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Old 22-10-2017, 11:02 PM
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Re: Old birds please report in:

+6 and above to exchange
Old 23-10-2017, 10:28 AM
meatvegelove meatvegelove is offline
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Re: Old birds please report in:

Originally Posted by Josh_Ray View Post
+10 beanies upped!
Hi, up you 19 pts for exchange.

(min 7 pts for exch)
Old 23-10-2017, 10:43 AM
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Re: Old birds please report in:

Anyone up for exchange?

A particular bro upz my points and left behind an initial "from"
Cant seem to find this nick. Do pm me

Bro Slide2despair, Spikerman, sanuuk, Tailok, Amplus, ipay4six, weiwe, Tele, badboys, lost99, lone_dog69, skyscrape.
No latest post to return. Please pm me.

Appreciate the pm if you do upz me. easier for me to monitor

Pending: Gilengkiatdaddy
The more you learn, the more you know.
The more you know, the more you forget.
The more you forget, the less you know.

So.. why learn?
Old 23-10-2017, 11:33 AM
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Re: Old birds please report in:

2 pts for exchange...
All welcome
Please be patient as I return your generous upzzzz daily.
Guarantee return if u up my points. Thank u all very much.

To up list: CLEARED

Returned: CampHQ, ultramantiga87, Anfield2017, Cloudy80, MerlinW, dyelook, chaku, sgoh, El bistro, PeroPero, iamnoob123, plsfloodme, TwinTowers, 69sex, simple2kee, cyberkoh88, baigonggong, Danielsun, Havanna slicks, Exbros, kuan aik hong, surbana, guest68, Knowitall, slyer, Violet, bukit mewah, fuckwaynelim, Kovovo, bigbird123, power666, sailsingapore, jay.lay, rojanaben, Lawrence1713, Lamborghini, waynelimyy, Lemon2, roja, reading, Prince7, KarmaCafe, rojana22, Jay Chou, Lovelyboy, wohaha96, reilo, Cafu, omnomnomnom, Super00, crackpod, Wu Song Jr, Ktmakmak, realTrump, yinpinlouavr, extboi, shawn_mib, NootsaraTomkom, nokia3510, slapp, ejectjoy, naturegreen, Mevius, naturegreen, slaver29125, DewNaSing, apollo, Jenova, gilaxes, HonestCrook, Everlasty, DevilChan78, Linkus, ttok6672, SvampS, january29, Jubilation, waynelimyenyew, 4Dguru, Tai_zi21, CoCk shoCk, ah rat, milffelladad, Junyi91, doedoe31, S.B.Y.1, HornyKingKong, riderboy, Sometimes_only, Shiofukis, h7, justl00king, limyenyew, anjinggg, Tonkatsu89, ThisIsMelwood, I Love Boobs

***Bro alphaoasis, cheongka (Please PM me your latest post /link if available. Thank you)

Old 23-10-2017, 11:40 AM
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Re: Old birds please report in:

ÈAfk for so many years, offering +11points for exchange.

Completed: Rickey, Prince7, lonebonker, siam66, loneyheart, SimplyUnperfect, Silentreader88, cyberkoh88, Baigonggong, owen10, Josh_Ray, braxlex, Nixjrr, wally888, szczesny, Tingtonglove, Hurricane88, basfreak, Surbana, Surescore, Sponge05, Goalie, Madpig, Sex1314, bigbird123, love2paint, Super00, Love6969, QT169, Power666, RedDog, simple2kee, meatvegelove, esssinine, arse-nal, hamsapkwai, guest68, Supervert, Skycarpenter, Pink2577, HornyKingKong, randily, Fansees, Tundrawolf, Sailsingapore, Masterwanker, apollo, ejectjoy, DevilChan78, CoCk shoCk, Linkus, justI00king, bk4ever, Smoky7, Cash8877, Meijipcc,

On waitng list as per order: KnowItAll, Truthful, JollyOne, Mplover, jjmagic, justanewbie, Steventan, vrossi1980, nastythaiboy, Informer, lobangkingz, Ktvbuddy, rawboy83, 1deg, SG10, crackpod, Jay chou, Regaine, bbbjkim, qilaxes, NorthEast - Good, qizai, smartke, waikeekee, 胡's_yourdaddy!, skyleon, kirk, SiaSuay, plsfloodme, Lamborghini, Swagelock, Solopop, mattjb, kalv, bk81665, 4Dguru, ly1968, Cloudy80, menshealths, thisisnotBENaff, Coronet Peak, ah rat, badboys, Slyer, reading, me siam bu, Shiofukis, silver5surfer, Koiz, Clownteaser, Peacekris, naka_timo, thedevil666, ktmakmak, Andrew101, SMGG, hungten, Greenfrog, lobowolf, ProjectAlice, EnjoyLife99, Chaku, Cafu, i love boobs, Steelx, jay.lay, Botakhead2, stcc123, izaaat, powerkid, NewM00n, wohaha96, Tho66, Lovelyboy, dyelook, conquer, zeith, Oh yes, Oldwulf, Sleepyguy2, Hoian, roja, Seansky, Charlie130, liewkc2503, dvilla, vampangel, vampiredevil, Qazxcvbnm, stardawn, the old nite, Rasta Marley, HornyYoungBoy07, Asia1, Lemon2, ipay4six, CampHQ, koc88, comrade2, Pompous, princeofpersia!, doubledutch, madpig88, CuriousSG, strikeback4, owl888, XingLing, Passerbyer, limyenyew,

Need your latest post in order to upz u back: Mandin, RisingShadow,

Cannot find your nick: S.B.Y.I, i^Xion

All welcome, will do my very best to clear as many as possible.

Really gum xia all brother and sister who upz me.

Good Day to all.

Old 23-10-2017, 12:43 PM
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Re: Old birds please report in:

Wish to exchange or return rep points to me ???

I am here !!! I am here !!!

Queue list : ... empty

K.I.V list for 2nd round return upz : S.B.Y.1 ... justl00king ... Wu Song Jr ... Goalie ... sams11 ... Hurricane88 ... ktmakmak ... Supervert ... sailsingapore ... El Bistro ...
Old 23-10-2017, 01:53 PM
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Re: Old birds please report in:

42 Rep Points To Exchange Daily
Priority Given to 10 Rep Power & above

Users that have been Upped
( Click to show/hide )
Naka_Timo, 8waldz, francesco, Deskboard, overboard, luvit, cyberkoh88, owl888, Supervert, lonebonker, siam66, Koiz, El bistro, HuatAh16, szczesny, Sailsingapore, tropiccana, Exbro, Botakhead2, baigonggong, SureScore, madpig88, 4Dguru, powerkid, Hurricane88, HayDay, Bugging, Lamborghini, Belt, ItsEsther, Swagelock, marlboroken, bbbjkim, gilaxes, ktmakmak, Andrew101, Wu Song Jr, DevilChan78, Tingtonglove, justl00king, owen10, Passerbyer, Slyer, badboys, arse-nal, Sexy_lion, Linkus, Kalv, basfreak, i^Xi0n, randily, Yvonne123, izaaat, Lovelyboy, bababoo, PeroPero, apollo, crackpod, Cafu, Rangerous, yashlro, esssinine, Lemon2, Smoky7, Prince7, Sponge05, georgemagnum, Tai_zi21, ken6890, lone_dog69, forsaken101, Rasta Marley, ly1968, SAFFRONnation, aakumu, topcook1, ngengheng, sunhuan-con, surbana, needsing38, SteelX, hamsapkwai, ho-lee, wkc77, liewkc2503, max_priest, cavemanng, ah rat, loneyheart, seabass, hungten, simple2kee, NorthEast, gozoo, meatvegelove, F-boy, unicornboy, nokia3510, sianren, GOODFELLO, skyleon, CoCk shoCk, Informer, Shiofukis, Masakarius, aDeCaLs, S.B.Y.1, CaptAm, bk81665, schmeichel, brunt, Clownteaser, Furby85, kopigaogao, Pink2577, 3MOQ, smartke, Exbros, braxlex, ProjectAlice, kengng, PeaceKris, menshealth, Fansees, bk4ever, jjmagic, Mplover, justanewbie, vrossi1980, EnjoyLife99, Sleepyguy2, Slide2despair, dyelook, plsfloodme, riderboy, wally888, Ktvbuddy, 69sex, tookara, SiaSuay, simimabochap, OysterLover, TonyCheong2, Effendy, Tho66, lobowolf, imfirecracker, Penguin23, diputs1269, Josh_Ray, bigbirdbird, nastythaiboy, Cash8877, otamay, CuriousSG, vanram, faithevans, lobangkingz, rawboy83, KaraII, Cloudy80, hoian, Toobee, reading, nantboy7, KenTeo, chukeliang, smay, cheeseL, asgapi, sky88, Msuzu, Goalie, Tension68, Saltyraw, jay.lay, KREMIL, Botakhead, Pompous, Jay chou, vampangel, rocketscientist, Charlie130, fei_fei45, draven78eric, ejectjoy, MattJB, newyorker88, FEDERER801, jessieisabitch, pocketrocket, ParaParaSakura, kick_ass, wohaha96, Malaysian Datuk, albertchen123, SMGG, Me Siam Bu, ipay4six, MarkNgSiongBoon, Oh yes, Zeith, ronin_dark, nixjrr, t4tortoise, Rally, water_boi, newton, korean, leumas, sky_liner2, unfit, khoon1, silver5surfer, w00f, dysfunk, january29, Love 6969, vampiredevil, HornyYoungBoy07, Rickey, BADDDman, Ninja Master, naturegreen, retepoet, HC NEWBIRD, stiwrx, Samdude, Cando, FatMan, stevebigkok, fatguy, PaleFace, sc slayer, UnknownZzZ, oxeso, Havanna Slicks, SEX-NEWBIE, nitecrawllerr, candle2000, clubsapphire69, ImbaME, SimplyUnperfect, mike3329, Sheepheadram, submarinez, shawn_mib, hiaokong, HornyKingKong, SG10, solopop, fire_element, meijipcc, Madpig, seekrelax, conquer, tayahboy, doubledutch, KDLiverpool, qazxcvbnm, nierenwang, waikeekee, princeofpersia, hakone, GladBoy, itguy07, silverug, Dygrady, dbrudder, snrlee, love2paint, HonestCrook, qizai, ShaolinHamster, willy12pee, Catch22, QT169, shuaiige521, ejazz, XXLCat, sg50, KnowItAll, Exceed, bigtube99, frozenicex, Wdydx, junyi91, Keith2001, Black Page, jsparrow, laoba, 胡's your daddy!, Gingerman, danny888, stpboc, masterwanker, zl1983, ttok6672, hakone12, doedoe31, rocket1128, TheMentalist, WhiteRunner, gasscut, realTrump, Lawrence1713, Jubilation, waynelimyenyew1, mevius, Truthful, oreoman, roja, Devil Reds, jake1, Acegik, JRthe6, RTTO, XingLing, 1deg, guest68, alanthegreat, thedevil666, pacinse, launua2, Alpha001, Shadow_warrior, Kittybloom, a2014, Gilengkiatdaddy, alanthedevil, audiophile239, hotshot185, Evilectus, limyenyew, gongzhu100, Super00, 222nge, Steventan

Will up users next in following order :

Priority List (Those with 10 Rep Power and above)

Queue List (Those with 9 Rep Power and below)

The following Post have Expire, please PM me when you have a new post
Old 23-10-2017, 02:13 PM
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Re: Old birds please report in:

Min 4 points and above for exchange. NON Premium & NON Donor, Click the link BELOW and upz me at that thread will get priority return & BONUS 10 more point EXTRA. !!

Q list 2 ONLY

Q list(To up 49 pts)NIL

(To up 39 pts)Hurricane88, BADddman

M.I.A lists can't return favour pls PM me : Reading, pirate1,dragoco, junyi91,willy12pee, forzenicex,brunt,bbbjkim, lovecat, blue_black, bummers

Buay Steady lists : Lls8, Ipay4six, blackites, Bikerlover, oxygen99, Bdevil666, Bluewind, Garagez, Berocca, Mst1, Onwrath, Piranas, desdes, Plmnc,Jason910, Burzum, Justice, ReDDhead, Ray2003, Edvil, jian593, dotz,flareon1982, jimgoh, ace_rc, whiplash, bono, tscjim, sipaychun, whatafuck,drpussy, qazz, beckham07, kabuki mask, K3lvin123, xiaobudian, amylove, rally, sunzhi, Mr romeo, birdlovely, wkc77, baronsengir, Chandler, Mr oreh, bblick, zeith

Min 4 pts for exchange. Click the URL above ⬆️for my latest post anytime when is my turn

next up: No Q
Old 23-10-2017, 04:13 PM
zl1983 zl1983 is offline
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Re: Old birds please report in:

+13 available for +7 and above

pls PM after upping for faster return or if i have yet to return ur up

Old 23-10-2017, 04:17 PM
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Re: Old birds please report in:

Uplist is empty.

11 pts for exchange. Min 6
2nd rd:
Slyer, Loneyheart, SimplyUnperfect, Sailsingapore, szczesny, Josh_Ray, randily, gilaxes, S.B.Y.1, ly1968, Rasta Marley, esssinine, Silver5surfer, Pink2577, hamsapkwai, devilchan78, SG10, Arse-nal, Honestcrook, Northeast, guest68, cafu, needsing38, bigbirdbird
Old 24-10-2017, 12:22 AM
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Re: Old birds please report in:

Want to exchange points?
Minimum Power4 to trade
*Include your nickname when u up

Waiting for their return upzz -->> Many

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Searching for nympho FB/FWB. PM me
Old 24-10-2017, 12:59 AM
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Re: Old birds please report in:

Originally Posted by HornyYoungBoy07 View Post
Uplist is empty.

11 pts for exchange. Min 6
Up 14, Cheers !

Exchange of Points, just a Game for Fun.
Old 24-10-2017, 02:01 AM
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Re: Old birds please report in:

Min 4 points and above for exchange. NON Premium & NON Donor, Click the link BELOW and upz me at that thread will get priority return & BONUS 10 more point EXTRA. !!

Q list EMPTY

Q list(To up 49 pts)NIL

(To up 39 pts)NIL

M.I.A lists can't return favour pls PM me : Reading, pirate1,dragoco, junyi91,willy12pee, forzenicex,brunt,bbbjkim, lovecat, blue_black, bummers

Buay Steady lists : Lls8, Ipay4six, blackites, Bikerlover, oxygen99, Bdevil666, Bluewind, Garagez, Berocca, Mst1, Onwrath, Piranas, desdes, Plmnc,Jason910, Burzum, Justice, ReDDhead, Ray2003, Edvil, jian593, dotz,flareon1982, jimgoh, ace_rc, whiplash, bono, tscjim, sipaychun, whatafuck,drpussy, qazz, beckham07, kabuki mask, K3lvin123, xiaobudian, amylove, rally, sunzhi, Mr romeo, birdlovely, wkc77, baronsengir, Chandler, Mr oreh, bblick, zeith

Min 4 pts for exchange. Click the URL above ⬆️for my latest post anytime when is my turn

next up: No Q

Last edited by MarlboroKen; 24-10-2017 at 09:12 PM.
Old 24-10-2017, 07:29 AM
zl1983 zl1983 is offline
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Re: Old birds please report in:

+13 available for +7 and above

pls PM after upping for faster return or if i have yet to return ur up

Old 24-10-2017, 09:37 AM
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Re: Old birds please report in:

13 Apples to give away...

PM meeee!!!

NB: Contribute something decent & you'll get my support (17pts giving out each day)...Minimum 15 points for exchange please
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