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Old 19-12-2015, 09:14 PM
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

Very detail.
U r d 1st ladywriter i support.
Looking for FWB in JB
Old 19-12-2015, 10:23 PM
sensualshirley sensualshirley is offline
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

Thank u everyone for the praise

I am on penning down my next experience.

I would like u guys to tell me which one do you prefer to read first.

1. Benson's "big brother"

Take place about few month after the chalet incident.


2. Mr Tan's sad sex

happen in 2012 while i was working in a pub
Old 20-12-2015, 01:29 AM
sensualshirley sensualshirley is offline
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

How about some Mr Tan preview?

The year was 2012 I was a working in a Taiwan theme pub in one of the nightspot district in Singapore as a waitress, my job scope require me to both serve drinks and entertain our customers. The pub feature singers most of the time female and from Taiwan who will single the latest pop song on stage and customers can hang flower on them for a price ranging from $50 SGD to $5000 SGD.

We waitress will entertain the clients by chit chatting with them, play dice bluffing, finger guessing game and finally drink with them. The drinking part was the most important part of our job scope as it will lead to the customers ordering more alcohol from us. We get to earn a commission too if the customer order a lady drink for us. I was quite popular with the customers who come to our pub for a drink, even young man serving their NS will dig hard into their pockets to treat me to some lady drink whenever they patronize our pub. Most of the time I will dissuade the young boys from doing so but they usually insist to on ordering the drink for me, I guess it was due to their ego.

One frequent customer was Mr Tan, I have no idea what his full name was as he only ever reveal his surname to us. Mr Tan is a mid forties bespectacled Chinese man with a big beer belly, he was neither very tan nor fair. On his balding head was half a scalp filled with hair which he comb into a side parting and the other half filled with...scalp. Mr Tan drove a Jaguar and always come into our pub dress smartly with button shirt under a blazer. I heard from one of my colleague that Mr Tan started frequenting our pub since three years ago and was one of the whale, he was a real big spender. Mr Tan can spend up to $50K SGD in one night from hanging flowers and treating all the waitresses to lady drink in a single night. Mr Tan will usually be offered the VIP table right in front of the stage and our team of pretty waitress will surround him playing various games with him to please him often ignoring the other customers altogether kekeke

Every time Mr Tan enter our pub the entire place will be filled with his loud laughter echoing throughout the place. He was a fun person to be around, he love to tell jokes to make us laugh and was friendly to all the staff including the cleaners. Whenever he tip us he would encourage us to save the money up for future use and not spend them on unnecessary branded bags.

I have to admit that when I first met Mr Tan I thought he would be a lecherous old man given his financial status but Mr Tan was on the contrary quite the gentleman. Even though he enjoy eating our tofu by accidentally touching our boobs with his hands, pinching or lightly slapping our butt every now and then but he never did anything more than that. I heard rumors of how some of the singer and waitress tried to get him to bring them to hotel for sex but he would always leave the pub alone.

Mr Tan would usually visit us every few weeks but things started to change during the second half of the year 2012. For two full month Mr Tan did not turn up at our pub, when he finally did visit us again in August he seem to have changed to a different man...
Old 20-12-2015, 02:58 AM
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

Nice story keep it coming ... Clap clap clap
Old 20-12-2015, 03:47 AM
Andyly Andyly is offline
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

You write very well sis! Support support!
Old 20-12-2015, 11:29 AM
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

TS, thank you for sharing
Old 20-12-2015, 11:07 PM
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

Originally Posted by sensualshirley View Post
Did Wei Liang ever approach me for sex again after that? Yes.

Did I agree? That is another story for another day

End of the chalet saga
T.Q. v. much, TS sis sensualshirley for relating to us such a sexciting story of you wif WL, yr bf's best fren @ the chalet ! which you just ended ...& T.Q. oso for continuing a new one wif Mr Tan for our reading pleasure in the meantime

But plzz dun forget to tell us the continuing story of you having sex wif WL after Mr Tan's one ends...
MIN to EXC > POWER...5

Up my points n I will return immediately

Pls PM me if I haven return favor
Old 21-12-2015, 12:08 AM
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

Originally Posted by sensualshirley View Post
Thank u everyone for the praise

I am on penning down my next experience.

I would like u guys to tell me which one do you prefer to read first.

1. Benson's "big brother"

Take place about few month after the chalet incident.


2. Mr Tan's sad sex

happen in 2012 while i was working in a pub
I vote for 2nd topic.
Keep it cumming.
Looking for FWB in JB
Old 21-12-2015, 04:05 AM
sensualshirley sensualshirley is offline
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

Mr Tan's sad sex Part 2

Previously: Mr Tan would usually visit us every few weeks but things started to change during the second half of the year 2012. For two full month Mr Tan did not turn up at our pub, when he finally did visit us again in August he seem to have changed to a different man...

Mr Tan was wearing his standard shirt and pants combo but without his blazer. He also kept to a lower profile, gone were his loud laughter. After his hiatus Mr Tan no longer spend like the big spender he once was, he will order a few jug of beer a night but nothing more and as a result the girls gave him the cold shoulder whenever he visited. As the junior staff member there I was always being arrow to serve Mr Tan as the other waitresses know that he no longer order lady drinks for them any more. I still serve Mr Tan to the best of my ability and give him the due respect as a paying as I thought it was unfair that the other ladies no longer entertain Mr Tan due to his lower spending power. Whenever I tried to get Mr Tan to play games with me he will politely reject me with a smile and concentrate on his drinking while watching the performance.

One Saturday night Mr Tan came to our pub again at about 10pm, ordered a jug of beer and made himself comfortable on one of the sofa seat at the corner of our pub. As Saturday nights are extremely busy so most of us were busy entertaining other customers with more spending capability, I ended up being assign to serve Mr Tan again. By now I have a complete understanding of Mr Tan's spending pattern, he would order one jug of beer and slowly enjoy the drink by himself, only when the first jug is finish will he order a second one. When Mr Tan finishes his second jug of beer he will go home, on most night that would be about one AM.

On that particular Saturday night things were rather different, Mr Tan had already ordered his third jug of beer by one AM but was still not leaving, he was gulping down each mug of beer like a man dying of thirst in the desert. By the time we close shop at three AM Mr Tan was totally drunk, body slumped on the sofa, head tilted up with mouth wide open and his arms and legs sprawled out.

Our manager Johnny called out to me, "hey Shirley come help me carry your favorite Mr Tan out!" I pouted my lips and answered, "coming! coming!" As drunk customers was not a rare sight in the pub industry we were quite used to helping drunk customers out. Exiting the pub Johnny tug Mr Tan over to his side freeing me, position Mr Tan's back against the wall slowly slide him down to a sitting position. Johnny then look at me and exclaimed, "so tired ah! Let's go!" I look at Johnny and said, "huh?! you going to just dump him here?! he can't even walk!" Johnny replied, "why don't you bring him home then? I very tired already la! I going home, do whatever you want"with that Johnny left us...
Old 21-12-2015, 04:40 AM
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

hi guys, I hope all of u enjoy my sharing of my experience as much as i like to pen dem down for u guys to read. Like i said before i like sex and i wan to write down my experience so that i can read them in detail when i am older but although i am causal and more open minded when it comes to sex i am not loose... i will not just have sex with random person who ask.

Many of my experience with guys have got chemistry involve or a certain kinkiness in the environment lead me to not reject the guy when most ppl will. Recently there are many ppl msging n pm me for meet up, I have only ever met 1 guy from online and it was a disaster, i will write down the experience in detail in the future for u guys but for now pls understand tat i am not comfortable with meeting ppl online. I really dun mind ppl chatting with me online n ask me sex related question but if i dun wan to meet u i really dun owe u a reason. I am a lady with choice, u can ask n i can reject, I told u why i dun wan n that shld be it. i dun tink i need to debate with some1 why i dun wan to meet dem.

Reminder: it is ok to ask me for meet up but u shld respect my decision. i dun owe a meet up, girls in sbf are not equal to free sex FB!!!

Old 21-12-2015, 04:56 AM
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

Totally agreed!
Old 21-12-2015, 07:50 AM
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

Originally Posted by sensualshirley View Post
hi guys, I hope all of u enjoy my sharing of my experience as much as i like to pen dem down for u guys to read. Like i said before i like sex and i wan to write down my experience so that i can read them in detail when i am older but although i am causal and more open minded when it comes to sex i am not loose... i will not just have sex with random person who ask.

Many of my experience with guys have got chemistry involve or a certain kinkiness in the environment lead me to not reject the guy when most ppl will. Recently there are many ppl msging n pm me for meet up, I have only ever met 1 guy from online and it was a disaster, i will write down the experience in detail in the future for u guys but for now pls understand tat i am not comfortable with meeting ppl online. I really dun mind ppl chatting with me online n ask me sex related question but if i dun wan to meet u i really dun owe u a reason. I am a lady with choice, u can ask n i can reject, I told u why i dun wan n that shld be it. i dun tink i need to debate with some1 why i dun wan to meet dem.

Reminder: it is ok to ask me for meet up but u shld respect my decision. i dun owe a meet up, girls in sbf are not equal to free sex FB!!!

Relax woman, it's a sex forum, you have to expect that there will be many men of different nature here, both good and bad. Just ignore those whom you do not feel comfortable talking to. Yes they can discredit you in this forum but end of the day, you have the power to choose to be angry at those people or you can choose to ignore them and just laugh it off at their immaturity. Please continue to share your experience. Thank you for your effort.
Old 21-12-2015, 08:18 AM
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

Sis please carry on your story !
Old 21-12-2015, 09:53 AM
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Hot story sister. I am hard Liao.
Old 21-12-2015, 11:24 AM
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Re: Shirley's Secret Diary

Nice story... Pls carry on... Support support..
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