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Old 22-01-2019, 10:20 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by shctaw View Post
Thank you to those upped me.

Current list to up -

( Click to show/hide )

Peacekris - 9 pts - done 15/12/18
Clownteaser - 9 pts - done 15/12/18
Wankjanice - 8 pts - done 16/12/18
Koiz - 9 pts - done - 16/12/18
hccheonger - done - 30/11/18
arse-nal - done - 30/11/18
CoCk shoCk - done - 1/12/18
Linkus - done - 1/12/18
wally888 - done - 2/12/18
diputs1269 - done - 2/12/18
randily - done - 3/12/18
prin - - done - 3/12/18
mike3329 - done - 4/12/18
dyelook - done - 4/12/18
Havanna Slicks - done - 5/12/18
Nixjrr - done - 5/12/18
Icypryce - done - 6/12/18
HRHorniness done - 6/12/18
silver5surfer - done - 8/12/18
Gilacow - done - 8/12/18
kristie009 - done - 9/12/18
darkmania - done - 9/12/18
magix01 - done - 10/12/18
grey82 - done - 10/12/18
SimplyUnperfect - done - 11/12/18
Aimbird- done - 13/12/18
Achieve - done - 17/12/18
oxeso - done - 17/1218
Vampiredevil - done - 18/12/18
Solopop - - done - 18/12/18
4Dguru - done - 20/12/18
dbhh - done - 20/12/18
Bigbluebird - done - 23/12/18
mattjb - - need latest post
Steventan - done - 23/12/18
jonkoller - done - 24/12/18
johnny21 - done - 24/12/18
Everlasty - done - 25/12/18
Islands - done - 25/12/18
zendra - done - 26/12/18
bluezben - done - 26/12/18
RI 1 - done - 27/12/18
Qazxcvbnm - done - 29/12/18
FitPartner - done - 30/12/18
kim-seng-heng - done - 31/12/18

dreamboiboi555 - done 4/1/19
andle2000 - done 4/1/19
Gladboy - done - 6/1/19
j1252 - done -7/1/19
Pompous - done - 9/1/19
silverug - done - 9/1/19
powerman881 - done 10/1/19
Alpha001 - done 14/1/10
木头和尚敲木鱼 - done 15/1/19
Cloudy80 - done 16/1/19
Informer - done 18/1/19
szczesny- done 18/1/19
jay.lay - done 20/1/19
Imogen -

NO Queue

PM sent to those who upped me and I cannot up yet. Will login daily to check for those newly ups.

I did exchanged points back in 2016. I may not be able to up those who had exchange with me.

Can always pm me to check if I can up you before exchange.

Will only exchange in this thread and +5 or more points please.

Thank you to those who upped but do not meet minimum points. Will up you when I lower my points requirements.

Up u 18 bro...
Please leave your Nick if you Up me so I can return your support!!Cheers mate!!!
Next to be up back in return :Nil
Old 22-01-2019, 10:52 AM
candle2000 candle2000 is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Returned 6 points


Originally Posted by yookevinyoo View Post
Returned the up bro!

queue-ing list for tomorrow: MarlboroKen
subsequently :FacesBook, ah rat,Apollo,CumExplorer,Smoky7,SG10,dyelook, slicker69,CoCk shoCk, RI 1,S.B.Y.1, DevilChan78, TwinTowers,Pinpongball,Solopop,Tai_zi21, Swagelock,Goalie,AhSoonNo1,shctaw ,BikinisLover, sailsingapore

P.S. in shock that having long queue for ups after the night, please try not to up me unless u want to join the queue ( queue-ing is respectable in SG )

P.S.P.S there is 1 bro who up-ed me 12 pts without leave his nick, please pm me for return up
At Least Power 3 to exchange
Old 22-01-2019, 10:54 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Thanks again to all bros for your kindness will return fav after the cooling period. Please do leave me your name so i can return your fav as well. Welcome any bro come to trade.

point added today for

Bro Pending return fav to when i can find your latest post or when i allow to return your fav
1. bpafree39
2. magix01
3. Swagelock - Bro can't find your name in the post, can PM me so i can return your fav..
4. Pompous
~~ Man that love to explore bushes and rabbit whole around.. ~~
Old 22-01-2019, 10:56 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by Grimwell View Post
Finally returned all the points

Bro pomrakthai, i can't find your post!
Up 6 points to exchange

At Least Power 3 to exchange
Old 22-01-2019, 10:56 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Hello Bros,
I am always looking to exchange points with any Bros out there.
In the last eight months, I have upped 426.

My Up list for next few days -
My queue is empty, so return of points will be fast.

For the following, please PM me your latest posting so I can up you back.

If I have missed out anyone, please PM me.

Have a great day!
I like to be Happy. Please up me and make me Happier!!!
Old 22-01-2019, 11:06 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

10 points for exchange.
Sharing is Better than Fighting

Knowledge is a treasure but practice is the key to it ~ Thomas Fuller.
Old 22-01-2019, 11:19 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by Grimwell View Post
Finally returned all the points

Bro pomrakthai, i can't find your post!
Up u 13 points bro

2nd round KIV return list: hungten, hayday, bonker guy, len75, lookingaround, ah rat, GladBoy, Sanuuk, MatthewC, 69sex, slicker69, Jay Chou, w00f, Apollo, swagelock, ejectjoy, essinine, zl1983, wohaha96, hccheonger, biostar, bigbirdbird

Old 22-01-2019, 11:45 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by Grimwell View Post
Finally returned all the points

Bro pomrakthai, i can't find your post!
Hi bro....

Have up you w 12 pts for exchange...

Targeting to join the 10k points Club..
Min 5 points to trade.

Old 22-01-2019, 12:37 PM
slicker69 slicker69 is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!


I have return all the pts. For those I am not able to return, I have pm you to provide me the latest entry update.

All bros are free to exchange. Cheers!

cherrylover------pm your new entry
LukasStar------pm your new entry
rey69------Done 1/11/18
Manofisle------Done 1/11/18
waaaaaa------Done 3/11/18
poseidon01------Done 3/11/18
1sly------Done 4/11/18
nihaoma------Done 4/11/18
Doomzie------Done 5/11/18
xerolegacy------Done 5/11/18
Suwy------Done 6/11/18
Violet------Done 6/11/18
pussyman72------Done 7/11/18
blakhock------Done 7/11/18
dirtymonk82------Done 8/11/18
Hereux------Done 8/11/18
itsme2014------Done 10/11/18
LoveSongs------Done 10/11/18
Aydenchua------Done 11/11/18
lobowolf------Done 11/11/18
goo_ey------Done 12/11/18
Ihunt------Done 12/11/18
agrip------Done 13/11/18
heyadi------Done 13/11/18
iTHasNoBrain------Done 14/11/18
FacesBook------Done 14/11/18
mevius------Done 15/11/18
hosei77------Done 15/11/18
SupremeD------Done 16/11/18
mangopudding------Done 16/11/18
LanJiaoSeh------Done 18/11/18
JunWuSeh------Done 18/11/18
fallen11------Done 19/11/18
qwerty1213------Done 19/11/18
hellobag------Done 20/11/18
Skypiea------Done 20/11/18
justforfun21------Done 21/11/18
tangoraven------Done 21/11/18
dieseldfd------Done 24/11/18
lor16geylang------Done 24/11/18
Xes2013------Done 25/11/18
xLeonx------Done 27/11/18
hornyboy1960------Done 27/11/18
MaxBonk------Done 28/11/18
hexboy------Done 28/11/18
otamay------Done 29/11/18
DXO88------Done 29/11/18
xiaomidnightz------Done 30/11/18
Docow1000------Done 30/11/18
JustBuryIT------Done 2/12/18
SMRTLTD------Done 2/12/18
zrekcuf------Done 3/12/18
llpatrick------Done 3/12/18
BenDanny------Done 4/12/18
Mariboro------Done 4/12/18
DJMixologist------Done 6/12/18
hamka------Done 6/12/18
KhitTheungKhoon------Done 7/12/18
BikinisLover------Done 7/12/18
Finisher------Done 9/12/18
dodo654321------Done 10/12/18
soulblader------Done 10/12/18
Sweetgems------Done 11/12/18
humpsupboi------Done 11/12/18
Gump------Done 12/12/18
Sweetbabes------Done 12/12/18
bluezben------Done 15/12/18
iam123456------Done 15/12/18
nickolas------Done 16/12/18
WhiteRunner------Done 16/12/18
shctaw------Done 17/12/18
Kiss4you------Done 17/12/18
Metroplex------Done 18/12/18
jackln------Done 19/12/18
Olduser------Done 19/12/18
PinkOcean------Done 22/12/18
KiraX_X------Done 24/12/18
Brother------Done 26/12/18
ExBros------Done 26/12/18
ironbaby------Done 27/12/18
kone3------Done 28/12/18
Luveberth------Done 28/12/18
minesweeper------Done 29/12/18
MapleOwl------Done 29/12/18
whitebull------Done 31/12/18
Gabri3lch0ng------Done 31/12/18
DigitalTV------Done 1/1/19
MisterPlayer------Done 1/1/19
xoder------Done 2/1/19
asiancigar------Done 2/1/19
Lorres------Done 3/1/19
Myoe------Done 3/1/19
OsamaBinLaden------Done 4/1/19
unfit------Done 4/1/19
AhSoonNo1------Done 5/1/19
madog------Done 7/1/19
xlao------Done 7/1/19
saikungao------Done 8/1/19
FLsuckers------Done 8/1/19
cavemao------Done 9/1/19
Zakarum------Done 9/1/19
SeaScorpion------Done 10/1/19
d0n0b------Done 10/1/19
jamesbond008------Done 11/1/19
driftingboy------Done 11/1/19
rainmaker1------Done 12/1/19
sgplaymaster------Done 12/1/19
frostfuryz------Done 14/1/19
HairyHairyBalls------Done 14/1/19
shucker92------Done 15/1/19
fullboost2bar------Done 16/1/19
LinQingXia------Done 16/1/19
coconutboy------Done 17/1/19
Mews------Done 17/1/19
!kung pow------Done 18/1/19
mickey76------Done 18/1/19
Aurevoir------Done 21/1/19
yookevinyoo------Done 21/1/19
Grimwell------Done 22/1/19
j1252------Done 22/1/19
Old 22-01-2019, 12:53 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by j1252 View Post
up you, thanks
Up 18 points
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell
Old 22-01-2019, 01:12 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

1 point for exchange
Old 22-01-2019, 01:27 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by SSTing View Post
pm me with your recent post if i have not returnz as i am looking for your post to returnz
No q now
All welcum
up 5 shots kopi gao gao!
Old 22-01-2019, 02:04 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

+8 and above to exchange
Old 22-01-2019, 02:06 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

8 red apples for exchange

Minimum 6^
Old 22-01-2019, 02:11 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Minimum power 5 to exchange
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