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Old 01-09-2010, 11:32 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Looking forward to it bro , cheers ................
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon

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Old 01-09-2010, 11:57 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Me: Dude, your mom seems angry. What's up?

Jas: My canto is a bit buggy, but it has something to do with my sister.

Me: Jenny?

Jas: Yeah. How many sisters do you think I have?

Me: Very funny. What's she saying?

Jas: Something about Jenny going out late and not coming bck the whole night. And finding cigarettes in her bag.

Me: Your mom still goes through her stuff? Wow.

Jas: She's still a kid lah. And she found condoms too.

Me: Huh. What's the big deal?

Jas: No big deal la. I guess mom doesn't want her sleeping around...

Me: What's your dad saying?

Jas: He said at least she is using protection. And won't she be glad to have a grandkid?

I almost choked on the shabu-shabu beef slice I was swallowing.

Me: You got cool parents man...

Jas: Yeah. But I also wonder where she is sometimes...

Me: Maybe she has a boyfriend? She's a big girl la. I'm sure she can take care of herself.

Jas: Haha. You understand canto? That's what my dad just said...

Me: Is it? Haha...

Jas: Aiyah. Let's eat la. Don't talk about her liao.

Me: Ok.

Dinner finished without much incident and Jason and the others decided to play xbox throughout the night. I declined as it was getting late and said goodbye to them and his parents.

As the lift door opened, Jenny was there.

J: Hey.

Me: Hey babe. Going home?

J: Duh. Not obvious meh?

Me: Wah lan. Like that also can suan me...

J: No la. Kidding only. You not staying ah?

Me: Tired la. Going back to rest.

J: I don't feel like going home leh. Accompany me awhile?

Me: Huh. You already home. Where you wanna go?

J: Dunno leh. Roof garden?

Me: Huh? Ok lor.

I entered the lift and followed her back down. We went to the carpark and took the lift the the roof garden. It was nearing midnight and somehow the lights were off. Jenny held on to me.

Me: Why scared ah?

J: No la. Miss you mah...

Me: Huh. Why miss me? I not your boyfriend.

J: Ya la ya la. FB only right?

Me: No la. Just friends la. We only had sex once.

J: Just friends? You enjoyed it right?

Me: Ok la.

J: Wah lau. Ok only?

Me: It was good la. Happy?

J: When you wanna do again?

Me: Huh. Why you so horny...

J: Cannot meh? I like sex.

Me: Ok Miss High Sex Drive. It's late and you should be going home...

J: But we just got here!

Me: Er. So?

J: Thought we can have some fun la.

Me: What kind of fun?

J: You know, you and me, in a dark place...

Me: Eh, here public place la, get caught how?

J: Come upstairs to my room lor.

Me: Siao. I don't feel like having sex now la...

J: Huh. Really ah? Ok lor. Make out can or not?

Me: Not now la. I damn shagged. Few more days enlisting also...

J: You're no fun la.

Me: I not like you la. Sex crazy.

J: At least sit here and chat with me awhile lor.

Me: Ok la. But I leaving soon ah?

J: Ok lor.

So we sat and chatted. I shared my experiences about Poly with her and told her about the different types of people she might meet. She told me of her plans for the future and what she hoped to get out of her tertiary education. The entire conversation never drifted to sexual topics and before I knew it, it was already 3am.

Me: Wah so late liao.

J: Chat awhile more la...

Me: I wanna die liao la...

J: Wah lau. Weak la you.

Me: Ya la. I weak la. Can I please go home and sleep?

J: Ok lor. Can I go home with you?

Me: For what?

J: Sleep lor.

Me: You live here but you want to come my house to sleep?

J: Can or not? I don't feel like going home.

Me: Ok lor. But how you going to sneak out later?

J: Later then say la.

Me: Ok.

We headed out of the roof garden and hailed a cab from the main road. Throughout the whole journey, Jenny rested her head on my shoulder while I held her hand and stroked her hair.

It did not seem like we were merely fuck buddies as we were actually behaving like a couple.
Old 01-09-2010, 12:04 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

It works!!! Alright!!!

Now I just need to figure out how to upload the damn word file straight to google docs via email...

Does anyone know?
Old 01-09-2010, 06:07 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Jenny and I reached back to my place and we snuck inside the house. Thankfully my parents and siblings were still asleep and I had the luxury of having my own room. I was already dead tired, and seriously wanted to sleep.

J: Hey, don't you need to shower?

Me: Er. It's a common bathroom. And the noise might wake them up.

J: Huh. What do you do in there that's so noisy? PCC ah?

Me: PCC also not so noisy la. You want to shower ah?

J: Ya. We shower together?

Me: Ok lor.

I grabbed a spare towel from my cupboard, then grabbed my own that was hanging on the chair and we headed to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face as I watched Jenny strip through the mirror. She stepped into the shower stall and turned back.

J: Coming?

Me: Yeah.

I followed her into the stall and closed the sliding door. She turned on the tap and almost gave a loud shriek.

J: It's cold!

Me: Opps. Forgot about the heater.

I opened the door slightly and stuck my hand out and felt around in the dark for the heater switch. After fumbling for awhile, I got a shock when someone on the other side switched it on for me. It was my half-brother, Andrew, half-awake.

A: Bro, I need to pee.

Me: I just got back, could you use the other toilet?

A: Oh yeah. Why didn't I think of that?

Me: Where's mom and that dickhead?

A: They went to Malaysia with Kenneth last night. You forgotten already?

Kenneth is my other half-brother.

Me: Oh yeah. Must have slipped my mind.

A: And you didn't send them off.

Me: Waste of my time.

A: And now you are wasting water as well.

I had left the shower running.

Me: You're the one talking to me leh. Go and pee la, I'm going to shower.

That was a relief. Andrew did not barge into the bathroom. Otherwise, he might have seen Jenny naked. And his raging teenage hormones might overtake his rational thinking. Anyway, it was a good thing that no one other than Andrew would be at home to disturb me. Jenny whispered to me.

J: Your brother?

Me: Yeah, why?

J: How old is he?

Me: Why so kaypoh? Looking for another fuck buddy ah?

J: Haha. No la. Curious. You never say you got siblings mah.

Me: You never asked.

J: Hmph. Ok lor.

Me: Shower la. I wanna sleep liao. And be quiet...

Jenny stuck her tongue out at me.

I reached behind her to grab my shower gel and was ambushed by her. She pulled me close to her and started kissing me. We stood there under the running water kissing for roughly 10 minutes before stopping. I shut off the water. Jenny took the shower gel and squirted it all over me before rubbing herself against me. I was extremely tired so I let her do whatever she wanted. I was so tired that even my dick refused to respond to her sensuous body to body rub. She got the message after awhile and gave up trying to turn me on and turned on the shower instead. We washed the soap off, dried ourselves and covered over modesty with the towels.

I opened the door to check if the coast was clear before motioning to her to follow me back to my room. We tiptoed like a couple of crooks and entered the room. I shut the door and locked it. Jenny looked at the super-single sized mattress on the floor.

J: Looks like your bed is a little small.

I ignored her and turned on the aircon.

J: But I like...

I crawled onto the bed like a man dying of thirst in the desert. She crawled in next to me.

J: You sleep naked all the time?

Me: Yeah.

J: I like that too but I can't. It gets too cold...

She pointed at her erect nipples.

I took the hint, got up, and opened my cupboard. I dug around for awhile before retrievng an extra large sized t-shirt for her. I handed it to her and she slipped it on. The length was about right, it reached midway down her thighs.

I crawled back into bed and threw the quilt over myself. Jenny joined me under the quilt and lay on my shoulder, her hand resting on my abdomen.

J: Hug?

I turned to face her and slid my hand under her neck, my other hand resting on her hip. She placed both her hands at my groin.

J: Good night.

She kissed me on the lips. I kissed her back and immediately fell asleep.
Old 02-09-2010, 12:09 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Loud knocking on my bedroom door woke me up. I checked the digital clock that was on my table. It was sightly past noon.

Andrew: Bro, why did you lock the door? I want to borrow your pool cue.

Me: Gimme a minute. I need to get dressed.

A: We are both guys. I have what you have. Hurry up man, my friend is waiting downstairs.

Me: Wait la...

A: You got a girl inside issit?

Jenny sat up.

J: Wah. How he know?

Me (to Jenny): Don't know.

Me (to Andrew): Just wait la.

I grabbed a pair of shorts, put it on, took my pool cue in its hard leather case and went to unlock the door. Andrew opened it and tried to stick his head in.

A: Where's she? Hot or not?

I shoved him out of the room playfully and closed the door behind me.

Me: Don't be such a busybody la.

A: Your girlfriend? You never bring girls home before. Introduce us leh.

Me: I thought your friend is waiting downstairs? And how you know I brought a girl home?

A: He can wait awhile longer. And you weren't exactly very stealthy when you came back last night.

Me: Ok la. There's a girl inside.

At that point of time, Jenny opened the door.

J: Hi!

A: Jenny?

J: Andrew?

Me: You two know each other?

A: Same tuition centre.

Me: Now that's kind of awkward.

Jenny was still wearing the oversized t-shirt, her nipples were erect and sort of poking through the thin material. I could see that Andrew was checking her out.

Jenny came forward and hugged Andrew, pressing her braless breasts onto him. The shock of it caused him to drop my pool cue.

Me: OIIII! It costs 300!

Andrew bent down to pick it u after Jenny released him.

A: Sorry.

He was blushing and I thought I saw a slight tent forming in the front of his board shorts. He was a boxers-not-briefs kind of guy and boxers did little to conceal erections. I think Jenny noticed it as well.

J: Long time no see!

A: Er, yeah.

J: How's your O levels?

A: I did ok. Can go JC but I only went for about 2 months. Going XXX Poly next month.

J: Really! I'm going there too! Which course?

A: Biotech.

J: Chey. I'm going to Business. We could hang out.

A: I suppose.

I tapped my foot impatiently.

Me: I thought you were late.

A: Opps. Yeah. I gotta go.

J: Wanna meet up for dinner?

Andrew looked at me, unsure what he should say. I did not even know that Jenny wanted to spend the entire day with me.

Me: Why not? I'll call you later to arrange. Playing pool until what time?

A: Er. Few hours only. You sure it's ok. You two aren't-

Me: Ok. Will call you later. We are not together if that's what you're asking.

J: Not exactly. Haha. Non-exclusive relationship...

A: Right. Ok. I gotta go. Bye

J: Bye!

Me: Don't get caught smoking ah. You're still underage.

A: Bro, some people say I look older than you. Anyway I'm really going.

Andrew let himself out and I turned around to face Jenny.

Me: Please don't tell me you're thinking of fucking him too.

J: Who me? No la... What makes you think so? In any case, even if I did I would have done so long ago. Haha...

Coming from the same dickhead of a father, Andrew and I both had pretty good genes. We were not exactly handsome but we were not bad looking. I was pretty sure that Jenny had some dirty thoughts in her mind, judging by the type of people she was attracted to. Andrew was tall, broad shouldered, and often went to the gym after being influenced by me. We had many things in common, despite being only half-brothers.

Me: You better not meet my other brother then.

J: Why?

Me: He's 12 and that would be statutory rape.

J (punching me playfully): Idiot.

Me: Are you hungry yet? Wanna go for lunch?

J: Yeah. I need to go home to change and get some stuff. Wanna follow me?

Me: Nope. I have no reason to be there. But I can send you home if you want.

I went to the cabinet next to the TV and rummaged around for the dickhead's spare car keys. He did not like me driving his car but he was in Malaysia so there was nothing he could do.

J: Oooo.... A guy who drives. I like....

Me: Not my car... Haha. Might get one after I clear my Army training.

J: Haha. Ok. Later we go see car la.

Me: Huh. So fast? Eh, we are not a couple leh. Why must see car. Wait next time you ask me go see flat how?

J: Can also! Haha.

Me: Siao. Later then see how la. Let's shower then go for lunch.
Old 02-09-2010, 10:35 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by EnigmaofSorrow View Post
yes bro I'm still in contact with them.

they are in their early 20s.

anyway, to the rest of the bros: i'm trying out a new way of posting using my phone. bear with me please.
I see, any way of sharing ? ^^
Old 03-09-2010, 12:01 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by youngboy123 View Post
I see, any way of sharing ? ^^
Frankly, if you came to this particular thread for the sole purpose of looking for free sex, I suggest you look elsewhere. There's no such thing as a free lunch in this world.
Old 03-09-2010, 05:37 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

We headed to the carpark after our shower. I had no idea where the car was parked and we practically walked around the entire multi-storey carpark, while pressing the unlock button, listening for the familiar beeping noise.

Eventually, we found the car just below the roof level parking area, parked head-first in the far corner of the car park. The dickhead usually parked his car near the staircase on the lower levels.

Me: Nabei. Park so far away for what.

J: He go holiday mah, maybe he wants the car to be in a safer place?

Me: I think just don't want me to find the car la.

The carpark was empty except for the silver Toyota Corolla.

A sudden thought overcame me.

Me: Hey... It's quite deserted here...

J: Why?

She gave me a devious grin.

I took her by the hand and we walked quickly to the staircase.

The staircase was enclosed, and not facing any of the other blocks. We headed up to the landing just outside the access door to the roof level. Jenny sat down at the top of the stairs and I stood two steps below. Facing her.

J: Take it off.

Me: I can see why you like doing it in public, it's kind of exciting.

I unbuttoned and unzipped my khaki berms and slid them down together with my briefs. My semi-hard cock sprang out.

J: You should have worn shorts and boxers.

She pulled me towards her and engulfed my half flaccid member.

Me: Ahh... Why leh?

Jenny popped my cock out of her mouth, it grew rapidly, her saliva dripping down.

J: Easier to remove and put back la, in case someone comes.

Me: Oh? Rea-

She swallowed my almost fully erect cock again, sucking on the head, and massaging my balls. She continued suck, licking and wanking me for a few more minutes.

J: I'm wet.

Me: Er. Ok.

I was thinking of shooting my load in her mouth but apparently she had other ideas.

Jenny stood up and bent over, supporting herself against the wall. She was wearing a skirt, which she hiked up over her hips, and she pulled her g-string aside.

I held up my berms and briefs and waddled up the stairs.

Jenny looked at me seductively.

J: Fuck me.

I positioned myself behind her. I inserted two fingers into her pussy to check if she was really wet. She was. I wiped her juices on my dickhead and prepared to enter.

Me: Wait. I don't have condoms...

J: Don't care la. I already said I'm on the pill.

Me: I thought you also said you will still use condoms?

J: Hurry up la. Wait you get soft again. Haha.

That kind of pissed me off. It was as though she was suggesting I had erectile problems. I placed my cock at her entrance and shoved it all the way in, my thighs hitting her butt with considerable force. She did not brace herself for entry and her forehead hit the wall lightly.

J: Oww..

She rubbed her forehead. I ignored her and started ramming my rod into her. Soon she was moaning like a bitch in heat.

Me: You like that, slut?

I slapped her ass.

J: Ahhh! Yes! Hit me harder!

I slapped her ass again with more force.

J: Yes! Yes!

I squeezed her ass with my left hand and grabbed her hair with my right. She bit her lower lip. I was getting pretty turned on with her antics and I rammed harder. She responded by tightening her pussy muscles, milking my dick with every thrust.

Me: Shit. I'm gonna cum.

J: Shoot on the floor can? I missed the pill last night.

Me: No way bitch!

I pulled out of her and spun her around. I pushed her head down and shoved my cock into her mouth. She gagged.

J (muffled): Hey!

I ignored her and held on to her head, fucking her mouth. After a few thrusts, I shot two streams of cum into her mouth. I pulled out.

Me: Like that?

Tears were streaming down her face. She was coughing. Then, she swallowed. She looked up at me.

J: Yes. Now it's my turn.

She pulled me towards her again and took in my still erect cock, sucking hard.

Me: Oh shit!

She quickened the pace while grabbing my balls.

Me: I can't come again so fast la!

I tried to push her away. My legs were already trembling, and my dick was quite sensitive due to the first shot. She bit down slightly.

Me: Ow! What the fuck?!

She continued sucking, extremely hard, and fast. I guess it was my punishment for mouth-fucking her.

Me: Ahhh.... Ahhh... I'm gonna cum again...

I was about to shoot when Jenny grabbed my balls and pulled them down. She stopped sucking and pressed the area just below my dickhead hard.

Me: What the?!

J: I read it in a book.

The urge to cum disappeared mysteriously, and I was still hard. Jenny stood up and attempted to climb onto my dick.

Me: I never had standing sex before.

J: Try la. I'm not that heavy.

She held on to my shoulders and jumped up, hooking her legs around my back. I almost fell backwards but managed to regain my balance.

J: Put it in.

I grabbed her ass and slowly lowered her onto my cock. It felt like a very strange workout at the gym.

Me: Now what?

J: Er, carry me up and down?

I had no idea what she meant but I tried anyway, grabbing her ass and easing her up and down my dick. It was like she was a very large male sex toy. It helped alot that she had extremely good control of her pussy muscles, and was able to clench them at the right times. She grabbed my hair and our lips met, parting slightly for further introductions of our tongues. This carried on for quite some time.

Me: Hey this is getting tiring.

J: Just continue la.

My arms were tired and my back was aching. I had no idea what she did but I could not cum, I did not even feel an urge to cum. However, my competitive nature was stopping me from considering losing to this sex maniac. I carried on.

Probably another ten minutes had passed. We were both sweaty from exertion and the humidity. My cock was strangely still relatively hard. But I was really exhausted. This was probably more strenuous than any of my gym sessions.

J: You tired?

Me: Yeah.

J: Stop lor. Wimp.

Me: What? Basket. Change position. See how you tahan.

I let her off my dick and we went back to the rear entry position. I rammed her as hard as I could, ignoring my aching back and trembling legs. I could sense she was really enjoying it, judging by the soft moans that escaped her lips.

Perhaps it was the awkward position of standing sex, and that my dickhead was not getting enough stimulation, but after only 5 minutes of pumping her, I felt a huge load being released. It was as though the second shot that was stopped by her had gotten stuck, and it only got dislodged when the third shot came along. And I had forgotten to pull out.

J:OIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! I thought I told you not to shoot inside!

Me (catching my breath): Oops.

Jenny immediately squatted down and spread her pussy, she inserted two fingers and tried to force the cum out. A stream of extremely thick cum followed her fingers out when she withdrew her fingers, followed by more cum, less thick this time, dripping out.

Me: Haha. It looks like you are pissing semen.

J: Idiot.

She wiped her hand on my shirt.

Me: Just as well, we need to go back to wash up anyway.

Jenny looked at me, and it seemed like she was suddenly fearful.

J: I never skipped the pill before.

Me: Not so easy to get pregnant la.

I tried to reassure her but I was pretty clueless myself.

Me: Didn't the doctor explain how it works?

J: I didn't get it from a doctor.

Me: Huh. Then where?

J: Lina help me buy from Malaysia. She say no need prescription there.

Me: Huh. Then how you know it works?

J: I googled the brand. It's real.

Me: Ya la. The brand real but the pills leh?

J: I don't know.

Me: Aiyah. Don't worry so much la. Really not so easy. If not later go buy pregnancy test kit lor.

J: Ok... I never been this scared before.

I pulled her towards me and hugged her.

Me: Don't worry. If anything happens I'll take responsibility. Let's go back to shower.

Jenny nodded. I put on a brave front but deep inside I was secretly worried. I hoped I would not become a father before my time.
Old 04-09-2010, 04:51 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Fuyo...imba la ur story!!! Do cont for your next instalment~~ XD
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Old 05-09-2010, 12:10 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by EnigmaofSorrow View Post
Frankly, if you came to this particular thread for the sole purpose of looking for free sex, I suggest you look elsewhere. There's no such thing as a free lunch in this world.
Chill bro. I'm just curious. Please continue.
Old 06-09-2010, 02:16 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by youngboy123 View Post
Chill bro. I'm just curious. Please continue.
It's ok bro. It's not that I don't want to share. But it's not very appropriate. Hope you understand.
Old 06-09-2010, 02:22 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

After showering again, Jenny and I headed to Tampines Mall for a late lunch at PastaMania. After lunch, I sent her back to her place to change and grab her stuff. I waited in the car park as I wanted to avoid meeting Jason or her parents in case they asked any questions I probably should not answer.

Jenny reappeared around half an hour later, wearing a floral print sleeveless dress and she was carrying an overnight bag.

She entered the car and we drove off, not really deciding where we were going to meet Andrew later.

Me: What's in the bag?

J: Clothes, toiletries, some stuff...

Me: You going somewhere?

J: Yeah. Your place. Haha.

Me: Erm, what for?

J: Stay over lor. Your parents aren't around.

Me: Are you sure that's such a good idea?

J: Yeah. Why not?

Me: Because we aren't a couple? You really shouldn't be staying over at my place?

J: Huh, we aren't a couple? Really meh? Cannot pretend ah?

Me: Er. I already told you I'm going army liao, no time for girlfriend.

J: Aiyah, weekend you come out we have sex lor. I'm very low maintenance la.

Me: Er, serious ah? Then weekday I not around how?

J: I find someone else to fuck lor.

Me: Wah lau. I don't like to share leh. How?

J: Too bad. You know what I'm like.

Me: See how la. You really need sex everyday ah?

J: Not really. It's more of a want than a need.

Me: Crazy. Like that might as well be a freelancer, can earn money somemore.

J: Eh, good idea leh. You got lobang ah?

Me: Huh, what?

J: Kidding la. I don't sleep with just anyone hor, must have some standard.

Me: Hmmm. Ok. I suppose I'm ok with you finding someone else on weekdays, but not too many ah.

J: Wah, so kind of you.

Me: Ya. But weekend you're all mine ah.

J: Not a problem. So you're my boyfriend now ah?

Me: I think it's more like an open relationship.

J: I suppose that works too. Means we are not exclusive to each other?

Me: Something like that.

J: Aiyah, so cheem for what. Fuck buddy say fuck buddy la.

Me: That term sounds wrong la. Haha.

J: Ok lor. So where are we going now?

Me: I don't know.

J: Still meeting Andrew right?

Me: I think so. Why?

J: Just asking la. Cannot meh.

Me: Can la. So what you want to do?

J: I don't know, you sms him see what time he free lor. Then maybe we watch movie first or something. Where's he playing pool?

Me: Not sure. Should be Selegie.

J: Then we go PS first la.

Me: PS? Where to find parking there on a Saturday afternoon?

J: Can one la. Just go there first and drive around lor.

Me: Ok. I sms Andrew when we reach.

J: Oh, by the way, I'm not wearing underwear.

I nearly swerved and crashed into the centre divider.

Me: What? Why?

J: I like mah. More cooling. Haha.

I came to a stop at the traffic light and turned to Jenny. She lifted up her dress.

J: Check this out.

In the short span of half an hour, her neatly trimmed pussy was bald.

Me: Wow, you shaved?

J: Nope, used cream.

Me: Huh. Can meh? I thought those cream is for other parts of the body?

J: Can one la. You like?

She grabbed my left hand and brought it to her pussy, making me feel the smoothness of it. I felt my cock stirring. I hoped I would not be like Jason Biggs in American Pie when he came in his pants when Nadia made him touch her hairless pussy.

Me: Eh I driving la.

True enough, the car behind me sounded his horn when I did not move off immediately when the lights changed to green.

J: I hope whatever movie we are watching later will not be crowded...

And she gave me a sly grin.
Old 06-09-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Sexciting weekend cumming up eh? Thanks bro, cheers ............
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon

" All that is needed for Evil to succeed is, that decent human beings do NOTHING. " - Edmund Burke
Old 06-09-2010, 05:43 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

A sudden downpour hampered our progress to Plaza Singapura and we found ourselves stuck in a mini traffic jam on the CTE.

Me: Thank goodness the car's an auto.

J: What's the difference?

Not wanting to get into an entire conversation with Jenny about the difference between the two transmissions, I simply said that an auto was easier to drive.

J: I think there's an accident up ahead.

Me: Is it? I can't see anything.

J: Looks like there's cars on the side of the road.

Me: I still can't see anything. And if there's an accident we'll be stuck here for quite some time.

Jenny did not reply. Instead, she snaked her right hand across and unzipped my berms, releasing my snake. I hit the brakes in shock, and the cars behind me sounded their horns.

Me: What the fuck are you doing?!

J: Giving you a handjob? Bet you never had one while driving before.

I took her hand out of my pants and returned it to her. Then I sort of scolder her in a harsh tone.

Me: It's dangerous. Don't do that again.

J: Hmph. You're not fun.

Me: And you might not be in one piece if I crash into something.

Jenny laughed and pointed at the dashboard.

J: Don't try to bluff me hor, got airbags.

Me: Airbags lessen the impact, it doesn't make you invincible.

J: Ok lor.

Jenny sulked a little in her seat. I really wondered what made her so horny. Perhaps she hit her head when she was a child. I had no idea.

After 20mins of crawling through traffic and the downpour, I finally reached the exit towards Orchard Road. Jenny still remained quiet.

After another 10mins of driving, we managed to reach the car park. As expected, it was full. And I spent another 20mins circling until I found a lot at the top floor. I parked and turned to Jenny.

Me: Hey. You've been quiet. Sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you.

J: Nah. You're right. That was dangerous and stupid.

Me: So why are you so horny?

J: I don't know leh.

Me: It's like an addiction.

J: Yeah, I know. But I can't help it.

Me: Hmm, never mind. So how? It's almost 5. You wanna watch movie?

J: You still haven't called Andrew. See what time he can meet us.

Me: Oh yeah.

I picked up my handphone and dialled Andrew's number. It rang for awhile before I was diverted to his voicemail.

Me: No answer.

A few minutes later, he called back.

A: Bro, basket, you made me lose the game.

Me: It's just pool. What time you free?

A: Er. We just finished pool. Going to LAN now. Your gf really want me to come ah. Don't wanna be lightbulb leh.

Me: She's not my gf. Just come la. We meet later? We can watch a movie while waiting for you.

A: Don't want la. So extra.

Me: Just come. It's only dinner. I'll see you there at PS at 8?

I did not give him the chance to reply and hung up.

Me: He might or might not come.

J: Oh he will.

Me: Huh, what does that mean?

Jenny gave me another cheeky smile. I more or less figured she was gonna do stuff to Andrew when she stayed over tonight. But what the 'stuff' was, I had no idea.

Anyway, our plan to catch a movie, or rather, find a movie that was screening near empty, buy tickets, and do stuff at the backrow, kind of disappeared when we realised that every movie was sold out. What luck. Or the lack of it rather.

Me: What now?

J: I don't know. My pussy's cold. Haha.

Me: Haha. Who ask you don't wear panties.

J: I don't wear panties anywa. I wear g-strings.

Me: Oh is it? Anyway you better be careful when you use the escalator. Don't give everyone a free show.

J: They want to see let them see lor. Haha.

Me: You're a real slut. Haha.

J: Ya. But you like right?

Me: Maybe.

And we continued teasing each other. We still had not decided what we were going to do until Andrew arrived so be window shopped around the mall. Of course, I stood behind Jenny while we were on the escalator in a valiant attempt to protect her modesty. Somehow, I felt that it was the right thing to do. And I could see that she was kind of touched by my action. Now, I was really acting like her boyfriend. That was not good. I did not want to develop feelings for anyone, especially since I was about to be enlisted.

The timing was not right. But at least I got to enjoy the satisfaction we gave each other, and the feeling that at least someone wanted to be with me.
Old 06-09-2010, 07:01 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Andrew called at around 7 and said he was heading over and we arranged to meet at the Cafe Cartel.

Jenny and I sat side by side while perusing the menu as e waited for Andrew. We decided on the set dinner, which was some kind of steak. I also ordered a chocolate milkshake, I think it was called 'Death by Chocolate' or something like that. Jenny then sent me to collect the free bread from the bread counter.

After collecting the bread, I saw that Andrew had arrived and was sitting opposite Jenny. They were chatting, probably catching up on their tuition days.

A: Hey bro.

Me: Hey, how's the game?

A: Er, we played DOTA for awhile then got bored. Pool was ok. But I didn't win that many games. Lost quite a few.

Me: With my lucky cue? You suck la.

A: Maybe your cue sucks la asshole.

Jenny giggled.

Me: You play punch or by hour?

A: Play punch lor. Lost about $20.

Me: Wah so much ah? How many games you lost? 100?

A: Wah lau. Where got so kua zhang one?

Me: I play punch usually cost 20cents.

A: Huh, sure or not?

Me: Ya la. You just suck la.

J: Wei. Stop suanning him la. We know how pro you are la.

Me: Ok fine. What you want to eat?

A: Whatever you guys are having lor.

Me: Ok.

I managed to call the same waitress over and ordered another set dinner.

J: So Andrew tells me you've been bringing him to the gym?

Me: Yeah. Why?

J: That's so gay! Haha.

A: Huh got meh?

Me: Ya lor. Gym only.

J: So you guys like to compare your body?

Me: Er.

A: How to compare? You see him confirm he's bigger la.

Jenny laughed, attracting the attention of other diners.

Me: That sounds so wrong...

J: Ya lor, I'm sure you're not that small right?

Jenny was obviously hinting at something that was not Andrew's muscles.

A: No la. He lift more weights. I do more toning. Too big not so nice la.

J: I like big leh.

I choked on my chocolate shake.

A: Huh. No wonder you like him lor.

Jenny laughed again. I coughed harder. He still did not get it.

Anyway, our steaks came and we ate in silence.

Suddenly, Andrew's right knee jerked and hit into my leg.

Me: Oi.

A: Sorry muscle spasm.

I stared at Jenny. She glared back at me. I excused myself on the pretext of getting more bread. As I looked back, I saw Jenny stroking Andrew's right leg with hers under the table. I could see he was really struggling to maintain his composure. I took out my handphone and texted Jenny.

Me: Oi. WTF u doing?

J: Nth. Test him.

Me: For fuck?

J: Fun mah.

Me: Eh dun bully my bro can or not?

J: Jealous?

Me: KNN. Dun play la. He still young.

J: I also mah. Lemme have fun la.

Me: Wateva.

I returned to the table with more bread and noticed that Andrew was staring intently at his plate. The tips of his ears were also red.

Me: Eh, you sunburnt ah? Ears so red.

A: No... La... Nothing...

He could hardly speak properly. I wondered where exactly Jenny's foot was so I sneaked a peak. She was casually stroking his inner thigh. It did not help that he was wearing berms. I laughed silently.

I knew Andrew had a couple of girlfriends before but I doubt he was actually sexually active with them. Maybe one or two. He certainly seemed to be in distress now. I stretched my left leg and gave Jenny a kick under the table. She yelped, and Andrew went back to cutting his steak.

Jenny glared at me and stuck out her tongue. I ignored her.

Soon dinner was over and we left Cafe Cartel.

Me: Bro you coming back with us?

A: Er. I don't know.

Jenny slid next to him and hooked her arm around his.

J: Come la. We're gonna watch DVDs!

Now that was something that was not communicated to me. Andrew looked at me. I shrugged.

J: Can you buy some beer?

Me: What for?

A: Ya. What for?

J: Drink lor, if not what? Bathe ah?

Me: Siao.

But I went to buy the booze and some snacks anyway.

After that we went back to the car, paid the exorbitant parking fee and drove home. Andrew sat in front, thinking he would be safe from the crazed molestor in the back seat, but Jenny kept kicking the back of his seat.

Me: Oi. Stop that. I can feel it too. Small kid.

Andrew kept silent.

Jenny tried to snake her foot through the space in between the seats but I caught sight of it.

Me: If you kick the gear I will throw you out of the car.

Andrew looked at me, surprised.

Me: Not you la!

Jenny slumped back into her seat.

We finally reached back and I managed to park the car in the exact lot that I had found it. Andrew got out first and walked quickly to the staircase and Jenny quickly followed him, grabbing his arm and pressing herself against it.

Her antics really did not bother me, other than the fact that I was left to carry her overnight bag, the beer and the snacks.

I hurried after them.

I caught up with them at the door, Andrew was struggling to insert the key in with Jenny hanging on to him.

Me: Hurry up la. Heavy leh.

A: Sorry...

J: You so fit what heavy?

Andrew finally managed to open the door and he tumbled into the house with Jenny still clinging on to him, leaving me to close and lock the door, even though I had no free hands.

I dropped the stuff on the couch, dumped the beer into the freezer, and took out a can that was already in the fridge. I went back to the couch and slumped on it, opening the beer, and taking a good long gulp. I took out my cigarettes and lit one, then remembered that the dickhead did not like me smoking in the house, even though he did so all the time. Beer and cigarette in hand, I got up and went to open the windows. Jenny came up behind me and hugged me.

J: Jealous ah.

Me: No la.

J: Haha. Sure or not?

Me: Ya la. What's he doing now?

J: He went to his room, didn't lock the door though. Haha.

Me: That's cos the lock is spoilt. And don't be such a cock tease can or not? Either you fuck him or you don't. Don't leave him hanging.

J: Hmm... How's his cock?

Me: How the fuck I know?

J: You never see each other naked or not?

Me: I can't believe you're asking this.

J: You two go gym leh. The shower got no door right?

Me: Wah. How you know?

J: Guess la. So how?

Me: How what?

J: His cock la.

Me: You want to know you go and ask him. Leave me out of this.

J: Ok.

Jenny left me to my beer and cigarette and wandered off in the direction of Andrew's room. I shook my head, took another gulp of the beer, another drag of the cigarette. Poor Andrew.
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