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Old 19-07-2014, 04:56 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

I am very drawn to this story.
Old 20-07-2014, 03:43 AM
skywalkerz skywalkerz is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

very good read! TS ur writing skills are UP TOP MAN! can't wait for next instalments!
Old 03-08-2014, 02:53 AM
JasonPhang JasonPhang is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

TS, story coming when?
Old 03-08-2014, 02:20 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

TS, are u coming back?
Old 06-08-2014, 12:56 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Friday night
Venue: Disco W

1.20 am

James: “Eh bro, the Invitation won’t work on her lah.”

Fred: “How you know?”

James: “Errrr……”

Fred: “Bro, you know something I don’t know? Come on…..”

James: “Aiya ok ok lah. Tell you the truth lah. Actually I have fantasized about getting into her pants the very first time I have seen her. She is so perfect. I mean, she is so pretty, she is the wife of my boss, and she carries herself so well. It’s almost like an untouchable. You know, that kind of feeling, when something is beyond your reach, you would want it even more. So I have actually sent her the Invitation before.”

Fred: “Hah. Still trying to act like a prude just now. Finally showing your true colours. So obviously the Invitation doesn’t work on her?”

James: “Ya no response.”

Fred: “Never mind. Let’s try to make our move on her now since her husband is not around. Best is Wilson doesn’t reappear. Then we might have our chance.”

James: “Eh you not worried that Michelle see you ah? Where is she by the way?”

Fred: “Aiya don’t be such a chicken lah. I am going to test test water only. What’s there to be scared about? Don’t know where Mich gone to as well.”

James: “Damn bro, someone has made his move faster than us. Let’s go quickly.”

I can never imagine the usually outstanding and responsible James at work to be such a person. Apparently he has been lusting after my wife for quite some time. The more shocking thing is that there is something illicit going on between him and Michelle, with the knowledge of her husband. The most shocking is the seemingly resurfacing of The Invitation. The one that was received by Claire previously must have been from James then.

I peek over to where my wife is. James and Fred are walking towards her direction and my Ang Moh boss, Stuart, is already seated down, talking to Claire.

Damn, 3 wolves circling my dear wife. I must get myself up to protect her from the wolves pack. I shut my eyes, give my head a good shake, let out a huge sigh of breath to try to shake off my drunken state. I steady my both hands by my side and give myself a good push up. I must quickly get to Claire to protect her.

Somehow my wobbly legs manage to carry my half-slumped body to the table where Claire is seated with Stuart, James and Fred.

Stuart: “Hey Wilson, you are back. I was just trying to ask your beautiful wife for a dance. It seems she needs to wait for you to be safely back from the Gents before she will agree to the dance with me. So may I have the honour now?”

No matter what, Stuart is still my superior. To the Ang Moh, it’s kinda impolite to refuse a dance when they are asking in such a gentlemanly manner. Well, I don’t have much of a choice to give a forced smile and a little nodded agreement.

Claire gives me an understanding look and gives her hand to Stuart who leads her out to the dance floor.

The dance floor is moderately crowded with couples doing the slow number. The light is dimmed and the music is slow and soothing. Albert and his wife, Belinda, are also dancing at the dance floor. They give Stuart and Claire a nodding smile when they see them taking up position besides.

I am observing intently at Stuart to make sure he is not doing anything improper. To my surprise, nothing indiscreet happens during the dance. It appears that Stuart is a very good dancer and Claire has a good time following his lead. I can tell he has his way around the dance floor as well as how to charm a lady.

The 3 of us, Fred, James and myself, are just sitting at the table in silence, looking on to the dance floor. I am not sure what’s in their mind, but I am admiring the nice body figure of my lovely wife swaying under the slow music. Claire looks so beautiful and alluring in her black body-hugging mini-dress, which shows off some nice flesh at the back and her waist area with its design cutting. She simply looks like an angel in the lighting and ambience. I have a sudden urge to just grab her and make good, violent love to her. I wonder if the other two guys are thinking the same, but my guess is that it can’t go too far off from that.

After a few minutes, Stuart and Claire re-join us from the dance floor. Right at this time, Michelle comes over to join us as well.

Michelle: “Hey you guys start dancing without me. Let’s go for another dance. The music is so nice.”

Both Fred and James’s eyes light out at their opportunities with Michelle’s sudden enthusiasm about dancing. Not being a spoilsport, Claire stands there waiting for a taker as her dance partner for the next dance as well.

Stuart: “Wilson, why don’t you have a dance with Claire as well? She is a good dancer.”

I would like to but my semi-drunken body hasn't recovered its full mobility, so I have no choice but to kindly reject.

With that, Fred grabs at the chance and quickly extends his dance request to Claire. I think Claire has somewhat loosened up a bit from the first dance and she politely agrees to his dance request, of course, with a quick glance at me for my approval acknowledgement first. James takes to the dance floor with Michelle.

With the two pairs making their way out to the dance floor, Stuart takes his seat on my side, positioning himself very close to me.

Stuart: “Wilson, you are a damn lucky guy.”

I look at Stuart in a semi-blurred state with my half-drunk eyes. But what he is going to say next wakes me up from my slumber somewhat. Or rather, shock me up.

Stuart: “From the dance with your wife, I can tell she has a tight little body and you must really enjoy it a lot. What a sexy little fox.”

Me: “Hah thanks for the compliment. Claire is indeed an attractive lady but she is a very conservative lady when it comes to letting herself getting too wild.” I am trying to hint to him that Claire is not the sexy little fox that he has in his mind, but I am not sure if he gets it.

Stuart: “Nay, I know she is wearing thong panties and this only means she would be a lot of fun in bed. So don’t try to cover up for her.”

Damn, how is he able to know she is wearing thong panties unless he has managed to feel her up. He must be a real expert to be able to do that without me noticing it when my eyes are fully on them during the dance.

The next thought that comes to my mind makes me feel a definite tingle and hardness in my groin. If what Stuart says about the thong panties is true, then Fred and James must have a very good view between her skirt during our drinks session earlier on. No wonder Fred commented that Claire shaved her pussy just now.

I recall the night before that Claire was trying to fit into this new evening dress that she has just bought for my award ceremony. She seldom wears such dresses so she has consulted some of her friends on her dressing. They have suggested her to wear a thong panties to hide her panty line and in order to fit nicely into the thong panties, she has trimmed herself around the edges so she won’t show when she wears the panties. In fact, this is the very first time she has worn such a manner and to think that she has exposed herself in it and gives others the wrong idea about her.

Stuart: “Wilson, seriously you have a hot wife. Even hotter than Michelle.”

His eyes are focused onto the dance floor, alternating between Claire and Michelle.

Stuart: “Wilson, frankly speaking, I think we are like buddies, like brothers, so I want to share my secrets with you. And I hope you can be as open with me as possible.”

Last edited by Hardaway1818; 06-08-2014 at 10:10 PM.
Old 06-08-2014, 02:53 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Friday night
Venue: Disco W

Me: “Huh? What secrets are you talking about?”

Stuart: “You see Michelle there? Do you find her attractive?”

Me: “Errrmmm…….. well, she is not too bad actually.” I am trying to appear nonchalantly yet encouraging to continue this conversation.

Stuart: “Well, to tell you the truth, I have a special liking to Asian ladies. I just find them so pretty and cute and love to see their sexy expression when I shove my large dick into them. And I must say that amongst all the Asian ladies I have ever come across, I have managed to meet the 3 most attractive ones from our company.”

Me: “Our company?” I know one of them he is referring to is Michelle, but am unsure of the other two.

Stuart: “Well, technically not all are from our company directly, but related. I think you know the first one.”

Ya I know. It’s Michelle. You blackmailed her into it for her promotion. Of course I am just saying this in my mind, not through my mouth.

Stuart: “That’s Jenny, George’s wife. But I never got the chance to do her as you know. You saved me from George’s blackmail, but in a way, I feel so wasted that I never had the chance to give that sex siren a good fuck up her ass. You can tell from the way she sways that butt of hers, that she would be a wild kitten on bed. Although you were blackmailed by George, I do envy you for having the chance to up that his sexy wife.”

Oh yes, Jenny, now I recall. She is the one that has gotten away, both from Stuart and myself. I almost had her but gave that chance to that Raymond and my buddy, Mark. All because of Raymond’s wife, Elaine but in the end, I had my sister-in-law Phoebe by mistake. Well, I have no complaints about that mistake, but yes, it would be nice to have Jenny, that sex kitten.

Me: “Ya, of course I remember Jenny. She is a good one on bed.” I need to continue with the lie that I was blackmailed by George after the affair with his wife.

Stuart: “Well, but you would envy me for the second one. Unless you have managed to have her without me knowing haha.”

Me: “Don’t tell me it’s Michelle.” I am still feigning ignorance.

Stuart: “Hey Bud, you got it. Haha looks like you have a thing for her too. She is a real good fuck. Don’t look at her usual prim and proper self. She is actually a slut at heart.”

Me: “Are you kidding me?”

Stuart: “It’s for real bro. I have done her a number of times. You know her promotion? She has gotten her promotion in exchange for sex with me. And that’s not the worst.”

Me: “Huh?”

Stuart: “See that guy dancing with your wife right now. Ya that James guy. Your good subordinate. Michelle’s good colleague. Her husband’s good buddy. Michelle is fucking around with him too.”

That really brings my shock level up a couple of notch, but thinking back on the overheard conversation between Fred and James, that adds up. James has sent The Invitation to Michelle and apparently they have done it already. But I am surprised that Stuart knew about their affair too.

Stuart: “The best thing is, both James and Fred do not know that I am fucking Michelle behind their back. And she doesn’t want them to know about it.”

Me: “Wow I am real surprised.”

Stuart: “Buddy I am sure you are. But that’s not the most important. The most important lies in the third lady I was talking about just now. She is the most beautiful amongst all three and I would do anything to have the chance to just do her once.”

Me: “And?”

Stuart: “That lady happens to be your wife, Claire.”

Although I am half-expecting this, I am still taken aback by how blunt and direct Stuart is telling this right in my face.

Stuart: “Buddy I know this might be too much for you to take in all at once, but I want to be 100% open to you about it. The moment I set my eyes on your wife, I have the immediate urge to throw her onto bed. You know, that kind of primal lust. Your wife is that sexy.”

Seeing that I am too stunned to react, Stuart continues his mind-fuck on me.

Stuart: “Look at that soft lips of hers. I bet she is a great cock-sucker.”

Not sure if it’s the intoxication from the alcohol or the way that Stuart is expertly leading this conversation, I am responding to his questions directly without thinking through my mind.

Me: “Ya she can do a good blowjob.”

Stuart: “Does she swallow?”

Me: “She can, but she doesn’t really like it.”

Sensing that I am being led on, he continues with his questioning.

Stuart: “Does Claire like her cunt being licked and sucked?”

Me: “She likes that and I love to do that to her too.”

Stuart: “Does Claire like to take a big cock up her ass?”

Me: “Her ass is off limits. She totally hates that.”

Stuart: “Ahhh what a pity. Claire has such a hot looking ass that it’s a shame not to take advantage.”

Now that he mentions it, I do kinda agree with him. I have never done her in her anal hole. In fact I have never tried anal sex. I wonder how that would feel. And yes, Claire has the cutest butt that one can imagine.

My heart beat is pounding fast with excitement as we are both watching my wife and Michelle and the gang dancing on the dance floor. It is indeed a bizarre situation where I am here discussing about very intimate secrets about my wife with my boss.

The music ends right at this time and the gang comes walking back to us, including Albert and his wife, 3 couples in total.

“What are you guys chatting about?”

“Nothing” Me and Stuart blurt out in unison.

The gang takes their seat around the area and grab some drinks.

They are all saying they have a fun time dancing and it’s a pity that I can’t join them. And they are complimenting that Claire is a good dancer.

The chatter goes on for a couple of minutes before mini-break ends and the next song comes up.

Michelle: “Hey it’s Unchained Melody. Shall we?”

Fred: “Of course let’s go”

Fred wants to extend his hand to Claire again, but he is beaten to it by Stuart. Claire comes over to me and asks if I am alright. I tell her to go ahead and enjoy herself, while I will make a trip to the Gents again to freshen myself up.

So the gang does down to the dance floor again, with Stuart pairing with Claire, Fred and Michelle, Albert and Belinda, with James the odd one out, but they agree to switch partners after every song so that no one gets left out.

For me, I get my slumpy body up from the seat towards the washroom again. Need to splash myself with the cold water again. This time, not to freshen myself up. But to cool myself down. Unknown to everyone else, I am spotting a real hardon after hearing how Stuart is lusting after my wife.
Old 06-08-2014, 03:03 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Great continuation! Looking forward to more!
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How I saw my mom had sex:
Old 06-08-2014, 05:58 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

This is fast and furious! More pls...... dont stop.......
Old 06-08-2014, 07:00 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Awesome u arebback with a bang never fails to make us pump with so much pent up desire u are one of the great writers of this thread.
Old 06-08-2014, 10:15 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Thanks for still supporting this thread after so long!

Really appreciate it. My fault for keep disappearing and unable to do more frequent updates due to my busy personal schedule. I know how frustrating it can get for the loyal readers to be left hanging there.

Will strive to do more regular updates going forward. Hope to see more support again. The forum seems to have a dearth of hot stories recently.
Old 06-08-2014, 11:55 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Thanks TS for the update. This is by far still my fav story. Hope there will be more regular updates amid your busy schedule.
Old 07-08-2014, 02:33 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Nice update, ts, thx
Old 07-08-2014, 07:43 AM
coolguy71 coolguy71 is offline
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Talking Re: Story: The Invitation

Nice one.. I enjoyed to see how u could protect your wife.. u r doind great so far.

And couldnt wait to see how those other wolf got what they deserve..

Claire is lucky to have you as protector.. game on dude..
Old 07-08-2014, 11:27 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Story: The Invitation

This is my first post since lurking in sammyboy forums for some time, i want to thank the TS for taking up his own personal time to write such a powerful and naughty story, i am a fan of yours and I will keep coming back to support this thread. Thank you very much, TS.
Old 07-08-2014, 12:30 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

TS, i finished up all 61 pages within a night...despite my proposal submission deadline today.

Your story make me sexited digging up dark secret of ours. very good plot and twist. Nice use of expressions and atmosphere setting.

Keep it up. Whether this is real or just fictitious, it is still very very well written.
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