pretty ladies, you can get ktv type of girl to serve you. Although KD still remains one of the famous in HJ, but nowadays you can get the similar standard on another towns too.

(One example, you can get model standard to serve you in CA. but the rate is higher lah, in the whole dongguan, the common rate for suana-model standard is rmb800, excluding room)

And the second famous one, they popular not because of the pretty girls, but the daring and wild playing methods.

In CP, the girl will serve you the 18 sytles with either you lay down on the bed or standing. But this one, beside the normal styles (like ice fire, ass drilling and etc) the girl serve you with 12 styles while hanging in the air (the superman 12 styles)!

Which you cannot get this service anywhere in CP!

My friend forwarded me the styles with the detail explanation, but it is in chinese... I try to translate to english, but complex... Can any bros helps on this?
(for the benefits to those bros who cannot read chinese)

For the bros who is interested, the sauna is located at the GuanTai Lu, which is same street as Sheraton...

【价格一览】:贵宾房228双钟,贵宾房带洗浴SN。但要说明要A房和B房。A可以做十大酷刑,价格500 ;B不可以做空中飞人,价格400

第二关:风火轮;偶平躺,MM双脚倒挂,头向下,用口含住DD做BJ,一边BJ一边做360度转,将布条拧 成麻花后双手一松,MM的身体和小嘴就象哪咤的风火轮一样飞速地转动
第三关:一马平川;偶平躺,MM两腿做一字,一腿架在偶的左肩膀上,另一腿斜放在偶的右腿侧,将DD插入” 妹妹”里做上下运动
第五关:荡千秋;MM坐在布条上,偶站立着推动MM,象荡千秋一样做活塞动,MM一会儿张开大腿,一会儿交 叉大腿,没有一定功力很容易就没了
第六关:金鸡独立;MM一脚站立,另一脚用布条高挂做一字,偶站立将DD插入”妹妹”中做活塞运动,这一招 也很要命啊。
第八关:花开富贵;MM倒立姿势,头和肩膀好着床头支撑着身体,”妹妹”向上,DD由上往下插 入。
第九关:天女散花;偶平躺,MM将一木棍置于布条间,两手握棍,垂体曲脚,MM将DD插入”妹妹”中,一边 做活塞运动一边转身,待布条程麻花状后双脚悬空,MM身体即刻在空中旋转,DD在”妹妹”里犹如钻木取火般 ,啊!!!
第十关:海底捞月;也就是出货的时候,MM两手抚摸着蛋蛋并抬高臀部迎合DD的猛烈抽插,让”妹妹”接下所 有精华,爽啊!!
小妞将冰块咬碎, 随之放进妹妹里。之后,囡囡就邀请阁下”打洞”。要条女能够忍受冰块在妹妹里边,的确系吾容易 。 里边一冰一暖的感觉, 的确过瘾…
小妞将小胶袋注满水,然后放入妹妹里。 跟着就同你ML…
此举是让那些做得多,妹妹松的囡囡用;这样你就觉得会紧一些。 另外, 如果用一般的胶袋,比你笃穿之后,水流出来就好过瘾…
TCSS .......
Old 12-07-2007, 02:23 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by SexKing972 View Post
Dongguan Houjie. near CP.
Old 12-07-2007, 02:57 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
Houjie Sauna
My friend forwarded me the styles with the detail explanation, but it is in chinese... I try to translate to english, but complex... Can any bros helps on this?
(for the benefits to those bros who cannot read chinese)

For the bros who is interested, the sauna is located at the GuanTai Lu, which is same street as Sheraton...

I can attempt to try buy no guarantee very good hor.
【价格一览】:贵宾房228双钟,贵宾房带洗浴SN。但要说明要A房和B房。A可以做十大酷刑,价格500 ;B不可以做空中飞人,价格400

(1)guys standing, WL hanging upside down on a red rope and perform BJ for u. imagine a standing 69 position
第二关:风火轮;偶平躺,MM双脚倒挂,头向下,用口含住DD做BJ,一边BJ一边做360度转,将布条拧 成麻花后双手一松,MM的身体和小嘴就象哪咤的风火轮一样飞速地转动
(2)guys lying down. WL hanging upside down again. performing BJ and spining herself slowly while hanging on the rope. once the rope is tight, let go of the rope for a free spin while still on BJ
第三关:一马平川;偶平躺,MM两腿做一字,一腿架在偶的左肩膀上,另一腿斜放在偶的右腿侧,将DD插入” 妹妹”里做上下运动
(3)guys lying down again. WL spreading both legs apart like _I_ position. 1 leg on your left shoulder while the other leg on your right leg. FJ in this position.
(4)guys lying down. WL in siting positing pumping facing 4 direction.
第五关:荡千秋;MM坐在布条上,偶站立着推动MM,象荡千秋一样做活塞动,MM一会儿张开大腿,一会儿交 叉大腿,没有一定功力很容易就没了
(5)guys standing. WL sit on the rope like taking the "swing" FJ in this position while guy is pushing the swing. WL can open leg wide or clamp leg together at different interval
第六关:金鸡独立;MM一脚站立,另一脚用布条高挂做一字,偶站立将DD插入”妹妹”中做活塞运动,这一招 也很要命啊。
(6)this is abit similiar to (3) but both guy and WL both standing up. WL 1 leg onthe floor the other leg high up on the rope. FJ in this position
(7) WL hanging (upside down?) on the rope and guy FJ from behind.
第八关:花开富贵;MM倒立姿势,头和肩膀好着床头支撑着身体,”妹妹”向上,DD由上往下插 入。
(8) WL on a "hand stand" position, except that using the head and shoulder to support rather than hand. guy FJ from top down
第九关:天女散花;偶平躺,MM将一木棍置于布条间,两手握棍,垂体曲脚,MM将DD插入”妹妹”中,一边 做活塞运动一边转身,待布条程麻花状后双脚悬空,MM身体即刻在空中旋转,DD在”妹妹”里犹如钻木取火般 ,啊!!!
(9) guy lying down. WL siting on top and forming a V shape supported by the rope and a stick tie to the rope. FJ in this position while WL slowly spin herself until the rope is tight. Once rope is tight, let go and FJ while spinning freely.
第十关:海底捞月;也就是出货的时候,MM两手抚摸着蛋蛋并抬高臀部迎合DD的猛烈抽插,让”妹妹”接下所 有精华,爽啊!!
(10) I believe this is doggy style, the description is not very clear. WL will be strokign your "balls" while u ramping
小妞将冰块咬碎, 随之放进妹妹里。之后,囡囡就邀请阁下”打洞”。要条女能够忍受冰块在妹妹里边,的确系吾容易 。 里边一冰一暖的感觉, 的确过瘾…
(11) WL crush ice and put into her love hole and u perform FJ on her. tried hot and cold bj treatment before? now this is hot and cold FJ.
小妞将小胶袋注满水,然后放入妹妹里。 跟着就同你ML…
此举是让那些做得多,妹妹松的囡囡用;这样你就觉得会紧一些。 另外, 如果用一般的胶袋,比你笃穿之后,水流出来就好过瘾…
(12) WL fill a small bag with water and put inside her love hole. FJ with the small bag inside the love hole. main purpose is to make the love hole tighter, and also while u come she will try to break the bag making the water flow out as well
well if u think i did a ok job in translation, give me a up....
Old 12-07-2007, 02:57 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

dun know why double post
Old 12-07-2007, 03:56 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by Zepil99 View Post
well if u think i did a ok job in translation, give me a up....
Very Good Job bro esp for bros like me whose chinese is limited to only the 'xiantaulogy' level.

Truly regret when I listen to my chinese teacher when she told me to "Get out of my class if you are not interested" Being a good pupil, I promptly did.
Old 12-07-2007, 04:12 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by Zepil99 View Post
well if u think i did a ok job in translation, give me a up....
Well done and thanks a million.

Old 12-07-2007, 05:16 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by Zepil99 View Post
well if u think i did a ok job in translation, give me a up....
Well done .........Good Job
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Old 12-07-2007, 05:23 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Originally Posted by Zepil99 View Post
well if u think i did a ok job in translation, give me a up....
Good job in the translation... cheers.
Old 12-07-2007, 06:04 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen

Bro 3dee, Have this in CA?

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