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Old 05-02-2011, 05:53 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Hanging Flowers Joints 05-02-2011 05:05 PM Mai dua kang lah! Your hole is as big as sentosa cannon as big as DO_YOU_BJ & MoralEpitome! All the dua kang yao xius here! Don't always talk cock here lah! LOL

-3 loser zapper,
Wahahaha..We wu $$$$. You bo $$$$
You jealous arh?
Want me to donate to you so you no need to beg on the street for 3 meals or you want to come clean my pool at Sentosa Cove, ai mai?
Old 05-02-2011, 05:55 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by 花场escapefrom View Post
escaping from hfj in progress again (trying not to be back anytime soon !

Cheers everyone
I like to hang flower, play golf and drive Honda CRV

Can Never Achieve
Old 05-02-2011, 06:32 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by 花场Escapefrom View Post
Escaping from HFJ in progress again (trying not to be back anytime soon !

Cheers everyone
Think it's quite tough cos you been trying to escape since Sept 2010 till today... By the way, as an old bird like yourself, you know seasonal cycle new stocks will be arriving after CNY
Old 05-02-2011, 07:37 PM
MoralEpitome MoralEpitome is offline
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by Ichigo_Kurosaki View Post
Hanging Flowers Joints 05-02-2011 05:05 PM Mai dua kang lah! Your hole is as big as sentosa cannon as big as DO_YOU_BJ & MoralEpitome! All the dua kang yao xius here! Don't always talk cock here lah! LOL

-3 loser zapper,
Wahahaha..We wu $$$$. You bo $$$$
You jealous arh?
Want me to donate to you so you no need to beg on the street for 3 meals or you want to come clean my pool at Sentosa Cove, ai mai?
knn i where got dua kang...i am the most modest guy here....i think becos I am associated with you IK that's why i also kena....can i clarify for once I am not as up there as Ichigo! I am just a normal working man trying to meet ends meet! I only earn 4k a mth!
Old 05-02-2011, 08:23 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by 花场escapefrom View Post
escaping from hfj in progress again (trying not to be back anytime soon !

Cheers everyone

read the all words in BOLD, then seek final answers in the underlined.


If bros want to exchange upz, please let me know. Min = +5

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Old 05-02-2011, 08:28 PM
MoralEpitome MoralEpitome is offline
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by Loving_Dickhead View Post

read the all words in BOLD, then seek final answers in the underlined.

ltnc....happy lny!....huat ar!
Old 05-02-2011, 09:05 PM
花场Escapefrom 花场Escapefrom is offline
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Haha, all brothers , a consolidated reply,

To Bro Moral Epitome,
"lol you can run but you can't will never escape the lure of a hfj...hahaha:
> Haha, very very true, no way I will ever escape from HFJ in all honesty, what i am trying to do is to take a breather maybe a few months, maybe a year or two, before i go back again as a customer. + Whether my former singer, wife to be will let me is a big uncertain .

Dun escape, just bao a bitch and walk away!
Like me wahahahahaha
>> Ahem, no la, no finances to bao any girl at moment, so just going to fade away from now. Also not into playing the KC game with the singers, as I sure will loose and also mot in my temperament to KC them la..

To Bro Alan Ong

>> Yep i am infected with the Hang Flower culture virus, of the "NO_$Cure strain.... Recurrent sessions will occur again and again.

To Bro Ichigo_Kurosaki
Think it's quite tough cos you been trying to escape since Sept 2010 till today... By the way, as an old bird like yourself, you know seasonal cycle new stocks will be arriving after CNY.
>>> Hahaha yes, i was trying to escape since Sept 2010, I broke up with my 1st girl, who took my heart and 200k sgd away in July. Then i got back to my first singer girl i ever met in a HFJ... even before the 200k girl... she healed my heart and soul and my wife to be, she aint the tallest, she aint the most pretty, she did not work at even a tier 2 place, but she is the one i am going to marry. She is back in CN right now so me taking a look at the HFJs to see if i proof, well not 100% proof but getting better.
Now yes, new stocks are coming, but seriously, I am only looking forward to the pair of twins (real twin sisters) that is scheduled to 国都·after the chinese new year hols. Would be interesting to see how the bros can tell them apart )
And that would be with my wife to be in tow....

To Bro L.D
" I know , not running away, not being self effacing or hypocritial, and not being a coward. Just recognise that i am not really that 潇洒yet in dealing with girls and finances are bad, so i will be back, still going to be on the boards, still going to be looking at the FRs and exploits of the brothers.

But taking a short break from going to the clubs at the moment

Happy New Year brothers..!
PS: I am suffering from over dose of chinese new year songs, i suspect who every going also over dosed.... no need to 拼花,when all you get is another happy new year song.... My ears are still ringing from 5 hours of it at 国都 last night......
Old 05-02-2011, 09:20 PM
MoralEpitome MoralEpitome is offline
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by 花场Escapefrom View Post
Haha, all brothers , a consolidated reply,

To Bro Moral Epitome,
"lol you can run but you can't will never escape the lure of a hfj...hahaha:
> Haha, very very true, no way I will ever escape from HFJ in all honesty, what i am trying to do is to take a breather maybe a few months, maybe a year or two, before i go back again as a customer. + Whether my former singer, wife to be will let me is a big uncertain .

Dun escape, just bao a bitch and walk away!
Like me wahahahahaha
>> Ahem, no la, no finances to bao any girl at moment, so just going to fade away from now. Also not into playing the KC game with the singers, as I sure will loose and also mot in my temperament to KC them la..

To Bro Alan Ong

>> Yep i am infected with the Hang Flower culture virus, of the "NO_$Cure strain.... Recurrent sessions will occur again and again.

To Bro Ichigo_Kurosaki
Think it's quite tough cos you been trying to escape since Sept 2010 till today... By the way, as an old bird like yourself, you know seasonal cycle new stocks will be arriving after CNY.
>>> Hahaha yes, i was trying to escape since Sept 2010, I broke up with my 1st girl, who took my heart and 200k sgd away in July. Then i got back to my first singer girl i ever met in a HFJ... even before the 200k girl... she healed my heart and soul and my wife to be, she aint the tallest, she aint the most pretty, she did not work at even a tier 2 place, but she is the one i am going to marry. She is back in CN right now so me taking a look at the HFJs to see if i proof, well not 100% proof but getting better.
Now yes, new stocks are coming, but seriously, I am only looking forward to the pair of twins (real twin sisters) that is scheduled to 国都·after the chinese new year hols. Would be interesting to see how the bros can tell them apart )
And that would be with my wife to be in tow....

To Bro L.D
" I know , not running away, not being self effacing or hypocritial, and not being a coward. Just recognise that i am not really that 潇洒yet in dealing with girls and finances are bad, so i will be back, still going to be on the boards, still going to be looking at the FRs and exploits of the brothers.

But taking a short break from going to the clubs at the moment

Happy New Year brothers..!
PS: I am suffering from over dose of chinese new year songs, i suspect who every going also over dosed.... no need to 拼花,when all you get is another happy new year song.... My ears are still ringing from 5 hours of it at 国都 last night......
respect! you only lost 200k....i lost 300k....still trying to save up my 300k now...lucky collected some ang about 1k...
Old 05-02-2011, 09:22 PM
花场Escapefrom 花场Escapefrom is offline
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

国都 4th Febuary 2011
First show ever since it opened..
I was there bright and early, that was my mistake by the time it got to the performance, i was already having a splitting headache. A combination of too much oranges, hot chinese tea and smokes...
When every singer is singing chinese new year songs, it gets to be a torture not excitement...
I salute all those who persisted to the end i left shortly before 130 am.
They have about 12 singers, including one of their 舞蹈总监, who popped out from nowhere from the first time .
Now, in terms of the show... the dances etc.
I have seen a lot better from 仙子, 皇朝, so not much to comment about, it was a good effort, but it could have been better.
The singer that stands out was No 5, i remember that one, she is a ballet dance by trade and her moves really reflect her training, as my friend told me, she was the hottest thing on stage, not my type though, she is pretty and would rank amongst the top 5. First time in Singapore as well..
The PPC was actually interesting, in that every girl had at least 500 bucks, even the newest girl who was saved at the end by a kind table in front.
In terms of girls, with more than 500-800, the following stands out.
#2 Xuan Xuan 2500 (Her customer, hanged 500, her other long term customer hanged 500)
#17 cannot remember her name, she got close to 2k.
#舞蹈总监, above 2k as well
#5 the hot sexy babe according to my friend.
Total was close to 15-20k, the exact figure i cannot remember i was chain smoking, praying that please stop singing new year songs and please please please, do not hang any more flowers, as each 500 will trigger another song again....
Now there was a couple more...
But it escaped me.
Now, i left early, but it seemed that there was nearly an incident.
Apparently a nice person A booked out singer C from another club and bought her there.
C actually saw a customer B, and spent over an hour sticking to his side, so A was super unhappy and 调水, luckily the table of A was full of sensible folks and restrained, regconising that you cannot really control the actions of kitty cats, so nothing happened...
Well my first, FR.
Now i am debating if i should go down to 仙子 just to see their performance... and not hanging any flowers.....
Old 05-02-2011, 09:25 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

where is 国都 ....i know where is wang chao and shen zi
Old 05-02-2011, 09:26 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Hi Bro, still working on repayment, so its a long slow walk back to financial solvency and rationality.

I recommend a book, "Money Drunk, Money Sober". it is my constant companion nowadays, try to grab a copy at Kino at takashimaya.

I have a lot of issues with money management, that the book really addresses, so i am trying to follow the lessons of the book, in controlling my emotions.

One thing i learned, i tend to hang flowers when i am very very stressed at work or in personal life, and when both sides get into problems, I went crazy.

Old 05-02-2011, 09:30 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by 花场Escapefrom View Post
Hi Bro, still working on repayment, so its a long slow walk back to financial solvency and rationality.

I recommend a book, "Money Drunk, Money Sober". it is my constant companion nowadays, try to grab a copy at Kino at takashimaya.

I have a lot of issues with money management, that the book really addresses, so i am trying to follow the lessons of the book, in controlling my emotions.

One thing i learned, i tend to hang flowers when i am very very stressed at work or in personal life, and when both sides get into problems, I went crazy.

Yup when we have a lack of love in our personal lives we go to hfjs to look for it....but very often it only sinks us deeper and deeper into deep when I am stress I just go geylang lorong 20 to and good...just forget your troubles for 45 minutes...
Old 05-02-2011, 09:33 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

It is a new place, located at oriental plaza, 3rd floor, if you are at pearl center., and look across the road to the left, you will see a short building, with This Fashion at the bottom.
They took over the party world, on the third floor, so the internal space is big and have quite around 9 k rooms and about 10-12 sofa/tables
The singers were running around like crazy last night.

Beer at 28 a jug, cordon bleu at 388, no fruit charge or tea, as far as i know. No idea of other alcochol prices, as i only drink tea or c.d most times. Beer charges might be up to be in line with other places like 38 a jug 好运, for eg.
Oh yea, i forgot, san san from Huang Chao is there.. sniff sniff, she never even say hello to me . Though i looking ta her admiring from afar for the last couple of weeks.
That is one classy lady, i have to admit.
Plus some faces from Cleo, #2 Xuan Xuan, #11 Sha Sha and some first timers in singapore

Old 05-02-2011, 09:39 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by 花场Escapefrom View Post
It is a new place, located at oriental plaza, 3rd floor, if you are at pearl center., and look across the road to the left, you will see a short building, with This Fashion at the bottom.
They took over the party world, on the third floor, so the internal space is big and have quite around 9 k rooms and about 10-12 sofa/tables
The singers were running around like crazy last night.

Beer at 28 a jug, cordon bleu at 388, no fruit charge or tea, as far as i know. No idea of other alcochol prices, as i only drink tea or c.d most times. Beer charges might be up to be in line with other places like 38 a jug 好运, for eg.
Oh yea, i forgot, san san from Huang Chao is there.. sniff sniff, she never even say hello to me . Though i looking ta her admiring from afar for the last couple of weeks.
That is one classy lady, i have to admit.
Plus some faces from Cleo, #2 Xuan Xuan, #11 Sha Sha and some first timers in singapore

oic....i know where leow...went there with some chicks to sing song before...quite a ulu partyworld...sleazy feeling bring ah lians there to rubbah rubbah a macs below....thanks!
Old 05-02-2011, 09:42 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by MoralEpitome View Post
hahaha....the master has spoken....but i dun wan creatures of the night i just want the girl in the pic....bro besafe you damn bad la...hope from thread to thread just to tease me... cny pls let me sextify my curiosity...
You damn boliao.... worse than my nagging grand aunt.
It;s a secret... so how to tell you?
Go and be a good boy friend lah.
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