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Old 31-07-2007, 09:56 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by dominion View Post
haha.... hope u werent in middle of dinner
Nah, but it did remind me of the time when Deja vu was crowded and i was ushered with Chanyboy to the Stage seat, was sipping my beer and replying to some message when i saw a pair of legs shuffled infront of me. Out of normal guy's reaction, i looked up and i saw a belly, with 2 humongous titties, stark naked infront of me. looked like a oversized bullfrog with the tits as the eyes, belly as the face. like the jipun cartoon character, Kero Keropi.

Almost spat my beer at chanyboy LOL
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Old 31-07-2007, 10:19 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

she will be part of my fond memories of deja, esp after ur comparison of keropi haha, as the unique comic character....

miss some of the chio zha bohs tho
Old 31-07-2007, 10:33 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Yokosi View Post

That's her with the big nei nei !.
But pity her lah, with such a body, no one bar fines her !!!. But she is a very nice lady and can be fun , speaks english to a certain extent. She does not drink alcohol. Liked you, i made fun of her.........ordered a Kahlua but no milk for her. Told her to squeeze milk from her nei nei into the glass. None came out and she got a bit pissed and suddenly grabbed one of her long tits and " playfully hammered me with it ". Everyone around us including " Fah " ( one of the Chinese looking chicks ), laughed crazily.

Notice that this long nei nei lady has 2 front tooths missing...........because she gave a brutal BBBJ to an oversize steel hard dick. No one bar fines her because of her body shape except for this person. And she was so happy and was totally immersed in the BBBJ that she broke her teeth on the meat ( like a hungry dog attacking a bone ).

Next time in Deja Vu, do ask her why she has missing front teeth.

And give her a LD Kahlua but no milk. You can help her squeeze her tits to inject milk into the glass.
Wa kao, she sibei happening...2 teeth missing...As for the milk...I think I prefer slim cow milk, less Cholestrol.
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Old 31-07-2007, 10:42 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
Nah, but it did remind me of the time when Deja vu was crowded and i was ushered with Chanyboy to the Stage seat, was sipping my beer and replying to some message when i saw a pair of legs shuffled infront of me. Out of normal guy's reaction, i looked up and i saw a belly, with 2 humongous titties, stark naked infront of me. looked like a oversized bullfrog with the tits as the eyes, belly as the face. like the jipun cartoon character, Kero Keropi.

Almost spat my beer at chanyboy LOL
At first, I only saw a "Jumbo" walk frustrately to take up her position, felt the earthquake and feel weird for such an odd size dancer working here. Very sian and feel the girls quality dropping. Thus wanna ciao and start to drink my draught beer quickly. Suddenly, she was rubbing her naked nei nei on the pole and flipping her nei nei, I almost puke my draught beer when I saw her do that. Laugh until pengz.

I think she can be the ICON of Deeja Vu.
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Old 01-08-2007, 12:24 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
haha im just approaching mid 20s lor
orhhh... mid 20s ah...
so young.....
next time meet up k bro....
Old 01-08-2007, 12:49 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

If theres chance,lets all met together,welcome to thai culture bro
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Old 01-08-2007, 12:59 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
If theres chance,lets all met together,welcome to thai culture bro
Yeah bro...
think will be there mid sep tentatively
Old 01-08-2007, 09:50 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by ivor View Post
"Jumbo" walk frustrately to take up her position....... t flipping her nei nei, I almost puke ...... Laugh until pengz.

I think she can be the ICON of Deeja Vu.
Sometimes always looking at good looking girls with nice figures is rather boring.An encounter with the icon at Deja Vu can be uplifting to one's senses.
It adds in to the overall fun in BKK.

Will be in BKK again, next week, on 6th to 9th August.
Old 01-08-2007, 08:45 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

these few days keep talking about her...
her ear in bkk sure vv itchy liao
Old 01-08-2007, 10:54 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

This thread becoming TCSS thread liao, i tink those people wanna find those FRs and recommandations posted by me and many other bros that came and went.

i wonder if there's a better way to make things easier for newbies to search, rather den sieve through our chats... (lol besides stop posting)

Anyway, looking forward to Unforgotten's FR!
Remember if you are in the places i told you about.. say hi to the people i told u about!
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Old 02-08-2007, 12:32 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

talking about jumbo...think there are always at less one in each of the AGG in soi cowboys.lots in long gun...

will be there from 2th to the 7th.will update you guys more when i return.cheers bros.time to clear my hard liquors.
Old 02-08-2007, 01:07 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

OK here's a newbie FR from me

This is a continuation from my FR in the Massage Thread.

Its my first time in Bangkok, I just couldn't miss the chance to visit the an Agogo bar. Did my research(mostly from before I went to BKK and knew exactly how to get where the action is. Took the MRT to Sukhumvit, was really easy to make my way to Soi Cowboy. Walk around a bit and decided to settle for Shark Bar.

One of the gal from the entrance followed me in and asked to sit with me. I didnt really know how to refuse her so I just let her sat there. Cant really remember the name, she wasnt good looking and didnt have much of a figure. She was however very playful, kept giving me hugs, stealing perks on my cheeks and grabbing my little bro every chance she had. Got her a drink and continue to enjoy the show. Not sure if most of the other bars are like this but the gals there wears transparent tops, might as well dun wear :P

Anyway not long after the first drink a good friend of the girl came over. The 2 chatted non-stop, if the first gal was playful, the 2nd kind of had a screw loose. One girl on stage caught my eye though(looks a bit like Tanya Chua) but the 2 girls were keeping me quite occupied. I later found out that the girl which caught my attention was actually the half sis of the first gal. Anyway the 2 gals asked where I wanted to go after that, told them I had no idea. Said something about bringing me to some show so we finished up the drinks paid the bar fined both gals and left the place.

They brought me to another bar nearby called the Lone Gun or Long Gun I think. Watched this show where these 2 gals did some amazing stunts with their pussy. Blew Whistle, trumpet, blow out candles and then use it to shoot blow darts at balloons. Maybe I'm a bit sua koo but its the first time I've seen something like that. Near the end of the show they kept asking what I wanted to do next. Told them I was tired and wanted to go back to the hotel, with both of them of coz.

They kept saying that they were hungry, decided to go to the seafood restaurant right next to the hotel. Took a cab but when I reach there, it wasnt open, WTF. Went back to the hotel, was told I need to pay to bring guest in, WTF? Dun know if this was common in Thailand, never encounter this when I went to other countries. Was told that each girl would cost me 1K, again WTF? The 2 gals kept telling me to go to their place instead, I was too tired so decided to just pay up(hotel bill was paid by the company anyway so I really couldnt care less). Ordered a bit of food and had a quick bite. Went for a quick shower with one of the gal and proceeded to the bed to start the session

We started frenching and she proceeded to give me a cat bathe and then a BBBJ while waiting for the 2nd gal to come out. Once she did, she was all prepared to ride me but then we realize that none of us have condoms. WTF. Called the front desk and got them to send some up. Started everything all over again. After a bit of foreplay, the 2nd gal started to ride me, not long after I switched to the first gal. I then change to doggie and then missionary. Still couldnt come, change back to the 2nd gal riding me then finish off with missionary.

After the session, we started chatting again while we finish whatever was left over from the food we ordered earlier. After a while we started round 2, then remembered we didnt have condoms, again we had to pause and wait for the front desk to send them up. Round 2 was very much like round one. By the time we finish it was around 6+ in the morning. They charged me 2.5K each(told me it was Short Time) and left. Not quite sure wat short time was but if that was short time, I wonder how long long time is suppose to be.

Anyway a quick breakdown of the gals and cost

Gal 1:
Looks: 6/10
Body: 6/10
BJ: 7/10

Gal 2:
Looks: 7/10
Body: 6/10
BJ: N/A(never recieve one from her since the other gal did it)
FJ: 7/10

Cost(all estimates not exact):
Shark Bar: 1700THB(4*gal drinks + 2 beers + Bar Fine)
Long Gun: 400THB(2 drinks + 1 beer)
Hotel Charge for Guest: 2000THB
Food: 1000THB
Condoms: 200THB
Gals ST: 5000THB
Total: 10000THB

Well that was my first ever trip to BKK, just realize I was a bit too long winded. Hope U guys dun mind. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to go back there again.

Some Noob questions though, hope some bro in here are willing to answer.

How do you get a gal you like to come over to U?

How to properly tell the gal you are not interested?(I speak no Thai btw)

Difference between short time and long time?

Any other interesting things to see in that area besides that amazing pussy show?
Old 02-08-2007, 02:51 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Marathon, you're quite generous with the 2 girls. Got to budget a bit cos in no time, your pocket will be emptied by the girls.
Short Time (ST) cost around 1k to 2k for a 2 hour duration.
Long Time (LT) cost around 2.5k to 4k for a overnight duration.
Rates vary on the girl but always try to bargain low and DEAL in-between your desired price and her price.

Cheong too fast, you will feel dry on fund by the last few days.
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Last edited by ivor; 02-08-2007 at 03:11 AM.
Old 02-08-2007, 07:51 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

In my opinion/experience:

ST: screw until ~6am, girl goes off.

LT: screw until ~6am, sleep w/ girl, wake up about lunch time, screw again, maybe lunch w/ girl if you want, girl goes off.

I think 2.5k was alright lah... I'm not sure about the prevailing 3some rates though. Also, I think they were quite sporting... screw until 6am+. In certain situations/places, ST could also mean you go to a ST room, fire 1 shot, shower, finish... girl goes back to bar to wait for next customer.
Old 02-08-2007, 10:28 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Marathon View Post
OK here's a newbie FR from me

1.How do you get a gal you like to come over to U?

2.How to properly tell the gal you are not interested?(I speak no Thai btw)
Some answers to Q1:
Smile at her. Ask her in english to sit with u while using hand gestures

Talk to mamasan who will order her to be with you.

Go to her, give her a " Wai " i.e.: Thai greeting with clasped hands and lightly bowed head, maintain eye contact, and smile nicely. Then, ask her to be with you. This works 100% ( also shows that you got outstanding standard, lah ! )

Some answers to Q2:

No girl !. No girl ! ( Mai Pu Ying !, Mai Pu Ying ! )

Go away please ( Paaii Khap )

Shake your head.

Glad u enjoy your stay in bkk.
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