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Old 03-08-2005, 04:09 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by Harrier24B
Hahaha...given that situation...I seriously DOUBT that any sane and potent man would be able to resist the temptation.....
Well said, bro! can't help but agree wif u! i would hv done the same as well or even cook up some excuse & 'sneaked' over much earlier!! HAHA...

pls do continue wif ur fantastic writing style! its been most enjoyable reading your past accounts in this aspect (over the past months...tho i've been a 'silent' reader BUT avid fan of urs! pity i dun hv the capability to up ur pts...sigh!)!

Kudos to u, dude!
Old 03-08-2005, 04:48 PM
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Re: True Story

Haha, but with wife in overseas, I will not do that.
@#$%$#@ SJB1994 NOT MY VEHICLE NUMBER @#$%$#@
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Old 03-08-2005, 04:50 PM
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Re: True Story

lol maybe will same like u
Ruu Hoshino
Old 04-08-2005, 01:58 AM
moet moet is offline
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Re: True Story

very nice story, spent 5 hrs reading it. great job bro h24b
Old 04-08-2005, 10:13 AM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by Harrier24B
... Eventually, my small head won and since I didn’t change earlier, I took my key card and went out of my room quietly and once clear, made a call to the ladies to inform them that I was going over…..
So what happened next in the great Bangkok gang bang?

Quickly leh Bro Harrier...
can see?
Semi-retired Member of the League of Extra-horny Gentlemen

She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
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Old 04-08-2005, 04:23 PM
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Re: True Story

As I was about to get into the cab, my mobile rang…… “Hello?” I answered

“Hello? Where did you go?” It was my missus!

“Oh…I was feeling kind of peckish so I thought I’d come down and see whether there was any snacks I could buy from the 7-11 next door. You wanna buy anything?” I replied feeling dejected cos with her awake, it would be suicide if I went ahead to have rendezvous with the 2 ladies.

“No….but now I can’t really sleep so I will read……”

“Ok then, should be back up really soon….Bye”

After that call, I immediately dialed Chris’s number, “Hi Chris?”

“Hi Harrier, how come you’re not here yet? I’m already dressed in my PINK lingerie and Jen is in a tiny top and shorts……and we’ve already had half a bottle of wine….”

“I’m sorry I have to spoil the fun for the both of you BUT I’m stuck and can’t go over to join you. My client’s called me last minute and want me to join them for drinks in a NightClub. You know that I would give up anything to be with you gals BUT this is work…..sigh” I had to lie as they didn’t know my wife was here with me.

“Ok then……but you’ll be missing out on some really good ‘fun’… sure you REALLY can’t CUM.” She said seductively…..

My head was going bonkers as my small head was directing me to grab a cab and go there while my big head said the rational thing to do was buy some snacks and go back up to the room……..

“Er….well….i do not have a choice. Let’s see whether we can meet tomorrow. Ok? Have fun…ta ta.”

I hung up and walked over to the 7-11, bought some snacks and headed back to the room …….

The next day, I awoke rather early to wash up, put on a short sleeved shirt with chinos and mocs carrying my Tumi bag containing all my work related stuff and notebook made my way downstairs to have breakfast while my missus continued sleeping. While eating on my own, my mind wandered to when Adelina and I were last here having breakfast after a fantastic night of numerous shags…….when my mobile rang. It was HER!

“Hello?” “Hi Baby, you up yet for work?” I was rather surprised as she actually called while I was thinking about her.

“Oh yah….I’m having brekkie now in the hotel lobby. Why are you up so early on a Saturday morning?” I asked

“Oh….i couldn’t really sleep because you didn’t answer my call last night. Where did you go? How come didn’t answer?”

“I was with clients and we were out drinking till quite late. What were you loking for me for?” I asked keeping my voice calm so she couldn’t detect the lie.

“Oh…that guy who was going after me invited me out for drinks…..and since I couldn’t get you….decided to go ahead and we went Zouk Wine Bar last night. Nothing happened, we just had some drinks BUT he kept questioning me why I was with a married man……and as I was quite pissed with him, I took a cab back on my own..…..”

“Oh…you told him about us?”

“Yah…he kept pestering me about whether I had a boyfriend and other stuff……”

“Well……..I can’t be bothered with him anyway……I only have eyes for you!” She continued.

“Ok baby, I gotta go already. The driver is here to pick me up” I said as I saw a man in uniform holding a cardboard with my name on it.

“Ok baby, dun work too hard. I’m missing you….call me later ok?”

“Ok…laters baby….Bye”

I hung up the phone and waved to the guy holding the card and signaled for him to come over to me.

“Sawasdee Krup Khun Harrier?”

“Sawasdee Krup, yes I’m Harrier. You are…..?”

“Oh…..I am the driver sent to pick you to the meeting. Are you ready to go? The traffic is building up already..…..”

“Ok, I’m actually done. Let’s go”

With that, he helped me pick up my Tumi bag and we headed to a gleaming Toyota Camry parked outside.
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Old 04-08-2005, 04:50 PM
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Re: True Story

A few hours later, the meeting finally ended and with all issues settled, I made a call to my wife to check what she wanted to do

“Hi, we are breaking for lunch. What are your plans for today?”

“Hi, I’m now shopping around. What time you reckon you’ll be done?” She asked

“Er..i do not really know what time. Where are you now and where will you be heading to?”

“Well, I’m at Oriental in Sukhumvit area now….will probably go to the HUGE shopping centre opposite our hotel….so not too far away to lug the stuff I bought”

“Oh…ok then….I’ll call you when I’m done..Bye”

I hung up and called Chris “Chris, harrier here..Hi”

“Oh..HI! You wanna come meet us?”

“Where? You gals had lunch yet?”

“Not yet….what about you?”

“ Not yet either, why don’t we meet. Where are you now?”

“We are in our hotel room….why don’t you come over first then decide where to go for lunch?”

“Ok then….see u later”

I hung up the phone, packed up my stuff and got into the Camry and instructed the driver to drive to the hotel that the gals were staying in.

Once I arrived, I left my bag in the car and stood outside the car taking a smoke while I smsed Chris for her room number. In moments, Chris replied withy her room number and I took a last drag on the duty free cigarette, stubbed it out and proceeded to go up to the gals room.

I rang the door bell and when the door opened, I was treated to a fantastic sight of 2 beautiful ladies clad only in their bras and shorts………
Being too humble can be interpreted as being Boastful
Old 04-08-2005, 06:19 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by Harrier24B
I rang the door bell and when the door opened, I was treated to a fantastic sight of 2 beautiful ladies clad only in their bras and shorts………
nah behz... you and your cb cliff-hanger... better continue quick quick or i will ZAP u!!

Old 04-08-2005, 06:53 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by 10 cc
nah behz... you and your cb cliff-hanger... better continue quick quick or i will ZAP u!!

hahaha.... bro 10cc oso buay da han liao....
wanna zap bro harrier some more....

Bro 10cc.... u gonna mk pple be more interested in whether u gonna zap bro harrier than his true story liao jk
Old 04-08-2005, 10:54 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by nismo88
hahaha.... bro 10cc oso buay da han liao....
wanna zap bro harrier some more....

Bro 10cc.... u gonna mk pple be more interested in whether u gonna zap bro harrier than his true story liao jk
So how, Bro Harrier? Even your buddy mate pushing you for continuation now, quickly lah...
can see?
Semi-retired Member of the League of Extra-horny Gentlemen

She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end...
Old 06-08-2005, 01:55 AM
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Re: True Story

bro h24b,

i am hooked onto this thread. can continue your story?
Old 06-08-2005, 04:35 AM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by moet
bro h24b,

i am hooked onto this thread. can continue your story?

Bro,i oso same as u already hooked onto this tread.
Old 06-08-2005, 01:35 PM
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Re: True Story

WOW... Bro Harrier... ur story really make my didi stand... Spend me a few hours reading finish ur story... ur ger r so horny... omg... MORE OF IT PLS UNCLE HARRIER... waitin for u to cont wif ur MILF... haha...
Old 06-08-2005, 05:58 PM
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Re: True Story

MILF! Yum Yum! Keep up the good work, Harrier24B!
Old 06-08-2005, 08:17 PM
Krill&grill Krill&grill is offline
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Re: True Story

Mr Harrier next have a down part in his story....Keep on going hope to hear from you soon.....
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