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Old 24-09-2009, 02:02 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Sinoview View Post
Bro CM commented that U r like a Virgin waitin to be fcuked for the first time. As usual ll try to be as diplomatic as i can, like in the "cp thread". I like to think that U r like Alice in a newly discovery wonderland of her own.....But that wonderland many hv seen n done that liao......

My young bro, HZ n DS hv been around for years....many of us hv been there more than three yrs ago..Some bro i know ll even longer than that. U think China businessmen or china marketeers r "idiot" is it ? Selling stuff at 148, 248 or even 348 if they can be marketed at 500, 600 or 700rmb...( Many Sauna s in CP/Dalang/Ca/ Prince hv 500 even 600 grade now......)

一分钱一分货.... the basis principle of life....

BTW, hv u ask bro SBX wat's 148 include or mean and u started jumping ???
Sounded more like the KTV procing to me.....hehe/

Yr louhu chun, 100rmb bonk i m sure many bro wont even walk near left alone go up the dirty n smelly cubical to bonk them. Did u bring yr own shower tower or u really use their recycle ones to clean up after yr bonk ? Do u know how dirty is the recycle ones ? Or u just use tissue paper to clean yrself up ? Did u smell the residue of the smelly bed sheet n pillow which wasnt change for weeks........'s NOT a matter of cash king or poor's the basis personal comfort, hygiene n safety that matters for most bro here... Not everyone r like u, prepared to risk and carry a "weapon belt" wif u and able to go such low end slumps .....

Some TWn n Hkeys may hv some headstart over Malaysian n Sporean but still r many were been conned loft right n centre. We seen so many in cp till these days? Wat a 5k rmb to a rich Malaysian. To them them they can afford it and most importantly felt happy to part wif it be it.......

Not everyone look money so BIG as U lah...... Many of us r not that rich but we want to maintain a certain standard n lifestyle..... We hv out growth the back lane era long ago liao......

Like our good bro sbx.....He also visited CP sometime n wento Manhattan ktv recently....U think he's an idiot ? should hv enjoy in HZ or DS ktv ?..... Class bro....different class, crowd, mood, etc etc...

I may not know HZ n DS well but having been there both DS n HZ city a few times n inputs fm friends recently, definitely HZ n DS r NOT in the category of CP.

We all understand that its "to each his own"....but u also hv to be mindful that not many bros share yr views on such low ends kind of stuff...... certainly they wont clap when u get so exciting over such cheap stuff.....hehe...

Have fun.....
Mr. Sinoview,

I don't know what is your problem with me?
Maybe I have offended you or some bros in some of my postings.
All bros I apologise if I do. But please get off my back.
I'm just a small fry compared to big guns like you.

You're a very old bird and I respect your contributions to this forum.
But please don't push people around.
I dare to say this to you in your face if I do see you.

I've tolerated your pushiness but this is the limit.
You can regard me as low class (not fit to talk to high class people like you) and post "disgusting" panties pictures but it's none of your business.
Hahaha. Thank you.
Old 24-09-2009, 04:14 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Often when my friends want to follow me to China, I will recommend them to go DG first. This is because I know that my friends will enjoy more in CP (in term of class, drinking, entertainment, etc). To me, CP is place where no guys will get disappointment. However, after years of cheonging CP, a lot of them get tired of just drinking, bonking, foot massage, etc. They want to venture new place, not only because of the price. They want to try something different from DG culture. Like me, after cheonging DG for so many years, I find that HZ suit me better. In term of hardware (décor & class), DG ktv is much better than HZ. In term of software (girls), I prefer HZ, more gfe and less commercial.
In HZ, there are not many foreigners as compared to DG. Most of the customers for sauna in HZ are local Chinese. Why the sauna price can be so cheap? This is because the local Chinese customer knows the price very well (same as you will not pay more than $80 for a china street girl in Singapore) and the market is very competitive. Those saunas will slash their price to win the local to their joints, instead of coming out new ideas to improve their business. Of course, for rmb 148, you don’t expect to get a full service like those rmb 300. Their saunas are a bit rundown but not as dirty or smelly. To wash and iron a bedsheet in HZ is rmb 5. To wash and iron a pillow case is rmb 3. I don’t think the sauna will want to save this little money to recycle the item and get complaint from the customers.
After staying 3 years plus in HZ, I can say that the foreigners are so much lesser than I expected (most of them are Japanese and Korean). A lot of HZ local heard of Singapore, but not many meet Singaporean before. Many brothers have heard and asked about HZ, but in real case, how many of them have visited here. HZ map is bigger than DG. Till today, I still exploring HZ for new places. If thinking that staying in HZ for few days or visit a few times means that you know HZ, it will be very wrong.
Lastly, winter is coming soon, for those who like hot spring. Longmen(龙门)is a place you should try. There are a few hot springs that you can explore.
Old 24-09-2009, 05:23 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Thankyou Bro Shibaxian for the detail information on Huizhou.. it reminds me of SanShui and Nanhai 14 years ago when I went there on monthly basis for business. At that time, there are many very young gals working and the rate is at Rmb 200 for LT !!!!

I shall make a plan to visit Huizhou and hopefully, able to meet you in person to have a cup of tea.
Old 24-09-2009, 05:55 PM
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Smile Re: Huizhou Recommendations

14 years ago? wow did n't know u are that senior. Always thought u are a youngman in yr early twenties. My apologies lol

I am super newbies as my first trip to (real)china was in 2007 not counting visits to Springcity kunming. (Springcity is not real China)

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Thankyou Bro Shibaxian for the detail information on Huizhou.. it reminds me of SanShui and Nanhai 14 years ago when I went there on monthly basis for business. At that time, there are many very young gals working and the rate is at Rmb 200 for LT !!!!

I shall make a plan to visit Huizhou and hopefully, able to meet you in person to have a cup of tea.

Old 24-09-2009, 06:03 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Thankyou Bro Shibaxian for the detail information on Huizhou.. it reminds me of SanShui and Nanhai 14 years ago when I went there on monthly basis for business. At that time, there are many very young gals working and the rate is at Rmb 200 for LT !!!!

I shall make a plan to visit Huizhou and hopefully, able to meet you in person to have a cup of tea.
No problem. I always in HZ on the mid of every month (about 14 days). The rest of the time, i will be in singapore.

Old 24-09-2009, 06:07 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by coolmanks View Post
14 years ago? wow did n't know u are that senior. Always thought u are a youngman in yr early twenties. My apologies lol

I am super newbies as my first trip to (real)china was in 2007 not counting visit to Springcity kunming. (Springcity is not real China)
Aiya... Bro Coolmanks, I am an old fart lah.. first cheong in China is in 1992 in Beijing. First visit to China is in 1981 (at that time, the gals don't wear make up and the nature beauty is there and gals are more genuine... When I first see my 表姐 whom I never met before, I was like WTF !!!!, I quickly surrender all my HK$ to 大姨妈 seeing her life (表姐) is so 辛苦. When my mom asked me to arrange for her to be schooled in USA for english, i quick hand quick leg get it done. I never expect we have a doll in our house !!! Eventhough they live in a city, there is no running water and there is only 1 light bulb in the house... every morning, i was more than willing to accompany my cousin to riverside to take water... those few days stay was one of the best I had..)

Sorry for the off topic.. I also had a good KTV session in 泉州 about 15 years ago as well... I always wonder where all the beautiful Fujian gals now...
Old 24-09-2009, 06:18 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Sorry for the off topic.. I also had a good KTV session in 泉州 about 15 years ago as well... I always wonder where all the beautiful Fujian gals now...
wah.. quanzhou.. power! nearly wanted to make a ancestral trip there.. anyway.. i think fujian gals all went down south like how the suzhou and hangzhou gals go to shanghai.. hehehe..

my first WL is china is also from fujian.. heheh but not 15 years ago lahz.. just 6 years..
Old 24-09-2009, 06:22 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Ronaldo View Post
wah.. quanzhou.. power! nearly wanted to make a ancestral trip there.. anyway.. i think fujian gals all went down south like how the suzhou and hangzhou gals go to shanghai.. hehehe..

my first WL is china is also from fujian.. heheh but not 15 years ago lahz.. just 6 years..
Bro Ronaldo, as what the TS was mentioning, the interesting part in Huizhou is that there are many gals are of Haka and Teocheow ancestry.. to me, these 2 tribes have wonderful gals that always take care of their men... once you KC with them, you would be gone... of course this is just my opinion lah... Maybe that is why TS is putting up a base in Huizhou...hahaha.
Old 24-09-2009, 06:32 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Bro Ronaldo, as what the TS was mentioning, the interesting part in Huizhou is that there are many gals are of Haka and Teocheow ancestry.. to me, these 2 tribes have wonderful gals that always take care of their men... once you KC with them, you would be gone... of course this is just my opinion lah... Maybe that is why TS is putting up a base in Huizhou...hahaha.
Ya i understand.. its like when i was in a deadland in zhongshan.. i also took time to explore around... we can use one hand to count the number of good ktvs and sauna there.. hehehe..

but hor.. i think teochew gals not chio leh.. havent met one nice one before..
Old 24-09-2009, 06:38 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Sinoview View Post

Some TWn n Hkeys may hv some headstart over Malaysian n Sporean but still r many were been conned loft right n centre. We seen so many in cp till these days? Wat a 5k rmb to a rich Malaysian. To them them they can afford it and most importantly felt happy to part wif it be it.......

We all understand that its "to each his own"....but u also hv to be mindful that not many bros share yr views on such low ends kind of stuff...... certainly they wont clap when u get so exciting over such cheap stuff.....hehe...

Have fun.....
Uncle, last weekend my sauna gal in VS told me her electricity and water were suspended. She need to ask her landlord, then she asked me what was the country code for malaysia...her landlord is from malaysia..

OMG... the Malaysian sultans have invaded CP... hehehe.. into property too liaoz.. power!!
Old 24-09-2009, 06:46 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Bro Ronaldo, as what the TS was mentioning, the interesting part in Huizhou is that there are many gals are of Haka and Teocheow ancestry.. to me, these 2 tribes have wonderful gals that always take care of their men... once you KC with them, you would be gone... of course this is just my opinion lah... Maybe that is why TS is putting up a base in Huizhou...hahaha.

Correction. Only can find teochew men in Huizhou. The teochew gals are kept in their homeland village such as shantou (which is near to HZ). But you still can find local HZ haka gals, but they are not WL (so maybe a bit plain for you). The biggest group of WL in HZ are sichuan, Guangxi and Hunan.
Old 24-09-2009, 08:05 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

1981, I was saving up to go for my first overseas trip. By bus to Chiang Lai, Thailand.
Finally meet someone more senior (meaning older than me) here. hahhahahha

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Aiya... Bro Coolmanks, I am an old fart lah.. first cheong in China is in 1992 in Beijing. First visit to China is in 1981 .

Last edited by coolmanks; 24-09-2009 at 08:22 PM.
Old 24-09-2009, 09:52 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by shibaxian View Post
Correction. Only can find teochew men in Huizhou. The teochew gals are kept in their homeland village such as shantou (which is near to HZ). But you still can find local HZ haka gals, but they are not WL (so maybe a bit plain for you). The biggest group of WL in HZ are sichuan, Guangxi and Hunan.
Wah... Only Teochew men.. As for the Haka, what I meant is to be their KC (kun cheng) lah...
Old 25-09-2009, 02:06 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Wah... Only Teochew men.. As for the Haka, what I meant is to be their KC (kun cheng) lah...
I didn't know that Teochew and Hakka gals are so famous. I think i waste my 3 years in HZ. Nobody inform me that I should look for them as KC.
Bro, maybe i can recommend some local pubs where the local gathered, you may find what you want. But really depend on your 'kungfu'.
Old 25-09-2009, 05:03 AM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by shibaxian View Post
In HZ, there are not many foreigners as compared to DG. Most of the customers for sauna in HZ are local Chinese. Why the sauna price can be so cheap? This is because the local Chinese customer knows the price very well (same as you will not pay more than $80 for a china street girl in Singapore) and the market is very competitive. Those saunas will slash their price to win the local to their joints, instead of coming out new ideas to improve their business. Of course, for rmb 148, you don’t expect to get a full service like those rmb 300. Their saunas are a bit rundown but not as dirty or smelly. To wash and iron a bedsheet in HZ is rmb 5. To wash and iron a pillow case is rmb 3. I don’t think the sauna will want to save this little money to recycle the item and get complaint from the customers.
I think better don't discuss about places that are too cheap.
Otherwise some old bird will make it an issue and consider it too low class!
The question is at what price is not considered low class for sauna? ¥500, ¥600 or ¥1000?

Originally Posted by shibaxian View Post
After staying 3 years plus in HZ, I can say that the foreigners are so much lesser than I expected (most of them are Japanese and Korean). A lot of HZ local heard of Singapore, but not many meet Singaporean before. Many brothers have heard and asked about HZ, but in real case, how many of them have visited here. HZ map is bigger than DG. Till today, I still exploring HZ for new places. If thinking that staying in HZ for few days or visit a few times means that you know HZ, it will be very wrong.
LOL. The funny thing is some old bird is trying to 倚老卖老 and think he knows a lot.
The matter of fact is the more he tries to proof his point and intolerance towards differing views. The more stupid he will look.
The real old birds know what I mean. Hahaha.
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