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Old 23-04-2008, 09:03 PM
Mark Lim Mark Lim is offline
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

another chain of budget hotel in bj: ¿ì½Ý¾Æµê-±±¾©ÉñÖÛÉÌÂþƵêͶ×ʹÜÀíÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾»¶Ó­Äú
Old 24-04-2008, 12:00 AM
trellis001 trellis001 is offline
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Bro Mark,

I will be arriving in BJ on 25/4 afternoon and leaving 30/4. Where are the hottesh and fun places to go.

Thanks for advice.
Old 24-04-2008, 02:27 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Hi Brothers,

Just wanna share my incident with you all so that new guys in BJ may take note. After running in China for 5 yrs, this is my first Ripped Off experience!
Partly this is my first Beijing trip!!!

I went to 前海/后海 ard 11pm just earlier. There were a few guys trying to hook me up with gals but I rejected them. Then one lady say she act for pubs in 后海 and assured me the pub she taking me is transparent on all drink prices and lady that sit with you only rmb100 tips.
Since I never try this before, missing the Chengdu experience 2 wks back , I decided to try.

The beer price on the list look normal, 30-40rmb so i got 2 coronas and chose a gal from shenyang, ok syt not fantastic on body.
We were sitting outside on the open bar but she kept saying very awkward with people looking around and pleaded we go the ktv room, just 100rmb room fees, so in the end I relected since I thought may give me chance for some action.

In the room a lady immediately get tibits in but i reject most and choose a popcorn at rmb40.
We played dice and after a while another gal came in, say she will help with selecting the songs which is totally unnecessary since we were not singing, but as she is good on body, C cupper, I get her to sit.

We were haiving some fun playing with occasional touching of their boobs and my 1st gal, Ming Ming, just offer some light pecks, while the C-cupper more open and french with me n let me touches her boobs. Tot rmb100 ok la worth it.

As we were getting more fun, C-cupper took another 6 btl of coronas in, I was getting wary and told her that is all I will want to drink, not more.
After another while, she took in 2 pussy pink cocktails (rmb88 each) and I immediately told her off that she has to ask me before getting more drinks.
Showed my unhappiness and warned her.

After some while, when I was dirty dancing with C-cupper and autoroam getting more action, Ming Ming took in 3 glasses of drinks which I don't know what. Immediately I stopped her and scolded her, saying she never ask me and I never say ok to take in, furthermore our beers weren't finished yet.
I told them I am not paying for them and ask them to take out, and get the manager to settle the bills.

Already feeling something not right and want to bail out.

The Mgr came in and I complaint, initially he insist I have to pay but I stood my ground. The drinks is brandy actually and rmb168 each!!!
The bill was 1470++ and I insist I will pay for the beers and pussy pink but nothing more. I was already raising my voice and telling them they have to respect the customers and ask first before taking in the drinks. Not that I cannot pay but it is the principle behind in.

After 20mins of haggling, the manager say we settled at rmb1k, I relented and paid. Then on the tipping part, the gals say there is a "table fee" of rmb100 and I still need to pay rmb100 tips on top of that!!!

That was the last blow, I felt so ripped off. In the end just wanna end the whole saga and paid up rmb200 each in the end.

Whe I was out and in the cab, I realised in the heat of the moment I did not notice the total bill was wrong in the first place!

Beer 11 x rmb40 = 440
Pussy Pink cocktail rmb88 x 2 = 176
Room fee = rmb100
tibits = rmb40
brandy rmb168 x 3 = 504

Total should be 1260, not 1470!!!
So in the end after I paid rmb1k, I am actually paying extra rmb244!
Really feeling shitty!

Total damage RBM1400 for 2 hrs! Worst than going real KTV!!!!

So guys, do take note of my lesson learnt!
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Old 24-04-2008, 08:04 AM
Mark Lim Mark Lim is offline
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by trellis001 View Post
Bro Mark,

I will be arriving in BJ on 25/4 afternoon and leaving 30/4. Where are the hottesh and fun places to go.

Thanks for advice.
Bro Trellis,

introduce a clean nice place to you. i went to tianshang renjian last month with my client. we pk singing & drinking so each one took 2 bottles of Chivas undiluted. next day got a serious headache.

i went to the HQ of 良子 and got an emperor massage from head to toe, no hanky panky business. the girl massaging me is pretty, next time will try to sian her out. what i like is the bed, called 龙床, huge and very comfortable emperor bed. the massage is mix of chinese with thai. a 90min session cost less than 200rmb. my overhang was relieved after the head massage.

add: 海淀区西土城路13号,良子蓟门桥店。

remember to try 龙床, thrid floor.
Old 24-04-2008, 08:16 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by vfv_slr View Post
Hi Brothers,

Just wanna share my incident with you all so that new guys in BJ may take note. After running in China for 5 yrs, this is my first Ripped Off experience!
Partly this is my first Beijing trip!!!

Total damage RBM1400 for 2 hrs! Worst than going real KTV!!!!

So guys, do take note of my lesson learnt!
Bro vfv_slr,

these were formerly 黑店s in 三里屯. due to the face lifting of 三里屯, many of them move to 后海 now.

tibbits and sexy drinks(the girls will tell you they are 养颜)are their main sources of income, not the room charge or your beers. the girls main jobs there are open lots of tibbits and order many sexy drinks.

sorry for the bad experience. thanks for sharing it. others bros pls be more careful when you are approached by strangers on the street.

Mark Lim
Old 24-04-2008, 09:55 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Hi Bros,

Thanks to Mark Lim, CookieMonster & Wallyp88 for your kind suggestions and recommendations. I will check it out ASAP. Hahaha.

Thank you again.... gam sia....
Old 24-04-2008, 05:25 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Any outing this week? ...
Old 25-04-2008, 08:32 AM
cylim1 cylim1 is offline
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Hope to organise another outing this evening in Beijing. Anyone interested please sms me at 13701140280

CY Lim
Old 25-04-2008, 09:59 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by Mark Lim View Post

these were formerly 黑店s in 三里屯. due to the face lifting of 三里屯, many of them move to 后海 now.
Mark Lim
A lot of clubs and pubs in 后海 actually has see thru windows that allow you to have a full glance of the setup and activities in the club, I suppose these are clean places?

Have not go in, dun dare to try because almost every pub has guys standing outside trying to pull customer in. Feel like some hidden agenda inside etc ...
Old 25-04-2008, 02:39 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Hello everyone, I am a newbie here. I have read through the thread and found a lot of good information here. I have been a lucky guy. For the past few times that I've visited KTV in MY & SG, my friends took care of everything. Thus, I don't know how everything works. This time I will on my first business trip to BJ in May and hope to visit one if I've got the time. So, few questions to understand how everything works in BJ KTV:

* When do you pay the mami? After you've pick the girl?
* When do you pay the girl?
* Why do you usually pay the waitress the same amount as the girl? What kind of service do the waitress provide that is worth the same amount of tip as the girl?
* When do you pay the waitress?
* Does anyone come in to give you a hot towel? If yes, do you tip them?
* When you mention room is 700rmb. Is this for the whole night? From what time to what time?
* Does all expenses come in a bill at the end?
Old 25-04-2008, 06:52 PM
trellis001 trellis001 is offline
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by Mark Lim View Post
Bro Trellis,

introduce a clean nice place to you. i went to tianshang renjian last month with my client. we pk singing & drinking so each one took 2 bottles of Chivas undiluted. next day got a serious headache.

i went to the HQ of 良子 and got an emperor massage from head to toe, no hanky panky business. the girl massaging me is pretty, next time will try to sian her out. what i like is the bed, called 龙床, huge and very comfortable emperor bed. the massage is mix of chinese with thai. a 90min session cost less than 200rmb. my overhang was relieved after the head massage.

add: 海淀区西土城路13号,良子蓟门桥店。

remember to try 龙床, thrid floor.
Bro Mark,

Many thanks. Will arrive late tonight. Will try them over the weekend.
Old 25-04-2008, 11:51 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by Mark Lim View Post
Bro Trellis,

i went to the HQ of 良子 and got an emperor massage from head to toe, no hanky panky business. the girl massaging me is pretty, next time will try to sian her out. what i like is the bed, called 龙床, huge and very comfortable emperor bed. the massage is mix of chinese with thai. a 90min session cost less than 200rmb. my overhang was relieved after the head massage.

add: 海淀区西土城路13号,良子蓟门桥店。

remember to try 龙床, thrid floor.

Thanks for the intro, went last night, really not a bad experience. Surprise it was not crowded at all!

100min Msg at 200rmb is not really cheap but the skill of the lady, 20yo, #23, is pretty good. The foot msg at 130+ is exp though.

Only complaint I have was when they put the hot sand bag on the kneel cap, I did not realised it burnt the skin and now got blister! So brothers going there be careful.
The 龙床 is something new though!
To Be or Not To Be, Inside a CUNT ??
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Old 26-04-2008, 12:31 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

hi all bros, will be arriving in bj today & will be stattion there for my new posting. hope that all the bros can guide me or jio me along for activities ok see ya
Old 26-04-2008, 12:39 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by vfv_slr View Post

Thanks for the intro, went last night, really not a bad experience. Surprise it was not crowded at all!

100min Msg at 200rmb is not really cheap but the skill of the lady, 20yo, #23, is pretty good. The foot msg at 130+ is exp though.

Only complaint I have was when they put the hot sand bag on the kneel cap, I did not realised it burnt the skin and now got blister! So brothers going there be careful.
The 龙床 is something new though!
Bro, massage in beijing is generally more expensive than other cities like shenzhen. 良子 members get 30% discount. the last time i tried hot sand was put on my stomach, it helps digestion. you are right! those who cannot tahan hot needs to be careful. like foot massage hot water, this can be very very hot.
Old 26-04-2008, 09:53 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Hi Bro Mark

Looks like you are the Beijing infomaster. Ever tried the KingWing Hotel Jin Bi Hui Huang Club on 3rd floor? Posted this question lso in another thread.

Any idea what services they offer and what I should expect to pay? Would prefer girl in my own room (staying at same hotel)

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