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Old 20-04-2020, 04:55 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Superb story, great share TS.
Old 21-04-2020, 12:43 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Looking forward to the next update! Thanks as always ilock!
Old 21-04-2020, 02:28 PM
unlove unlove is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Based on bro ilock’s website, I next update supposed to be today! Can’t wait for this!!
Old 21-04-2020, 04:12 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Kao Peh la! Hahahaha.. Such nostalgia.
Old 21-04-2020, 07:05 PM
wontonmi wontonmi is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by unlove View Post
Based on bro ilock’s website, I next update supposed to be today! Can’t wait for this!!
Hope it is tonight, waiting ….
Old 21-04-2020, 11:53 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

I went to get myself a refill of my beer and I watched more and more of the guys join in the party. It’s one of the few rare moments when I see everyone letting their hair down.

Needless to say, the girls are the centre of attention with all the men jostling to dance with them.

No they are not dress in tight short skirts with plunging cleavage showing off plenty of skin. Everyone is dressed in black for obvious reason.

Their skin may be covered up but their well maintained figure can be seen by all because of how tightly those long sleeve tops clung onto their body.

Candy hugged Yiling from behind and the men cheered as her hands went from the front of Yiling’s thighs upwards to her waist.
The cheering and whistling intensified as Candy’s hands slid slowly upwards and there was no indication of Yiling’s intent to stop her.

The heavy bass of the speakers thumped and Yiling leaned backwards to rest her head against Candy’s shoulder as her hands reached back to feel her up in the same manner she is doing to her.

Aaron appeared by the dance floor and you could see it in his eyes he was eager for his share of the action. He danced and gyrate awkwardly by Yiling, reminding me of the first few times I was in a club with my friends.
Trying to inch our way closer to the group of girl but after getting close enough, we were all too shy to make our moves.

The party stretched into a couple of hours into the night and although spirits are high, no one got piss drunk.
Drinks flowed freely but we are all adults here.

At the back of our head we know something big is going to happen in a few hours and being sober enough might be the thin boundary separating us between life and death.

Candy waved for me to join them on the stage but I declined.
Dancing is not my cup of tea and I can’t do it for shit.

I usually enjoy the visual treat and enjoy my drink at a good spot.

The girls stopped dancing and fooling around after a while and the men started to disperse as well.

Only a few remained on the dance floor mostly just tapping their feet to the music and talking to each other with Hong being the exception.

He looked like he is going into a trance, shaking his hands with beams of light from his ring like he was imparting some shaolin Kungfu to the audience.
Hong : Ai yo…. Ai yo mai. Yo !!! du ….. dut du…. Du…. ~~ !!

Everyone gave him a wide berth as he went on a 90s HIIT workout, splashing his sweat on everyone within a 2metre radius.

It was difficult not to laugh looking at him as he waved at Yiling to join him.

Rachel came over and asked me why am I not up there.

Rachel : You don’t dance… ?

Jackson : nahh… not my forte….
Rachel : Then what Is your forte…..?

Jackson : Doing nothing…. Hahah

She rolled her eyes at me and whistled towards Yiling who was talking to Kamal.

Gesturing at me, she shouted that I have yet to do anything yet.

Rachel : You look natural and good on stage…. Get up there… !

Jackson : No…. no…

Yiling came over and linked arms with me.

Yiling : Get up there Jackson…. Dance with Hong !!!

Jackson : what… ?!!!

By then, Hong as a 4m berth around him and no one dares to get close.

His shaolin fist dancing while shooting beams of LED light has evolved what looked like Ip Man fighting droids while wearing a iron man armour.

Hong : PwwwHHAAAHHHH… Du… dut… dut…..du…. Ong lai Kueh… ah Ong Lai keuh !!! Jackson !!! COME !!! join me…!!!

I shook my head and waved my hand as Hong spun and lose his balance for a second before staggering a little too close to the edge of the stage.

He came towards me and I put up my hands to stop him but it was not enough to stop his enthusiasm. The music changed and he sang while plastering his sweaty body against me.

Jackson : arnghhhhhhhhh!!!! Nooooo!!

I could see Yiling and the girls laughing an clapping their hands at the bottom of the stage as Hong tried to get me to dance with him to the new tune.

Hong : Together…. Forever…… and never to part…. ~~!!! Together forever we twooooooo ~~!!!

Jackson : ok… ok…. Hong… calm down… Hong !! anghhhhh!!

I just got side swiped by his sweaty arm pits before he started his mambo moves again while shouting the song lyrics.

Hong : To be together …… forever with youuuuuuuuu!!!! Wooooo…!!

I was shell shocked as I wiped my face and the laughter at the bottom of the stage grew while Hong took it as support for his dance and he waved to all his fans, reaching his palm out for high fives along the edge of the stage.

Yiling cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted.

Yiling : Jackson !!!... do something or you are not getting paid this month !!! haahha

Candy : Jackson …!!! Dance !!!

I shook my head, standing like a block of wood on stage.

I really can’t. I mean I can grab the microphone and what, conduct another auction ?

Try to sell Hong’s sweaty top to the highest bidder ?

Yiling put her hand around Candy’s shoulder and shouted that Candy will give me a kiss if I dance.

I raised an eyebrow when Xiaoyu shouted that Candy will give me a blowjob instead and Yiling smacked her on her head.

It was obvious to me that I won’t be able to get out of this fix if I don’t at least do something.

I walked over to the DJ and said something to him. He reared his body back and raised and eyebrow before giving me the thumbs up. He adjusted something on his controller before stepping over some wires to the band standing by the side.

After the spoke with them he nodded at me and I thanked him.

I’m sure when you started reading this at the beginning, a question crossed your head. With such a tacky name like mine, why was there no mention of people making fun of me.

Surely there would be classmates and friends making fun of my name.
With such a close reference to the king of pop, it’s inevitable that my friends make fun of me.

Rather than let it affect me, I took it in stride and tried to make the most of it. I can’t dance for shit but some of the slower songs are easy to pick up and they proofed to be quite a chick magnet as well.

The music started to fade much to Hong’s disappointment and the DJ made an announcement.

DJ : Alright… ladies and gentlemen… we’re going to be treated so something very special tonight…. By…. Mr Jackson….. and he mentioned to me that he too….. would like to take everyone back in time…..

The DJ pointed a finger at me, indicating that the ball is now in my court and I could see the band getting ready.

The girls were right at the front of the stage and the men filled in the empty spaces at the back. I could hear someone comment that I’m probably going to sell them something with my bullshit sales speech but I’m not.

Jackson : hi everyone…. I would also… like to invite you all to take a trip….back in time….to the good old days of the nineties….

Looking back at the band who nodded at me, I tapped my feet in tandem with the beat of the song that is about to start.

There was a puzzled look on the audience face but the moment I dove into a rendition of Michael Jackson’s ‘ you are not alone’, the girls screamed and went mad.
Yiling stomped her feet while Candy clung onto Xiaoyu while reaching her hand up to the stage, screaming my name, behaving like a mad fangirl.
It was an obvious over reaction but it suited the mood.

Rachel was sporting enough to join in the screaming and waving as well.
The men took a few seconds to react and they cheered as they swayed their bodies to the tune of the classic song that many of us grew up with.
Hong took out his zippo lighter and lit it, so did the Rajahs and the rest of the men.
With all of them waving their lit lighter above their head, it felt as if I was throwing a mini concert.

Jackson : Just the other night ~~~….. I thought I heard you cry~~~…

I walked the length of the stage and Yiling and Rachel literally went mad, trying to grab hold of my trousers as they shouted and cheered. Spirits hit another high as I got flashbacks of my younger self singing this same song to the girls I’m going after.

Jackson : You…. Are not alone….~~~

Yiling pushed her way out of the crowd and went to the buffet table. She yanked some decorative flowers off the display and shouted for everyone to move aside.

Her men laughed as their bodies parted a part for her up the stage.

I continued my song as Yiling came up the stage with loud cheers of support from the men. She laughed as she presented the flowers to me.
I sang and while looking at her in her eyes.

Jackson : You are not alone….~~ I am here with you ~~~

She kissed me on my cheek and all the men started asking for one by pointing to their cheeks.

Hong : oeiii!!!... I want ley… I want !!! hahah…

Hong tried to coerce Xiaoyu for a kiss and she really planted one on his sweaty cheek much to his delight.

Yiling hugged me while laughing like a delirious drunkard before walking off the stage where she immediately gets cornered by Kamal, Seven and Aaron, all demanding their kiss.

She gamely planted one on each of their cheek before resuming her over the top fan girl act while laughing to the verge of tears.

Hong : whooooooooooooo… the KING!!! The KING!!!!! Ahhahahahah!!!!

As the song came to an end, I pointed the microphone at the men and woman in front of me and the entire group including the band the the DJ sang the last few verses of the song unplugged
Old 21-04-2020, 11:54 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

I closed my eyes and gestured for them to sing louder with my left hand while my right pointed the microphone into the centre of the party as if I’m really a rock star.

I ended my song with a bow and I was a little embarrassed by the applause.
I can’t imagine doing something like this without the 2 pints of beer I had earlier.

Declan pushed his way to the front of the crowd and I handed him the microphone.

He took and went over to the band and the keyboardist vacated his spot to help him with the microphone after laughing and nodding at something Declan said.

Seems like Declan wanted his share of fun as well.

Looking all chic and full of swag in his shirt and vest, Declan bit onto his cigar as his fingers danced on the keyboard, banging out ‘ Great balls of fire ‘ by Jerry Lee Lewis.

I walked passed Yiling who was dancing with Candy to the addictive tune Declan is hammering out on the keyboard while singing into the microphone.

She turned and looked at me before shouting above the din that I deserve a pay raise.

Yiling : increment !!.. increment for you Jackson… ahahh !!

I laughed as I walked to get myself another drink.

As the clock drew closer to 1am, the party mood slowly tapered off.
The music stopped and everyone settled into their own groups, snacking on left over food from the buffet line and refuelling with coffee and tea instead of alcohol.

Hong seemed to be the only one that is disappointed that the party is over.


I finished up what’s left of a steam bun and drained a thick cup of coffee before getting into the line of cars that has formed up on the castle ground.
The 1st convoy of 4 cars is due to leave and I’m right up front with Henry and 3 Rajahs.

Looking at the back of the line, I was reminded of the times when I was in the army. So many activities going on at the same time in pitch darkness and yet everyone knew what they were doing.

I put my car into drive and the 1st packet of vehicles left the castle ground, some heading over to Tuas, some headed to Kallang.
We will all approach the site from different direction, having a few cars pulling into the area at the same time will attract too much attention.

We’ve even looked into the parking locations for the vehicles. Some are meant to be parked 1 street away before making their way on foot to the staging area.


We arrived at the signage shop that was used to observe the men across the road for the past 2 weeks.

Henry has been trying to reached his men on the phone since we left the castle.

Henry : They better not be fucking sleeping…

Jackson : Relax… maybe they’re eating…. Or in the bathroom….

Henry : 2 men go bathroom together for fuck ?

I kept quiet after seeing how agitated he is.

Henry stopped trying after a while and when we pulled into the dedicated parking lot of the signage shop, I could see the door to the unit is partially opened.

It was a sickening feeling.

As if someone punched me in the gut after a heavy meal.

Henry : fuck !!... get out of the car … now…. !

Even before the engine was shut off, Henry and the Rajahs behind me, opened the door and got out, spreading to both sides of the door.

The noise of the my old car engine is practically an announcement to the whole world that someone is here.

If something did happen to the Rajahs on guard, the people responsible should come out soon.

If not, the Rajahs inside the shop should come out and receive us at the very least and face Henry’s wrath.

I looked around the deserted factory floor as I stepped out.

The other units on the same level is deserted and there are no signs of life aside from a few lit signages and a altar glowing red that is dedicated to the worship of a toast deity outside a car workshop.

I pulled my axe out from the side of my car seat and Henry was trying his luck on the phone again.

My headlights were off the moment I pulled into the industrial area, I gestured to Henry that I’m going to switch it on and flood the insides of the shop.

If hostiles rushed out, they would be blinded momentarily by it, and we can go in with our backs to the light.

I flicked the switched the as Henry swung the door opened.

He rushed in silently with the rest of the Rajahs and I quickly went into join them.

All of us stopped a few steps from the door at the sight of what greeted us.

The Rajahs on duty were dead. They were beaten up badly before their throats were slashed.

The other Rajahs checked the unit before telling Henry that it’s empty. Whoever did this is long gone.

Henry : aRHGHHH!!!

He kicked and toppled a table before his eyes drifted to the building across the road.

Henry ran out of the unit joined by his men.

Jackson : Henry !! !! WAIT !!.. wait for the rest !!!

I left my car running and took off after Henry and his men who were flying down the stairs.

Upon reaching the road level, another group of men from both Rajahs and La Bella Vita had just arrived on foot having parked one street away. Seeing Henry and me running towards the building in question, they too drew their weapons and joined us.

When I got to the security booth, my heart sank when I realised it was empty. Even the main sliding gate meant for cars is unlocked. There seemed to be no signs of activity and life in the building.

They’re gone.

Henry shouted to his men to split up and check every floor.

I followed the men up to the 2nd floor and we kicked opened every door.

There’s no one. All that remained were used beddings, bags of rubbish and some clothes that were left hanging on the makeshift clothesline.

The toilets were empty as well.

Someone shouted from the 4th floor and we hurried up.

Inside a storeroom tucked at the corner of the building were 8 bodies. The putrid smell hit me even before I got close.

Some of the men must have died and they dumped their bodies there.

Henry : arGHHH!!! FUCK!!! …. FUCK!! FUCK!!!

Both our phones started ringing.

Henry answered and I could hear him telling Rachel what happened.

Hong : Jackson …. The men are gone…

Jackson : Our side too… the Rajahs watching the factory are dead….

Hong : All 4 of our men are dead too over here in Tuas….

Jackson : you been inside the place.. ?

Hong : Yes, we’re here now… they cleared out…. Nothing’s left…. Except 1 dead Malu….

Jackson : fuck…. does Yiling know… ?

Hong : Declan is on the phone with her now….

I hung up and suddenly I could see Henry glaring at me. I could feel it even before he said what he wanted to say.

Henry : someone betrayed us…..

Jackson :what are you trying to say… our men died too !..

Henry : Someone betrayed us…. And I can tell you it’s not us Rajahs….

Jackson : Are you saying we tip them off ? …are you mad… ? I want them as much as you do !!

Henry took a deep breath and gave the order to his men to grab the bodies of their friends from the signage shop.

Henry : What little men…. We have left… will never betray us… the leak… comes from your side….

Jackson : where are you going !! ?

Henry paused before turning to look at me.

Henry : This is not going to work…. From now on…. You are on your own…. We will no longer share any of our information with you…. Just stay out of our way… we’ll get the Malus on our own….

Jackson : Henry,…. !!... HENRY !!! ARGHHH!! ..

I kicked the door of the storeroom in frustration and regretted my actions as the grotesque smell of rotting bodies hit me again.

Jackson : fuck !!

I asked the rest of Yiling’s men to head back to the castle. Before I left the compound, my phone rang and it was Yiling.

Yiling : I heard what happened…. Leave that place immediately…. Come back to the castle…

Jackson : Ok… THe Rajahs…. They…

Yiling : It’s ok… I know…Rachel threw a fit and left with her men as well…
Old 21-04-2020, 11:56 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Jackson : Talk to them…. We can sort this out…

Yiling : You know how stubborn they are….there’s no way they will listen to anything we say now….

Jackson : Is it true…. The leak came from us…

Yiling : I don’t know….but I’m going to find out ….

I drove my vehicle back alone and I cursed and shouted several times inside.
So close.

We were so fucking close.

When day breaks and everyone gathered back at Yiling’s study, the mood is solemn and sober.

Someone betrayed us and tipped the Malus off.

The more I think about it, the more likely it seemed that the leak came from our side.

Yiling : I know everyone has questions….but I don’t have the answers….

No one said anything and we just listened.

Yiling : knowing that…. Whoever did this…could be…..among us… is really disheartening….

Yiling take turned looking at us in our eyes and said this is not about assigning blame.

Yiling : I give you my word I will do whatever it takes…. To find out what happened….and I will give everyone…including the Rajahs… an answer…

We all dispersed and I went back to the farmhouse.

Sitting on my bed, I tried to think who could it be that will betray us.

It doesn’t make sense.

No one liked the Malus.
The Rajahs wanted their revenge and I have seen first hand how far they are willing to go to get it, it doesn’t not make sense for them to fuck this up either.

I tried calling Rachel but she is not answering my call. In the end I dropped her a text to let her know we are trying to find out what happened, and in time to come, be in touch to sort this out.

Massaging my head, I exhaled and looked at the empty farmhouse.

Things have changed so much these few months.

Looking at the fridge and the table, it made me miss the old days where we would just gather for steamboat on Fridays.

I doubt anyone is in the mood to do shit like this for a while.

November came and passed and despite all our efforts hitting the ground, the Malus and the foreigners are gone.

It’s like they disappeared, or whoever is hiding them is going a damm good job of doing it.

My work days now revolves around the garden, and the shooting range.

Yiling has made arrangements for all of us to visit the range once a week at least to spend some time with Calvin.

I asked her why are we doing this.

Jackson : do you know something we don’t…. ?

Yiling looked towards the horizon and again, remained quiet when faced with my questioning.

Yiling : No harm picking up a new skill Jackson….. no harm picking up a new skill….

She mumbled a little absentmindedly to herself as she sipped her wine.

December 2017.

The Rajahs were getting attacked on multiple fronts. I don’t mean physical attack, I meant their businesses.

From environment agency picking on their food handling procedures, to tax officers raiding their office. It’s on the news and the name Rajah Holdings kept appearing.
It’s like someone was coordinating a smear campaign against them.

Still, they kept to their own.

I dropped Rachel a weekly message in an attempt to reconnect with them but it was always met with silence.

Then our men started disappearing.

First it was 1 or 2. Then 3 – 4.

They were gone. When people started not to show up for work, we went looking for them, but like the Malus, they disappeared.

27 men went missing from the castle in the month of December alone.

From people working in the security office, the perimeter guards, to the helpers in the cookhouse, they disappeared.

Initially we thought it was because they are afraid, they wanted out, or maybe they are tired of it all but no. They all disappeared without a word, leaving their belongings, their clothes, even their unclaimed pay behind.

Needless to say, this disappearance sparked of some panic in the castle ground.

Yiling tightened the security and urged all the men to stay within the castle boundary whenever possible.

January 2017

La Bella Vita welcomed the brand new year not with a grand celebration.
There were raids at 2 of our warehouses and had Yiling not shifted all the drugs away, the repercussions would have been severe.

Still, the warehouses contained a shit load of duty unpaid cigarettes and liquor and the men we have looking after it were all taken away.

Jackson : It’s Teng…. It’s him… he’s behind all this !!

Yiling touched the bamboo plants I introduced to the garden as I spoke with her.

Yiling : These are growing pretty well….

Jackson : Aren’t you concerned at all about all these ??!!

Yiling : I am. ! ….

Jackson : They are thinning the herd….. it’s a matter of time before Teng come for you in this very place …

Yiling : let him come….

Jackson :What are we doing Yiling…. why are we doing nothing !!!

Yiling : sometimes doing nothing is the best thing we can do….

28th February 2017



It was the last day of February.

I would have written it off as another boring as fuck day at work if I didn’t see Kamal driving the buggy like a mad man cutting across the compound from cookhouse over to the castle.

Something is up.

I could feel it.

I immediately went over to the castle only to see Kamal speeding with Yiling out of the garage in her car.

They didn’t return for the rest of the day.

1st March 2017

Yiling called me on my phone and she told me to help her run an errand.

Jackson : what is it…

Yiling : Can you stock up the pantry… ?

Jackson : what ?

Yiling : the pantry…. …food, water, and everything thing we might need for a couple of days….

It’s been a while since the pantry was brought into the picture.

Something is definitely up.
Looks like Yiling is not going to take another chance of having a leak again.

Jackson : For how many of us… ?

Yiling took a while to consider before saying that she will not be involving any of the girls and her men, it will have to be something that Hong, Kamal, Seven, Aaron, Declan and I to take care off.

Yiling : I will be joining you guys…. The girls will remain in the castle… tell no one you are stocking up….

Jackson : ok…

I took my car out and returned with enough food and snacks to last all of us in the pantry for a week.
Plenty of ready to eat food that just needed to be heated up in the microwave.

I stocked up all the shelves and brought a few set of my own spare clothes into the pantry.

I dropped Yiling a text later that evening to let her know it’s done.


I was working out in the farmhouse when Hong came over.
Jackson : What’s up… ?

Hong : Boss asked me here…

Jackson : Why ?
Old 21-04-2020, 11:57 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Hong : No idea… the others are coming too….

Hong’s right.

The others started arriving. Aaron, Seven, Kamal, Declan.

Only the men.

I served everyone drinks and no one is the wiser what is going on.


There was a knock on the door and I opened it to see Yiling standing outside.
She’s dressed casually in shorts and singlet and in her hand, she carried 3 glass jars filled with walnuts. It’s like she was ready for a drinking session.

Jackson : hey….

She nodded and I asked her to come in.

I shut the door and offered her a drink but she declined.

Yiling : everyone’s here…. I want to have a quick chat with all of you…

We made space for Yiling and she set the stuff she brought down on the table.

Yiling looked at everyone around the table and said that she has something she wants to ask all of us.

With the glass jar set in front of us, Hong instinctively reached for one, popped the cap off and reached in to grab a few only to get smacked on his hand.

Hong : Owww !!

Yiling : It’s not for you to eat Hong !

Hong : Ok sorry… sorry….

He put it back and sprinkled his fingers to dust the bits off back into the jar and Yiling grabbed it away from him.

Yiling : I….. i….

Yiling chose her words carefully. She told the room that she has a very difficult decision to make and she wants all our buy in on how to make it.

Yiling : So in front of you…. There are 3 jars… the contain different amount of … of….. food….

Looking at Hong, Yiling asked Hong if he needed to pick 2, which one will he pick.

Hong looked at Yiling before glancing at the rest of us.

Hong : Is this… a trick question… ?

Yiling : No…. they contain different amount… Jar A, the least…. And Jar C the most…

Hong : ok… ok… I know… I know….

Hong picked jar A and Jar C.

Yiling : why… ?

Hong : Because just now I put my hand inside C, I know some of you particular about food mah… people touch and put back…. Don’t want to eat… so I choose C, then since I already take the biggest bottle, I paiseh to take B, so I went for the least….

Yiling : No… no… no… I don’t mean it like this… you got me wrong….

Seven pointed to A and pushed both B and C back to Yiling, gesturing to the contents and shaking his head.

Yiling : No Seven… I’m not asking you to eat them… I know you don’t like walnuts… !... it’s…

Aaron : what is this about…. You are being very cryptic about this….

Declan : Are you ok Yiling… ?

Yiling : I…. I don’t know how to put what I want to say in words…. But if given a choice…. Out of these 3 jars… you can … you can only choose 2…. All things being equal…. Which one would you logically choose…. ?

Declan : ok… I’m on a diet…I take A and B….

Aaron : I’ll take B and C…..

Everyone started talking at the same time about their choices and I could see Yiling’s frustration grow.

Yiling : No… no.. I don’t mean this… !!!

I interrupted the group and set all 3 jars on it’s side and I rolled it over to Yiling.

Jackson : I think what Yiling is trying to say is…..

I gestured for her to roll the jars back towards me. She did and as the 3 jars wobbled and rolled towards the edge of the table, I caught onto 2 of them.

I caught onto B and C. The bottle that contained the most nuts.

A went over the side, crashed onto the floor spilling it’s contents all over.

Hong : Awwwww….. that’s a waste…

I looked at Yiling and I told her that all things being equal, logic dictates that we save the 2 bottles with the most food in it.

Jackson : Then there is more to go around isn’t it… ?

Aaron cut in at that point, saying that was exactly what he wanted to say before I said it.

Aaron : I mean, seriously…. If you are going to let the food drop to the floor and waste it like this…. Choose the one with the least in it and let it drop…. Minimal wastage…

Kamal told Yiling that if we were to approach it from that perspective Aaron and i just shared, it would make the most sense to take B and C.

Hong : Hmmm… I don’t know… this feels like a trick question… is this tied to our performance bonus…

Declan : Oh come on Hong…. !

Yiling didn’t say anything as she just looked at that jar of spilt nuts on the floor.

Hong : Actually hor…if you roll to me ah… I can catch all 3…. Left hand right hand, then I use my leg like that…. KIAP!... catch the 3rd one…

Kamal : Diam la… ( shut up ) which part of catch 2 only do you not understand… ?

Hong : Why catch 2 when I can catch 3 leh ??

Jackson : Yiling… what is going on…. ? can you tell us… ?

Yiling snapped out of her daze and looked at everyone around the room.

Yiling : Is everyone agreeable with what Jackson said…. Save the 2 bottles with the most food….

The rest nodded slowly.

Yiling : ok………… ok….

She got up , thanked everyone for our time and walked away without a word.

Hong : It’s her PMS day I tell you… confirm…. Stay the fuck away from her….hahah

The group dispersed and I spent some time tidying up the place before getting ready for bed.

Just as I was about to switch off the lights, there was a knock on the door and I was surprised to see Yiling again.
She didn’t give me a chance to speak, she just blurted out what she wanted to say.

Yiling : Jackson …. What if I say…. I know something bad is going to happen…..and….

Jackson : and what… ?

Yiling : no matter what I do….there’s no way of stopping it….

Jackson : what nonsense…. If you know something bad is going to happen… stop it… just stop it…

Yiling : What if I can’t… ?

I pressed her for more details and she seemed reluctant to share. I don’t blame her. Especially not after the previous leak.

Jackson : I know you can’t share the details…. But… can you give an example… of what you meant by something bad…. Is going to happen…
I could tell she wanted to say something but could not find the right words to express them.

Jackson : Look Yiling…. simple…. If 2 hands is not enough to catch 3 bottles, you find 4, if 4 is not enough, you find 6…. If 6 is not enough you find 8…..and so on…. What is going on… ?

Yiling : Jackson ….. we only have 2 hands….and we can only save 2 bottles…. !!

Jackson : Yiling… what’s wrong with you… ? then we save the 2 bottles with the most walnuts…. Simple math…

I never expected Yiling’s eyes to turn red and a stray tear rolled down the side of her eye.

Jackson : why are you crying… ? don’t scare me like this…

She turned and left the farmhouse without a word.

12th March 2017



Yiling gathered everyone in the study with exception of the girls.

Hong, Kamal, Seven, Aaron, Declan and me. 6 of us.

Yiling : hand over all your phones…..

All of us did as we were told.

Yiling : As of this moment….no one leaves the pantry…. No one….

We nodded and Hong asked Yiling if everything is ok.

Yiling : i don’t know…. I hope so….

Last edited by ilikeoldchangke; 24-04-2020 at 08:43 AM.
Old 21-04-2020, 11:58 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah


Yiling appeared in the pantry just as I stepped out from the shower.
Hong was waving a stack of monopoly bills in the air having bankrupted Seven with his Mayfair hotel.

The pantry went quiet the moment Yiling entered.

You could feel the change in the atmosphere.

Something is definitely wrong.
Yiling looked rattled and nervous.

She’s afraid.

In her hands, she carried 3 envelopes.

Her eyes scanned the room for Kamal who was stirring his tea by the counter and I could see her eyes lingering a little too long at the armoury key around Kamal’s neck.

Yiling : guys…

All of us stopped what we were doing and we gathered closer to Yiling.

Yiling : guys…..i …

No one said a word as we waited for Yiling to compose herself. Her free fist is clenched tight.

Yiling : i… I don’t want to mince my words…. So I’m saying this upfront….and I’m giving you guys a choice to sit this one out if you want to….

Hong : Huh…. Why… what is it… ?

Kamal : Boss… what’s wrong… ?

Aaron : we won’t sit anything out …. Just tell us what is it… we’ll get it done…

Yiling exhaled and looked at the 3 envelope in her hand before setting one aside.

She opened the other 2, spreading it’s contents out on the large table we were gathered around.

Yiling : In a few hours time, there is going to be an attack…… not at us… not at the Rajahs….

Hong : Where is … where is this place….. it’s in the middle of a HDB estate….

Yiling : It’s a childcare centre…

Aaron : WHAT !!

Yiling swallowed a mouthful of saliva and as she relayed the contents of the envelope to us, it hit us hard.

It hit me hard.

It hit me so hard that I want to throw up.

Yiling : They are going to hit….. multiple locations at once…. And… and… we are spread really thin….

Jackson : Call the police… send in the fucking army !!! what the fuck are we waiting for…. People are going to die YIling !!

Yiling : I can’t !! We can’t !!

Her bloodshot eyes and her clenched fist told me she was doing all she could not to break down right there and then.

Yiling : Listen guys… we… we don’t know who we can trust….. Teng is in on this… and if he gets word that we know, he’s going to hit all the locations at once…. Bring forward the attack…

Jackson : What …..? he’s the fucking defence minister for god sake….

Yiling : He is in on this…. He is IN ON THIS !!

Yiling shouted out of the blue and you could see the frustration on her face.

Yiling : I don’t want to waste time… you guys will split into 2 groups… leave the castle at 5am and be at these location at 5.45am….. the attack will commence at 7am sharp….. and you will stop them…..

Yiling wanted us to get the men as fast as we can before they can warn their friends and spark off a chain reaction.

Yiling : we know for sure…. That they are taking the school and kids hostages, so stop them…. At all cost….

Kamal : We should stop everyone from going to school then !! these are fucking terrorists….

Yiling : we can’t…. we can’t….

Yiling explained that her sources revealed that explosives have been set at several locations, and any indication that the plan has been revealed might trigger an early attack….

Yiling : We have almost 20 locations… we don’t know for sure if they are going to hit every one but we will cover as much as we can….

Hong : CCB ! ( curse ) How can this happen ?? it’s not possible…

Kamal : Who… who’s taking care of the other locations…. ?

Yiling : You don’t need to worry about that… we just worry about this 2…. There will be people taking care of the other locations…

Aaron : This… this is madness…. No… no way…. I don’t believe this…. This is a joke right Yiling ?

Yiling was looking down at the pictures and print outs of maps on the table and I saw a tear drop wet the picture taken of a childcare centre’s exterior.

Kamal : This is… this is bullshit man…

Declan : Yiling… are you,…. Are you sure…. ?

Yiling : yes… yes I am very sure….

Resting her hands on her waist and speaking with her eyes red, Yiling told us that we’re going to be racing against time once it starts.

Yiling : remember…. We are on our own… this has to be fast…. Take them down fast…..

My throat felt dry and I find myself starting to get short of breath.
It’s like I can hardly breathe.

My heart felt as if someone had just stabbed a knife into it as I closed my eyes and I recalled the glass jars Yiling brought over to the farmhouse the other day.

Jackson : How… how many kids….are… are there…. ?

Yiling brought the 2 maps up on top of the piles of documents.

Yiling : about 70… Tampines…. And 60 in Pasir Ris….

I shook my head and looked at Yiling in her eyes.

Jackson : No… no… I don’t mean this 2….

I gestured to the 3rd envelope that was left unopened.

Yiling shook her head.

Yiling : Jackson …. Don’t…. it’s too far away…

Jackson : How many….?

Yiling : It’s too far away… we’ll never make it….

Jackson : HOW MANY !!...

Yiling looked away as the rest caught on to what is happening.

Yiling : 40…. In Hougang….

Kamal : Jesus….

Jackson : we’ll split into 3 groups…

Yiling : NO.. !... you’re stretched thin as it is…. I don’t trust the rest of the men enough to involve them in this !!!... and if you fail at your site…. More will die…

Hong sang into the chair, unable to believe what Yiling just revealed to the lot of us. Seven rubbed his head in frustration before grunting and kicking a chair over.

Yiling : chaos is about to descend on this country….. there’s no way to stop it…. But we can try to minimise the damage.

I went over for the 3rd envelope and Yiling held onto my hand.

Yiling : Jackson…. It’s too far…. You cannot make it…

Jackson : You don’t know that…. !

I shook my hand free from her grasp and held up the 3rd envelope in front of the other guys.

Jackson : We’ll wrap up Tampines and Pasir Ris…. And we meet at Hougang immediately….. as soon as we can…. All agreeable… ?

Everyone nodded.

Yiling looked at Kamal who knew exactly what she wanted.

Kamal loosened a button off his top and removed the gold chain he was wearing, handing over the armoury key to Yiling.

Kamal : They’ll hang us if they catch us with those Boss….

Yiling : Then take only the smalls ones….

Hong laughed.

Hong : will we ever get to use the big ones….

Yiling : in our lifetime…… I hope not….

We walked quietly behind Yiling to the armoury and she unlocked it with a combination of biometric identification and the armoury key.
The heavy metal door slid open a little and Yiling turned to look at us.

Yiling : I know this is a lot to ask you guys for…..but a plague is about to be hit this place…. A madness orchestrated by a mad man…. And…. And it’s unfortunate….. that we don’t have enough …..good men to stop him….

I walked over to Yiling and I reached for the metal door.

Swinging the heavy door opened, I looked at the long shelves and racks filled with a boy’s wet dreams.

Jackson : we're not good men Yiling……

I paused as Hong caught onto what I’m about to say and he chuckled.

Jackson : we’re fucking gangsters….

Old 22-04-2020, 12:33 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

lai liao...col james and boon ai lai liao
Old 22-04-2020, 12:41 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

And gangsters would be those that save the kids

Can't bear to know who's gng to die in the next bloodbath update..hiaz..

Old 22-04-2020, 01:15 AM
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Originally Posted by badboy View Post
And gangsters would be those that save the kids

Can't bear to know who's gng to die in the next bloodbath update..hiaz..

and Jim the gondu gonna buy the guns
Old 22-04-2020, 01:28 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

It going to be an emotional wreck for me soon waiting for the next part... and I think I will tear up soon again
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers
Old 22-04-2020, 04:13 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

let the good days roll.....
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