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Old 26-04-2009, 05:29 PM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

Please continue .... no update for a while le
Old 26-04-2009, 06:54 PM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

Originally Posted by Niceman View Post
That was what I think last time. Now, if got eat, just do it
true, now got chance juz EAT them alive !
Old 26-04-2009, 10:14 PM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

camp here.
must eat them raw like sashimi... hee hee hee
I'm just a normal Bonker

I don't anyhow Zap people, If I Zap I alway Zap with pride by leaving my Nick and reason of Zaping.

Do leave me your reason and nick if you zap me and I'll not zap you back.

Coward Zaper out there, Why you dare to Zap people but don't dare to leave your nick?
Old 05-07-2009, 10:42 PM
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Old 06-07-2009, 01:26 PM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

Wat the f... are u trying to say?

My points are for meritorious postings NOT for exchange!
Old 06-07-2009, 02:29 PM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

Words are like leaves: and where they are most abound, much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.
Old 06-07-2009, 06:01 PM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

bro xiaonan, great story.... please continue
Old 07-07-2009, 02:17 AM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

I had and encounter with a Japanese lady 6 months back while waiting for taxi in one of the hotel in singapore. I was in front of her , but seeing she was in a hurry decide to give in ( good samaritan).. decide to chit chat a bit since i know a bit of japanese while waiting for taxi...

I found out that she just visit her friend who is staying in the hotel and she was a teacher, teaching japanese language in a private school here...

I decide to venture further by telling her that i was interested in learning japanese(kei kei) and to my surprise she agreed to pass me her number and to contact her if i need to enroll in the class.. I was thinking to myself.. wah
so easy to get number... and start to plan what to do next.. kekeke

To be continue....
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."
Old 07-07-2009, 10:11 AM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

Hi bro sgman1968,

Please continue with your account of that encounter.
Old 07-07-2009, 12:44 PM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

Con't on where I left out...

Once I get her no.. fast hand fast leg call and ask for her msn ...
She told me that she married and have 2 sons.. 1 in Japan the other studying here. She was quite bored, cos her huby (jap also)always overseas for business, so that why she decided to teach part time( fulltime house wife) .. in my heart ho say liao.. can makan..

Some conversation I had with her in MSN..

me: Ohaiyo... Genki des ka

Akiko : Hai Genki des John san..

Me: What u doing now.. not working?

Akiko: later ne.. now still at home

Me : where your kid and huby?

Akiko: huby still not back , kid at school..

Me: (was thinking, shall i ask her out)..Akiko when u free we go for tea can?

Akiko: ok John san tomorrow i no class so we can meet at tanglin Mall...

Me: (was thinking, how come so easy for this lady to say yes.. my thought ran wild and i telling myself im feeling very lucky)

I then cfmd with her the time and we talk about others stuff , like why she like singapore and what are the places she been. We never once talk about sex cos tru my experience japanese woman very slow to open up..

She did mentioned about her married life and said that she wish that her huby would spend time with her... I jokingly tell her that now she dont have to worry cos I'm here to company here if she feel lonely.. she just say thank you(hmmm japanese woman so ever polite.. kekeke)

shit.. got to go now lunch time over..
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Old 07-07-2009, 01:43 PM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

putting my SAR 21 and SBO helmet here..
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Old 07-07-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

Originally Posted by sgman1968 View Post
I had and encounter with a Japanese lady 6 months back while waiting for taxi in one of the hotel in singapore...
Why don't you start a new thread for your story? A lot of us still hoping original TS comes back to continue his story. If TS does come back, then it's going to be messy if you write your story here.

Go start a new thread. You will get more points that way too.
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too.
Old 08-07-2009, 03:12 AM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

Hi Bro's

my apology for hijacking the treat....
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."
Old 08-07-2009, 08:42 AM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

Originally Posted by sgman1968 View Post
Hi Bro's

my apology for hijacking the treat....
do provide us your new link when you start your story.
Old 08-07-2009, 09:06 AM
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Re: Dating a Japanese House Wife in Singapore

Originally Posted by sgman1968 View Post
Hi Bro's

my apology for hijacking the treat....
You are a newbie. Next time when people want to check on you before passing your FL contacts, they will know you had started a thread to share a story. Better for you in the long run.

Originally Posted by iras View Post
do provide us your new link when you start your story.
Here you go.
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too.
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