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Old 21-07-2002, 03:50 AM
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Hey king wat happen to chilly paddy ????
you know the last bonk at the old HQ is with her .
Old 21-07-2002, 07:31 AM
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Originally posted by oh-baby
Hey king wat happen to chilly paddy ????
you know the last bonk at the old HQ is with her .
I think she is not back yet...
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Old 21-07-2002, 07:50 AM
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Re: Re: Re: New Party Gal Release from Her Houses

Originally posted by cuntking
thanks for the info ... I though all Ah Yap gals not allow to go out of the 4 houses .... sorry for my ignorance

no worries mate...i think because of the li zhen issue...pple who do not frequent those hses also think that the same policy applies to the other gals...i think that the okts' of those hses encourage all their gals to go to as many hses as possible...mkting ploy...the more hses...the more potential punters...chance to bring them back to their home base etc...

as for li one chap had posted earlier...her case appears to be unusual as it was her own choice not to roam ard till now that is...

Old 21-07-2002, 07:54 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: New Party Gal Release from Her Houses

Originally posted by omnia

no worries mate...i think because of the li zhen issue...pple who do not frequent those hses also think that the same policy applies to the other gals...i think that the okts' of those hses encourage all their gals to go to as many hses as possible...mkting ploy...the more hses...the more potential punters...chance to bring them back to their home base etc...

as for li one chap had posted earlier...her case appears to be unusual as it was her own choice not to roam ard till now that is...


Not really.... if that is the case.. why we see pinky, xiao yu , OG etc etc.

As for Li Zhen, i think the main problem lies in her. If i am correct, she don't wish to be seen by many. [afraid to be seen be people she know]. Thats why she rather stay in her own house.

I think this is the main reason.
Left my Heart and Soul
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Old 22-07-2002, 02:07 AM
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bro oh-baby, heard that she will be bad this cuming week ..... you better get her before our bro doomas destroy her ... hee hee

bro doomas, sorri that I missed you the both times you visited the new HQ ..... see you around and catch up.

Originally posted by oh-baby
Hey king wat happen to chilly paddy ????
you know the last bonk at the old HQ is with her .
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 22-07-2002, 02:51 AM
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Aiyoh....what a long list of gals that have been to the new HQ.... Dammmmnn...... have to save on my 'bullets' & replenish on my vitamins b4 i get back so that can go 'through' the list...hehehehe.....
Genius is 1% of Inspiration and 99% of Perspiration!!

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Old 22-07-2002, 03:01 AM
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Re: Die....die....die...

Originally posted by Doggiestyle
Aiyoh....what a long list of gals that have been to the new HQ.... Dammmmnn...... have to save on my 'bullets' & replenish on my vitamins b4 i get back so that can go 'through' the list...hehehehe.....
Nice to see you still living.

Old 22-07-2002, 03:14 AM
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Re: Die....die....die...

bro doggie, just make sure you die cock stand in GL ..... what a great way to die .... hee hee

Originally posted by Doggiestyle
Aiyoh....what a long list of gals that have been to the new HQ.... Dammmmnn...... have to save on my 'bullets' & replenish on my vitamins b4 i get back so that can go 'through' the list...hehehehe.....
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 22-07-2002, 03:46 AM
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Re: Re: Die....die....die...

Originally posted by cuntking
bro doggie, just make sure you die cock stand in GL ..... what a great way to die .... hee hee

hahahaha.....bro Ming & Mro King...will definitely 'die' a happy man or a grinning one.
Genius is 1% of Inspiration and 99% of Perspiration!!

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Old 22-07-2002, 03:55 AM
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FR on Chelsea by bro Tratos

Today not my day,

went down to 1667 to look for SingTel, not working .. OKT say onli on Tue onwards or wed ... guess i would have to try my luck another time

then went to HQ, ask for Blue Diamond/Maggie/Jaguar ... wah lao ... seems on Sunday , all the ang pais not working. T then recommend me Chelsea, ok .. i say onz ...

first impression ... Ah Lian looks ... so those who love ah lians ... think she will suits your, love her black dress and a matching black panty today (since it's my fav colour)

SOP happen , cat bath , then me proceed to lie on the bed .... hmm .. god kisser ... kiss me on the sholuder all the way till thigh ... (i ask no feet, coz i dun like gals kissing my feet) ....

she is a balls sucker ..... i nearly though my balls are suck into her mouth man ,..... overall .. the BJ was goodd.... automatic 69 ... wow ... seems she loves people to eat her ... was practically grinding her puss to my mouth .. ok ... i do my best to service her vice versa

then came the AR, ... not bad .... dedicated tounge to your needs

FL is good .... start off missionary , then riding , followed by doggy and later ... two seated up .... her puss is not as well-trained or tight as Yoko though (i have something for tight cunts)

ONE Problem ... my brother can't perform .. (dun misunderstand) ... its marikita liao ... but gun always IA ... would not shoot ... damm .... must have drank abit too much last nite ....

Chelsea was apologetic on it ... well, told her not her fault .... mine since i cant shoot ...

after that .. bath and goodbye ...

sigh ..

on my out .. saw a gal , Lily (name from T's sign in book) hmmz, any feedback on her service ??? abit mature looks .. but very look alike to my neighbour ... ehhehehehehe thats why so deep impressiuon
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 22-07-2002, 04:06 AM
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Skirmish between ULTRAWOMAN and GL 1st Battalion RSM

*by Superman doomas*

Sped in my personal HV down to 1612, only to find the QM T smirking at me and mentioning that he had just the right gal in mind for me. "ULTRAWOMAN", he said, "will suck you dry". Was intrigued but went along with his rec as QM T had very rarely failed me. Waited for an hour before a very slim lady with a "kiam gan" walk came breezing in. Look a bit lao chio, not exactly my cup of tea but hey, never judge a book by its cover. With that in mind, she brought me into the China room where I was systematically and thoroughly fucked mindless.

Made some small talk while we stripped to break the ice and created quite good kam cheng. Hmmm, little bit aunty looking but had a very personable manner; she would make the perfect mamasan. Lithe figure with nicely shaped hips and B tits. In the shower, she remarked that the weather was quite humid outside and asked me to squat down so that she could wash my hair, which was quite short. In my surprise I complied and got a very professional but short hairwash. Had a thorough body wash and dried myself. No action in the shower but that's ok. Shower action is for wimps; the real war is in bed.

Laid on the bed face up while she langourously stretched her body on mine and started to french my nipple, giving it little bites while at the same time running her fingernails over my flanks and arms, sending little electrically charged erotic spasms surging through my body. Switched to the other nipple and for a while, I thought my eyes would burst with the white light of pleasure that filled my body and threatened to burst through my eyes. She then gazed at me with those liquid eyes of eyes and we locked tongues with primal passion. She then released my tongue slowly and I told her that I would be eating her pussy. Her eyes lit up with feral pleasure and she quickly moved down to encase my prize pace stick with her warm and alive mouth. Perhaps it was the prospect of cunnilingus that the BBBJ was a little short coz after a while, she stopped and just sat there with her hand on my cheek. I then proceeded to inflict my usual cruel and inhuman tongue-fu punishment. Licked the areas around her neatly trimmed bush, which sent her into anticipatory moans. After tantalising her, I attacked her clit without mercy and in no time, she was writhing in bed and desperately grasping my hands, which were also stroking her wonderful breasts. All of a sudden, she caught her breath and arched her whole body, which became taut as a violin string. Sneaked a glimpse up. Gosh! Her face was bloody ruddy red and for a moment, I was reminded of Jenny, the GL legend, who would succumb to pure pleasure with the same symptoms. She then let out a shuddering sigh. Gave her a few seconds' rest before attacking her clit again. Same results except this time, she literally crushed my hands with her dainty hands, which surprised me as I did not believe she was capable of such strength. The dark horse in me decided to inflict punishment a 3rd time, which I did. This time, she lasted longer but eventually started screaming in raw animal pleasure. Her body started to buck like a wild horse before she arched her spine so taut that I thought it would snap. She held that arch before slowly slumping back onto the bed. This time her face and chest were thoroughly flushed, which dispelled any doubts of her having an orgasm. Heh, I made her cum 3 times. Still held her clit head in my mouth and I gave it a few hard flicks with my tongue to send her into spasmodic quivers.

No rest for the weary and so we proceeded to hump with her below. Gosh, her pussy was so warm tho a little loose. Started slow coz I was a little tired but picked up the tempo later. Thrusted savagely like a wild animal while she gripped my forearms and she actually came after a few minutes. No fake as her vaginal muscles were pulsating too irregularly for any form of human control. A flash of inspiration lit up and I changed the tone. Did her slowly this time. Was still on top but lowered my body down and embraced her while frenching her and thrusting slowly at the same time. Did it slow and langourous this time, just like a lazy Sunday afternoon fuck on the sofa. She responded me with desperate frenching and groping with her hands. Ahhhh, found her Achilles' heel. So she likes to be romanced. Hedl her more tightly, her breasts firmly pressed against my chest and I could feel her heartbeat against my chest, pulsing faster and faster. Kissed her neck and hair, which set her off moaning and grinding her pussy against my loins, which sent me off on a high. Pretty soon, I was on a raw energy burst, just like the test National Day fireworks that went on later. The raw power, the raw energy! We started sweating profusely, she started screaming again, this time so loudly that if not for the TV outside, QM T and the brudders outside would have been treated to the sound of the universe being created. Fuck me, fuck me, dont't stop, she cried desperately, gripping my hands and staring longingly in my eyes. This time I came. And came and came and came, in a long and torrential deluge. But I continued thrusting until she came a 5th time. This time she had a major orgasm, with violent twitching of her pussy muscles such that her peak twitching was so strong that her pussy pushed my still erect dick out of her pussy. We both lay down gasping for breath while still holding each other in a tight embrace and frenched slowly for afterplay. Cleaned up, she washed my head again and parted with a longing french.

Looks : 6/10 (lao chio)
Body : 7/10 (quite well maintained for her age)
Breasts : 7/10, B cup
Frenching : 8.5/10
BBBJ : 6/10 (Too short but that's my fault)
FJ : 9/10
RTF : Fuck, yes!

I'm still feeling worn out today. She took a lot out of me! Catch her quick coz I think she's retiring in Sep.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 22-07-2002, 04:29 AM
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Party Gals List as at 21072002

I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Ann
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue
Bao Er
Blue Diamond
Blue Ice
Blue Ocean
Carol - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Casino - on leave
Chelsea - not working
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Cola L16
Cola L22
Crystal (Cat 80, SG)
Crystal (Cat 150)
Dolphin - run water leave, back mid next week
Dong Fang (cat 80)
East - on 1 month leave, back in early August
EL (Malay gal)
Fang Fang
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai O
Hai San - working
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hai Yang
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in next week
Ivy (cat 80)
Jaguar - leave
Janet L16
Jean - leave
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Jolin L20
Kar Leng
Lee Wen - one month leave, back mid August
Lily (malay gal)
Li Zhen
Mei Hui
Mei Ting
Mei Yee
Mimi L14
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
OG L16 - not working
Orchid (malay gal)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammei - on one month leave back in August
Sammi1 - on one month leave back 24-30 August
Seiko - leave
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
Susan (malay gal)
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
V Nie
Vivian L16
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Xin
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er - run water leave
Yan Hong
Ya Wen
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er
Zu Er L20

New Party Gals On 20072002
Carol (tall - Cat 80)

Top Party Gal For the Day

First Party Gal of the Day
Spore Ice

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 22-07-2002, 04:39 PM
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yo people who is ULTRAWOMAN? Only heard of WONDER WOMAN
Old 22-07-2002, 04:59 PM
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Superman Doomas to Save GL

bro killer, you should ask our Superman, bro doomas (busy Saving all the GL gals) lor ... hee hee

Originally posted by killer
yo people who is ULTRAWOMAN? Only heard of WONDER WOMAN
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 22-07-2002, 05:55 PM
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Karen FR

Upon arrival at HQ, settle down for a drink before my order of ‘desert’. Soon LS came in and she is still that well dressed with her well training tummy, being a cock teaser, she made me horny and asked for my top target, must wait so carry on drinking and chit chatting with the brothers partying at HQ. While chit chating with a brother who just arrived and LS cums out, while waiting for her car, she lighted a smoke …. a brother cannot tahan this cock teaser and asked for her … she passed me her unfinished smoke … hee hee

Soon the OKT of my target called and say she got injured and knock off liao … spoilt my mood, so just sit around and saw more and more brothers cum … talk lots of stuff from shares to business, music to movies … of course more on the gals. One by one they had their dance with their party gals and share verbal FRs. Soon it got my horny again and hungry for milk. Time to test good old Tommy and ask him to recommend.

Within 20mins, a tall gal walks in with good bouncy boobs … Tommy says this is his secret weapon, Karen for me … Wow the brothers all stared and someone jokingly said enough milk … thanks guys, you all sure know my taste well.

In the room as she took off her dress, ma ma mummy ya, those milk balls looks good and firm with already standing nipples. I know I am in for a good time, then saw a sexy mole in between those mountains … even more steam. In the shower room talks a bit and found out that she is a Penang gal with a few years experience in GL. Her England damp powderful man.

On the bed, expected action immediately as I am hungry to play ball but she took my towel and dried my feet and ‘crack’ every toe of mine … shiok and surprise movement. Later found out that she is interested in every part of a male body that stands out. She starts by sucking my sensitive buttons and softly caressing my CPU and move down towards my love stick and mouse balls. Catbaths (with a sweet) up my neck to my monitor and ears, paints my CPU with light strokes and down to the toes …. She then lick my toes till they are never cleaner. One point to note, she catbath sounds a bit loud with lots of slurping sound like she is enjoying it greatly.

The time she spend on my mouse balls was quite long and her suction almost make my balls pop into her well trained mouth. Her bj only in one position with some deep throat moves, not the wild type I like but her slow and sensuous style that got me real hot and wild.

After she caps me, it is my turn to service her, kissed her neck and she moans softly. Lick her ears and she laughs. Drinks her milk and she moans more, licks her sexy mole in between those firm mountains tills she groans and gets wet below …. It is action time. As I slowly insert my love stick into her, her CFM face is an enjoyment to look at, cannot take it and kiss her. With my love stick thrusting in and out, her tongue also moves in and out, with her sweet transferring to and fro our mouths. Her moans are so real and her face is like enjoying the session so much. Leading me to pump faster and harder, coordinating with the suction of her cuntfu … this is what I call great sex. Soon I cum, she hugged me tight while her cuntfu cramp my love stick. We frenched and glad that we had a god time. Not the type that will go into the shower immediately, we lay side by side and talk about some GL stuff before ending the session leaving lots of lust for the next time.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
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