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Old 12-06-2013, 10:49 PM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

Dear M12R,

Like to hear more of Elaine. Hope u continue this ")
Old 13-06-2013, 01:27 AM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

Dang! I am losing sleep thanks to your stories!

But I think you touched on some truths in marriage in your stories... I believe many bros know that feel
Old 13-06-2013, 06:46 AM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

Awesome, if only you can get all girls together for a mass orgy.
Old 17-06-2013, 10:55 PM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

Originally Posted by GrieGzEters View Post
Great thread. Looking forward to your next post TS!
Originally Posted by woohooo View Post
Dang! I am losing sleep thanks to your stories!

But I think you touched on some truths in marriage in your stories... I believe many bros know that feel
Thanks for the support bros.

Originally Posted by Jenova View Post
Awesome, if only you can get all girls together for a mass orgy.
Yea. That would be really groovy ...

Originally Posted by alphonsus View Post
Dear M12R,

Like to hear more of Elaine. Hope u continue this ")
Read on bro ... somethings happened after this ...
My untold story of Guilty | Amorous | Lust
Old 17-06-2013, 11:00 PM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

The week of ICT was the most sexually intense period that I had in a very long while. For the first time, I was disappointed when the ICT ended and I had to come back to reality.

On the day that I returned home from ICT, Sue was in the mood and suggested that we could spend some time together after the kids sleep (the stars were aligned that day!! Haha). Of course I wouldn't reject her offer, but I had an strange mixed feeling … was it guilt or was I just shagged out? I don't know.

After the kids settled down for their afternoon nap, we slipped into our room. She took a shower and emerged fully naked before to me. Apart from a slight tummy, she was still as slender and shapely as her younger days. She started with a soothing back massage, which reminded me of my HC encounters. Frankly, some of the ladies' skills were not much better than what Sue was doing. After asking me to turn over, she tied her hair back and then got down to suck my bro into her mouth. Her BJ skills paled compared to Elaine, the HC girls and especially Pam, but I enjoyed the treatment nevertheless.

She got tired after a short while. I then laid her on her back, with the pillow propping up her butt and painted her slowly.

“Dear … nice …” she purred.

Then it occurred to me that every lady’s cunt juice is different – not sure if it is due to diet, but Sue tasted somewhat different from Elaine. Now that, I’ve gotten used to the taste and scent of Elaine’s juice over the past few months, it felt “odd” to taste Sue’s again this time.

I licked Sue until she was squirming from her climax and she came, clamping my head between her legs. I then capped my bro and entered her. I was humping away, quite glad that I could sustain for a quite a long time. However, I saw Sue knitting her brow.

“Dear … I can’t cum anymore …” she groaned.


“No … but my stomach cramp …”

Darn, I thought. Ok had to quickly finish the business.

“Think I’m getting old already … can’t cum more than once anymore …” she was breathing heavily, rubbing her cramped tummy.

“It’s ok … I can’t either …” Not sure if I was consoling her or myself


The situation remained status quo for a while. I would have loved it to remain as such, but a couple of things changed along the way. The first was Elaine’s promotion to head a new department, which required her to travel more. That meant that we had even lesser opportunities to meet up. The second event was more dramatic – my son almost died. I won’t go into the details on this. It suffices to say that the doctors told us that he almost didn’t make it, and he was hospitalised for a week for observation. This was a wakeup call for me. Through this episode, I realised how important my children are to me and how I could never bear to lose them.

During the quiet moments spent at the hospital, I took time to reflect. I began to realise that family is still most important after all and dawned on me that the surest way to lose my children is to be caught having an affair. Sue would walk out with the kids if she ever found out.


Elaine empathised with me when we talked about how I felt.

“You should try to repair your marriage, Michael.” she said after hearing my thoughts.

“I know … but it’s easier said than done.”

“You still have to try …”

I kept quiet, not knowing what else to say.

“Let’s go back to being friends, Michael.”

“What? … Aren’t we already friends?”

“You know what I mean …” there was sadness and determination in her voice “I don’t wish come between you and Sue anymore.”

I knew she was right, but I was in too deep and I wasn’t sure I could let go.
My untold story of Guilty | Amorous | Lust
Old 23-06-2013, 05:44 PM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

Elaine and I eventually agreed that it was best that we stop seeing each other for a while. I took some time to gather my thoughts as well as to get over the grief of losing Elaine. I then plucked up enough courage to have another long talk with Sue. I told her that we can’t continue like this, as we’ll end up leading separate lives and I don’t wish to imagine the outcome.

“Are you seeing someone?” that was her first question.

“No” I replied, looking at her straight in the eyes. I had prepared myself mentally for this question and I knew that any answer other than a firm “no” would spell the end of us. Technically, I wasn’t lying.

After a long heart to heart talk, she agreed that if we love our kids, our marriage has to remain strong and that we should also give ourselves some “couple time” away from the kids. We decided that our “first date” would be on our wedding anniversary, which was coming up soon on a Friday. I’d plan the date while she’d settle the kid’s babysitting arrangements.

Sue arranged for her parents to come over to our place for a few hours for us in the evening. She even made extra effort to go to a salon to set her hair. She looked ravishing in a new dress that she bought for the occasion. As we headed to dinner, I surprised her with a bouquet of her favourite roses. It felt like our first date. Indeed, this was the first time in a long while that we were out on a date without the kids. It felt odd as we seemed to have forgotten how to behave as a couple after so long. But it felt great as well to have our couple time back.

Watching the sunset over the city skyline, while slowly savouring exquisite dishes and sipping wine, on the 72nd floor of Raffles City wasn’t something that we get to enjoy with kids around. The ambience in Equinox made it all the more romantic. The mood was relaxed and we enjoyed our chat.

“This feels like a perfect evening” she cooed.

“Would anything make it even more perfect?”

“Well … a night’s stay perhaps …” she replied jokingly with a laugh. I just smiled.

After footing the bill, we got down the express lift to the ground floor. As we strolled hand in hand, she didn’t notice that I hadn’t taken the same route back to the car park. Instead, I had led her through to the Fairmont hotel lobby. It was only when we got into the lift and I used the access card to go up to the hotel room floor that she realised what is going on.

“Ahh … Dear … You booked a room?!” she exclaimed, totally surprised.

“Yup … hope you like it …”

“I’m impressed … You win already … pull off something like that with any girl and you can get her to do anything” she was clearly pleased.


“Anything!!” She smiled and kissed me, then she hesitated “But I didn’t plan for us to stay overnight leh …”

I knew she was referring to the kids. I assured her that I had it all planned. In fact, I had already packed an overnight bag with all the kids’ necessities and we’ll just need to go home later to pick them up for a stay-cation after our date. The assurance set her mind at ease. She was very pleased that I had included the kids in my plan.

It was true that I could get anything I wanted. She didn’t utter a single “Don’t want la” throughout the evening . We made passionate love that night at Fairmont and it was the best sex that I had with her in the longest time. We both remembered that night so fondly that, since then, whenever we drive pass City Hall, we would be reminded of that romantic evening. However, the flipside is that I had set such a high benchmark for that date that all the subsequent dates paled in comparison. In other words, it was unsustainable. The frequency of our couple time started to dwindled. Dates were postponed or cancelled for one reason or another. Before long, we were back to where we started.

I have since learnt to accept it and to be “zen” about it. Upon reflection, I learnt that my disappointment and bitterness stem from my expectations of Sue, which is something that she couldn’t fulfil given our circumstances. At the end of the day, I have come to terms with the fact that family is most important and too much is at stake to risk it with an affair. So I’ve learnt to cope. On days when the urge felt overbearing, I’d just visit my usual HCs to get some temporary relief.

Do I think of Elaine? Yes, of course. We still text each other once in a while, but somehow we kept things casual. Perhaps neither of us wanted to “commit” our feelings again …


My experiences over the past few years have shaped my perspective of sex, love and marriage. I could probably generalise my thoughts with some analogies:

Paid sex / ONS are like potato chips. They can be enjoyed almost anytime, without fuss, and they come with a variety of flavours (like it or not ). They satisfy our cravings, but they are usually unfulfilling after the binge. They can also be very addictive. Once started, it’s really quite difficult to stop.

Fuck Buddies / FWB are like Snickers bars. They are convenient and able to satisfy a hunger when needed, but you know it’s a just substitute for a proper meal. And the situation can get pretty sticky too, if you bite off more than what you can chew.

Marriage is like a home-cooked meal. It definitely takes more effort to prepare, but it’s usually more wholesome and nutritious. When prepared and appreciated with love, it can be warm and hearty, leaving one with a sense of bliss. Then again, it could also be cold leftovers on the dinner table that turns one off at the thought of it. It all depends on whether we bother to keep the food warm or to go home early for dinner. It’s all about our priorities and how much effort both parties want to put in.

Sorry for being philosophical about this. I guess my experience is really quite common, judging from the comments shared in some of the other threads here.

Hope to hear some thoughts about what I've shared, and I guess I’m also curious to hear from the ladies’ perspective … Am I “生在福中不知福”? ...
My untold story of Guilty | Amorous | Lust
Old 23-06-2013, 06:53 PM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

nice one brother..

I am a married guy... you really take the word out of my mouth..

Home is always the place to return after we do whatever outside..

We should never bring our outing home..

Especially when children are involved.. they are innocent..

However outside grass are 'greener'.. we married man also losing our battle from the little guy in the 'south'..
Old 23-06-2013, 10:00 PM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust


You have a good analogy of paid sex, fb and marriage. Does it originate from you?
Old 25-06-2013, 12:32 AM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

Well done bro..u sum it up really well. We are no have a "balanced diet" of home cooked food and potato chips...and our lives should be just fine..
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Old 25-06-2013, 08:33 AM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

I am a married man too, and I can't agree more how you analyze the whole situation. At least I know I am not the only one who thinks this way. Timely reminder indeed.
Old 26-06-2013, 02:04 PM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

Well written and really, very absorbing and intense, it flowed so naturally. Many thanks for taking the time and effort to pen it all down and sharing with us. Have rated it 5 stars! Cheers bro, ..............
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Old 26-06-2013, 04:54 PM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

Absolutely vry well expressed in words, Bro! Through your charted path, it reflect 75% of what I been thru. Kudos.....
Old 29-06-2013, 05:05 PM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

Originally Posted by Tannedwolf View Post

You have a good analogy of paid sex, fb and marriage. Does it originate from you?
Thanks. Yup, these thoughts came to mind during one of those reflective / emo occassions that I mentioned.

Originally Posted by coolguy71 View Post
nice one brother..

I am a married guy... you really take the word out of my mouth..

Home is always the place to return after we do whatever outside..

We should never bring our outing home..

Especially when children are involved.. they are innocent..

However outside grass are 'greener'.. we married man also losing our battle from the little guy in the 'south'..
Originally Posted by Rain-Men View Post
Well done bro..u sum it up really well. We are no have a "balanced diet" of home cooked food and potato chips...and our lives should be just fine..
Thanks bros. I agree. I've resorted to a "balanced diet" as well

Originally Posted by buzzwil View Post
Absolutely vry well expressed in words, Bro! Through your charted path, it reflect 75% of what I been thru. Kudos.....
Originally Posted by TaylorMade View Post
I am a married man too, and I can't agree more how you analyze the whole situation. At least I know I am not the only one who thinks this way. Timely reminder indeed.
I'm glad that I'm not alone in this situation and in thinking this way too. Thanks for the affirmation, bros

Originally Posted by eeemen View Post
Well written and really, very absorbing and intense, it flowed so naturally. Many thanks for taking the time and effort to pen it all down and sharing with us. Have rated it 5 stars! Cheers bro, ..............
Thanks bro eeemen. It was for myself that I started writing, to ventilate my frustration. I'm glad that there are ppl reading. Thanks for the encouragement. Appreciate it.
My untold story of Guilty | Amorous | Lust
Old 29-06-2013, 05:22 PM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

Just to share a snippet of one occassion that happened later ...

One Sunday, Sue and I brought our kids out for a MacDonald's breakfast at the outlet near Elaine's place (we visit that outlet quite often actually). After gobbling down their hotcakes and milo, the kids pleaded to be allowed to play at the nearby outdoor playground, so we let them go and went along. There were a few families with their kids at the playground already. I saw a lady with a young girl. She attracted my attention as she was wearing a thin white T-shirt with luminous pink bra and grey shorts. From the back, I couldn't see her face as she was wearing a large hat. We both got a big surprised when she turned around.

"Elaine …" I blurted out.

"Oh … Hi … Err … Michael …" She hesitated and stole a glance at Sue.

Sue and the kids were right beside me. So I had no choice but to introduce them.

"This is my wife, Suzanne …" I tried to control the quiver in my voice "... Elaine … an old friend of mine ..."

They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. We talked about our kids … da da da … It felt pretty awkward for me. I hope it didn't show on my face.

The kids warmed up to each other quickly and played together. Elaine's girl looked just like her mommy. The whole time at the playground, I kept stealing glances as the sexy Elaine in her luminous pink bra and I hope Sue didn't notice … Elaine sure did, cos she'd smile (or perhaps it was a smirk) whenever she caught me looking.

“How have you been?” I walked up to Elaine, when Sue and the kids were out of earshot.

“I’m good” she replied with a smile “You?”

“Still the same”

There was an awkward silence.

“Are you seeing anyone?” I couldn’t help asking and to break the silence.

“Not particularly … casual dates here and there”

“That’s good …“ I said without giving much thought. Elaine raised an eyebrow, trying to decipher what I meant “Err … I mean … good that you’re dating …”

We laughed it off and left it at that.

Feelings began to swirl in my chest. Elaine still looked so alluring and attractive to me. Only then, did I realise that I missed her so much. I was tempted … really tempted …
My untold story of Guilty | Amorous | Lust
Old 30-06-2013, 12:31 PM
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Re: Guilty | Amorous | Lust

Go for it! Once in a life time
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