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Old 15-03-2020, 11:07 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
As the old saying goes, one man's meat is one man's poison. Likewise for women, they come in all shapes and sizes, so are their preferences. Rather to to potency to be someone you are not, might as well just be yourself and find the ladies who like your type.
In short, be sincere. You need not tell them the full truth but try not to lie. No one likes a liar.
Bro, tks. Well said.

Sincerity is an important trait.

Originally Posted by moneymoneycome View Post
Thoughts become words, words become actions. Subconcious belief is indeed very real.Never be put down by negative remarks or actions from anyone, men or women. Just move on when encounter these type of people, there will always be someone that will appreciate the character one possesses. Remember 天生我并才有用。
Bro, tks for your post.

Yes, your subconscious beliefs and mental frames will determine how successful and happy you're in life.

Originally Posted by atbs View Post
Bro WB

Thank you for the nice post above. Also for past 11 years of contribution.

Gal was rather fake when they said don't want.

Guy must be able to distinguish the difference and be patient to see. Best is have a set of preset actions and words.

Women will be able to decipher the messages and in their sub-conscious mind will be able to make the best decision.

Sometimes women get attracted for some slightest detail example handsome dress well, nice talker, big money spender, etc.

Many r/s are complex and variations.

Just enjoy the ride.

Happy weekend.
Bro, good post.

Very good advice, tks.

Originally Posted by preciousfire View Post
Fully agreed, gals always say the opposite.

Very nice thread by bro WB, thanks.

Tks, bro.

Originally Posted by eveofxmas View Post

I agreed with your rules above.

Best let her talk and guy listen. If she interested she said it and if not interested nothing guy do will improve the situation.

Just that in many cases money can settle matters and that is not the point.

If any relationships depend on money to resolve then very transactional. Although money is key to any relationship because no money no honey too.

What I stated above is guy still need to have money to spend to go on meals, movies, trips and so on.

Hope can learn from WB master here.

Thanks and cheers.
Bro, tks.

I'm no master. Just a guy trying to learn about life, happiness and women.

Originally Posted by McCannOppo View Post
Excellent thread here, thanks bro WB.

Tks, bro.

Originally Posted by girlassassin View Post
Agreed to the rules too, hoping to learn more from bro WB in this great thread.

Have a good weekend.
Good rules to follow, tks.

Originally Posted by DBSTeller View Post
Well said bro, give a LIKE!!
Tks, bro.


Good evening!

Here is an interesting article about disagreeing with girls/women of your type.

The Power of Disagreeing With Women

by Anti-Dump

It is disastrous to validate a woman's feelings and agree too much with her.

When you first meet a woman, she looks for strength and confidence FIRST. She is basically looking you over. She is not concerned at that time if you support her ideas or feelings.

She wants a man who can handle this world. "Can he take it?" she asks.

In the beginning she is not interested in your relationship skills.

She is interested in observing you in action.

The First Thing She Looks For

How does he handle people?

How does he handle his car breaking down?

Does he pound walls? Does he lose it?

These are the FIRST things she looks for.

In the first three months if you act too agreeable, or validate her feelings too much, she interprets this as being SOFT.

A tough man has a gentle side, but it is crazy to present the soft side in the very beginning.


Because a woman will think you are ALL SOFT.

You must be confident with a touch of compassion for others.

That's about it for the first year of dating.

Why You Should Disagree with Her

I make it a point to disagree once on each date.

It's a test.

I want to see if she can handle small disagreements.

Many men go along all the way for the first month or two. This is a mistake.

Validating and defending a woman comes later on in the relationship. You get respect only later on.

After one year validating becomes GOLD to a woman.

In the beginning, it is relationship destroying.

I am not saying treat her badly. Please don't post me back saying that.

You give her basic respect. You are friendly, etc.

But you are careful not to support her too much when you first meet. Because she will interpret it as a character flaw called WEAKNESS.

Now all women are going to disagree. But that is the truth.

That's why nice guys get rejected.

I can't agree w/ the above more.

The most attractive, high quality girls/women of your type are most attracted to a man's masculine character and his awesome emotional/self mastery.

But don't disagree just to disagree. Disagree only when she is wrong.

Never forget that LESS is MORE w/ women. And never forget you're the PRIZE. Otherwise, you will fail miserably w/ girls/women of your type.


Bro WB
Old 16-03-2020, 02:33 AM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
As the old saying goes, one man's meat is one man's poison. Likewise for women, they come in all shapes and sizes, so are their preferences. Rather to to potency to be someone you are not, might as well just be yourself and find the ladies who like your type.
In short, be sincere. You need not tell them the full truth but try not to lie. No one likes a liar.
Nice guys are better than male liars!

Every lady doesn’t want to waste time with a man who keeps lying to her at all times
Old 16-03-2020, 04:56 AM
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Originally Posted by crystalgal View Post
Nice guys are better than male liars!

Every lady doesn’t want to waste time with a man who keeps lying to her at all times
But somehow in our dating scene here in sg girls lying is usually always given a free pass and expected to be forgiven.

Many times I laugh when women say this or that criteria applies for men in their eyes. Because a lot of them don't have a mirror to look at themselves and see if they can do the same or are hypocrites in love.
Old 16-03-2020, 12:23 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
The Power of Disagreeing With Women

I can't agree w/ the above more.

The most attractive, high quality girls/women of your type are most attracted to a man's masculine character and his awesome emotional/self mastery.

But don't disagree just to disagree. Disagree only when she is wrong.

Never forget that LESS is MORE w/ women. And never forget you're the PRIZE. Otherwise, you will fail miserably w/ girls/women of your type.


Bro WB
Bro WB

Very nice and interesting thread here. Also very nice forum above.

Is alright to disagree by picking on her when she wrong. Create humor base on simple mistakes she did. She will hate you but meantime cherish you.

In this coronavirus time, best to have fixed girl to bonk. Dangerous to go out and need to register if anyone caught the virus. Contact tracing will reveal everything.

Bro care to share how you go about it?

Also are you in Gotham or Singapore?

Old 16-03-2020, 09:26 PM
strikeback9413 strikeback9413 is offline
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by baltimore View Post
Bro WB

Very nice and interesting thread here. Also very nice forum above.

Is alright to disagree by picking on her when she wrong. Create humor base on simple mistakes she did. She will hate you but meantime cherish you.

In this coronavirus time, best to have fixed girl to bonk. Dangerous to go out and need to register if anyone caught the virus. Contact tracing will reveal everything.

Bro care to share how you go about it?

Also are you in Gotham or Singapore?

Fully agreed, very interesting thread indeed, thanks to bro WB

Have a good week ahead.
Old 17-03-2020, 03:19 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Happened to come across this wonderful thread.

Thanks bro WB, wish to learn more here!
Old 18-03-2020, 03:55 PM
Snoke Snoke is offline
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Bro wb

I should had read your post below and maybe I will start on a better footing.

My story goes -

I am a shy guy with little to no self confident. There was this girl who sat next to me in a class. We attended a SFC class. I was always rushing and she will reserved the seat next to me. She asked me if I have time for some food after class and I said yes. After that whatever she ask and I also said yes. I didn't know how to reject her.

By the time, I realized when she refused to answer my messages, I realized I may had spent plenty of my monies

I think I am too shy to deny anything and cannot understand what went wrong till I read your thread.

I think I may not the only one but plenty of guys here trapped in this situation.

Sorry for been long winded.

Thank you for reading.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

The Power of Disagreeing With Women

by Anti-Dump

It is disastrous to validate a woman's feelings and agree too much with her.

When you first meet a woman, she looks for strength and confidence FIRST. She is basically looking you over. She is not concerned at that time if you support her ideas or feelings.

She wants a man who can handle this world. "Can he take it?" she asks.

In the beginning she is not interested in your relationship skills.

She is interested in observing you in action.

The First Thing She Looks For

How does he handle people?

How does he handle his car breaking down?

Does he pound walls? Does he lose it?

These are the FIRST things she looks for.

In the first three months if you act too agreeable, or validate her feelings too much, she interprets this as being SOFT.

A tough man has a gentle side, but it is crazy to present the soft side in the very beginning.


Because a woman will think you are ALL SOFT.

You must be confident with a touch of compassion for others.

That's about it for the first year of dating.

Why You Should Disagree with Her

I make it a point to disagree once on each date.

It's a test.

I want to see if she can handle small disagreements.

Many men go along all the way for the first month or two. This is a mistake.

Validating and defending a woman comes later on in the relationship. You get respect only later on.

After one year validating becomes GOLD to a woman.

In the beginning, it is relationship destroying.

I am not saying treat her badly. Please don't post me back saying that.

You give her basic respect. You are friendly, etc.

But you are careful not to support her too much when you first meet. Because she will interpret it as a character flaw called WEAKNESS.

Now all women are going to disagree. But that is the truth.

That's why nice guys get rejected.


Bro WB
Old 19-03-2020, 11:20 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

My story is almost similar to yours, I am a shy guy too.

Thanks bro WB for this amazing thread.


Originally Posted by Snoke View Post
Bro wb

I should had read your post below and maybe I will start on a better footing.

My story goes -

I am a shy guy with little to no self confident. There was this girl who sat next to me in a class. We attended a SFC class. I was always rushing and she will reserved the seat next to me. She asked me if I have time for some food after class and I said yes. After that whatever she ask and I also said yes. I didn't know how to reject her.

By the time, I realized when she refused to answer my messages, I realized I may had spent plenty of my monies

I think I am too shy to deny anything and cannot understand what went wrong till I read your thread.

I think I may not the only one but plenty of guys here trapped in this situation.

Sorry for been long winded.

Thank you for reading.
Old 20-03-2020, 04:20 AM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by atbs View Post
Bro WB

Thank you for the nice post above. Also for past 11 years of contribution.

Gal was rather fake when they said don't want.

Guy must be able to distinguish the difference and be patient to see. Best is have a set of preset actions and words.

Women will be able to decipher the messages and in their sub-conscious mind will be able to make the best decision.

Sometimes women get attracted for some slightest detail example handsome dress well, nice talker, big money spender, etc.

Many r/s are complex and variations.

Just enjoy the ride.

Happy weekend.
Haha well said, cannot deny the above sometimes.
But to say they are fake when they say they don't want...
Hmm, sometimes they are just testing the guy, and sometimes they really don't want.
And it's like you say, guys have to learn to tell the difference.
Old 20-03-2020, 11:50 AM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by earlgreylatte View Post
Haha well said, cannot deny the above sometimes.
But to say they are fake when they say they don't want...
Hmm, sometimes they are just testing the guy, and sometimes they really don't want.
And it's like you say, guys have to learn to tell the difference.
Hi Bro

When dealing with girls there is no rocket science. Need to do trial and error. Also need to know she is a willing party. Best is to take it slowly.

If I am not wrong, once she allow kissing and frenching then her pussy most likely to be yours for the taking. Frenching sends plenty of lusts to woman senses and she should be wet. The other technique should be if she allowed you to suck her breasts and rest should be history. If guy didn't enter her then I believed the girl will be upset and angry. Chances are guy may never have the chance to see her anymore.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Happy weekend ahead.
Old 20-03-2020, 11:57 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I prefer to move around. It's healthier than sitting down. Besides, that is the only way to see the greatest number of girls. I often join bevy of gals following a mummy to 试台. Of course, I don't enter the room. I get to look at the gals closely, smell their scent and I may jokingly say booking me is FOC.

I also don't limit my approch to inside and outside KTVs. It could be in any country, anywhere, anytime, any gals...

I use my judgement. I'll not approach the pretty young mistress of a Mexican drug kingpin, for example.

Cheers to all samsters,

Bro WB
Bro WB

Thanks for the nice post above.

The fact that when you have girl sitting beside you and guy still walk around sends a rush to the girl telling her she may not be the choice but guy is the ultimate PRIZE.

Competition always good to drive better service.

Often when sitting with one girl in ktv, girl will try not to allow this and that. Once you bring another girl to sit besides then realized the former girl starts to be jealous and allow more roaming.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Happy weekend ahead.
Old 20-03-2020, 11:59 AM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by TheIdesOfMarch View Post
But somehow in our dating scene here in sg girls lying is usually always given a free pass and expected to be forgiven.

Many times I laugh when women say this or that criteria applies for men in their eyes. Because a lot of them don't have a mirror to look at themselves and see if they can do the same or are hypocrites in love.
Women are difficult to understand
Old 20-03-2020, 12:04 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by seabream View Post
Hi Bro

When dealing with girls there is no rocket science. Need to do trial and error. Also need to know she is a willing party. Best is to take it slowly.

If I am not wrong, once she allow kissing and frenching then her pussy most likely to be yours for the taking. Frenching sends plenty of lusts to woman senses and she should be wet. The other technique should be if she allowed you to suck her breasts and rest should be history. If guy didn't enter her then I believed the girl will be upset and angry. Chances are guy may never have the chance to see her anymore.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Happy weekend ahead.
Agree with you to the point.

Trying to learn more from bro WB and this wonderful forum.

Have a nice day.
Old 20-03-2020, 05:08 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by seabream View Post
Hi Bro

When dealing with girls there is no rocket science. Need to do trial and error. Also need to know she is a willing party. Best is to take it slowly.

If I am not wrong, once she allow kissing and frenching then her pussy most likely to be yours for the taking. Frenching sends plenty of lusts to woman senses and she should be wet. The other technique should be if she allowed you to suck her breasts and rest should be history. If guy didn't enter her then I believed the girl will be upset and angry. Chances are guy may never have the chance to see her anymore.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Happy weekend ahead.
Hi bro, indeed this is no rocket science. But you can find some patterns to their behaviour sometimes.

I generally do not allow kissing for reasons. And no, I do not get wet from kissing/frenching. Fingering is the way to go. Neither do I feel it when guys suck my boobs. Has it ever occurrd to you that you only managed to f the girl because they are also fulfilling their own needs? For me, I only let guys f me when I need it. So in short, they are letting you f them coz they have needs, be it monetary or physical, or they really like you.

Just my two cents. This of course, does not represent the view of the entire women population. But I feel this is one way to look at it.
Old 20-03-2020, 09:31 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by seabream View Post
Bro WB

Thanks for the nice post above.

The fact that when you have girl sitting beside you and guy still walk around sends a rush to the girl telling her she may not be the choice but guy is the ultimate PRIZE.

Competition always good to drive better service.

Often when sitting with one girl in ktv, girl will try not to allow this and that. Once you bring another girl to sit besides then realized the former girl starts to be jealous and allow more roaming.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Happy weekend ahead.
Yes, PRIZE is the word, no correction needed!

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