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Old 25-12-2018, 01:13 PM
sanuuk sanuuk is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by dreamboiboi555 View Post
+6 for exchange
Sanuuk up on a X mas day!
Old 25-12-2018, 02:05 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Hello Bros,
I am still looking to exchange points with any Bros out there.
In the last seven months, I have upped 378 Bros and 337 have upped me back.
Still waiting for another 41 Bros to respond.

My Up list for next few days -
My queue s empty, so return of points will be fast.

For the following, please PM me your latest posting so I can up you back.
laglag, ironbaby, tayahboy,

Waiting for the following Bros to return uppz -
pocketrocket, XiaoChun77, xaiolibiantai, vanityandwax, , jojoboy, ah-miu, drag28nick, neonxenon, ddog, Eric22 , kingston_81, NinjaWarrior112, Botakhead2, funboi, Aydenchua, goo_ey, 69sex, heyadi, ryu80, impossible, burntdieyou99, LanJiaoSeh, tcsgtcsg , Docow1000, bigloser0, llpatrick, wpns, DJMixolist, iamzombie, KhitTheungKhoon , sweetbabes, JustBubryIT, Brother, Gump, nihaoma, soulblader, dodo654321, Muhahaha, rocket1128

If I have missed out anyone, please PM me.

Have a great day!
I like to be Happy. Please up me and make me Happier!!!
Old 25-12-2018, 02:20 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by dreamboiboi555 View Post
+6 for exchange
Hi bro...

Have up you w 12 pts fo exchange....

Targeting to join the 10k points Club..
Min 5 points to trade.

Old 25-12-2018, 02:23 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by xiaomidnightz View Post
Sorry some might not be able to up yet as we previously traded before & I havent trade recently, so its on 2nd queue list. Got feeling alot will be on 2nd queue list.

Pls PM New Post:

Queue List: QT169, Sex1314, Super00, BigBird123, bpafree39, nitecrawllerr, zl1983, Swagelock, Islands, simple2kee, guest68, ah rat, powerkid, magix01, JuzOldGuy, Rasta Marley

2nd Queue List: siam66, Hurricane88, SureScore, loneyheart, Koiz, PeaceKris, CoCk shoCk, S.B.Y.1, esssinine, Prince7, Clownteaser,

Upz: hungten, Hanster, icypryce, Shiofukis, w00f, MarlboroKen, 4Dguru, ejectjoy, mike3329, Apollo, Wankjanice, 69sex, Kalv, Goalie, 222nge, Solopop, Vampiredevil, Gladboy, HRHorniness, oxeso, SG10, Tai_zi21, meatvegelove, owen10, arse-nal, CumExplorer, Kyc2110, Cloudy80, Passerbyer, Sex crusader, Shataukokdog, darkmania, slicker69, jay.lay, candle2000, Bigbluebird, Linkus, love2paint,
Hi bro....

Have up you w 12 pts for exchange....

Targeting to join the 10k points Club..
Min 5 points to trade.

Old 25-12-2018, 02:28 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

15 points for exchange
Please leave your nick when u upped my points and I will return favour asap. Thanks.
Exchange of points are welcome too but with minimum of 5 pointers.

Next up list:
Old 25-12-2018, 02:30 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by dreamboiboi555 View Post
+6 for exchange
7 furby upz
Minimum 3 to exchange

2nd round list - hamsapkwai,everlasty,222nge,TwinTowers ,seebeysong, cloudy80, Passerbyer, nixjrr, 69sex,Linkus, unfit, tai_zi21, danny888, powerman881, HavannaSlicks, hungten,Grey82, Apollo, Owen10, vampiredevil, sanuuk, esssinine
Old 25-12-2018, 02:47 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Selamat Hari Natal

Fire up 5 shots kopi gao gao!
Old 25-12-2018, 02:58 PM
swaggering swaggering is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Exchange 4 points up!
Old 25-12-2018, 03:01 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by swaggering View Post
Exchange 4 points up!
Done, upz u humble 8pts
trade pts >=4 pts
Old 25-12-2018, 03:02 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

One point for exchange
Old 25-12-2018, 03:06 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

any 3 pointers & above wanna exchange points?

i up the following people on these dates.
kindly return me when ready.

(2018/12/25) upped moonblood
(2018/12/25) upped xTangOx

(2018/12/24) upped (.)(.) lover (returned me on 24th Dec)
(2018/12/24) upped kelvindartz
(2018/12/23) upped jason9
(2018/12/23) upped (^_^) (returned me on 23rd Dec)
(2018/12/22) upped RumpRanger
(2018/12/22) upped 1stKing (returned me on 23rd Dec)
(2018/12/21) upped NamWee
(2018/12/21) upped dodo654321
(2018/12/20) upped LUCKY4261 (returned me on 22nd Dec)
(2018/12/20) upped Heliboy (returned me on 23rd Dec)
(2018/12/18) upped ballzz
(2018/12/18) upped tastertaster
(2018/12/17) upped deadcalmer
(2018/12/17) upped ryanliew
(2018/12/16) upped johnjohntan (returned me on 20th Dec)
(2018/12/16) upped Masakarius (returned me on 16th Dec)
(2018/12/15) upped 0541774
(2018/12/15) upped Linnie
(2018/12/13) upped wpns
(2018/12/13) upped marshmelloman72
(2018/12/12) upped bruteforce
(2018/12/12) upped dinoo
(2018/12/11) upped nawtgree
(2018/12/11) upped pe1964
(2018/12/10) upped ShittyAss (returned me on 10th Dec)
(2018/12/10) upped chris8080 (returned me on 10th Dec)
(2018/12/09) upped innocent888 (returned me on 10th Dec)
(2018/12/09) upped shctaw (returned me on 10th Dec)
(2018/12/08) upped waaaaaa (returned me on 11th Dec)
(2018/12/08) upped justfuck (returned me on 13th Dec)
(2018/12/07) upped Hot cake (returned me on 8th Dec)
(2018/12/07) upped owl888
(2018/12/05) upped Mr.romance
(2018/12/05) upped tenggiri (returned me on 7th Dec)
(2018/12/04) upped maximus74
(2018/12/04) upped Wetdevil (returned me on 10th Dec)
(2018/12/03) upped deadmaninc75
(2018/12/03) upped snipenite17
(2018/12/02) upped Cookiemobster
(2018/12/02) upped roystonxx
(2018/12/01) upped Cengiz
(2018/12/01) upped sal1234 (returned me on 9th Dec)
(2018/11/30) upped osamalee
(2018/11/29) upped ysoserious
2018/11/28 upped Dark Angel
2018/11/28 upped NinjaWarrior112
2018/11/27 upped Aydenchua
2018/11/26 upped ryu80 (returned me on 23rd Dec)
2018/11/25 upped dieseldfd (returned me on 10th Dec)
2018/11/25 upped lor16geylang (returned me on 21st Dec)
(2018/11/24) upped eXquisitew0w
(2018/11/22) upped blurrsotong
(2018/11/21) upped armour88
(2018/11/21) upped m0n0n0ke
(2018/11/19) upped staycool6543
(2018/11/18) upped leehuashen
(2018/11/17) upped torackham
(2018/11/17) upped d1777
(2018/11/16) upped ejazz
(2018/11/16) upped Vaporiserz
(2018/11/15) upped MakeLuv
(2018/11/15) upped kang_kang
(2018/11/14) upped lion81
(2018/11/13) upped Draculax
(2018/11/12) upped zenden_05
(2018/11/12) upped commedes
(2018/11/11) upped hornymarthafock
(2018/11/10) upped PureHeart
(2018/11/10) upped sads
(2018/11/09) upped mattrayham
(2018/11/09) upped merelyevil
(2018/11/08) upped jimmypang
(2018/11/06) upped kingston_81
(2018/11/06) upped bleak
(2018/11/05) upped supershaft
(2018/11/04) upped vitasoy84
(2018/11/03) upped Kinglopi
(2018/11/03) upped rabbitboy
(2018/11/02) upped jaguarbkk
(2018/11/01) upped peiyee80
(2018/11/01) upped babysky
(2018/10/31) upped kingster
(2018/10/30) upped JOHN
(2018/10/30) upped greensgood
(2018/10/29) upped SmartMat
(2018/10/28) upped kennethmak
(2018/10/28) upped shinoda
(2018/10/27) upped ds84
(2018/10/27) upped Naproxen
(2018/10/26) upped fan Man
(2018/10/26) upped trancedance
(2018/10/24) upped cheesepotato
(2018/10/24) upped fanks
(2018/10/23) upped jenoroth
(2018/10/23) upped Levis
(2018/10/22) upped blakxtik
(2018/10/19) upped protocol
(2018/10/18) upped phony
(2018/10/16) upped ray_lee
(2018/10/16) upped staminadick
(2018/10/15) upped ahseng00
2018/10/14 upped soupandsalad
2018/10/13 upped xiaolibiantai
(2018/10/10) upped OnlyLiveOnce
2018/10/07 upped Violet
2018/10/07 upped Ah Jet
2018/10/06 upped Ah Jet
2018/09/28 upped mr101
2018/09/26 upped Hestia
2018/09/25 upped TangoNovember
2018/09/24 upped defir
2018/09/19 upped seabass
2018/09/13 upped jotan
2018/09/12 upped LouisVuiitton
2018/09/11 upped cosyman
2018/09/07 upped hannibald
2018/09/05 upped hcg_explorer
2018/09/05 upped fenwick
2018/09/02 upped qualia
2018/08/30 upped deadchief (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/29 upped kass (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/22 upped furyviper (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/22 upped s3nt0sa (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/20 upped Kimskull (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/18 upped luvbuttery (returned me on 19th Nov)
2018/08/13 upped jayroxy (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/12 upped weareyoungblood (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/11 upped miloluv (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/09 upped hoobastalib (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/06 upped sammyboss (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/06 upped ailestriker (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/04 upped ttgger (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/04 upped owen1 (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/08/02 upped maddog_mlvn (Gentle Reminder on 1st Oct)
2018/07/31 upped lepak32 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/30 upped sponge05 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/27 upped sub51 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/26 upped Bizsta (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/26 upped coolberg (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/25 upped masam (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/21 upped i^Xi0n (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/20 upped ReelSchnick (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/19 upped sean_j (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/14 upped BalletGal (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/14 upped otur (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/09 upped pippo2002 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/09 upped redwolf (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/06 upped basfreak (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/05 upped hotindboi (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/07/03 upped cuckoobirdee (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/30 upped shakatak (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/30 upped Presto6969 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/22 upped diputs1269 (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/20 upped darky (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/17 upped ddog (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/14 upped `destinY (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/13 upped jbjumbo (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/06/11 upped thaigers (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/05/30 upped canonboy1234 (returned me on 5th Dec)
2018/05/21 upped stephenL (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
2018/05/17 upped kopigaogao (Gentle Reminder on 31st Aug)
i owe the following people, will try every month to see if able to return.

KnowItAll (i returned on 14th Dec)
Meijipcc (i returned on 14th Dec)
pomrakthai (i returned on 29th Nov)
nokia3510 (i returned on 26th Nov)
rawboy83 (i returned on 21st Nov)
arboy123 (i returned on 20th Nov)
j1252 (i returned on 20th Nov)
Rasta Marley
CoCk shoCk
me siam bu
wu song jr
not interested in exchange points.
Old 25-12-2018, 03:20 PM
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Talking Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by swaggering View Post
Exchange 4 points up!
Up 13 for exchange
Old 25-12-2018, 03:21 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

+9 daily for exchange!
**PM me for 2nd/3rd round exchange

20 320 4/3 raygoat+15, 3/3 Fishcer+20

IOU list: 20/1 4dguru+18, 18/12 marklui520+9, 8/12 Shiofukis+17, 4/12 Joined2005+10, 16/11 WOOHOO+20, 15/11 the old nite+20
Old 25-12-2018, 03:25 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

20 pts for exchange
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round

33 081 4/3 raygoat+15, 25/2 Returning favour bro thanks=messi

2nd xchange list:
27/1 Samkieu+12, 15/1 marklui520+9, 16/11 4Dguru+18, 23/10 rawmaster101+13, 22/9 Havanna Slicks+23, 29/9 124asf124+7
Old 25-12-2018, 04:39 PM
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Smile Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by dreamboiboi555 View Post
+6 for exchange
Hi bro,
Have upped your points, for exchange, please.
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