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Old 13-10-2016, 12:02 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Welcome back Bro! Hope that all is well on your side!

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Old 13-10-2016, 12:04 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

What a sight for sore eyes!! ILOCK is back
Old 13-10-2016, 12:29 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Bro ilock, thanks for the update.
Old 13-10-2016, 12:33 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

very good story!!
Old 13-10-2016, 04:05 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

stumbled onto your story and got hooked straight away.
great writing skills bro, keeps everyone on the edge of their seat waiting for the next installment.

i'm impressed with how you are able to transit each story to another so fluently.
the characters behaviour also seem to change quite abit. well done.
The ones that you don't pay for by the hour, are the ones you can't afford
Old 13-10-2016, 09:41 PM
SuezTower SuezTower is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Subscribed to this thread!!
Old 13-10-2016, 10:03 PM
dinzmarck dinzmarck is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

damn shiok bro... ur stories always makes me look forward for more. do take care bro... ur rice bowl more important...
Old 13-10-2016, 11:17 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Welcome back bro!!
Old 13-10-2016, 11:52 PM
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Wah swee ah, ilock is back, thanks for the updates.
Old 14-10-2016, 12:00 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Haibin kept quiet, trying to evaluate the situation.

Everyone just kept quiet, waiting for Haibin to make his next move.

There were no gang cheer. No such thing here. No one shouting aw ah aw… yo ah yo…

No one announced their gang names too, this is not some secondary school kid pretending to be cool.

No techno music with disco lights shooting about

No tapping of the table legs with metal rods or knives.


Just an eerie silence as the table to men stared at Haibin and his men.


They were only smoking.

And perhaps it was the very fact that they did nothing that affects Haibin. He definitely did not look as confident as before.

Yet He continued to act tough, putting on a nonchalant look. He gestured to one of his men who took out Kate’s wallet.

Haibin : 这不管你们的事。(It’s none of your business )

He gestured to Kate.

Haibin : Bitch….You want …… your wallet back…… come and suck..

Before he could finish his sentence, the chicken rice stall assistant literally teleported to Haibin, appearing in front of him so fast and delivered a smack on his head, shoving him against a table.

Haibin : 你妈的B。。

Before he could speak more, Kate stepped out from behind me, reached forward and with a fluid motion, slapped Haibin across his cheek with a smack.

“ PIAK ! “

Haibin had a shock and he was about to raise his hand to hit Kate when the Chicken rice seller’s assistant shot out of nowhere once more and bulldozed Haibin across the breadth of the coffee shop, smacking his body against the wall with peeling paint with a loud thud.

Haibin’s men came forward immediately but was stared down by the rest of the men who had gathered behind the chicken rice assistant, forming a human wall separating Haibin and Kate from them.

Haibin : It’s none of your fucking business… !!

Kate walked right up to Haibin and slapped him again.

Haibin : ARHH…

Kate took her wallet from him, jerking it forcefully from his hand.

Haibin cursed and made a grab for Kate, scratching her forearm before he was pushed back against the wall by the assistant again.

Haibin’s men finally decided to move, shouting and cursing at the group as they tried to force their way over to Haibin.

The chicken rice seller’s large hand grabbed one of the PRC chap by the face. Fuck his huge hands literally cover his face and with a grunt, he threw him like a bag of trash onto the floor, pressing him down like he was compressing cardboard for recycling.

He fell like a rag doll and his friends quickly bent down to help him up, retreating a few steps to put some distance between them and the human wall.

I pulled Kate back as she tried to hit Haibin again.

Kate : Uncle BEN !!!! …

Kate looked towards Anthony wong who was just sniggering away like a kid before he stood up and snuffed out his cigarette.

She looked exasperated, angry and tired.

Uncle Ben started to walk towards Haibin.

Suddenly one of Haibin’s men shouted at him, warning him not to try anything funny.

Haibin’s man : 这里是新加坡!!!讲法律的!! ( This is Singapore, you are governed by law !! )

Uncle Ben paused. He turned his head slowly towards that young chap.

Fuck even the way he turned looked menacing . he smiled and swaggered towards the chap.

Uncle Ben : 什么 ?? 你说什么?? ( What ? What did you say ? )

He covered the distance between him and the chap in 2 steps and he clobbered him across his cheek with his fist. It was not a hard hit.

Just a light thud, meant to provoke.

Something like a playful hit among friends.

A taunt of sorts.

Uncle Ben : say it again .

He clobbered him again, harder this time round. I could hear the chap’s teeth knocking against his knuckles as he stared and glared at Uncle Ben.

It’s not exactly a punch.

Uncle Ben : Say it again !

He fucking wacked him once more, this time round his head was forcefully turned by the impact.

Then that China guy snapped, he reeled back his fist and started raining blows on Uncle ben who turned his body to the side. Another PRC guy started to attack him too, but uncle Ben just continued blocking the hits without hitting back.

He fell to the ground, and I was horrified no one bothered to help him.

I was about to rush forward when Kate pulled my arm to stop me.

That was when I realised his 2 assistant had their phone on and they were taking a video of the 2 man attacking Uncle Ben.

The attack lasted 30 seconds the most and the moment the phones were put away, they each grabbed an attacker and shoved them onto the floor easily. Uncle Ben started laughing as his sniffed his vaporub inhaler, getting up on his feet.

Aside from a messy hairdo, he looked fine.

Haibin : 来呀!!。。来。。。要打就来。。( come on, come… you want to pick a fight ? Come on! )

Uncle Ben sniggered and laugh before grabbing one of his attacker by the hair so fast that I had trouble following his movement. I could feel my body shiver as his knuckles connected with that man’s skull, driving him onto the floor with one punch, almost knocking him out completely.

A stark contrast from the earlier confrontation where he just endured the hits.

The commotion started again with all the pushing and shoving.

Haibin started shouting to Uncle Ben to challenge him.

Haibin : 你妈的B。。你以为你是谁啊。。我告你。。。你等着。。。我找律师告死你。。 ( Fuck you !... who do you think you are ? I’m going to sue you… I’ll fucking find a lawyer and get you )

As if that was not enough Haibin seemed to be so pissed scared that he mixed up reality with Hong Kong drama.

Haibin : 我干爹是有辈分的!! 。。 我管你是什么洪興东興。。 有粽等我叫人来。 ( My godfather is not someone to be trifled with, I don’t care if you are from Hong xing or East Xing, if you have balls , wait for me to get my guys here. )

Uncle Ben started to walk over to Haibin.

Like Moses parting the sea, the mass of human bodies parted for him as he advanced towards Haibin. I could see Haibin literally shrinking into a small ball yet he tried to put on a tough front.

You can act tough but your body would still react.

Haibin’s arms subconsciously raised themselves a little, as if anticipating a hit coming his way.

Uncle Ben : 小朋友!!! 你港剧看太多了!! ( My young friend !, you watch too much HK drama )

Uncle Ben grabbed Haibin’s phone from his hand and threw it across the coffee shop without warning and Haibin immediately cowered and started to shield his head.

Uncle Ben : 我不是洪興,也不是东興。。。这里他妈的。。是个熟食中心。! ( I’m not from either hong xing gang or East xing gang, this is a fucking coffee shop ! )

Uncle Ben gave him the once over with his eyes before deciding he was not worth his time and he walked back to his seat for another cigarette.

The well-mannered man who had been watching without a word stood up and reached into his wallet.

He took out a name card and passed it to Haibin with both hands.

He introduced himself as Uncle Ben’s lawyer, and he showed the clip of Haibins’ friends assaulting Uncle Ben.

Andy : 你好。 我是Andy. 你的朋友打伤了我的客户。 我会进一步跟进,跟你们索取赔偿。 ( Hi I’m Andy, your friends hurt my client. I will follow up with you on the necessary compensation )

He said it politely and professionally with a smile.

No threats.

Professional and calm.

Andy directed his men to take pictures of all the PRC work passes, both front and back. There was nothing they could do.

It finally dawned on Haibin the amount of shit he has gotten himself into when it was his turn to get his work pass photographed.

He still managed to muster up a retort.

Haibin : 冒充公务员是犯法的 ! 你走着瞧!! ( It’s illegal to pretend to be a civil servant, just you wait )

Andy : 我几时说我们是公务员啊 ?? ( When did I say we are civil servants ? )

Haibin : Then why did you check our work passes !!

Andy laughed.

Andy : I didn’t, I just took photographs of them…. You handed them to me off your own free will..
Old 14-10-2016, 12:01 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

He stood up and gestured to the roller shutter. As if a silent command had been given, they started to rise. That was when I noticed the coffee uncle by the control panel.

The roller shutters shook and 1 panel of it started to go up.

Mr Chicken rice gathered Haibin’s men and sent them out of the coffee shop but not before giving them a warning.

“小朋友。来新加坡是要求财的,不是来惹事的。。明白吗?? “

( My young friend, people come to Singapore to seek a better life, not to come and stir shit. Do you understand ? )

One of them nodded and the trio scurried away, leaving Haibin alone in the coffee shop.

That was the point when Haibin really freaked out, being abandoned by his friends alone in the place with us.

He stopped talking altogether.

Kate was wearing a light yellow dress and a pair of white heels, she looked really sweet and pretty that day if not for that frown on her face.

Well, if I was her and getting my breast touched by Haibin, I too would be pissed. Not to forget he might have done more to her if I did not show up in time.

Andy : Kate… enough already… let it go..

Kate : No !... he would have raped me if given the chance..

The Chicken rice seller took his chopper and wiped it down before passing it to Kate.

Kate : Ah Keong ah !... don’t be crazy !...

Keong : You want you kill him lor….if not then suar la…. Small thing… your brother won’t be happy if you blow things up.

Kate : Uncle Ben !

Uncle Ben : oei oei.. oei… don’t uncle Ben me hor….. I already did my part…. Last time you run away from home I ask you to stay you also never give me face.

Kate stormed her heel on the floor and bit her lips, obviously unpleased with just letting Haibin go like this.

I decided to step in and demanded an apology from him.

Pulling Kate towards Haibin, I asked him to apologise and we will let the matter rest.

We’ve wasted enough time there and it was technically still a work day for me.

Haibin : I’m…. I’m sorry Kate… I’m sorry…

Kate folded her arms and she did not look like she was satisfied with the apology.

Uncle Ben : Ok la, ok lah…. Suar liao la….

I watch Uncle Ben took a small bowl, pour himself some chicken soup and walked over to Haibin.

He spit inside the soup and offered it to him.

Haibin eagerly took it over and drank it despite it being steaming hot.

Uncle Ben : Ok ? happy now ?

I could see Kate’s eyes searching around the coffee shop. It appears as if what Uncle Ben did gave her an idea of sort. I guess if it was not done by her, she would not be satisfied.

Then I had the shock of my life when I watch Kate hold onto my shoulder and slipped off her heels.

She took another bowl of soup and poured it into her white colour heels and passed it to Haibin.

Everyone laughed except Haibin, Kate and me.

I was honestly shocked.

Haibin looked like he wanted to protest but did not.

I don’t know what was happening.

Looking at the scene unfold, I felt an erection stirring in my pants.

Imagine the pair of heel Kate wore for the day, steep with her scent and sweat. Now it was filled with a ladle of steamy fragrant chicken soup.

How do you drink soup from a heel ?

I don’t know either.

I watched as Haibin tried to put his mouth by the side, but it doesn’t work. He tried to lick it, but it’s weird too.

My erection got bigger and bigger as I watch the soup slosh around Kate’s heel, washing and soaking up her feet’s essense. Haibin finally turned it around, tipped it and drank from the part at the back that comes into contact with Kate’s heel.

Usually a blister causing spot, I never knew it was a good soup drinking spot as well.

Holding it with 2 hands, he looked like the was toasting the emperor with it.

Haibin lapped up everything and apologised to Kate again.

Uncle Ben just waved his hand at Haibin, gesturing for him to quickly get out of his sight.

As soon as Haibin disappeared, the roller shutters of the coffee shop started to rise again. There was an immediate cooling breeze that flooded into the stuffy coffee shop.

Keong, Andy and Uncle Ben went to a corner to talk and as for me, I have a shitload of questions for Kate.

So many questions flooded into my mind and I had difficulty organising them properly to ask her.

She walked barefooted up the flight of stairs by the side of the coffee shop and unlocked the door to her old place.

It was nicely furnished, you could tell it was a work of a good designer. The space was big and cozy at the same time. I only saw a nice presentable dining area, a round table that sits 10 and a bit of the sofa that sat on the grey stone tiles .

Kate did not enter the house, instead, she went straight to the full height shoe cabinet and opened it, picking out another pair of heels. The cupboard was filled to the brim with shoes and heels of various types.

James : WAH!... you like that call move out of this place ah…. You can open a shoe shop..

Kate : Tsk …

She gave me an irritated look before we went back down the stairs again

James : Kate, I have a lot of questions to ask you.

Kate : I’m not going to answer them James.

James : Just a few quick one…. What does..

Kate suddenly paused at the bottom of the stairs and I almost knocked into her.

I saw a man talking to Andy.

Tall, broad shoulder and good looking. Even as a guy, I have to admit he looks good. His features are sharp and he looks like a fucking Korean hunk. Not some pissy boy band dancer.

I saw him turn and look towards our direction.

Andy walked away as the man approached us.

He extended his hand towards me and introduced himself.

Gabriel : Hi, my name is Gabriel.

James : Hi I’m James, Kate’s colleague.

I was about to turn to Kate but she had already walked away. She walked right pass Gabriel and towards the coffee shop without acknowledging him.

What the fuck is her problem.

I turned back towards Gabriel and he said it’s ok.

Gabriel : Don’t mind her, she’s still a little kid at heart.

James : It’s ok, it’s ok. She’s quite a nice colleague.

Gabriel did not make any small talks, he thanked me for helping Kate and he hope I could continue to keep an eye out for her in the office.

Gabriel : If any time she wants to quit, tell her I’ve been wanting her to come back and help out in the family business.

James : Oh ok.. sure…

He gave me a wave and got into his car and left.

My phone rang and it was Mr Liew.
Old 14-10-2016, 12:03 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

I spent another 10 minutes with him on the phone talking about projects.

When I was done, I immediately went over to look for Kate and I saw her beside Uncle Ben.

Her arms were folded as she looked at me.

I had a bad feeling about this when I saw the way she looks at me.

Uncle Ben came over, put his hand around my shoulder. I could smell his breath, heavy with cigarette smoke. His arm felt heavy and dense, literally like a sack of rice, I probably got shorter by a cm with that weight.

Uncle Ben : Brother, my niece…… has something to ask you

James : Huh ?

Kate remained emotionless and waited for Uncle Ben to speak on her behalf.

Uncle Ben : I heard…. There’s a project….. she wanted to do…. But you objected. ….

My heart started pounding.


No way.

Not that.

I could not let Kate do it.

I could not give 2 fuck who asked me. It was for her own good.

Omar will not have her.

James : Brother, that project, I honestly is out of Kate’s league…. I don’t think she can handle it.

I saw Kate’s eyes widen as she looked at Uncle Ben again who in turn looked back at me.

His hand left my shoulder and he brushed his hair.

Uncle Ben : What you want me to do ? I’m a civilised man ok ?? I am a law abiding citizen ….

Kate : James !... are you doubting my capabilities ?!!!

James : If you have to ask Uncle Ben to ask on your behalf, I would say yes.

Kate’s mouth gasped open, and her shoulder rose as she inhaled a deep breath before she tried to hit me but I backed away.

Uncle Ben : hahaha…. Got logic… got logic… Kate… don’t waste time already la… come back and work…. Everyone so busy…. Only you get to go and work in simi lan jiao design firm…. How much they pay you ?

Kate : I’m not touching the family business !... we had this discussion…

Kate turned towards me and she managed to muster a “ I hate you “ before storming off.

Kate : James.. i… i…. I hate you !!! …

As she disappeared round the corner, Uncle Ben offered me a cigarette but I rejected it.

Uncle Ben : KNN… even I non-romantic …old uncle also can see she likes you ….

He shook his head and took a deep puff before turning towards me.

Uncle Ben : James ….

Before he could start I immediately answered.

James : I’m attached !!... attached already…. For many years…. We’re just colleagues…Kate and me….

He laughed and asked his guys to load up the truck and start the engine.

Uncle Ben : Don’t hurt her James…. if you do…. A lot…. A lot….. a lot of people… would hurt you….

He gave me a snigger and waved bye to me before heading over to say bye to the rest of the guys.

I ordered another drink but it was given to me free. After washing up a little in the bathroom, I tucked in my shirt and was considering heading home to change when I saw Andy waiting for me outside the bathroom.

Andy : James… right ?

James : Yes.. yes… you’re Andy…

We shook hands and he gestured to a plastic stool before sitting down himself.

Andy : I understand that Kate likes you…

James : Er.. I think there’s a misunderstanding..

Andy : Relax… I know … you’re attached…. Ben told me….

He looked away for a moment, searching for the right words.

Andy : I’ll go straight to the point. …. Can you…. Make Kate quit the job ?

James : Why ? she’s only been working a few months…and..

Andy : Ok ok… look look… Kate…. Is my cousin…and… she has other… responsibilities…

I immediately put up my hand and replied.

I know where this is going.

Ya la, the usual need her to go back to family business shit. Take over inheritance and stuff. This storyline is overused, probably like in every Korean and hong kong drama channel.

James : Even if I make her quit, she would get another job…. She’s stubborn… so this…doesn’t…

Andy cut me off too.

Andy : James… it’s just a request…. You can say no…. but ask yourself honestly, is staying in your office the best option for Kate ?? She’s not from your industry….is she contributing to the team ?

I hesitated for a moment and I was struck with an idea.

If I get her to leave, she could stay away from Omar.

Andy : My family’s practice has a ready spot for Kate anytime she wants to come over.

James : She did say she don’t want to touch the family business..

Andy : Hahahaha.. James… everyone goes through that phase…. You think I haven been down this road when I was her age ?? haha…

Andy continued , he followed up with me about the project he heard from Uncle Ben.

Andy : I think this is a good opportunity…. Let her do it… let her screw it up… then she’ll leave..

James : No… she cannot do this project…

Andy : Why not?

James : It’s complicated…

Andy : Look, it’s your office man…. Whatever… but the thing is….. we don’t mind Kate getting a bit of experience outside but it’s only a couple of months and look at what she has stirred up.

I looked away and my mind was thinking.

Andy could tell that I was considering and he kept quiet, giving me the space to let my mind wander.

2 minutes later, I decided it was the logical thing to do.

Kate might hate me, but as least she doesn’t get rape by Omar and his men.

James : Ok… I’ll make her quit…… but…

Andy : but what…

James : I’ll need help….

Andy : What kind of help ? Money ? Lawyer ??

He gestured to himself with a smile with 2 thumbs in a comical way.

James : I….. I need people…..

James : I need people…. To do things…. That….. no one should see, …..ask, or ……ever talk about…

The smile disappeared from Andy’s face and he waited for me to go on.

I took a deep breath, and my eyes closed for a few seconds as I quickly organised my thoughts.

When my eyes opened, I knew what I wanted to do. What we had to do.

Kate is not a kid, she is not stupid.

Even if I tell her about Omar, she would think I was joking. It was something too absurd to believe unless it happened to you.

She would not understand.

I had to make her understand.

My eyes met with Andy and from the corner of my eye, I could see Ah keong raising his chopper up into mid air.

Right at the point when he brought it down onto the chicken on the chopping board, splitting it into 2, I told Andy what I wanted. If it worked, Kate would leave the job on her own in a matter of weeks.

There were no expression on his face.

No emotions as well to betray his thoughts.

30 seconds later, Andy asked;

Andy : When do you need it ?

I mentally calculated the days till Omar’s arrival and gave Andy a rough range. He said he would get the things I need ready and give me a call.

Andy : I’ll lend you the men and the vehicle, they’ll clear out once you’re done and you’re on your own… you get caught… it’s on you.

James : Ok.

Andy : are you sure you need to go this far to make her quit ? Can’t you just pick on her or something..? play office politics or some shit… make it unbearable…

James : This project that Kate wanted….. it would destroy her… she must not do it…

Perhaps it was the tone of my voice or the way I said it, Andy nodded his head.

Andy : Kate would hate you if she ever finds out….. Ben would hurt you bad if she gets hurt….. ….Gabriel….. Gabriel would kill you…. And I’m not joking James…

Andy : My advice to you James…. don’t hurt Kate…. You’ll regret it…

James : Everything I’m doing…. Is to make sure she don’t get hurt….

Andy stood up and extended his hand.

Andy : Good luck….. and don’t fuck it up…

Old 14-10-2016, 12:14 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Just in time to read the midnight update. Welcome back bro ilock!!
Old 14-10-2016, 12:22 AM
silver5surfer silver5surfer is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

another cliff hanger! Solid update!!!!
sailsingapore,CoCk shoCk,S.B.Y.1,ah rat,Linkus,Jay Chou,Smoky7,sky_liner2,marlboroken,Imogen,SG10,Rib eyes,esssinine,Hanster,bigbirdbird,tuyet,Vampirede vil,ejectjoy,Rasta Marley,nitecrawllerr,owen10,lonebonker,Havanna Slicks,kim-seng-heng,wally888,CumExplorer,ah rat,slicker69
Old 14-10-2016, 12:33 AM
naked123 naked123 is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

walao anti-climax
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