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Old 15-04-2002, 01:42 AM
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Re: WarCry-Ah Dez Finally Has Burst-

bro dez, STOP this WAR stuff in this thread!

how you want to play, you let us know ....... the whole SAF as well as the other good brothers here will support you all the way but don't spolit this thread.

Originally posted by Ah Dez

They want to play with me....COME GET ME!.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 15-04-2002, 01:59 AM
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I only made 1 bloody comment only.

Nevermind... i can always look for new girls around. So many new girls to fuck...
Sally,Janet... and i haven't even touch diamond and shirely yet.
Can always train them to get the same type of stuff i get from the few girls.
If you all want... Give you lah!!.. go wear Ah Dez's old shoes.

Next target...... Sally..
Left my Heart and Soul
Hu Nan
Old 15-04-2002, 02:02 AM
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bro dez, good for you ....... there will always be endless supply of gals ......... I don't want to wear your old shoes ...... the size don't fit ........ ha ha ha

Originally posted by Ah Dez
I only made 1 bloody comment only.

Nevermind... i can always look for new girls around. So many new girls to fuck...
Sally,Janet... and i haven't even touch diamond and shirely yet.
Can always train them to get the same type of stuff i get from the few girls.
If you all want... Give you lah!!.. go wear Ah Dez's old shoes.

Next target...... Sally..
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 15-04-2002, 02:08 AM
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Ah Dez is a splendid one to beholdAh Dez is a splendid one to beholdAh Dez is a splendid one to beholdAh Dez is a splendid one to beholdAh Dez is a splendid one to beholdAh Dez is a splendid one to beholdAh Dez is a splendid one to behold
Originally posted by cuntking
bro dez, good for you ....... there will always be endless supply of gals ......... I don't want to wear your old shoes ...... the size don't fit ........ ha ha ha

Then nevermind.. you can always try to wear my used condom.

Heard that ah yap's janet only so so leh!!!.... how ah??

Any Ah Yap regulars around here to tell us more about her?
Left my Heart and Soul
Hu Nan
Old 15-04-2002, 02:14 AM
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bro dez, you keep used condom meh? thanks but no thanks

There is a better Janet in terms of looks and service, but average boobs ...... I think from L20 or L22

Originally posted by Ah Dez

Then nevermind.. you can always try to wear my used condom.

Heard that ah yap's janet only so so leh!!!.... how ah??

Any Ah Yap regulars around here to tell us more about her?
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 15-04-2002, 02:19 AM
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bro snowman, please share a FR on Xiao Yu leh

Originally posted by Snowman
All the dogs trying to cover each others asses now that ah dez finally blew.

Today raining day.. but still tried xiao yu..... the boobs shelter me from the rain...
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 15-04-2002, 03:18 AM
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Originally posted by cuntking
bro snowman, please share a FR on Xiao Yu leh

He?? i think he in dreamland thinking about her 2 boobies!!.. But too bad.. her PR skills are not there.
Left my Heart and Soul
Hu Nan
Old 15-04-2002, 05:23 AM
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Originally posted by Prime2000

Just let me know as I would like to throw you a farewell party at GL. Let hope and pray that all your tricks you pull will help you to get away for the trip. Cheer up bro.

Thanks, bro prime, trying miserably hard.....

No One Plans To Fail
But Many Fails To Plan
.....Signing off from a foreign land
Old 15-04-2002, 10:51 AM
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Originally posted by Ah Dez
Knn .. nowadays.. more and more fuckers around. I intro my top girls to you people.. then people go round telling them things about me. This kind of fuckers... rather no know them better. After telling my girls things about me.. then tell them not to get too close to me as i am ah dez.. the infamous bastard from the internet.
THanks man!!.... From today onwards.. no more intro to anyone else regarding girls. Got to watch my mouth tight. Better chiong alone then meet up with people.

there, there *patting ah dez head* everything will be alright.

without some sabotuers in this life of ours, the world will be one stale & boring place

anyways, i havent got a chance to sabo' you yet
Old 15-04-2002, 01:21 PM
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Upgarde of PCN status of Lily

Here is my report on Lily of 2829B as requested by Basfreak!!!

Went to homebase of lily and wanted to try a few gals on my list but all not decided to try Lily for the 2nd time after hearing and listening to all the obad reports about her. Went into the room, just the normal hi and how are u stuff and then the suprising thing is that she remembers that i did her once about 11/2 years ago...kekee!!! She showered me and then made some small talk and ask me y i still call her after hearing the feedback about her from the net....what a question to ask....from her i found that some of her regulars told her about the net and their feedback about her. I told her i didn't quite believe what was mentioned. cos i remembered her service was considered average and not as bad as what some brudders in sams forum had mentioned. She smiled. She gave me a hot water bbbj in the shower which was a plus point n then to the bed for the real action. She did her normal catbath but her catbath was not very smooth i must say and then to the bbbj which was quite shoik with a little of hot tea shoik!!! then lick all the way to the feet n of cos not the toes lah. The AR was quite shoik though there were no tongue thrusting lah. Then came the FJ which was quite standard with soft moanings and shoikness in the moanings!!! Came in about ten minutes and then massage me for the preparation for the seocond shot....she bbbj me for a while before putting on the cap for me....she rode me fist and put my hands against her breast.....which was quite automatic....then after riding me for a short while i pout her down on the bed and deep thrust her for about another 15 minutes before i unloaded into her the second shot...she told me wah...i damn solid...kekeke!!! doesn't all gals say that to all their clients....kekeke!!!! Took out the condom and then told me to rest a while while she washed up....told me to join her and we ended the sexxsion with smiles on both faces....

Looks : 7.5/10 (Looks like my ex-gf lah)
Body : 6.5/10 (Petite)
BBBJ 7/10 (Hot tea bbbj plus shower bbbj)
FJ 6/10 (Quite standard)
Attitude: 7.5/10 (Changed for the better liao, give her a chance lah)

Repeats: Yes

For the info of all brudders here, she has the cold look and she is a shy gal who does not open up to new clients....for those who have not tried her, her initial attitude will not be the same as my FR cos she gets along better when she knows u better.
Old 15-04-2002, 01:55 PM
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bro dez, what do you mean her PR skill not there .... never smile?

Originally posted by Ah Dez

He?? i think he in dreamland thinking about her 2 boobies!!.. But too bad.. her PR skills are not there.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 15-04-2002, 05:28 PM
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Originally posted by cuntking
bro dez, what do you mean her PR skill not there .... never smile?

She doesn't really talk or communicate with the customer. Besides that, she is unable to continue with the conversation.

Well.. if you plan to sell something.. you must make the customer want it first rite!!

small rain coming with big big tits
wonder if she can satisfy my needs
Cool and quiet she may seems
hope she can be hot as pepper in the scences
the room might be fucking small
but hope the the package is good, overall.
Left my Heart and Soul
Hu Nan
Old 15-04-2002, 07:02 PM
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Do most of you here have gfs?
Old 15-04-2002, 07:10 PM
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Romanto deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Originally posted by nuclearkid
Do most of you here have gfs?
yah alot of gfs, we always making babies in GL
Old 15-04-2002, 08:43 PM
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Originally posted by Romanto

yah alot of gfs, we always making babies in GL
hehehe! agreed with you bro romanto
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