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Old 10-05-2014, 05:31 AM
steventan85 steventan85 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Let's zap TS...I hate Ppl let us hanging for more than 1month....not to say 3months...
Old 10-05-2014, 07:31 AM
EagerBeaver29 EagerBeaver29 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by steventan85 View Post
Let's zap TS...I hate Ppl let us hanging for more than 1month....not to say 3months...
Excuse me, TS doesn't owe you a goddamn thing... Zap Ki Lan?? U got power to zap??
Old 10-05-2014, 08:05 AM
xxducky xxducky is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by steventan85 View Post
Let's zap TS...I hate Ppl let us hanging for more than 1month....not to say 3months...
we also dun pay him in any form..... its totally up to him to continue anot.
Old 10-05-2014, 12:52 PM
ninjaturtles ninjaturtles is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

wth..zap me for supporting thread? TS doesnt owe u man. he has every right to post at his own time.
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Old 11-05-2014, 11:07 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by steventan85 View Post
Let's zap TS...I hate Ppl let us hanging for more than 1month....not to say 3months...
Hi Steventan. TS doesn't owe us anything.
I hate people who instigate others. However I can zap while you can't. the -7 was from me.
Chaos Undivided
Old 11-05-2014, 11:37 AM
curious11 curious11 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by steventan85 View Post
Let's zap TS...I hate Ppl let us hanging for more than 1month....not to say 3months...
you crazy ar? if you can't wait then go write one thread yourself lar..
Old 06-06-2014, 04:41 PM
tmoonfoxy tmoonfoxy is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Ts pls cum back... we are curious. ...
Old 06-06-2014, 05:16 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by darkshiver View Post
Hi Steventan. TS doesn't owe us anything.
I hate people who instigate others. However I can zap while you can't. the -7 was from me.
Will upz you for that. (Not that you need it, lol.) PM me next time you post.

I wish TS would return to finish his story, but sadly he seems to have moved on.
If you upz me, don't forget to include your nick so I can return the favour. Note, must have 2 points or more.

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Old 25-06-2014, 08:05 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Friday night
Venue: Handicap toilet

With the sexual urges gone from the climax, Carol and I have regained our senses and are tidying up our respective clothing in total silence. Once we are done, we give each other a little nod of our head and slowly open the toilet door, peering out from the little crevice to make sure no one is around. Only when the coast is confirmed clear do we open the door fully and walk out.

Carol is walking two steps in front of me. We have not uttered a single word since I released my shot into her, with her reaching her orgasm at the same time. Looking at her sexy bosom now makes me wonder if it was just a dream – did I really push my cock into that sexy ass of my sister-in-law? It just seems so surreal. That butt looks so inviting again. How great it would be if I can fuck that ass again.

Carol suddenly stops in her track, breaking me out from my lustful thoughts.

“No one is to know what had happened. And let’s forget about whatever has happened.”

My mind is still in a dazzled state and the only response I can muster is a silly smile with a shrug of my shoulders.

“Let’s go look for Zac and Claire.”

The mention of Zac and Claire. Yes, why was Carol trying to spy on them just now?

“Carol, why are you checking out Zac and Claire just now?”

My question stops Carol in her track and she pauses there.

“Err…..well……I also don’t know how to put it……”

“What do you mean?”

“Actually I have no idea what exactly has happened. You know, we went to Bangkok together. We are having quite a bit of fun together touring around. But something happened on the last day of the trip and Claire and Zac become very distant and awkward after that. The moment we reach home, Claire packs her stuff from my house and calls you to fetch her back. I find that very weird but no matter how I ask Claire or Zac, both of them just said nothing.”

“You….you…suspect ….something is going on between the two …of them… ….something…..illicit?”

“No no no. I have faith in Claire and I trust my husband. But something has happened which I just can’t put a finger to it.”

My curiosity is totally aroused now. I need to find Claire quickly to find out what exactly happened.
Old 25-06-2014, 08:21 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Welcome back bro
Old 25-06-2014, 08:46 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by whatdoido View Post
Welcome back bro
Thank you!

Sorry for the long wait.

Will have 1 more instalment later.
Old 25-06-2014, 09:48 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Welcome back bro..

Worth the Wait.
Old 25-06-2014, 10:37 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Friday night
Venue: My car

10.30 pm.

The gala ceremony has ended.

Me and Claire are in my car. We are making our way to Disco W to celebrate our awards with my colleagues.

Throughout the journey, my mind keeps thinking about what Carol has told me. Thousand and one scenarios keep flipping through my mind. Zac and Claire. I just can’t believe anything could have happened between them….. but nothing can be certain in this world. But I trust my wife.

My car turns into the multi-storey carpark of Disco W.

“Dear, there are empty lots at level 3. Why are you continuing going up?”

I purposely drive past the empty lots and continue up the spiral and only stops at the top level of the carpark where I know no cars will come up, yet.

“Dear, I need to talk to you.”

“What’s the matter?” Claire is looking at me in a concerned manner.

“Dear I need you to be 100% truthful with me.” I speak in a low and measured tone.

Claire is looking more and more concerned.

“I need you to tell me what exactly happened between Zac and you.”

Claire’s concerned expression is instantly replaced by a look of worry and hesitation.

“Nothing has ….. happened….Everythi…..”

“Please don’t lie to me please. You are making me very worried.”

Claire pauses and draws into a deep thought. With a deep breath of air, she continues.

“Ok dear. I will tell you. But please do not be angry and please keep this a secret. I don’t want this to affect my relationship with Carol.”

“Errr ok. Whatever you have just said doesn’t make me any less worried. But please continue.”

“Dear don’t be mistaken. I am 100% faithful to you. You know, me, Carol and Zac went to Bangkok together. It was all fun and Zac has been a real good brother-in-law, always looking out for us and taking care of every little things.

You know Zac. He is always that soft-spoken, that mild-mannered, sometimes I even find him a little hen-pecked, knowing how domineering my sis can be. Carol is always the one making all the decisions at the trip and Zac will just follow her instructions. For our hotel rooms, we have two rooms, with Carol sharing a room with me and Zac staying on his own. Carol is really a nice sister as she wants to spend more time with me, thus this arrangement.

I don’t even have much chance to talk to Zac as you know he is a man of few words and possibly due to our 12-years age gap, I have nothing much to speak to him as well. However as the days pass, I start to sense he is looking at me in a very weird way, but I can’t really describe it.

Then came the last day of the trip. We were supposed to visit an ancient Buddhist temple together but Zac woke up having a bad headache. So me and Carol decided to go ahead with the temple visit ourselves and left Zac alone in his hotel room to rest.

So we went to have our breakfast at the hotel restaurant before booking the day trip at the hotel concierge. While waiting for the tour bus, I suddenly recalled I forgot to bring my umbrella and seeing that we still have about 10 minutes to departure time, I went up back to my room to get my umbrella while Carol waited at the lobby in case the tour bus comes to pick us.

When I almost reached my hotel room, I saw a “Do not disturb” tag on the door knob, which was weird as I did not remember putting that tag. I walked nearer to the door and before I tapped my door card, I noticed that the door was slightly ajar.

I peeked through the door opening and I saw a silhouette standing by my bed. The person was rampaging through the bag I used to keep my dirty laundry. I adjusted my angle to see who that person was. The sight shocked me. It was Zac.

I was totally shocked and I was unsure of what to do. So I just stood there dumbly and watched the events unfold itself in front of me.

Now Zac had the crotch of my panties at his nose. They were a bright pink pair of silk panties. He seemed to be in ecstasy sniffing at my panties. He flipped the panties inside out and breathed deeply, inhaling the smell that lingered in the fabric of my crotch. I could see his cock was bulging against his shorts at this point.

Zac went back to the bag and took out another pair of white cotton panties that had a light smear in the crotch. I remembered that particular pair of panties. I was getting a bit frisky that night while sleeping and I rubbed myself a bit through the panties, hence leaving some of my juices in the panties. He seemed to have found a treasure as his eyes lit up. He held the panties up to his mouth and licked it tentatively. Whatever the taste was, Zac seemed to like it as he started to lick and smell the panties aggressively and he let out an uncontrollable murmur of “So this is how you smell and taste like, Claire"

I was taken aback by what I heard, but I just stood there stone-casted. Zac then pulled down his shorts and lay down on the bed, totally stark naked from his waist down. He was holding onto my pink panties in one hand and my white panties in the other. Suddenly he sat up again, as if he suddenly thought of something. I thought he had discovered me peeking at him. But no, he went down to the bag again and took out a pair of my black bra.

Zac buried his whole face into one of the cup of the bra and sniffed at it hard. It seemed to send another wave of energy shock through his body as I could see him shudder a bit. He lay down again, covering his eyes with my bra, holding my pink panties to his nose, and wrapping my white panties around his fully erect cock. He started stroking himself using my panties, with his mouth constantly whispering my name.

Zac was tugging furiously at his penis and his groans and grunts were getting more and more aroused.

Lewd phrases were coming out from his mouth…… Claire, fuck me. Claire, I want to lick your sweet pussy. Claire, I am tasting your pussy juice. You taste so sweet. My cock is going to fill your hole fully. My cock is going to satisfy your hot and empty hole. Claire, take my cock in that little mouth of yours. Suck it. I am going to fuck you hard and wet. Claire, scream for me…..all sorts of lustful and lewd description of the things he wanted to do to me.

He seemed to be reaching the point of ejaculation as his breathing became more rapid and his face was redder and redder and at this moment, he shot out jism and jism of hot cum into my panties, with him saying, “I am cumming into you Claire. I am cumming into your hot pussy.”

Just as I was totally engrossed in the scene in front of me, I could sense someone walking close towards me and I turned to look who it was.

“Is everything alright? Do you need housekeeping?” The housekeeping auntie asked me in a concerned voice.

“Nope. Thanks.”

That was all I could mutter and the housekeeping auntie continued on her rounds. However that little commotion had exposed myself to Zac inside the room. The next moment, Zac opened the door. At that instance, I could see the shock in his eyes as he realised that he had not closed the door properly and his act had been uncovered by me. He dared not look at me with his eyes and muttered that he was trying to look for some medication from Carol’s bag and he was going to sleep at his room and walked off.

My stuff had been put back into the bag, but the pair of white panties was missing. Zac must have taken it as it was still wet with his cum.”

Last edited by Hardaway1818; 26-06-2014 at 10:46 PM.
Old 25-06-2014, 10:47 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Well worth the long wait bro
Old 25-06-2014, 11:14 PM
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