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Old 20-11-2015, 11:13 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by blacken View Post
Just to share some of my story here. I have been dating my gf (now my wife) for 8 years and she don't allow me to have sex with her and the best i got is just a hj. So i was thinking maybe due to her religion she wanted to have it after marriage so i just have to agree with her. After ROM only we started to have sex. At first it's quite often maybe because it's still fresh but from time to time it's like she just do it for the sake of letting me to release, sexual life became boring and she will never wanted to try new things. after our 1st kid it's getting less almost to once a month yet everytime i'm the 1 who initiate it. and that time is where so happen i have an affair and she found out, so we are in the edge of divorcing and after 2 years we are able to get through it and now after the second kids it's even worst. My wife has been rejecting me for 4 months and there is 1 time when i try to initiate it but in the middle of kissing i don't get any response from her so i stop it but she scolded me why i always do half way and stop. Since then i really giving up in trying and i just eat outside(commercial type). I just fuck, pay and go. I still have guilt in me but still i have my needs to be fulfill.
Well to the bro out there where their gf doesn't allow them to do it.. i think you better think twice to prevent any sexual frustration in future just like me and ended up having affair yet get caught.
Very sad to hear of your situation bro. Many of us are in this situation. Have you tried to understand from her POV? Her lifestyle, who's taking care of the kids & do you guys have maid to help? Women stress easily and some suffer post-natal depression which we might not pick out & your affair might still be a prick in her heart.

If all else fails including communication then you'll have to stick to commercial sex but everyone needs some love so the straying possibility is there. Sometimes, divorce may make everyone happier but then there's the kids. Wish u all the best & try to work it out.
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Old 20-11-2015, 11:18 AM
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Red face Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

I've 3 kids...youngest is abt 1yo. But sex problems arise with my wife before we had him. After giving birth to no.2, our sex life dwindled. I only get to enjoy sex few times in a year, less than 6! And no blowjobs or baths together in between. No.3 was sort of an accident.

Now, we hav zero intimacy...not even hugs nor kisses, except rare occassions where I'm always and the only initiator. Last time i fucked anybody...was when my child conceived - almost two years ago !!!
Old 20-11-2015, 11:20 AM
tomyumgong tomyumgong is offline
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

why har? nowadays....society changes...

many people is similar situation. mine was once in a blue moon. like 1 year?

or 2x a year. after 2nd one, it is totally switch off. tried everything. i even suspect she got someone outside. till i installed cam and GPS tracking device. but no leh. seems normal.

So, i focus on work and hardly go home. back home very very late. Kind of like separated and she also doesn't care. How not to source release outside?
Old 20-11-2015, 11:32 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by porscheclub View Post
Very sad to hear of your situation bro. Many of us are in this situation. Have you tried to understand from her POV? Her lifestyle, who's taking care of the kids & do you guys have maid to help? Women stress easily and some suffer post-natal depression which we might not pick out & your affair might still be a prick in her heart.

If all else fails including communication then you'll have to stick to commercial sex but everyone needs some love so the straying possibility is there. Sometimes, divorce may make everyone happier but then there's the kids. Wish u all the best & try to work it out.
I did read read few article saying women will tend to be stress out by taking care of the kids or doing house chores. I did help out a lot in doing house work from cleaning the house to laundry and of cause taking care of the kids. I'm even taking responsible to feed the baby in the middle of the night. I always encourage her to have a drink with her friend while i help to look after the kids just to help her to relax. But it seems like it's not working.
I do agree my affair still be a prick in her heart, i tried to do whatever i can but whenever come to any argument definitely i'm on the lose side no matter what it is once she bring out what i'm in wrong in the past. I felt communication sometimes is pointless because i'm in wrong at the first place.
There is once i tried to talk to her on our sex life but she said she is not in the mood at all for sex. I tried few times to create a time where there is only the both of us and no kids around. have a relaxing night but ended up nothing happen. For my case i can't blame her because she knew i have an affair before so i just have to accept it. At times i wonder now we are just in our 30s, how long it can last. Any bro or sis here felt a marriage without sex is fine?
Old 20-11-2015, 11:33 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by obeyyodude View Post
oh shit, that's for the best, FB should stay FB, later interfere with your family matters lol but sad sia, local FB somemore
ya, very sad I have to stop seeing her. I have been looking for the next one for 1-2 year and no luck yet.
Old 20-11-2015, 11:40 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

So many stopped having sex after 10 years of marriage.
Old 20-11-2015, 11:41 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

it is very very rare...even if can sustain. but no more romance. more like family and obligation....

Originally Posted by blacken View Post
I did read read few article saying women will tend to be stress out by taking care of the kids or doing house chores. I did help out a lot in doing house work from cleaning the house to laundry and of cause taking care of the kids. I'm even taking responsible to feed the baby in the middle of the night. I always encourage her to have a drink with her friend while i help to look after the kids just to help her to relax. But it seems like it's not working.
I do agree my affair still be a prick in her heart, i tried to do whatever i can but whenever come to any argument definitely i'm on the lose side no matter what it is once she bring out what i'm in wrong in the past. I felt communication sometimes is pointless because i'm in wrong at the first place.
There is once i tried to talk to her on our sex life but she said she is not in the mood at all for sex. I tried few times to create a time where there is only the both of us and no kids around. have a relaxing night but ended up nothing happen. For my case i can't blame her because she knew i have an affair before so i just have to accept it. At times i wonder now we are just in our 30s, how long it can last. Any bro or sis here felt a marriage without sex is fine?
Old 20-11-2015, 11:43 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by chanellno5 View Post
I couldn't agree more with u. U hit the spots accurately. The desire to be felt n touched. I couldnt stand the thought of no sex for the rest of my life . That's why I stepped out. But at the end of the day, I hope to fulfill my emotional needs besides my physical needs.
Isn't it such a pain to be in a loveless and sexless marriage? I've suffered both ends of cheating & cheated so know the feeling.

I'm on my second and both of us recognise the need for a healthy sexual relationship. We figure that we have another 15+/- yrs of active sexlife as she's in her late 30s & I'm 40+ she wants a daughter later as we have two sons now & I have another two from the first marriage. Every new baby takes away 2-3yrs of sex and by the time she hits menopause, it's Game-over while men can still go on to 70+ with aid. My father was still active in his 60s.

We frequently discuss about our retirement lifestyle and kinky sex as it excites her too. Can't say we're very successful cos nobody can predict the future but it has been nice so far. We take short getaway holidays to recharge ourselves from hectic life and rediscover the love once a while but there are times when I have to DIY or the occasional visit to masseurs that do HJ which wife approves as long as I don't betray her.

Wish you all the best & may u find the soul-mate that u need.
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Old 20-11-2015, 11:52 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by blacken View Post
I did read read few article saying women will tend to be stress out by taking care of the kids or doing house chores. I did help out a lot in doing house work from cleaning the house to laundry and of cause taking care of the kids. I'm even taking responsible to feed the baby in the middle of the night. I always encourage her to have a drink with her friend while i help to look after the kids just to help her to relax. But it seems like it's not working.
I do agree my affair still be a prick in her heart, i tried to do whatever i can but whenever come to any argument definitely i'm on the lose side no matter what it is once she bring out what i'm in wrong in the past. I felt communication sometimes is pointless because i'm in wrong at the first place.
There is once i tried to talk to her on our sex life but she said she is not in the mood at all for sex. I tried few times to create a time where there is only the both of us and no kids around. have a relaxing night but ended up nothing happen. For my case i can't blame her because she knew i have an affair before so i just have to accept it. At times i wonder now we are just in our 30s, how long it can last. Any bro or sis here felt a marriage without sex is fine?
My friend, she has not forgiven you.

She probably hangs on for the kid/s but this is so wrong. It wrecks the life of both parties and your children may not grow up happy in a loveless parents environment. I have several friends who have divorced, remarried and they are so much happier while maintaining a healthy friendship with ex.

She's punishing you for the rest of your life because of one mistake & you're struggling to contain it because we men are very sexual. You're only in your 30s and have at least another 40yrs to go, would you want to live in this lifestyle for the rest of your life?!

Please think it over seriously and have a serious discussion with her. Prepare to seek for ultimate forgiveness to redeem your marriage or end it for everyone's happiness. In fact, I don't think she's happy at all as women long for love and intimacy as much as we do.

If it's heading for divorce, then head over to other threads for that & we'll carry on from there.
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Old 20-11-2015, 12:49 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

After reading so many similar stories from guys part, I feel we are all in the wrong marriage or partnerships.

Marriage without sex simply cannot sustain. It's doomed to fail. It's the truth. No need to hv wild sex everyday but regular is a must.

Very few gf of mine have same prob as mine, they do enjoy regular sex life with husbands. I Do envy them.

I'm a physical woman, I like my man to give me hugs, kisses , etc. Sad to say, I hv not kissed my husband for more than 5 yrs. but when I french with my FBs, I can feel the sizzle n passion I hv lost.
Old 20-11-2015, 12:58 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by chanellno5 View Post
hi all, my story is the complete opposite.

I'm a married mother of 2 boys (4 and 11) and my husband does not give me sex anymore since about 5 years back. We been married for 12 years and in my early 30s (married young).
Sis,5 years ,u never see yr husband lanjiao right .Did u talk to yr husband about thus issue.

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Old 20-11-2015, 02:56 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by chanellno5 View Post
After reading so many similar stories from guys part, I feel we are all in the wrong marriage or partnerships.

Marriage without sex simply cannot sustain. It's doomed to fail. It's the truth. No need to hv wild sex everyday but regular is a must.

Very few gf of mine have same prob as mine, they do enjoy regular sex life with husbands. I Do envy them.

I'm a physical woman, I like my man to give me hugs, kisses , etc. Sad to say, I hv not kissed my husband for more than 5 yrs. but when I french with my FBs, I can feel the sizzle n passion I hv lost.
Not only conversation, physical contacts are very impt in a relationship. Touch, hugs, kisses n sex.

I still remember years ago when some one close like a father to me passed away, I hugged my wife to seek for comfort, she just push me away n say enough.
Old 20-11-2015, 06:01 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by ah rat View Post
Sis,5 years ,u never see yr husband lanjiao right .Did u talk to yr husband about thus issue.
Tried everything..Stopped short of divorcing. Staying on becos of kids as they still young.
Old 20-11-2015, 06:03 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by Pockypig View Post
Not only conversation, physical contacts are very impt in a relationship. Touch, hugs, kisses n sex.

I still remember years ago when some one close like a father to me passed away, I hugged my wife to seek for comfort, she just push me away n say enough.
Couldn't agree more. Hugs is one of the most simple n comforting gesture yet we couldn't get it from our partners. Could empathise with you.
Old 20-11-2015, 10:34 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by SabotageKing View Post
So many stopped having sex after 10 years of marriage.
Yes, sad but quite true. The love for each other tend to diminish with each passing year to the point tat the married couple one day no longer wish to hv sex with each other anymore, esp the wives...if both of them dun work very hard to keep the flame burning in their marriage..wif various sparks of fire !

Wif only one hand clapping, no marriage for tat matter can last or survive for very long...jmho
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