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Old 11-11-2024, 09:44 PM
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Re: My boring story...

That’s a reasonable reason though I think it still takes HUGE self control.
Old 12-11-2024, 06:50 PM
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Re: My boring story...

My best friend since Primary
Old 12-11-2024, 06:51 PM
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Re: My boring story...

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Old 12-11-2024, 11:53 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
But oh well, at least I had 3 nice cocks to look forward to the next evening.
Please describe in detail how you cope with 3 cocks
Old 13-11-2024, 01:01 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Everyone seemed to be taking a break from work on the eve of Deepavali. I had a total of one email that morning. We didn't even have any catch up meetings in the morning. It wasn't as though anyone in my office was actually celebrating Deepavali, but nobody appeared to be working at all.

I headed out during lunch for my waxing appointment. Somehow I wondered if I was doing the right thing again. I had gained at least 5kg since last year and while Mike, Tom or Mark didn't seem to have an issue with my body, I certainly did. The additional fats obviously weren't going to my chest, since apparently my body had decided that there was enough there, so they happily decided to settle around my tummy, thighs and butt. Every time I had to get dressed to work in the office on Mondays was like a contest to see which pants/skirt/dress allowed me to squeeze into it without splitting at the seams.

Perhaps I should just exercise more. Real exercise instead of just having sex. I wondered which clown convinced me that sex was a great exercise, but perhaps I was that clown. How it is that April, being of the same age, could still maintain her svelte figure. Even Nat, after having kids, and Crystal, both who were older than me by a year, but they still looked so good in my opinion.

I wandered around the shopping mall wondering what I should eat for lunch before settling on a smoothie. I could starve for all I care. I just wanted to feel a little better about myself. I really didn't need to worry though, those 3 guys would definitely go out of their way to make me feel good.

I went home intending to take a nap. Mike wasn't home, probably out meeting clients. Tom was just lazing around.

I took a shower and crawled into bed. No sooner had I closed my eyes when I felt Tom removing my shorts.

Me: What's going on?

T: Warming you up for tonight?

He spread my legs and quickly dove in. I think one truly underappreciated quality of my 3 guys was that they really loved to eat pussy. I squirmed and grabbed the sheets as Tom's skillful tongue and fingers brought me many mini-orgasms. I wondered if I should return the favour but he was still fully dressed. Half an hour later, he went to wash his face, leaving me to wipe myself with wet wipes.

Me: Really? That's it?

T: Saving it for later. Haha.

Me: Right.

T: You want some now?

Me: Nah. I wanna nap.

T: Nap then.

He pulled the covers over me.

Me: Hey… actually I wanted to ask you something.

T: Yeah?

Me: EoS told me some things about you and your wife.

T: Oh. What did he say?

Me: You got kicked out of the house?

T: Hahahaha. It's not that serious.

Me: Really?

T: She wanted her guy to move in. I didn't want to hear them have sex while I'm in the other room. So I left.

Me: I thought you told me the situation was amicable.

T: It is. We're not going to be contesting anything. Just separating for the required duration before getting a divorce. We'll have to sell the house after that.

Me: Ah. So you'll move in here permanently?

Tom chuckled.

T: You'd like that wouldn't you?

Me: I don't mind.

T: I'll be getting my own place. Don't worry. I won't impose on you forever.

Me: I really don't mind.

T: I need my own place la.

Me: To fuck the others?

T: Hahaha. Well that's one reason.

Me: I'm jealous.

T: I know. That's why I don't really talk about it.

Me: Who are the current others anyway?

T: If you really must know, Rebecca, Alicia, Felicia, Crystal, April. In no particular order.

Me: Oh.

T: We use condoms. Don't worry.

Me: Not worried. Just wondering why you still need so many. A long time ago it was just me.

T: Can't help it if they want me.

Me: That's true I guess. What about Shirlyn or Jasmine?

T: Nope. Nothing to do with them currently.

Me: But you did before?

T: Honestly, which girl in that group hasn't slept with almost every guy?

Me: I lost track. Maybe Kate?

T: I thought she was a lesbian.

Me: She's bi apparently. So is Alicia.

I recalled those nights with Alicia.

T: Yeah. Alicia can be pretty wild. Especially when she's with Felicia.

I don't know why but I felt myself blushing.

Me: I agree. But somehow I feel she's pining for Mark.

T: Yeah. I think so too.

Me: Anyway I think I wanna nap now.

T: Sure. What would you like for dinner?

Me: Indian food? Hahaha.

T: You sure you can find indian food on the eve of Deepavali?

Me: Why not? Even on Chinese new year eve some stalls are open.

T: Ok. I'll let Mike know.

Me: Ok!

I went to sleep in preparation for my big night.

I was awoken around 5pm by the guys chatting outside. I sleepily wandered out and found Mike, Tom and Mark gathered around the dining table. They were unpacking the food. There were prata, naan, biryani, 4 different types of curries, some tandoori stuff and some fried stuff. Looks like I got my wish for indian food after all.

Me: Wow. Are we having a feast?

Mark: Yeah. Mike asked me if there was any good indian food nearby my place.

Me: Oh. I thought he would go to Race Course Road or something.

Mike: Was too far away. Couldn't make it in time. Wasn't sure if they'd be open or not.

Mark: This isn't from near my place though.

Me: Where is it from?

Mark: Near Jasmine's place.

Me: Oh.

Mark: I went to talk to her just now. Lucky Mike texted me early so I just swung by to order the food on the way back.

Me: Really?

Mark: Yeah it's pretty decent indian food.

Me: I was referring to Jasmine. You went to talk to her?

Mark: Weren't you bugging me to go talk to her?

Me: I was. You didn't seem bothered.

Mark: Let's not talk about this now.

Me: Ok.

T: I think you over ordered bro. There's only 4 of us.

Mark: I can eat.

T: Should have invited EoS. He loves indian food.

Me: I did ask him. But he's about to have surgery. Can't make it.

Them: Huh?

Me: None of you know?

Mark: He didn't tell us anything.

T: Major surgery?

Me: He says it's not. Just replacing a tooth.

Mike: You need surgery to replace a tooth?

Me: That's what he said.

Mark: Well, it's it lucky he works in a dental clinic then?

Me: Because he can get free treatment?

Mark: Assuming there's free treatment. I mean, it's just so convenient. You need to get some treatment done, just tell your colleague, go into the room and sit down. Don't need to specially make an appointment then travel down to the clinic.

Me: Oh. I guess it is rather convenient.

Mike: I can't remember the last time I saw a dentist. Probably when I Ieft the army?

T: Yeah. I saw one when I ORD. Didn't know SAF had such hot dentists. Should have gone more often.

Me: The dentist he assigned to me when I went over was quite cute. And I might need to go back for some treatment.

Mike: Maybe we should all go and support him one day.

T: Ah. I shall ask him to assign the cute dentist. Or if there's a hot dentist even better.

I rolled my eyes at them and took out my phone to text him.

Me: All the best for the surgery!

He replied almost instantly.

E: Done already actually. Chilling while waiting for the anaesthesia to wear off.

Me: Oh? Come join us then!

I took a selfie with the guys and the spread of food on the table.

E: Why aren't you wearing a bra?

Me: Seriously? That's all you noticed?

E: Besides all the food I can't eat? Yeah. Pretty obvious when they're poking out like that.

Me: You know I don't wear bras at home. And we really have a lot of food.

E: I can't chew on the left side. Can't eat hot food. For now anyway.

Me: It will be cold by the time you reach.

E: Nah. I'm good. Enjoy yourself.

Me: Are you in pain?

E: Not yet. Took some pretty strong painkillers in anticipation of the anaesthesia wearing off.

Me: You took painkillers still can drive?

E: Yeah? Non drowsy ones.

Me: Oh. Join us for dinner anyway? Then you can watch later.

E: Nah. I'll be pretty stoned. And I really can't eat. Pointless to go over.

Me: Tom says you love indian food.

E: I do. But I really can't eat now. Maybe next year?

Me: You can eat indian food anytime. Don't need to wait a year.

E: And you can have a gangbang anytime. Hence, I can watch anytime.

Me: I still want one with you in it though.

E: Stop trying.

Me: One day it will happen.

E: Maybe. Who knows? Anyway, I'm about to head home. Maybe we can chat later. Doubt you'll be free though.

Me: Get home safely ya. Feel free to drop by for leftover food. And blowjobs.

E: Only blowjobs? Haha.

Me: Do you want more? I can accommodate more.

E: It would be interesting.

Me: So you're coming over?

E: Nope. I'm heading home and probably eating porridge.

Me: You're trolling me.

E: Indeed I am.

Me: Fine. Go home and rest. We'll eat on your behalf.

E: I'm sure they'll pleasure you on my behalf as well.

Me: That makes no sense at all.

E: Yeah. I realised. Have fun anyway.

I didn't reply and neither did he so I turned my attention to the food on the table.

Mike: So he isn't coming?

Me: Nope.

T: What a waste.

Me: Actually, I wanna ask you guys something.

Mike: Yeah?

Me: How come you're all so willing to fuck me at the same time? And even in the same hole.

T: Why not? It's what you want right?

Me: It turns me on a lot. For some reason.

Mark: It's really kinky. I'm still getting used to it actually. Never really enjoyed when there was another guy at the same time.

T: Especially when the other guy is Darren right?

Mike: I'm cool with whatever you want babe.

Me: So you're all just doing it to make me happy?

T: In a way, yes?

Mike: I think our relationship is better now than before right? More open communication.

Mark: I think she's actually asking if we're happy to do it as well.

Me: Spot on. I don't want anything to be forced. Or done just for my sake.

Mike and Tom suddenly came up beside me, each sliding a hand under my t-shirt, cupping a breast.

Me: Oi! What about dinner?

Their hands went around my back, and their other hand behind knees as they picked me up. Mark laughed.

Mark: I guess we'll just heat up the food later?

Me: Nononono. I'm hungry!

They ignored me and carried me to the bedroom. I saw Mark scrambling to find the food covers in the kitchen.

I was dumped onto the bed as Mike and Tom stripped. My t-shirt and shorts were practically ripped off my body.

They were slightly rougher than usual, but oh my god, it was turning me on so much.

Tom pushed me down and slid his semi-hard cock into my mouth. I didn't even have time to catch my breath as he thrust in pretty deeply, causing me to gag, which I rarely did. I tried to push him away but he held it there as I looked up at him pleadingly to let me go. But deep inside I felt myself tingling down below. Or perhaps it was because Mike's fingers and tongue were working their magic.

The door opened and Mark entered. He stripped off too and got by my other side, placing my hand on his cock. I wanked him slowly as Tom continued to thrust into my mouth, holding it deep occasionally. Their hands wandered to my breasts, squeezing gently, then slightly rougher, fingers brushing against my nipples as they got erect, before pinching lightly.

I didn't even realize that Mike had penetrated me already. I gasped as his cock spread me wider, his thumb rubbing on my clit. Tom removed himself from my mouth.

Me: Slow down guys!

They sort of ignored me, with Mark turning my head towards his cock. I slurped it up hungrily. But I really was hungry. Maybe I should get them to speed it up.

I barely savoured Mark's cock for a couple of minutes before I pushed Mike out of me and got on top of Mark. I hoped he was ready for what came next.

Mike came to the front and I took his cock into my mouth.

Mark: Woah…

I felt the cold lube on my asshole. I guess Mark felt it dribbling down his shaft. Tom used his dickhead to spread it around. I could feel Mark squirming a little as Tom probed from above. I was sure it was going to be an interesting experience for him, especially since one of the more sensitive parts of the dickheads would be rubbing against each other inside me. But how would Mike take my ass then?

My questions were answered as Tom spread my cheeks and slowly inserted his cock into my asshole. Mike moved to the back and I felt more lube being applied.

Mark: Oh god I can feel it already.

Me: Tom, stop twitching!

T: Hahahaha.

I bit my lip as Mike pushed in.

Mark: Holy shit.

Mark had this bewildered look on his face as Mike entered me. It didn't feel as full as when Mike and Tom were inside, but it was still nice. Mike started thrusting slowly.

Mark: Fuck.

I felt the warmth inside me. Based on his reaction I guess it was Mark who came first. Mike didn't stop thrusting. To his credit, Mark didn't pull out immediately but remained in there as best he could as Mike's cock assaulted his.

Couple of thrusts later, another wave of warmth engulfed my insides. I was already delirious.

Mark: Let me out please.

Mike and Tom laughed. I felt Mike and Mark pull out almost simultaneously as the huge glob of semen poured out of me. Mark quickly scrambled out from under me and ran to the bathroom as Mike sat down at the side of the bed.

Just as I thought I could rest, Tom pinned me flat onto the bed and started pounding my ass. Though he was rougher than before, it wasn't hurting, nor was it in the least bit uncomfortable. I didn't really like the way Jason fucked my ass the last time, but Tom was totally different. Each thrust had me grabbing the sheets and cursing in two different languages. He was going really deep but it was weirdly pleasurable. Mark exited the bathroom to watch as Tom absolutely destroyed me.

Then he twitched. And shuddered. And groaned.

Me: What the fuck?

I felt stream after stream of warm semen inside my ass. Or was he pissing inside me?

He pulled out gently and collapsed next to me.

T: Damn. That was good.

Me: You took maca???

I clenched my asshole to try to stem the flow but the muscles were already loose from his cock. I tried to roll off the bed but I couldn't move. My entire lower body was numb so I couldn't help it but lie there and let his creampie ooze out, adding to the already sticky mess pooling under me.

Washing the sheets was a definite event later that night, and I was sort of thankful none of them tried to make me squirt, otherwise round two would have to take place on a really small corner of the bed.

Mike: I guess it's time for dinner?

Me: You guys go ahead. I can't move. Let me rest please.

T: I thought you were hungry?

Me: You rearranged my insides. The hunger ran away.

T: Right.

Mike and Tom went to shower separately as Mark sat down next to me, stuffing some tissues under me to try to clean up the mess. I flinched a little as he rubbed against my asshole.

Mark: You're sore?

Me: Just weirdly sensitive.

Mark: You wanna go shower?

Me: You wanna shower me?

Mark: Sure.

Me: But I still can't move.

Mark: Rest awhile then.

Me: So how was it?

Mark: I still don't really like it.

Me: Oh?

Mark: It's really awkward.

Me: But did it feel good?

Mark: Oddly yes.

Me: Haha. That's good. You can try with Tom later.

Mark: Erm. Could I not?

Me: At least try it with each of them. I wanna know if there's a difference.

Mark: Difference for you or?

Me: Difference for guys. For me I just feel two huge things moving around inside. And when you both cum, it's like woah.

Mark: That's actually the awkward part. When our dicks are rubbing together then I cum. Like what the hell?

Me: So I guess it's pretty arousing?

Mark: I don't know how to explain it. It just feels awkward and weird.

Me: Yet you still came quite fast.

Mark: It's not easy to control when there's so much stimulation.

Me: I see.

Mark: Anyway, let's get you washed up then we can eat.

Me: Ok.

I gingerly rolled off the bed and limped to the bathroom with Mark helping me. Somehow my legs were still numb.

And this was only round 1.
Old 13-11-2024, 06:15 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Nice write up. Thanks June.
Ain't sure if a 3P or more whereby only one F and 2 or more M is like. Even dual penetration in a the pussy and anus will feel weird as the tissue between these two parts is rather thin, the two dicks will literally be rubbing each other. It will feel really gay for me.
Nevertheless, as long as Mark, Tom and Mike like that.
You are really adventurous. Those porn whereby a gang bang happens, usually the pros are either really experienced or they are just acting out. In your case, you are in for the real stuff. Kudo to you!
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If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that.
Old 13-11-2024, 06:17 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Nice write up. Thanks June.
Ain't sure if a 3P or more whereby only one F and 2 or more M is like. Even dual penetration in a the pussy and anus will feel weird as the tissue between these two parts is rather thin, the two dicks will literally be rubbing each other. It will feel really gay for me.
Nevertheless, as long as Mark, Tom and Mike like that.
You are really adventurous. Those porn whereby a gang bang happens, usually the pros are either really experienced or they are just acting out. In your case, you are in for the real stuff. Kudo to you!
I probably watched too much porn until I wanted to try.
Old 13-11-2024, 06:21 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
I probably watched too much porn until I wanted to try.
No surprise, as long as you are doing with the trusted ones who know what to do and what not.
The likes of Jason will not make that cut, more like phobia instead. Sex is meant to enjoy bliaterally, no one should be an object.
Pop corn ready to dial in to your part 2. Lol.
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If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that.
Old 14-11-2024, 10:24 PM
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Re: My boring story...

So we found out that microwaving wasn't a good way to reheat naan. Or prata for that matter. Or maybe we were doing it wrong. Whatever came out of the microwave was warm and rubbery. Luckily the curries, especially the butter chicken, was fantastic, and made the rubbery naan palatable.

Perhaps I shouldn't have asked if they were happy participating in the gangbang. It somehow made them feel a need to prove a point, and made me delay my dinner. Yet I was only half complaining. The tandoori chicken came in 3 different colours so I was trying to figure out what the difference in taste was. Guess my tongue wasn't that sensitive to flavours after all.

The briyani wasn't that fantastic. Maybe because the chicken curry that came with it couldn't compare with the butter chicken. EoS was really missing out on a feast.

As expected we couldn't finish the food and Mark covered everything again as we adjourned to the living room to digest the food. Out came the beer for Mike and Tom, and soju for me and Mark. An hour later we were all talking louder than usual and possibly ready for round 2.

I can't recall how it really started, but it likely happened when I automatically took off my clothes, climbed onto the sofa and straddled Tom's face. I don't even know why I chose Tom instead of Mike. Maybe because he was the nearest to me. Mike and Mark were laughing as Tom tried to put down his beer but couldn't find the coffee table as my pussy was practically grinding on his mouth. When he finally got somebody to take the bottle away and free up both his hands, he had me bracing against the wall as he spread my lower lips wider to slurp on my oyster.

Suddenly I felt a tongue on my asshole. I turned around and it was Mike. With two guys already occupied with me, I wondered how I could get the third guy's cock into my mouth without falling off the sofa. Also, I was pretty sure there was no way I could get 3 cocks in me in the living room unless we did it on the floor.

As if he read my mind, Tom suddenly pushed me away slightly to get off the sofa and I slid down his body. He wrapped his arms around me and stood up. I hugged him like a koala, afraid that he would drop me. I was, after all, mid 60kg now.

But he was stronger than I expected. With one arm under my butt, he somehow guided his erect cock into my waiting pussy, all while standing up. I gasped as his entire length slid in. I hung onto his neck as he moved me up and down, squeezing my ass as he did. My heart was beating wildly, but I guess it wasn't due to the sexual pleasure, but more of the fear that he was going to drop me.

I felt another cock probing my ass.

Me: No lube!!!

I thought maybe Mike would grab the lube or something. Instead, I felt him moving lower.

Me: It's not going to fit in this position!!!

And yet I was proved wrong again.

Mike had somehow managed to stuff his cock into my pussy. The angle must have been super weird but it still slid in, with a little difficulty. It didn't hurt at all even without lube and even I was surprised. Tom bounced me up a down a couple more times.

T: Ok. This isn't really working.

Me: You think??

They laughed as Mike pulled out and Tom put me down.

Me: That was kind of scary.

Mark: Should we go to the room then?

Me: Uh huh.

I grabbed the two erect dicks while Mark looked on in amusement as I led them to the room.

We went rather slow this time. Tom lay on the bed as I straddled his face again, and I took turns blowing Mike and Mark. The size difference was obvious, but it didn't matter to me anymore. I was exploring my sexuality with the people I was comfortable with. For all his insecurities, Mark also didn't seem bothered that the cock in my mouth in close proximity to his was larger. At least it wasn't a monster like Darren. Perhaps he too was finally getting to enjoy sex without reservations.

I slid down onto Tom's hard cock. It was time for Mark to try double penetration with Tom. Mike stayed at my mouth, I guess he didn't feel like getting into that rather awkward position again.

Despite his initial reservations, Mark gamely lubed himself up and started probing. He slid in really easily. Either he overloaded on lube, or my pussy was now super loose thanks to all the double penetration I subjected it to.

Mark: Oh. Still feels weird.

Mike and Tom laughed.

Mark started thrusting anyway. It felt way easier for two cocks of different sizes to do it. With Mike and Tom, them being of similar sizes felt like they were both fighting with each other for space in there, probably enhancing the sensations as well. I couldn't imagine what would happen if Darren had decided to double penetrate me. I would probably die even before he came.

For some reason, Mark and Tom lasted way longer this time, perhaps due to the copious amounts they both ejaculated in the first round. Having a smaller dick inside me kind of felt better too, I wasn't stretched out too much, and I could feel slightly more as compared to when both Mike and Tom were inside. Or maybe Mark was trying to ignore the face that his dick was rubbing against Tom's. I tried to imagine what it could possibly feel like for a guy, having their extremely sensitive (so I'm told) frenulum running up and down a veiny shaft, before meeting another extremely sensitive frenulum. I know all three of them liked it when I ran my tongue up and down their shaft and teased that small area on their dickhead. And now Mark was doing the same thing to Tom except he was using his dick.

The pleasure I felt down below translated to the pleasure Mike was feeling too as I ate his sausage. It was a pleasant surprise when he came in my mouth even though I wasn't really expecting that. He rarely came from my blowjobs, preferring to cum inside or on my body after fucking me hard to exert his dominance. Was it also because he too was now truly enjoying sex by being himself? Whatever it was, I happily swallowed everything and he went to wash up first, leaving Tom and Mark still inside me, Mark still thrusting away slowly. His control this time around was phenomenal, considering how fast he'd cum inside me recently. Or was he trying to make Tom cum first by stimulating him? It was pretty hilarious in a sense.

Both of them tried their best to control their orgasm but I guess they eventually gave up, as I felt the warmth inside me almost simultaneously as they groaned and emptied their balls. Pulling out, another huge load seeped out. I lay on Tom to rest, not letting him go wash up. Mark escaped to the other bathroom. Mike was still inside the master bathroom, probably taking a shit after all that indian food.

Me: It's not a competition you know?

T: I wasn't even moving.

Me: Imagine if you did.

I kissed his neck and felt him twitch.

Me: What?? You can go again?

T: Why not?

I reached down and he was only semi-hard, but hard enough for penetration. I shrugged and slid him in, taking care not to snap it in half. I leaned back and started to grind on him. He reached up and caressed my breasts.

T: Use me.

Me: I am. Wait, what?

T: Use me for your pleasure.

Me: Erm. Since when were you this submissive?

T: I always was. Don't you remember?

I thought long and hard, with that long and hard thing inside me.

Me: Oh. When we first started, you didn't do anything unless I wanted to. And the first blowjob. What the hell?

T: Good memories right?

Me: Grrr…

I rode him harder, giving myself nice mini-orgasms.

Me: Don't tell me all this time you've been having sex with me because I wanted to?

T: Huh?

Me: You let me use you for my pleasure.

T: Yeah?

Me: Oh god. You're just like Mark. Doing things to make others happy!

And yet I refused to get off.

T: Well, are you happy?

Me: Extremely.

I ground against him again, feeling his cock on my cervix, my clit on his pubic bone, to give myself the final orgasm before getting off.

I lay down next to him.

Me: Don't stop making me happy.

T: I won't until you tell me to.
Old 15-11-2024, 10:43 AM
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Re: My boring story...

The joy of always better when it's bilateral.
Instead of either party only care to derive own joy. That's why there's a difference between having sex and making love. The latter, other than physical, there's an emotional and even sentimental element.
If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges.
If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that.
Old 15-11-2024, 07:17 PM
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Re: My boring story...

I showered with Tom once Mike was out of the bathroom. With Tom, we didn't really kiss as much compared to when I was with Mark. Maybe he didn't really like kissing me? But turning me around and pinning me to the wall was the only constant amongst them. With my fast plastered to the wall, my back arched, Tom pounded me at an angle, while reaching around the front to rub my clit. It was clear what he was trying to do as I released my own ejaculate from the first squirting orgasm of the day.

We finished showering and headed back to the living room where Mike and Mark were chilling. No surprises there as Mark had opened another bottle of soju. What was surprising was that they both didn't get dressed, as if anticipating a third round. I was pretty amused to see my super fit husband with his floppy dick out sitting on the sofa having a drink with a not so fit Mark whose dick out as well. We joined them on the sofa, with me sitting in between Mike and Mark, while Tom squeezed in beside Mark, though now we were the odd ones out as we'd actually gotten dressed after the shower. Mark passed me a bottle of soju which I hesitated slightly as I didn't want the night to end yet.

Compared to the last Deepavali gangbang, and the previous impromptu one, I think this was really well-paced. I wasn't feeling exhausted physically or mentally, and everyone seemed well at ease with each other.

After finishing the bottle of soju, I somehow decided to curl up on Mike's lap, while stretching my legs over Mark's lap. I absentmindedly grabbed his flaccid cock and placed it in my mouth, twirling my tongue around, sucking lightly like it was a pacifier. I sort of expected Mark to stimulate me digitally, but instead he started massaging my calves.

Cock in my mouth, I checked my phone. No messages from EoS so I texted him first.

Me: Got home safe?

I guess he must be chilling as well as he replied almost instantly.

E: Yup.

Me: Had dinner?

E: Sesame oil chicken with rice.

Me: You can eat that?

E: Dumped everything into the rice. Became a porridge.

Me: Oh. Was gonna ask if you wanted to come over.

E: Haha. To eat or?

I took a selfie with Mike's cock in my mouth.

Me: I'm eating.

E: Hahaha. Why are you texting in the middle of it?

Me: Break time.

E: Doesn't look like you're giving that cock a break.

Me: You wanna come over and take over?

E: Take over sucking it or?

Me: Wtf. Are you bi?

E: I hope not. Who knows?

Mike: I can feel you giggling.

Me: Oh whoops.

I popped his cock out and showed him the messages.

Mike: Erm.

Me: I wanna try something.

I grabbed the base of his cock, cupped the balls, and took another selfie with it right next to my face.

Me: Do you think this is a nice cock?

E: Looks decent. Tasty?

I laughed. Mike laughed too.

Tom and Mark leaned over to see what the joke was. I showed them my phone..

T: Ok… That's really odd coming from him. He was always this super macho guy.

Mark: He's probably just trolling you.

Me: I know.

A wild idea struck me.

Me: Tom, strip.

T: What?

But he stripped anyway.

I knelt down and blew him to a full erection, then continued wanking him while blowing Mark. I passed my phone to Mark once I was satisfied with the 3 cocks.

Me: Take a pic for EoS.

Mark: For real?

Me: Yeah. Ask him which one he wants.

Mark: What…

I took Mark into my mouth again, just the tip, and pulled Mike and Tom closer to me. Mark took a picture and showed it to me first.

Me: Hmmm… this makes you look small.

Mark: I'm not as big as those two.

Me: Need a better angle. Can you hold your cock up?

Mark: Ok?

I ran my tongue down his shaft to has balls and took one in my mouth, resting his dick on my face. I glanced at him and he caught the hint, taking another pic.

Me: Ah. So much better. Send it.

He sent the pic with my message as I continued to slurp on Mark's cock with the other two in my handsm

E: Nice.

Mark showed me.

Mark: What do you want to say now?

Me: He didn't say which one he wants.

Mark: You're probably showing him the wrong things.

Me: Right. Video call him?

Mark: Seriously?

Me: Yeah. From the top.

I switched to blowing Mike.

Mark: He rejected the call.

Me: Oh.

He placed the phone in front of my face as I was alternating between blowing him and Mike. Poor Tom must be feeling left out.

E: Not convenient now.

Me: Oh well. I thought he wanted to watch. Tell him to come over.

Mark started texting and showing me replies.

E: Nah. You have fun. I'm going to bed. Good night.

I wasn't going to let 3 decent erections go to waste so we headed back into the room. Mike ate me as I alternated between blowing Tom and Mark. I wasn't sure if they were keen on another round of double penetration so I just let them do whatever they wanted to me.

In the end, it became a contest of sorts, of who could make me squirt the fastest, not that I think anyone was timing but they all had a turn and by the end of it, half the bed was already soaked and I was so drained. Yet none of them had cum yet.

As Mark slid in again, his thumb on my clit, I actually had to stop him. My legs were trembling badly and I wasn't sure if I could take any more. It was times like this when maybe having another lady around wouldn't be such a bad idea. At least we could split the workload.

I called a timeout and Mike and Tom went to shower separately, leaving Mark with me.

He slid in again. My eyes widened and I placed my hand on his thigh.

Me: I really can't.

Mark: I'll be gentle. Ok?

I nodded as he leaned forward to kiss me, cupping my face as our tongues touched. He thrust into me slowly, letting me feel every single inch of him.

Mark: You're so tight and wet.

I didn't reply. He was probably just saying it in the heat of the moment.

We continued kissing and sure enough I felt the warmth inside of me. 3 massive spurts before he pulled out, pulling the creampie along with him.

Me: Did you take maca too?

Mark: Haha. I did.

Me: Idiot.

He lay at my chest level and started suckling on my nipples.

Me: Oiiiii… there's no milk…

He ignored me.

Mike came out from the bathroom.

Mike: Oh? We're starting again?

Me: Nonono. I can't move.

Mike: Looks like we're starting again.

He started stroking himself. I eyed his erection.

Tom entered the room.

T: Damn I should have taken more maca.

Soon, he was stroking his own erection.

Me: You guys are killing me.

Mike slid in, totally ignoring the remnants of Mark's creampie. I thought I'd be numb already but my body refused to give up, each stroke eliciting soft moans as I sucked on Tom's cock.

He pounded me for what seemed like an eternity before tagging Tom in and feeding me his creamy sausage. Half an hour in I was pretty sure I was completely paralysed with the only thing still having sensations being my sexual organs.

Tom didn't cum either and was about to tag Mark in when I decided I really had enough.

Me: I really can't. Can y'all just wank and cum on me. Or wank each other. I don't really care.

I guess that was probably a line they wouldn't cross, despite having already rubbed their dicks against each other. They gathered around me and stroked themselves for a short while before shooting their thick streams of cum onto my stomach, breasts and face.

Me: Finally. Take a pic for EoS please.

T: You know that's not really gonna convince him to join us right?

Me: Who knows.

Mark took my phone and snapped a picture to send to him. I vetted it before he hit the send button. I looked like I had been run over by a truck that was carrying yoghurt.

Me: Ok.

He sent it, then sat down beside me as Mike and Tom went to shower again.

I glanced at his crotch.

Me: Why are you still half-hard?

Mark: No idea. Maca maybe?

Me: All of you fucked my brains out and came so much. Aren't you tired?

Mark: Nope. I can go again.

Me: Stay away from me. Or I'm biting it off.

Mark: I'd like to see you try.

He came over and placed his dick next to my mouth. I gave it a light chomp, before sucking hard on the head. He gained a full erection almost instantly.

Mark: One more time?

Me: What the fuck. No.

He ignored me and slid in.

Me: Fuck… why does it still feel so good?

Mark: You're addicted to it. Just like I'm addicted to you.

Me: You need a girlfriend.

Mark: This is the happiest I've been in a long time actually.

Me: No shit.

Mark: Ok. Fine. I was really happy with Jasmine. Then things happened.

Me: Can't it be fixed?

Mark: I don't know. Don't think it's the right time to try again.

Me: What about Shirlyn? Or Alicia?

Mark: I really don't know.

He unloaded into me. A little less this time.

Me: Why is it still so quick with me?

Mark: It's the feeling. The way your pussy wraps around my cock. I just can't control it well.

Me: My pussy that can take two large cocks somehow feels tight to your average cock?

Mark: Surprisingly yes.

Me: Ass. Are you insinuating you thought I'd be loose?

Mark: I was actually expecting that. Considering the things that have been in there.

Me: Fine.

I felt his last creampie leak out.

Me: Urgh. Still need to wash the sheets. And I still can't move.

He started massaging my legs again, going all the way to my calves.

Me: I'm gonna kill you if you touch my pussy.

He ignored me and went down on me, essentially eating his own cum. For some reason, I found that extremely arousing.

Mike returned from his shower.

Mike: Are we going again?

Me: NO!!!!

Mike: Hahaha… I'll just leave you two to it.

He left the room.

Mark started massaging my g-spot with his fingers as he teased my clit with his tongue.

Me: Fucker… don't make me squirt again. I can't. Other things might come out.

He continued to ignore me and indulge in his dessert of creampie.

A couple of minutes in, I felt the familiar feeling and I couldn't even control it.

Me: Stop! Please!

He didn't and I released a stream, hitting his face.

Me: Fuck! Are you sure that isn't pee??

He licked his lips.

Mark: Don't think so.

Me: Idiot.

Mark: Do you want to shower?

Me: No. I want to die.

Mark: Come. I'll help you shower.

Me: I. Cannot. Move.

He got by the side of the bed and slid his arms under my knees and shoulders and somehow managed to pick my fat ass up in the cradle position off the bed. He took a couple of steps to the bathroom.

Me: Ok. You're stronger than you look. Now put me down.

He actually listened to me this time and put me down. My legs were still shaking so I got on my knees and crawled to the bathroom.

Thankfully, he didn't try pinning me against the wall this time and really helped me to wash up.

I limped out to the living room and collapsed onto the sofa, passing by Mike and Tom who were in the other room, no doubt playing Diablo again.

Me: Please pack the sheets!

Mike: Ok!

Mark sat down beside me and I curled up, head on his lap and promptly fell asleep.
Old 15-11-2024, 09:04 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Very nice share june. Your pussy must be sore from those fuckings!
Old 16-11-2024, 10:28 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Thanks for the latest updates.
Old 16-11-2024, 10:29 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Hope to read more sexy updates.
Old 16-11-2024, 11:53 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by taolao View Post
Hope to read more sexy updates.
Agreed. TS is a damn good writer.
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