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Old 20-09-2005, 08:04 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
But Bro Roflmaoxz, when she wanna divorce u that time, u still got to share half of yr whatever wif her rite?

Like that got earn meh?

Then meantime while still married, can bonk her, izit part of agreement?
Bro, dun worry. I assuming in a "pre-arranged marriage", even if you buy a flat with her, (assume you under 35yo) you are still the owner and 'she' is the occupier only, she can't claim half of the flat sale. If both of you have consensus agreement before signing the deed of separation and both of you have already discussed beforehand. The wife has her right to claim or not to claim maintenance from the husband. In such a case, the wife will surely want to speed up the proceeding and not claim from the husband, logically.

Of course, I think the 'wife' will not consummate with you. She must have another boyfriend by then. If not, how she supplement you monthly beside working? Of course she will try to fish other rich men as well.
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Old 20-09-2005, 08:15 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by Rof|maoxz
Bro, dun worry. I assuming in a "pre-arranged marriage", even if you buy a flat with her, (assume you under 35yo) you are still the owner and 'she' is the occupier only, she can't claim half of the flat sale. If both of you have consensus agreement before signing the deed of separation and both of you have already discussed beforehand. The wife has her right to claim or not to claim maintenance from the husband. In such a case, the wife will surely want to speed up the proceeding and not claim from the husband, logically.

Of course, I think the 'wife' will not consummate with you. She must have another boyfriend by then. If not, how she supplement you monthly beside working? Of course she will try to fish other rich men as well.
IC, IC, Tks bro. But I still think there is a , maybe slim chance that she may 过河拆桥 N 反咬一口 rite, if she is not so urgent to so call divorce u? And I think in Sg, they dun acknowledge pre-nuptial agreement rite?

Also, I think I read this b4, but dunno if I got it wrong, is that nowadays those PR granted to the prc gals due to marriage will be taken back once they divorced, cos too many of such get PR, then divorce cases, am I rite?

For the consummation part, me joking lah. Since its a transactional marriage, of course sex is not included. Maybe if u want n she is willing, still have to pay her summore, hahahaha.
Old 20-09-2005, 08:22 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
IC, IC, Tks bro. But I still think there is a , maybe slim chance that she may 过河拆桥 N 反咬一口 rite, if she is not so urgent to so call divorce u? And I think in Sg, they dun acknowledge pre-nuptial agreement rite?

Also, I think I read this b4, but dunno if I got it wrong, is that nowadays those PR granted to the prc gals due to marriage will be taken back once they divorced, cos too many of such get PR, then divorce cases, am I rite?

For the consummation part, me joking lah. Since its a transactional marriage, of course sex is not included. Maybe if u want n she is willing, still have to pay her summore, hahahaha.
Bro, nope. ICA will not retract their PR even if the husband appeal, whine or lodge a complain later. A grant is a grant. But ICA will review PR holders in a period of time, like 5 yrs if I'm not wrong and they may/may not retract them unless those PR holders commit a crime, for example.
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Old 20-09-2005, 08:37 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by Rof|maoxz
A grant is a grant.
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Old 20-09-2005, 10:42 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by sadfa
even if husband force her to have sex, its not rape hor!

bro correct me if im wrong,for my knowledge in our law even legally married wives can shout for rape against their husband
Old 21-09-2005, 01:03 AM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by Lone_Wolf
I suspect bro snakehead is gahmen makan bao........ bro Cherie_Popper can confirm? Lone Wolf aka Itto Ogami
Why need to ask bro Cherie_Popper? Can ask me direct! Used to be garmen worker but pension liao.... CPF oredi collected too. Wat else u want 2 know??

bro snakehead
Old 21-09-2005, 10:05 AM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
OIC, Bro Oakleyeug, no offense, but these few r the exception rather than the norm rite? If got this sort of pay how to survive? Of course, I'm refering to ppl ard my age whereby got more commitments, those must be fresh grads or what. I'm pretty sure u r not working for that amt. also rite?

You will be surpized my friend, most of my buddy working here are of Poly to Degree kind of standard who have graduated for more than 3 to 4 years. I am just another ah beng who fail at N Level. Yes you are right I am not working for that kind of sum of money, I just happen to get lucky and my full package is extremly good for a N level.

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
I also know the job mkt is bad, cos me is unemployed also, but that amt. u mentioned is reali the extreme lah. If in shanghai or beijing (onli these 2 places i got sum exp) after paying rental n food, dun have much left oreli. And also very funny rite, while u also say the local working in MNC can get abt S$2-3k per month, why these sg ppl dun go for those job instead? Sure they r better qualified than the local rite, at least in terms of language n maybe management abilities?
Market is not bad in China, if you are prepared to work they will have jobs for you. I am based in Shenzhen for almost 2 years I have changed 1 job already, I kind of believe the market is not bad otherwise where got jobs for me to change. The people I know now most of them are working for SMC but to get into MNC you need approval from HQ (SG, US or where they are based), for local standard till today I dare not make noise. There is one nite when I am drinking with SG, Taiwanese and Malaysian, we are talking abt the education in China. There is 2 schools in China that maybe out of 20 RI student 1 can make it into that school, so guess China standard.

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
I know they r not ready for full localization, but even in 90s oreli junior management (like exe., junior manager) is made up of local, but now these positions r taken by expat instead? So it means not onli no progression, but gos-tan instead?

Then I also blur liao, if like that means the middle n senior management positions should be open to expat also, but I gather from my other frens in china, is that even these positions they r starting to get locals to fill up, of course again, I'm not talking abt the no.1 position.
For now a lot of local are filling up the important post but the No. 1 man will still be a expat, the reason is they are not exposed to the outside world that much yet. Depending on what company you are looking at Japanese will always have Japanese as their top man, US and so for and so on....

They will still need alot of expat in China as they are still building up the relationship with overseas, I would not dare to say 5 to 10 years from now. I know Viet now have a lot of vancany and no one is looking to filling up the post. Philips is definalty looking for people to fill up in Viet so guys don say I never give clue.

Old 21-09-2005, 11:55 AM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by oakleyeug
You will be surpized my friend, most of my buddy working here are of Poly to Degree kind of standard who have graduated for more than 3 to 4 years. I am just another ah beng who fail at N Level. Yes you are right I am not working for that kind of sum of money, I just happen to get lucky and my full package is extremly good for a N level.
So my guess is rite, those r the young guys that more or less can spend what they earn n dun have much committment like house, family to support back in sg. For those my age (mid to late 30s), it is totally out of question.

Market is not bad in China, if you are prepared to work they will have jobs for you. I am based in Shenzhen for almost 2 years I have changed 1 job already, I kind of believe the market is not bad otherwise where got jobs for me to change. The people I know now most of them are working for SMC but to get into MNC you need approval from HQ (SG, US or where they are based), for local standard till today I dare not make noise.
Errr.....I'm talking abt sg job mkt, which translate into fewer china posting positions.

For now a lot of local are filling up the important post but the No. 1 man will still be a expat, the reason is they are not exposed to the outside world that much yet. Depending on what company you are looking at Japanese will always have Japanese as their top man, US and so for and so on....
Precisely, that is why I mentioned that I'm not talking abt the No. 1 man position. My very 1st job was in a Jap MNC in sg. Even in sg, all the dept. heads r Jap, even some section managers r also Jap. I'm talking more abt middle management level.

They will still need alot of expat in China as they are still building up the relationship with overseas, I would not dare to say 5 to 10 years from now. I know Viet now have a lot of vancany and no one is looking to filling up the post. Philips is definalty looking for people to fill up in Viet so guys don say I never give clue.
Well, maybe u r rite, then it will be the type of expertise they r looking for is diff from what I have. I have been searching n thus know that mostly they r looking for finance, technical or IT ppl.

That is why, those frens of mine, who knows what type of job I'm seeking / suitable, told me that those positions r getting very few liao, cos mostly localized, which is diff from what u say, b'cos we r talking abt diff type of positions. Boh pian, me not engineer, accountant/CPA or IT trained, so can't apply for those jobs that r in demand.

As for openings in Vietnam, dun see so many in paper, but again, the types of personnel they r looking for also same as abovementioned, cos they r like china in the earlier stage of opening up, so mainly production based.
Old 21-09-2005, 12:19 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by oakleyeug

Market is not bad in China, if you are prepared to work they will have jobs for you.

Bro confirm boh?? Can help me?? I been seeking employment into China for quite long but unsuccessful leh. I'm in IT, a consultant, I'm not looking into 5 digit USD pay If they can pay me my current salary n plus some allowance, I happy to work liao.
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Old 21-09-2005, 12:21 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
Well, maybe u r rite, then it will be the type of expertise they r looking for is diff from what I have. I have been searching n thus know that mostly they r looking for finance, technical or IT ppl.

Where u got your lobang or search?? I in IT but till now no good news.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 21-09-2005, 12:22 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by naemlo
5 digit USD pay
US$100.50 also 5 digit.
Want or not?

Ur apt at which part of china?
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Old 21-09-2005, 12:28 PM
oakleyeug oakleyeug is offline
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Re: china gers looking for love

I don have commitment that you r wrong my friend, I do have commitment but not as much as u. I plan things in advance and never regretted my choice in not studying more. If I could turn back time I would still tell myself that I did the rite thing.

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
Errr.....I'm talking abt sg job mkt, which translate into fewer china posting positions.
To tell u the truth Singapore Chinese is still in demand in China, you just have to keep searching. I was offered a job for SGD$8k but I rejected that offer, reason is because I don think I can fit into the post. The whole China market more or less still need Singapore people to penatrate into Europe market, depending on wat u need and wan.

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
Precisely, that is why I mentioned that I'm not talking abt the No. 1 man position. My very 1st job was in a Jap MNC in sg. Even in sg, all the dept. heads r Jap, even some section managers r also Jap. I'm talking more abt middle management level.
To tell you the truth I have a few friends , they work in big Japanese MNC one of them is the president of the company. The reason is that he can endure hardship and managed to climb even though he knows nuts abt Japanese. In China the only lanaguage u need to know is Chinese without it u r as good as dead.

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
That is why, those frens of mine, who knows what type of job I'm seeking / suitable, told me that those positions r getting very few liao, cos mostly localized, which is diff from what u say, b'cos we r talking abt diff type of positions. Boh pian, me not engineer, accountant/CPA or IT trained, so can't apply for those jobs that r in demand.

As for openings in Vietnam, dun see so many in paper, but again, the types of personnel they r looking for also same as abovementioned, cos they r like china in the earlier stage of opening up, so mainly production based.
My friend my previous job in Singapore is a IT trainer, now in China I am a sales man (Electronics sector). The differences are a lot and most of them are hard, I told my friend yesterday it does not mean you know 1 thing means you know many others, I really hope to learn many many other skill too.

I believe this statment is useful to you;
Jack of all trade, Master of None.

You no need to play like Tiger Woods to play golf, but u must be decent enough to let people play with you rite? Do not give up there is still life after 30s (a man's peak), you never know what you will end up with.

Good luck

Old 21-09-2005, 12:34 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by sexlover
US$100.50 also 5 digit.
Want or not?

Ur apt at which part of china?

Peng you, u nothing to do?? Come here ka jiao....

My apartment in Xiamen, how u know huh??
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 21-09-2005, 12:48 PM
oakleyeug oakleyeug is offline
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by naemlo
Bro confirm boh?? Can help me?? I been seeking employment into China for quite long but unsuccessful leh. I'm in IT, a consultant, I'm not looking into 5 digit USD pay If they can pay me my current salary n plus some allowance, I happy to work liao.
Friend IT hard lah, tell u the true I also thought of goin back to do IT but looking at the market damn bad man.... China man IT even more powerful than SG don play play ok?

But I know of 1 business that a lot of people consider (also IT), I do not have that kind of time and not interested in gaming that is y I nvr do.

Employ 4 staff = RMB$4800
Rent a room = RMB$600 (80 sqm)
Buy computer and stuff = RMB$20k (4 normal end PC)
Furniture and makan = RMB$8k

Total for start up = RMB$33400 (SGD$7k max)

The purpose of this is to employ people to play game, WOW, Diablo and those Chinese game etc etc.... With all the weapons you have found on the net auction them off for a neat profit... 1 shift consists of 12 hrs so alot of weapons are waiting to be found and things like that. The best I heard is 1 unique weapon will cost around USD$100 odd, but got ups and downs lah. U must be damn interested in gaming and know where and how it works.

Is this market if u can create no one will blame u.

Old 21-09-2005, 12:50 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by naemlo
Where u got your lobang or search?? I in IT but till now no good news.

Oreli said me not in IT line leh. Well, based on The Strait Times, I still see more openings in IT jobs, sum which r for overseas postings, as compared to the type I'm looking for n is suitable. But then again, I also know that IT line is very wide n also very skill specific.
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