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Old 02-08-2010, 11:22 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Waiting at your disposal
Old 03-08-2010, 10:03 AM
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Arrow Re: Road Accident Encounter

Hahahaha... i'd already wanked & disposed off alot of loads...
Bro Urger................... pls come back & continue ur story immediately... thanks...
Originally Posted by orang_jawa View Post
Waiting at your disposal
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it
Old 03-08-2010, 12:55 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Chanced upon this thread at 10am today, and have just finished reading(almost 1pm). Very addictive reading cos of its true-to-life scenarios. Brings up memories of my pak-tor-days, due to the bit-by-bit devpt of puppy-love feelings to deep soul-moving emotions. Nice piece of work...amost novel-like. Keep at it bro!
Old 04-08-2010, 04:09 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Wonder if any director or movie producer came across tis n make it lookalike movie.... shd be R21 rated and sure good selling...

Someone will be sudden rich wz tis real life 95% story if made into movie...
Old 04-08-2010, 08:59 AM
John750 John750 is offline
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Road Accident Encounter

Great reading stuff...Urger should get a publisher and write a paperback on it. Maybe he should call his new novel...May, June and Ju-Lie!!
Old 04-08-2010, 12:55 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Waiting for more, Bro urger!

P.S: List Of UPPEES is not in full due to the capacity limitation of the signature function (not be longer than 300 characters excluding BB Code markup). Rest assured I've all ur nicks n u'll be awarded. If I do missed u, kindly PM me.

Appreciate the PM, Bro BatistaSG, Bro steamystreamsg, Bro Linkus, Bro Regaine, Bro evo7_5, Bro Thongchai, Bro curiouslooker, Bro PS3SG, Bro Red-Card, Bro jerrystockton, Bro Cytan7, Bro =WK=, Bro dbhh, Bro awesome04, Bro skyhawk958 and Bro dingding75!


Bro/Sis Who Left Their Nicks Requesting To Be Awarded In Return, I'm More Than Delighted; Contributing My Points Of Praises To U.

List Of UPPEES: Lokmachaudog, whitebull, 7ofHearts..... Who's Next?

Pm Me Ur Latest Posting: Philip888

Old 04-08-2010, 03:46 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Sorry for the long wait to all the bros and loyal fans of this thread.


I remember that day after I left the hotel for my office. It was a slow and torturous day. Time was like crawling as slow as a snail. Every time I looked at my watch it seems that time never moved much. I couldn't concentrate on my work. Kept sending SMS to June asking her well-being. Somehow I decided it's enough and I applied for a half-day leave.

Zoomed and off to the hotel where June and Isabelle have spent for a night. Brought them out for a lunch at Plaza Singapura.

Me: "Did you have a good rest last night?"
June: ".....managed to get some sleep though...."

Me: "Don't think so much dear.....I will be here for you."

June gave a smile back....

Me: "So what's your intention now?"
June: "..hmmm.....I am afraid to go home. BTW, the maid called me this morning saying that he came home this morning summoned for me. Luckily my maid was smart to say that I was away to Isabelle's school."

Me: "hmmm.....I have an idea but wonder if you will accept it."
June: "Huh.....what idea do you have?"

Me: "I mean.........urrrrr......shift in with me."
June: "Huh...urrrrr....."

Me: "Don't get me wrong..... I want you to stay with me and my parents for this period of time."
June: "Don't want lah.......I don't want to impose to anyone. Furthermore I don't want your parents to have an wrong impression about me and us."

Me: "Don't worry dear. My parents are very liberal and modern. I will explain to them. Rest assure and don't worry that you are imposing on them."
June: "I don't think it is a good idea. I think I will find a temporary place to stay."

Me: "Come on....don't waste your money. Furthermore Isabelle still needs to go to school. It will be very inconvenient for the both of them."
June: ".......I guess that is the best choice liao."

Me: "Nope....the best is to stay at my place. You can drive my parent's car and send Isabelle to school or get my parents to send her to school. Anyway you are starting work next week. I can send you to work too."
June: "Don't want lah......I ........"

Me: " June..... I insist........ I want you to stay with me....for at least I feel safe that you are under good hands."
June: "but......I ........aiyah.......I don't think it's nice to just come and stay at your place with your parents...... I am afraid...."

Me: "What are scared of? Are you worried that my parents have otherwise thinking? Come parents will be more than happy to have you to accompany them everyday."
June: "huh......urrrrr........must I?"

Me: " have no are under my charge now."
June: "You make me in a very difficult situation."

Me: "Rest assure dear......You won't feel awkward at my place."
June: "sigh...."

So w finished our lunch, backed to the hotel and proceed with the check-out and off to my place.

TO be continued......
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 04-08-2010, 05:18 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by urger View Post
Sorry for the long wait to all the bros and loyal fans of this thread.

Continuing........TO be continued......
This is one of the best story. Keep it up, bro!
Old 04-08-2010, 06:15 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Many Thumbs up to you Bro Urger, I can understand that feeling when her husband catch u and her together that night.
I had similar experience too. Hahaha....
Old 04-08-2010, 07:33 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by urger View Post
Sorry for the long wait to all the bros and loyal fans of this thread.


So w finished our lunch, backed to the hotel and proceed with the check-out and off to my place.

TO be continued......
Bro, first big welcome back.... would like to ask you to be careful, she is not divorced yet. Her husband can claim.. infidelity which should be quite easy to prove.. as she may has a close relationship with you and your family..

Do take care.. Best wishes to you and June...
Anyone wants some humble 18? Only contributor will be given...
Old 04-08-2010, 11:53 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by urger View Post
Zoomed and off to the hotel where June and Isabelle have spent for a night. Brought them out for a lunch at Plaza Singapura.

Me: "Don't get me wrong..... I want you to stay with me and my parents for this period of time."
June: "Don't want lah.......I don't want to impose to anyone. Furthermore I don't want your parents to have an wrong impression about me and us."

So w finished our lunch, backed to the hotel and proceed with the check-out and off to my place.

TO be continued......
Hi TS urger, I may miss ur thread , was wondering why aren't she and her daughter staying in her parents/siblings' place instead?
Old 05-08-2010, 07:40 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by formidable View Post
Hi TS urger, I may miss ur thread , was wondering why aren't she and her daughter staying in her parents/siblings' place instead?
Hi thanks for highlighting.

In fact through our conversation, she did thought of shifting to her parents' place. But her husband will still track her to their place. In order to avoid her husband, she decided to find a new place for the short time being until the divorce paper has process.
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 05-08-2010, 09:18 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

very impressive encounter.
more pls.
Old 05-08-2010, 09:38 AM
rob_onny rob_onny is offline
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Arrow Re: Road Accident Encounter

This is what i tot 2... it may b a gd thing 4 both parties...
However, Bro Urger, u may need 2 ask June 2 b careful w/her bills...
what i mean is, her husband may b able 2 track her new address from this direction...
I'd heard b4 of an similar incident which being tracked down successfully...
Originally Posted by urger View Post
Hi thanks for highlighting.

In fact through our conversation, she did thought of shifting to her parents' place. But her husband will still track her to their place. In order to avoid her husband, she decided to find a new place for the short time being until the divorce paper has process.
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it
Old 05-08-2010, 03:00 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


Drove back to my parents' place. Got my maid to help June carried all her bags in.

Me: "Where are Pa and Ma?"
Maid: "Sir, they go shopping I think."

Me: " me carry the things to my room. Btw, this is my friend June and her daughter Isabelle. They will be staying with us"
Maid: "Ok Sir."
June: "Thanks alot."

Me: "Don't be shy. Let's go in."
June: "..urrrr...."

Isabelle: " this your place? Wah.....your house so big huh?"
Me: "'s my papa and mummy's house. Not uncle's. Oh I have a white dog. You want to play with him? His name is Jack."
Isabelle: "Ok....yeh!!!"

I turned to June.

Me: "Welcome to my place."
June: "............ok...."

Ushered June and Isabelle to the living room. Isabelle sat down on the sofa and played with the puppy whereas June just stood there looking lost.

Me: "Hey....don't just stand there. Come sit down and take a rest."
June: "Urrr....ok."

Me: "I go and get a drink for both of you. What do you want to drink?"
June: "Urrr...plain water will do."

Me: "Hmmm....I go get fruit juice for you ok."
June: "Anything will do."

So I went to the kitchen and grabbed two packets of apple juice for both of them and back to the living room. Both of them were fondling my puppy.

Me: " is your drink."
June: "Thanks alot."

Me: "Say nothing. Just make yourself as this is your home alright. Don't need to stand on ceremony. My parents are easy going type and chatty. Anyway I have mentioned about you to them before and they know your existence. They roughly know about our relationship and they never oppose to it. So rest assure."
June: " told them about us? What if......"

Me: "What if? Aiyah I know what you are going to say. What if things not working out right? You are thinking too much. Take it easy...."
June: "Urrrr.....I am scared. I am afraid your parents might think other way."

Me: "What's there to worry?"
June: "I just think it's a bit early to talk to them about us and our relationship."

Me: "Hmmm...unless you don't want me lor."
June: "Nope......I mean things can always happen."

Me: "Trust me dear."
June: " .......well...... just let time to prove the whole thing lor....."

Me: "Hmmm....let me show you around the house."
June: " you want to follow mummy?"
Isabelle: "No mummy. I want to play with the doggie."
June: "Ok.....then you stay here ok. Don't run around and misbehave ok."

So I brought June around the house and finally my bedroom.

Me: "Here is my bedroom. Sorry I think abit messy."
June: "'s rather neat and organise. Never expect a guy's room to be quite well maintain."

Me: " that a compliment?"
June: "So...what do I get in return?"

Me: "What about a kiss from me?"
June: "Don't want!....hahaha."

So I gave June a peck on her cheek and she returned one.

Me: "I will get the maid to clean up the room and change the bed sheet, pillow case for you. And I will get a single bed for Isabelle.
June: "Then what about you?"

Me: "Oh...I can sleep in other rooms."
June: " sure you have other rooms to sleep in?"

Me: "Aiayh...don't worry about me. You and Isabelle are more important to me now than anything."

June: ".....Thanks....thanks alot for all this arrangement."
Me: " what do I get this time for all the arrangement that I have made huh?"

June: "Really.....I am really greatful for this. If not I wouldn't know how to handle and I might be loitering the street with Isabelle now. Thanks alot."
Me: "Dear......don't say a word. Your well-being is my responsibility. I will make sure you are in good hand from now on."

June: "....thanks......."

We hugged together in my room. The hug was a warm and tight one. We embraced together as one body.

To be continued......
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