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Old 12-10-2016, 11:52 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Yeah, that was what I was feeling.

He was balding a little on the top of his forehead while the rest of his hair cascaded down to his shoulder. His eyebrow is bushy and he had this awesome look of fucking bad ass etched into his expression.

His ideal job would be some ghost buster or some shit. I kid you not, he has those look that even spirits would think twice of crossing. He’s like Singapore’s version of Anthony wong with the big boss look and feel.

I thought he was going for the rice but instead the driver of the lorry and another assistant, both heavily tattooed started unloading 2 bags of the rice as he raised 3 fingers at the man making coffee.

After 2 bags of rice were unloaded for the chicken rice seller, the 3 of them took a seat inside the coffee shop as drinks were served by the same man who cleaned the tables.

Must this that Anthony Wong already. His fucking aura would make Haibin pee in his pants if he dared to show up.

They chatted among themselves, laughing and smoking.

Then again, as I listened in to their conversation, I can’t help laughing at my imagination.

They were talking about parking summons and petrol prices. One of them complained about the heat and the weather.

Anthony Wong look alike was just laughing at his 3 hour queue at a polyclinic.

I shook my head and held back a smile.

Sometimes I really think too much. I blame my imagination.

My phone rang at that time and it was Kate.

James : Where are you ?

Kate : Xiaoqiang called me earlier…

James : What did he want ?

Kate told me that Xiaoqiang apologised for the night before but his friend Haibin insisted on finding Kate to settle things.

Kate : Xiaoqiang want to make himself clear that Hejun and him were only interested in money and that they have nothing to do with this…. He even suggested I go to the police…

James : I think you should too… I’m at the coffee shop below your place… come on down…

Kate : I’m not there yet…. Haibin is coming at 12.30pm… he called me too…

James : What else ?

Kate : He said he will kick my door down if I don’t open it…. He also demanded an apology… and money….. for the return of my wallet…. He said he wanted to fuck me…

James : My god … Kate… these people are just mad…. Look… this is good…. Since you know he’s coming…. Just call the authorities….they can be here waiting for him.

Kate : you won’t understand James… I don’t want to get the authorities involved… I can handle it…

James : Handle it ? How ? sleep with him ah ?

Kate : Of course not…

I tried to think of other reasons to persuade Kate but she said she’s on her way down.

Kate : Let’s talk later.

Another pickup truck pulled up by the small road in front of the coffee shop.

2 men came down and they waved to the drinks stall, probably regulars as well.

They joined the rice guys at the same table as smokes were passed around.

I would have wanted to tell them the table with the yellow box was outside the coffee shop but my common sense told me to turn a blind eye. Who the fuck in their right mind would go and tell these people where they should or should not smoke ?

Even the chicken rice seller and the coffee uncle were smoking inside the coffeeshop.

I took a look around and realised for the first time I was the only man sitting along the tables outside the coffee shop.

Well, it can get dusty when cars roll by, and the spot they chose had 2 fans blasting at them, seems like the regulars know the best spot.


I was going through my 2nd cup of coffee when I heard my name being called out behind me.

I immediately recognised the voice.

I stood up and turn around, coming face to face with Haibin.

He was not alone. He had 2 other guys with him, not from the night before.

He walked right up to me in a confrontational manner.

Haibin : 你来干嘛? 皮痒了是吗。。。哈哈哈。。 ( Why are you here ? Do you have a itch you need to be scratched ? hahah )

I kept quiet as the other 2 guy surrounded me .

Haibin pushed me on my chest the moment he was in range and I staggered backwards, hitting onto one of his friend who in turned pushed me forward back to Haibin.

I drew up my punch and there was no hesitation.

No need to talk.

Talk for what.

He’s here to pick a fight isn’t he ?

We went at it right there and then.

When my fist connected with Haibin’s shoulder instead of his face, inside my head I was hoping for Kate’s brother to appear then.

Surely he would know I was on Kate’s side.

She must have told him it was a fucking PRC who molested her and took her wallet.

Maybe it was the chicken rice seller with the chopper.

Or perhaps the assistant ?

How about the rice seller and his men. ?


I was hoping there would be some shouting and they would jump into the fray but no.

There was none.

Just 3 seconds into the scuffle I knew I was alone when I heard them laugh and cheered.

Woot woot!!! … ‘ Hood AH ‘ , ‘ swee la ‘ .

I tried to block some hits and land as many as I could as tables and chairs were shifted around and pushed roughly.

The lorry and the pickup truck effectively blocked off most of the views from the opposite side of the road as we shouted and cursed at each other.

Haibin laughed as he soon realised he was getting the upper hand.

I could hear the men sitting in the coffee shop laughing at us.

‘ KNN, see ah tiong an neh kuan eh ah ‘ ( Fuck, the PRCs like that one ah )

‘li kuar, li kuar , hahaha , si bei kae yan ‘ ( Look… look… haha… so amusing )

Well, at least they aren’t taking a video to post it online.

Even the chicken rice seller laughed as he told his assistant to shift 2 pails into the coffee shop. You know the 2 pails stall owners usually put outside to collect used plates and cutleries, yup, those.

Apparently he was worried we would hit the pails and topple them.

It lasted barely 1.5 minutes when I heard Kate’s voice.

Kate : JAMES !!

A few more push and scuffle ensured and our bodies separated.

My shirt was crumpled and I saw some blood stains, very small specks. Haibin wiped the sweat from his eyebrow and pointed his index finger at Kate.

Haibin : 她妈的。。你这个臭婊子。。。让你尝尝我的鸡巴要吗。。? ( fucking bitch… I’m going to let you have a taste of my cock. )

He started to shake his index finger at Kate as she looked on furiously at Haibin.

I looked at the table of men, they were still smoking.

No one moved, everyone was just enjoying the show.

Kate kicked a chair at them but Haibin just laughed and pushed it away from him.

I told Kate to just go and call the police but she was so fucking stubborn, instead she went into the coffee shop, pushing one of the rice seller out of her way to grab a broom stick.

Haibin : Hahahahahah….. you are funny Kate…

The way he spoke sounded weird. It was heavily accented, almost to the point it sounded like Chinese.

I saw 1 more PRC jogging into the coffee shop to join Haibin.

Kate raised the broom and the table of men watching the show shouted and cheered.

“ Woah… woah … swee woah…. Hahaha “

A few shifted their chairs out of the way to give Kate space. Haibin just laughed and grabbed onto the broom stick. He yanked it towards her but Kate let go of it, almost causing him to lose balance.

Haibin : 来呀。。。 来呀。。。 ( come on… come on.. )

I pulled Kate back and went for Haibin but before I could, 1 of his men came at me and we immediately got tangled up.

He landed a punch and so did I but I guess I was lucky to have landed a harder one.

There was a moment of hesitation and I quickly got in another kick, sending him reeling backwards a few steps, almost slipping on the slippery floor.
Old 12-10-2016, 11:53 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

I turned in time to see Haibin taunting Kate with the broom much to the amusement of the table of uncles.

Kate grabbed onto the broom and in that split second, Haibin pulled the broom towards himself, pulling Kate off balance and right into his arms.

Haibin : WHahahahahah….hahaha…

I was about to dive right in when I saw Haibin grabbed Kate’s shirt and her bra together as his men laughed behind him, commenting in crude accented mainland Chinese.

‘他妈的,新加坡的娘们可真辣哈哈。。” (Damm, Singapore girls are dam feisty )

“可惜新加坡的男人都没用。。哈哈。。都是一群废物 “ ( It’s a pity Singaporean guys are useless, all are trash )

I tore into Haibin and Kate, separating them apart as Haibin laughed in a delirious manner, claiming Kate’s breast is firm and bouncy.

I looked at the table of gangster like men who continued smoking and looking at us with much amusement. I’m pretty sure a few of them were Singaporean, how the fuck could they just sit there and watch this without lifting a finger.

Then again, it was none of their business.

Haibin wiped his sweat from the top of his lips and pointed a thumb at himself.

Haibin : 你懂不懂我是谁 ?? ( Do you know who I am ? )

Kate : 你就是个他妈的大陆乡巴佬 ! ( You’re just a boffin from china ) !

Haibin laughed and gestured to his men.

Haibin : 跟她说。。。快。。。 跟他说我是谁。。。 ( tell her quick… tell her who am I )

I was looking at his men who was about to spew out some words when I noticed something funny.

Something is wrong with the lights.

It was as if the sky was getting dark.

Rat tat tat ta…… There was that metallic shake of the roller shutter.

The sky was not getting dark.

It was not about to rain.

There was no approaching thunderstorm.

Instead, i saw the sun which was spilling into the coffee shop slowly gets cut off. The bright light retreated from the old tiled floor as the roller shutter of the coffee shop lowered itself, the whirl of the motor sounded angry as it cranked the gears to turn.

Haibin’s men looked puzzled too as the shutters all lowered around them, closing everyone inside the coffee shop.

No one spoke.

The table of men just smiled and look on with amusement at Haibin.

Haibin : 干!。。 什么啊。。吓唬谁啊! ( Fuck. What is this ? Who are you trying to scare ? )

I pulled Kate behind me as I orientated myself to face the 2 groups of men in the coffee shop.

Before anyone else could do anything, the gentlemen who was checking the invoices earlier came out from behind the coffee shop and walk towards us.

The moment the approached the table, almost all the men stood up with exception of Anthony Wong who continued to shake his leg.

The gentleman, took a seat, lit a cigarette, and took a deep puff.

He pointed the cigarette at Haibin.

Man : 刚刚你说新加坡男人怎么了 ? ( You were saying something about Singapore men ? )

He leaned a little closer, offering his ear as he took another puff of the cigarette.

Man : Say it again…

Haibin kept quiet, glaring at him.

That man shook his cigarette at Haibin again before pointing to Kate, smiling slyly.

Man : Do you know who is she ?? hhaha…

I quickly whispered to Kate.

This is it.

We’re saved .

Boss of the coffee shop has spoken.

James : Kate… He’s your brother ??

Kate shook her head.

James : Then why is he helping us ?

Kate spoke softly without emotions.

Kate : He works for my brother…

James : what about the rest ?

Kate : They all……. Work for my brother. ..

Old 12-10-2016, 11:56 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Great updates!! Thanks bro
Old 13-10-2016, 12:06 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thanks liock for the updates.
Old 13-10-2016, 12:14 AM
silver5surfer silver5surfer is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Fantastic update!!!
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Old 13-10-2016, 12:17 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by silver5surfer View Post
Fantastic update!!!
Old 13-10-2016, 12:34 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Awesome stuff!!
Old 13-10-2016, 12:45 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Welcome back bro iLock
Old 13-10-2016, 01:15 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

The legend is back! Thank you for feeding up with updates earlier than expected. Hope everything is fine for you. Bought your Omar's diary and it was really good.

awaiting your next update!
Old 13-10-2016, 04:14 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Loved the update TS
Old 13-10-2016, 06:48 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thks james
Old 13-10-2016, 07:48 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

boy, you are back!!!!!!!!! Thanks bro ilock
Old 13-10-2016, 10:11 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

welcome back bro. glad everything is working out for you!
Old 13-10-2016, 10:35 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thought update in late October...Heng check the thread again today😆. Nice update iloc!
Old 13-10-2016, 11:57 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thanks for the updates!!
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