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Old 03-12-2019, 09:22 AM
tinglerz tinglerz is offline
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Thumbs up Re: My cheating gf

Originally Posted by ahpor80 View Post
You have no bargaining chip, putting all eggs in that 1 basket -while you are dead in her hands. The reality is, the rope you both are hanging on can get more and more frayed with the pent up tensions and external factors out of your control rubbing it.

I think you need to meet and date more women. Shouldnt be difficult since you can bag a model. Try dating normal looking ones too. One day you will have so much more experience in handling them, you will know how to play your cards. You will know which one is actually going to be part of the world you both built and not just visiting.

As long as you are both in this same situation, many more RP's will just come into her life and probably more to offer and you will find yourself back at square 1.

Accept the fact that every angel has an untapped devilish side. Once the door opens it will remain open for a long time until they are satiated.

But question is are you willing to witness the devil unleashed, and at the end of the day - if you are not the chosen to settle with, will you throw a fit and childish tantrum. Girls thrive on seeing such reactions, it give them power. but a real woman who appreciates you will never abuse this power or put you in this position nor will they tolerate a boy for long.

Its time to be a Man. ' what you can lift, you can drop'

Speaking from my experience and just my 2pence.
Wow bro.. Very good advise.. Salute
Old 03-12-2019, 11:06 AM
meowmeow1991 meowmeow1991 is offline
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Re: My cheating gf

I have similar encounter in the past where my ex-gf actually just study next door college. Our relationship aren't make known to her parents therefore she avoid going out with me on public.

In her class, she was close to one of her guy classmate, she told me about it, but still i unable to bear the feeling that she can be with other guy which is not her bf on public but not me.
She said that guy is not her bf so even rumour goes around and reach her parents also doesnt matter but how can i convinced myself.

I always have to wait far away for her when she finished her class, my identity was not even made known to her friends. When she go out with her friends, that guy will send her home. I got mentally abuse that keep thinking what are they doing, same as what you did, message her and call her if she not responding on time. I also wait nearby her home and see if that guy is sending her home again. Then we will start to quarrel about it.

Same as you, shes said she will keep her virgin till married. We have oral sex with each other, except penetration.
Eventually we broke up also after she went overseas. It take me a few years to get over this relationship.
I dont feel like giving up ofcourse is because after all these effort and sacrifice i have on her but then i didn’t get to fuck her seems like a waste, you may call me a bastard but yea, i am human afterall.

If that the picture you shared are real, your gf one hell of a sexy girl who everyone will also wanted to fuck. But sorry to say, she is kind of slut too giving other BJ and allow guy to take naked pictures like that.
Just a matter of time before she let him to fuck her pussy. Or 1 day she will be drunk/tipsy and start to have oral sex and move on to next chapter.

I know is hard to let go, but this will keep on haunting you and mentally abuse you. I believe this period you wont be doing anything productive, i failed my A level and wasted 1 and a half years because of the 1 year keep thinking what are they doing whenever my ex is out of my sight.
I know giving up at this point will definitely led to other guys to fuck her instead of you. But holding on doesn’t guarantee you will get to fuck her too.

I will really recommend to put her down and find a new girl who truly appreciate you.

On the side note if you want to be a bastard after giving up , you can private share us her intimacy photos, bro here all are drooling for them.
Old 03-12-2019, 11:49 AM
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Re: My cheating gf

Nice update bro. I am not sure if it is still ongoing or a recap of what had happened. If it is still ongoing, I suggest you to be cool with RP messages. His aim is to make you angry so he has more chance with JT. Likewise, you can show JT the photos and messages that RP send you. If RP send you any message, just reply in a way that you trust JT and would not entertain him.

But if it is a recap, then hope things went well. Otherwise, feel free to share with us more photos. Hahaha.
Old 03-12-2019, 11:58 AM
Ryan12345 Ryan12345 is offline
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Re: My cheating gf

I agree with the bro above. Why not forward the message to your gf. Let her know that this guy is using her as a trophy, fooling around, take her pics and send to others. She would know that he is a jerk.
Old 03-12-2019, 12:45 PM
Ryan12345 Ryan12345 is offline
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Re: My cheating gf

I agree with the bro above. Why not forward the message to your gf. Let her know that this guy is using her as a trophy, fooling around, take her pics and send to others. She would know that he is a jerk.
Old 03-12-2019, 03:04 PM
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Re: My cheating gf

I can't believe all these are true. How can a man's whose gf kanna sexually involved with another man have the mood to come here and type out in details the juicy details?

If all these are true, TS u are really useless. Sad but true. U actually allowed all these to happen to you.
Old 03-12-2019, 09:07 PM
mwong mwong is offline
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Re: My cheating gf

Replying to questions as mentioned above by bros here

1. yes it is still ongoing.
2. can call me useless, doesn't matter. Long distance relationship hard to maintain. I am not in sg currently so theres limitations as to what i can do.
3. Am glad theres bros sharing their similar experiences. I feel u guys brothers.
4. yes its the effort put in that makes us keep going.
5. believe it or not doesn't matter, i just wanna share because i felt like this is somewhere like the beach where i can shout loudly and let all the anger and frustrations out.
6. regarding bros talking about sharing the text and photos RP shared with me? i will cover this later part of the story. Its pretty obvious i would do that right?
Old 03-12-2019, 09:34 PM
ChupChai ChupChai is offline
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Re: My cheating gf

Nice story TS, and wonderful pix too
Old 03-12-2019, 10:38 PM
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Re: My cheating gf

Originally Posted by mwong View Post
Replying to questions as mentioned above by bros here

1. yes it is still ongoing.
2. can call me useless, doesn't matter. Long distance relationship hard to maintain. I am not in sg currently so theres limitations as to what i can do.
3. Am glad theres bros sharing their similar experiences. I feel u guys brothers.
4. yes its the effort put in that makes us keep going.
5. believe it or not doesn't matter, i just wanna share because i felt like this is somewhere like the beach where i can shout loudly and let all the anger and frustrations out.
6. regarding bros talking about sharing the text and photos RP shared with me? i will cover this later part of the story. Its pretty obvious i would do that right?
Nice bro. As long as you wish, I believe there are a lot of bros have some suggestions to help you.
Old 04-12-2019, 09:47 AM
davienna davienna is offline
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Re: My cheating gf

Nice story and hope to read more.
Old 04-12-2019, 10:59 AM
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Re: My cheating gf

Bro mwong, these kind of shame and disappointments are really hard on a man's ego. Understanding that you've been cuckold and you're depressed. You just need an outlet to vent your frustration, anger or even just someone to hear you out.

A logic I learnt in life is this. You tell your problems to every 10 different person, only 2-3 will truly care about you while the rest are laughing at you or simply can't be bothered with you. All they want to see is her pictures and fap to it.

Don't be bothered too much by it. Go find some rebound relationships or go have rebound sex. And don't bother trying to salvage the relationship or give her another chance because if she truly loves you, she wouldn't had love another. Don't be manipulated by her or him. Just bitch about it to your friends and family who cares and then move on. Life isn't just about her.
Old 04-12-2019, 11:15 AM
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Originally Posted by mwong View Post
Replying to questions as mentioned above by bros here

1. yes it is still ongoing.
2. can call me useless, doesn't matter. Long distance relationship hard to maintain. I am not in sg currently so theres limitations as to what i can do.
3. Am glad theres bros sharing their similar experiences. I feel u guys brothers.
4. yes its the effort put in that makes us keep going.
5. believe it or not doesn't matter, i just wanna share because i felt like this is somewhere like the beach where i can shout loudly and let all the anger and frustrations out.
6. regarding bros talking about sharing the text and photos RP shared with me? i will cover this later part of the story. Its pretty obvious i would do that right?
Really, this is 有缘无分. Her heart is not with you anymore. Very sure she will not go back to you ya.
Old 04-12-2019, 09:25 PM
eggsbusket eggsbusket is offline
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Re: My cheating gf

Thank you for nice story.
Old 05-12-2019, 12:16 AM
neoprint123 neoprint123 is offline
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Re: My cheating gf


we are in no position to tell you as we are not you. There are other contributing factors which we could not see.

You choose the path. But there is one thing for sure; all of us do not know the future. Also, all things have two points of view. It could turn out good or bad but all brothers and sister here will be here to console you... (at least for me).

Venting your frustration here is good too. I do not want you to get depression or mental issue because of these stress.

Beer & Nachos for consolation TS anyone???

Originally Posted by mwong View Post
Replying to questions as mentioned above by bros here

1. yes it is still ongoing.
2. can call me useless, doesn't matter. Long distance relationship hard to maintain. I am not in sg currently so theres limitations as to what i can do.
3. Am glad theres bros sharing their similar experiences. I feel u guys brothers.
4. yes its the effort put in that makes us keep going.
5. believe it or not doesn't matter, i just wanna share because i felt like this is somewhere like the beach where i can shout loudly and let all the anger and frustrations out.
6. regarding bros talking about sharing the text and photos RP shared with me? i will cover this later part of the story. Its pretty obvious i would do that right?
Old 05-12-2019, 12:55 AM
3someIsAwesome 3someIsAwesome is offline
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Originally Posted by neoprint123 View Post

we are in no position to tell you as we are not you. There are other contributing factors which we could not see.

You choose the path. But there is one thing for sure; all of us do not know the future. Also, all things have two points of view. It could turn out good or bad but all brothers and sister here will be here to console you... (at least for me).

Venting your frustration here is good too. I do not want you to get depression or mental issue because of these stress.

Beer & Nachos for consolation TS anyone???
So far don't see any sisters yet. Any sisters reading this and want to console our poor bro here?
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