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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 20-05-2005, 04:16 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
I find tat rachael not bad. sammi and joey rhe cute ones. peggy not bad if u like bigger bones gals.
happy cheonging!
Thank HC Cheongster for your inputs. Will take note of your comments next time I visit legend again.

Finally I booked Cecilia at Legend ahead of Brenda as she is available earlier than Brenda. After I saw Brenda, I realised my taste is quite different from brudder Perish. I prefer SYT Brenda than Cecilia.

Below is my evaluation of Legend HC's gal, please feel free to disagree to my comments because it might be a bit harsh toward some gals.

During my short visit to Legend, I have seen Brenda, Cecilia, Fann, Celine, Angel, Kym, Peggi, Ginny, Coco, Jolin and another few gals who i dont even bother to ask.

Generally, in term of look, I can group them in 2 category:

6-7/10 category:

Brenda (SYT, my type) I should gave her 6.5-7.5/10
Cecilia (chio only from certain angle, she remind me of kitty in Bluewave but Kitty is slightly sweeter)
Angel (pleasant looking only, not really my type)

5-6/10 category:

Fann, Peggi (both are too big frame for me)
Kym (OK and decent)
Jolin (new gal OK to me)
Celine (a bit too fleshy for me)
Ginny (didnt have a clear look but certainly not Brenda's category)

It seems that I have left out our Legend of Legend CoCo?????

I hope U brudder dont flame me. It is just my personal opinion and I have nothing against her. I believe she probably provide those GL150 cat - former SingTel's style of service. However, for my preference, I am not into service.......I go for looker!!!

To me, CoCo come under CMI category. I would say a decent face but not my type. If I am looking for ONS, she will never be my target. I think most brudders here are too generous to rate her in term of look.

Actually, I wanted to book Sammi but she is on leave. Till my second visit, my first contribution on legend end here. I hope it will be useful for brudders going for look department.
Old 20-05-2005, 04:40 PM
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FR on Ginny

Managed to chat up with Ginny at the smoking corner after one of my sessions at L3. any bro got a FR/comments on svc on her?
Old 20-05-2005, 05:07 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by i12bangu29
... I hope it will be useful for brudders going for look department.
Thanks bro for the info. I also go for lookers. Brenda will be next on my list since I've tried and was satisfied with Cecilia in terms of looks and service.
Old 21-05-2005, 02:07 PM
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Re: Legends 3

New gal Jolin???? how does she look like??? never spot her last wk when i went there leh. any bros can give a discription??? does she look like the singer jolin??? hehehehe im her fan u know. any bros tried stepfenie???? thans
Old 21-05-2005, 09:36 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Just came back from legend after a sensual time with the new gal jolin there. call at around 5 to book her. was a bit resist at frist cos never seen her b4. but lucky tat i decided to take the risk. reach there at 5 plus and was sitting at the sofa drinking kopi and taking a smoke 1st b4 i went in. then saw a pretty lady walking to the counter. never see her b4 so most likely is jolin i guess saying to myself. after which i went to the room to shower and hoping tat its going to be her.
Then came knock knock and BINGO it was her. after which continue with the massage. quite good oil massage. could be harder though. then found out tat she used to worked in a slimming centre. so no wonder the massage not bad. she not only massage the back but later ask me to turn around started massage my legs and hands. at this point can really see her. nice complextion, with curly hair like rachael. boobs should be a b. during the conversation suspect either she worked in singapore or she a singaporean. cos she speaks bit of singlish and she even know bout card!! and she oni worked in this line for only 3 to 4 days.
then popped the golden question and i opt for full package. then she stand up and i was waiting for her to strip. but she ask me to stand up too. so i stand up all the while thinking wats the matter. little did i know then tat she straight away hugged me and started licking and kissing me. WOW i was already auotroaming her liao. then i started slowly striping her. when i looked at the mirror OMG felt like in a blue flim. then she slowly moved down south licking my nip and balls. the sence at the mirror was damn shiok. after which ask me to sit down as she knee b4 me throwing her 'b' cup boobs for me to lick. big brown nips. my fingers was all over her liao. and was rubbing her pussy. after tat signal me to lie down and she gave me a quick cat bath and then a bj. bj a bit disappointed just normal up down motion. then she ride on me. pussy was not tight but its not loose either. looking at her face really turn me on. then change to missionary. pumping hard at her. soft mourning. and her figure was damn good with little or no tummy at all. not wonder she worked at a slimming centre. change to doggy and continue to pump. butt is firm and nice to hold. cannot tahan liao and i unloaded.
then she used tissue to slowly wipe my didi unlike most gals who just take out the cd and proceed to bath. almost feel like wanking her again. then she proceed to shower as i rest and take a puff. tats not all cos after she finish and change she sat down beside me and smoke too. then she lie on me legs and chit chat a bit. she refused to get up when i say i wanna bath liao. make my heart melt. later bath, pay then hug kiss goodbye and i left. overall sexisfy and went home a happy man.
hope bros dun mind the long FR but its worth my effort and i feel i was lucky to tried her out b4 she gets hot. which i personnal feel she will be the next hot angpai in the bugis area. making coco and my fav sammi a run for their money.

FR on Jolin:-
heigth : 165 ~ 170.
figure : slim
boob : "b" cup wif big brown nip.
Look : 7.5
catbath : 9
bj : 6
fj : 8
gf feeling : 10!! ( those who like coco styie but feel she a bit too commando-like will like her as shes more gentle type but style a bit same )
RTF: YES ( although a bit sorry to my sammi but...... )

Overall coco style but the gentle, chio, tall and slim version.

Happy cheonging!!!!! cant stopped thinking bout her
Old 22-05-2005, 01:12 PM
jared100 jared100 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

nice FR , u are going to make her damn busy wth such a hot FR....

personally, i have not seen her b4 .
Old 22-05-2005, 08:48 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by jared100
nice FR , u are going to make her damn busy wth such a hot FR....

personally, i have not seen her b4 .
thans. tats my 1st fr tats so long hahaha actually wanna keep to myself one but its oni sooner or later she be discovered anyway. and this forum is to shared. furthermore i find her hot doesnt mean every bros out there will like her too.
Old 22-05-2005, 08:56 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Tried out stepfenie today. not much to read though as she not tat great. just a simple fr will do

face: 6 on a closer look
boobs: a cup
massgae: 6
bj: 6 with good suction
fj: 6 ( keeps locking her thighs on me so cant even put her legs on my shoulder )
rtf: theres better ones out there.
Old 22-05-2005, 10:27 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
Just came back from legend after a sensual time with the new gal jolin there....RTF: YES ( although a bit sorry to my sammi but......
Overall coco style but the gentle, chio, tall and slim version.

Happy cheonging!!!!! cant stopped thinking bout her
Me oso never try her b4. But from this FR, added her in my list liao....
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Old 23-05-2005, 12:31 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Wahh, good gals seems to be getting more and more ....
My target list like that no ending sia....
Old 23-05-2005, 08:59 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
Tried out stepfenie today. not much to read though as she not tat great. just a simple fr will do

face: 6 on a closer look
boobs: a cup
massgae: 6
bj: 6 with good suction
fj: 6 ( keeps locking her thighs on me so cant even put her legs on my shoulder )
rtf: theres better ones out there.
Agree with your FR. She is also too skinny to my liking...speaks quite good English though.
Old 23-05-2005, 01:27 PM
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Re: Legends 3

FR on Jolene-Legend (3 days back)

Read up the thread on Legend and thought that I should give it a try and break my pattern from BHC. Had some time in afternoon before meeting up with a client so decided to head straight for Legend for my new venture. Park my car at Allson Hotel and headed for the hotel lobby. Vaguely remebered that is was on the 3 or 4th floor so started to take the elevator and headed aimlessly for the place. On my way up, I saw this gal in jean and tank-top carrying huge bags of things heading the same direction. Her looks was Ok , nothing stunning but very good figure in that tight jean. In my mind, I was guessing she must be one of the gal heading for work at the HC (around 2pm)and I was right. She was also heading to legend and press 4th level inside the lift when we entered the lift together. She headed out first when the lift open and she went straight to sign in at the counter. When I was at the counter, i ask the recept for recommendation since I could not remembered any gal from the thread. Saw the name Cecilia from the sign in list and told the recept "how about cecilia" and was told that she is already booked up to 630pm. So bo bian, asked the recept who was the gal that just came in and was told her name was Jolene and so I book her since she look rather pleasent and since she was also new as told by recept.

I have to say that the place is nice and new though the place has no jacuzzi pool like Casonova or DHC. Went to the room and took my shower and shortly Jolene came in. She was very different from what I saw earlier, now she looks stunning and sexy. Probably the short skirt and make up makes the different. Immediately I was getting horny as I am a sucker for nice leg and those short skirt just brings out her sexiness. Started massage in from the back, quite SOP, shortly after 10 mins, she was driglling me with her finger and massaging my didi. the feeling was nice as it was gentle and sudden. then she pop the question. I told her "you make me horny already then ask me whether I want any special or not". She just smile and said it is for formality. She then strip and proceed with Catbath, quite SOP but the BBBJ was rocket high for my of the best so far!!!! Proceeded to pump her missionary, doggie and her on top.

Overall ;

Age : My guess late 20s
Looks : 6/10
Body : 8 /10 (Good and firm)
Boobs : Slight B - abit small for me
Catbath : 6/10
BBBJ : 8.5/10
FR : 7/10 (Was only so so for me)
RTF : No when there are still so many stunning gals with short skirt to try Cecilia
Old 24-05-2005, 12:36 PM
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Re: Legends 3

[QUOTE=akaza24]Wahh, good gals seems to be getting more and more ....
My target list like that no ending sia....
Originally Posted by Sure2C
Me oso never try her b4. But from this FR, added her in my list liao....
Well tats actually hard to say u know. an example is i click with gigi of bugis and joyce of lexon but many bros just blacklisted them. who knows she might be the same.
Old 24-05-2005, 02:42 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
Well tats actually hard to say u know. an example is i click with gigi of bugis and joyce of lexon but many bros just blacklisted them. who knows she might be the same.

Agree to that, diff ppl click with diff gals. Though I tried 2 times only wif Joyce, I still find her alrite n the best in looks and titts so far. In fact, I hv decided to add her in mi target list also. She seems to hv this "dao+sianz" attitude, maybe that explains why ppl blacklist her. As for Gigi I dunno leh, never try before, time to read up the past threads to find out more
Old 24-05-2005, 11:13 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by akaza24
Agree to that, diff ppl click with diff gals. Though I tried 2 times only wif Joyce, I still find her alrite n the best in looks and titts so far. In fact, I hv decided to add her in mi target list also. She seems to hv this "dao+sianz" attitude, maybe that explains why ppl blacklist her. As for Gigi I dunno leh, never try before, time to read up the past threads to find out more
Have 2 frd tried GiGi recently (after her Japan trip), 1 of them 2nd time with her, after good comment from the other frd, this 2nd time oso he come out with good comment on her.
Think her service really improved recently, mb under secret training at Japan (got brain wasted by May n companies).
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