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Old 03-07-2003, 02:13 AM
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Re: Yan Ping Lu HC


Yan Ping Lu is somewhere north west (about two block) from Ritz Carlton Portman. Maybe a walking distance from Portman but I never try.

I am not much a HC guy but HC does offer a place for quick release You know, need those one in a while. Anyway, do PM me when u are in town.

Thx for BroHayashi posting. I think I know where is the Huai Hai HC now. Maybe would check it out later....when I feel to have a quick release

BTW, I also heard that somewhere in HongQiao area. Some sort of barber shop offer FS at 120RMB. Any bro have expereince with it?

Originally posted by Ascott
Thanks for the FR.
By the way, at around which area is Yan Ping Lu?

The Huai Hai Entertainment Centre is at around Fuxing Lu - Central and Huang Pi Nan Lu. I know roughly the location is at quite a walking distance from Xi Tian Di towards the south.
Maybe, broSGP and Hayashi can give a better description.
Old 03-07-2003, 08:27 AM
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Re: Re: Yan Ping Lu HC

Originally posted by tongsai

Yan Ping Lu is somewhere north west (about two block) from Ritz Carlton Portman. Maybe a walking distance from Portman but I never try.

I am not much a HC guy but HC does offer a place for quick release You know, need those one in a while. Anyway, do PM me when u are in town.

Thx for BroHayashi posting. I think I know where is the Huai Hai HC now. Maybe would check it out later....when I feel to have a quick release

BTW, I also heard that somewhere in HongQiao area. Some sort of barber shop offer FS at 120RMB. Any bro have expereince with it?
I lived near there once and went thru those joints. They are mostly Kampong girls and the conditions of the shops are yuks! If you don't mind lying in those unsecured cubicles with god knows when they have washed those covers and a mushy smell, go ahead. Lost of them in that area.
I would advise against it. Want cheap ones, there are real nice ones around and some are definitely in HGH. Just 2 hours away on a weekend.
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Old 05-07-2003, 10:44 AM
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Hi Shagman69 and Shanghai Veterans

I am a newbie and have never been to Shanghai before. I will be there for a few days around Aug 10. Would like to get to know a few of you, tack along and learn a few things.

By the way any recommentation on what area and hotel to stay at ( for both free and paid action) ?

Looking forward to meeting you guys

Old 05-07-2003, 12:48 PM
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Free Actions

For a start, don't think of free actions. You will be disappointed. Try to pay first and find the free ones later.
As the time gets closer, PM us. Shanghai is Bro SGPShanghai69 area. You should PM him.
Originally posted by realding
Hi Shagman69 and Shanghai Veterans

I am a newbie and have never been to Shanghai before. I will be there for a few days around Aug 10. Would like to get to know a few of you, tack along and learn a few things.

By the way any recommentation on what area and hotel to stay at ( for both free and paid action) ?

Looking forward to meeting you guys

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Old 05-07-2003, 01:19 PM
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Originally posted by realding
Hi Shagman69 and Shanghai Veterans

I am a newbie and have never been to Shanghai before. I will be there for a few days around Aug 10. Would like to get to know a few of you, tack along and learn a few things.

By the way any recommentation on what area and hotel to stay at ( for both free and paid action) ?

Looking forward to meeting you guys

I totally agree with Shagman, especially in view of your short stay here - freebies are more the exception than the norm. I'm no cheongster but I've had my experiences too. For hotels, you've to state your budget and preferences.

BroSGP may or may not still be in town when u arrive - but u can always ask him for recommendations - he's a cheongster with a capital "C". I, on the other hand, can give u some basic tips on what to avoid & how to pre-empt con-minded people.
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Old 05-07-2003, 05:15 PM
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Re: Re: Xin Huai Hai Yu Le Cheng (RMB540)

Originally posted by Harley_Fatboy
Bro Hayashi,

Thanks for the info. Will be back in SH on Thursday and plan to Cheong on Friday. Any brother out there will to cheong are welcome.
Brother Harley_Fatboy,
Just to let you know the the actual breakdown of the price is that, RMB40 for the basic charge, the FJ is RMB500 whereby the gal will ask you to write down the value. On top of that, most of the gal will ask for additional tips, ranging RMB20-50.
Old 05-07-2003, 07:12 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Xin Huai Hai Yu Le Cheng (RMB540)

Originally posted by shengge
Brother Harley_Fatboy,
Just to let you know the the actual breakdown of the price is that, RMB40 for the basic charge, the FJ is RMB500 whereby the gal will ask you to write down the value. On top of that, most of the gal will ask for additional tips, ranging RMB20-50.
Bro Shengge,

Thanks for the tips but so far due to work commitment I have just got back to SH.
I will be leaving from SH from July 8 and will lnly be back in SH after July 24.
Old 05-07-2003, 07:54 PM
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Yo bros. Need some guidance with this city as I am here for 2-3 days. Awaiting advizes!! By the way, alot of nice chicks here but dunno where to go Helpz!
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Old 06-07-2003, 12:06 AM
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The City of our Chinese classic "Liang Zhu" So are some Song Dynasty monuments. Bring your chicks there to impress them. Tell them how much you would like to change the love story of Liang Zhu to live happily ever after.
Last time I was staying at Ningbo Hotel. Hop into any KTV in the hotels you will be greeted with a welcoming sight. Pls go for 4 star and above hotels. Also go to one which you live in. Easy access to your own room.
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Old 06-07-2003, 12:22 AM
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HI Shagman69, The Bund

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Not familiar with term used - what is PM?

Regarding hotel budget - something like 800 rmb is ok

Old 06-07-2003, 02:37 PM
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Re: Ningbo!

Originally posted by Tr|pp|ng
Yo bros. Need some guidance with this city as I am here for 2-3 days. Awaiting advizes!! By the way, alot of nice chicks here but dunno where to go Helpz!
not much happening in this town, FJ not easy for good looking NB, only those from other town, last time they had one called Jin pi hui huang, now transform into cash box style, not fun, they have around 1,000 rooms level 1 F&B, level 2 KTV reception, and small room, level 3 all the medium and big room, in NB, minmum cover charges, RMB 400, come with fruit and small plate of foods.
you can try the one need the NB y=train station,it the same for bus station, 3 star hotel, KTV papasan, min zhang, catic hotel KTV, high class and expensive, FJ RMB 400 - 1,000, 5 star hotel, KTV, nan yuan, KTV more high class, is also has one KTV opposite the 5 star hotel, it worst, beware very common in these joint mamasan arrange HC girl to FJ with you, RMB 200 FJ and you has to pay RMB 500 - 1,000.
Old 06-07-2003, 02:46 PM
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shaNingbowuhan is Cool - loads of Potential
shanghai RMB 800 hotel

Originally posted by realding
Hi Shagman69 and Shanghai Veterans

I am a newbie and have never been to Shanghai before. I will be there for a few days around Aug 10. Would like to get to know a few of you, tack along and learn a few things.

By the way any recommentation on what area and hotel to stay at ( for both free and paid action) ?

Looking forward to meeting you guys


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Èý·¿¶þÌü RMB 612 Ô¤¶© ÎÞ
Old 06-07-2003, 05:29 PM
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Originally posted by realding
HI Shagman69, The Bund

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Not familiar with term used - what is PM?

Regarding hotel budget - something like 800 rmb is ok

The 4 star Ningbo hotel is around RMB400+ a little over budget for Ningbo at RMB800.
PM means Private message. Check the thread and you shall see the it.
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Old 06-07-2003, 10:50 PM
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Staying at the Asia Garden Hotel - 4 star - not bad. Tried the sauna girl yesterday .. again, so-so. Not worth mentioning. Paid 600rmb - but she's hardworking :P

Anyway, I'm leaving Ningbo for Shanghai in 2 days, then to Qingdao on Wednesday before returning to GZ. Will see how it goes. Thanks for the information guys.
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Old 07-07-2003, 01:41 AM
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Originally posted by realding
HI Shagman69, The Bund

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Not familiar with term used - what is PM?

Regarding hotel budget - something like 800 rmb is ok

If you look at the bottom of this reply, u'll see at 2nd from left the abbrev. "pm", meaning "private message". That's for sending a message to any one of us here, without the whole world knowing its contents.

You may wish to consider the following 5-star hotels:-
(1) Jinjiang Hotel at Maoming South Road (near Huai Hai Lu - SH's Orchard Road). RMB598 (Standard Single Room);
(2) Sheraton Huating Hotel at Cao Xi Bei Lu (Xujiahui - another popular shopping district). RMB628 (Deluxe Room);
(3) Purple Mountain Hotel (if you prefer Pudong) at Dongfang Road. RMB653 (Superior Room) or RMB780 (Business Room).

It would I suppose depend on which one is more convenient - so find out where you've to go for your business meetings everyday (or your SH office). If you prefer to stay close to Nanjing Road (the shopping pedestrian mall), you may wish to consider Ramada Hotel (4-star). I'm not sure of the exact rate but it should be below RMB600 (don't call to book this hotel from SG - some S'poreans I know did and they were charged S$260/night but realised they could've got much better rates walking in). If you really want to stay at this hotel, pm me and I'll place a booking for you in your name.

You may also wish to visit - they've rather reasonable rates and you can place your bookings online. I do that whenever I travel within China.

Good luck!
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