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The Legal Geylang (prostitute) Scene Had a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty.

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Old 18-10-2017, 09:16 PM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

+17 for exchange
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round

33 066 25/2 Returning favour bro thanks=messi, 22/2 Rav1sk+5, 20/2 Exchange+12, 15/2 naysmith=swee+18,

2nd xchange list:
27/1 Samkieu+12, 15/1 marklui520+9, 16/11 4Dguru+18, 23/10 rawmaster101+13, 22/9 Havanna Slicks+23, 29/9 124asf124+7
Old 18-10-2017, 09:51 PM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Minimum 3 Points To Trade
Old 18-10-2017, 11:55 PM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Min 5 pts to exchange
Or Senior nice bros ready for 2nd round
For 4 n below only if u dum mind to Wait
Pls pm me when u upped me as wish to return u fav Thxs
Q list :
KIV : zip4671 ejectjoy

Waiting for new post : wishlow123 xrated1 winterhisashi bj_dragon Arrow'n'Bow jacanaw adra Littleskinny tamperman fawek99 dromad68 cinesoj
Old 19-10-2017, 12:04 AM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

9 points for exchange, short queue
Min 14 points for exchange, thanks
Old 19-10-2017, 12:11 AM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

13 points for exchange.
Please leave your nick when u upped my points and I will return favour asap. Thanks.
Exchange of points are welcome too but with minimum of 5 pointers.

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Old 19-10-2017, 12:31 AM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Anyone kind enough to exchange with me? Thanks!
Old 19-10-2017, 01:17 AM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Chionging 15k
Old 19-10-2017, 04:55 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

support this Thread
Old 19-10-2017, 07:14 AM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Can exchange? Min power 1 welcome.

Queue - 0
Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder.

Minimum power 7 and above to exchange.

n rd - ang09, 222nge
Old 19-10-2017, 07:21 AM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

+13 available for +7 and above

pls PM after upping for faster return or if i have yet to return ur up

Old 19-10-2017, 07:31 AM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Originally Posted by hoosdathu View Post
hoosdathu +14 ....
Good morning. Many thanks to all bro/sis for generous ups / re-ups / returns. Greatly appreciated.

Wishing all a wonderful week / 2017.

Note: All re-ups will be returned. I have 1,000 upz spread.

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment"


Life is short; Be happy: Live Life to the Fullest

Minimum 3 pts for exchange

Old 19-10-2017, 07:53 AM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Originally Posted by Sleepyguy2 View Post
Sleepyguy2 up 3.
13 粒伟哥 Hoe Lee Song Song Gao Jurong hor!!!

When the spicy are in, the heat is on. prepare for the ride of your Life!!!!!!

Sawadee Khrup! S̄āw sĕksī̀
สวัสดี ครับ สาวเซ็กซี่
Old 19-10-2017, 09:04 AM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Exchange of points welcome. Min power 5 .

For those who upped me , kindly pse leave your correct nick behind . No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

To the someone who upped me yesterday without leaving your name please pm me . Thank you

Already upped :

Exceed ; ch18 ; strikeback4 ; mike3329 ; princeofpersia ; Qazxcvbnm ; Silentman ; BroW ; Laoba ; stpboc ; Junyi91 ; hakone121 ; Gladboy ; seekrelax ; dragoco ; oxeso ; dreamer326 ; ImbaME ; ray_lee ; Hornymushroom ; RisingShadow ; jsparrow ; I love boobs ; Havanna Slicks ; stiwrx ; Seansky ; zeith ; Mobkillers ; Malaysian Datuk ; bokinhvan876 ; Coronet Peak ; KDLiverpool

New post needed : tresni888 ( PM sent ) ; dxbboy ( PM sent )

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up __________ again .
Blacklist . Upped the below but they never return despite PM :

groo ; ray2003 ; bikerlover ; ~~Fresh~~

S.I.T.E ( he not happy . Up him at your own risk )

m00tix ; Cando
Old 19-10-2017, 09:28 AM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Want to exchange points?
Minimum Power4 to trade
*Include your nickname when u up

Waiting for their return upzz -->> Many

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Searching for nympho FB/FWB. PM me
Old 19-10-2017, 09:56 AM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs

Any kind bro / sis interested in exchange?
All return up repaid.
Thanking all in advance
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exchange, points, upz, wankjanice; upup1234

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