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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 07-02-2011, 11:15 AM
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Question Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

actually during these 3 days i went to a few joints whereby i would not step inside again .
Ai Shang has many ex-Club Jade gals whom some look quite nice

Huang-Du has SHE from Sichuan
There was a singer S72 whom caught my eye. pity, she is on a 2yr pass and her boyfriend is a heavy duty hanger.

At YangGuiFei, there was a singer who is S28 whom caught my eye. A pity she also another heavy flower singer.

Would try to venture to the joint @ Oriental Plaza one of these days and see how the stock.
Old 07-02-2011, 12:04 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by Ichigo_Kurosaki View Post
You said it right, bro!

I couldn't believe what a great start to Rabbit Year for myself too!.

Saturday: Received a call from a long lost friend and she gave me her new mobile number, went to buy 4D with the number and came out 1st prize 8025

Sunday: Received an sms from a singer and she asked me to check if her 4D numbers came out in last Wednesday's Big Sweep draw. It didn't and without wasting an opportunity and with the Saturday winnings, I betted big on her 4 numbers and it came out 3th prize 8430 last night!

Double Happiness! and Be taking another long vacation very soon!

1st got to cure my current hangover after last night heavy session then go Singapore Pool to collect the winnings

Afterthat, need to work out on giving some of the winnings as ang pows to selective old folks homes and to the 2 Goddess of Wealth and continued my semi-retirement (escape from 花场) from HFJ/KTV
So zhun bro.. congrats.. can I pm u my account.. I would like to collect small portion of your luck-ang pao from you,,, whahaha...
^^ 一天为魔 ^^ 终身为魔 ^^

Old 07-02-2011, 12:56 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by K9696 View Post
So zhun bro.. congrats.. can I pm u my account.. I would like to collect small portion of your luck-ang pao from you,,, whahaha...
I couldn't believe it too cos I am not a regular 4D kinda guy and only buy TOTO when there's big draw
Pure luck, I guess.

Last edited by Ichigo_Kurosaki; 07-02-2011 at 01:06 PM.
Old 07-02-2011, 02:04 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by Ichigo_Kurosaki View Post
Anyway, being Good Friends/Bros are not just about having a good time with others. It's far more important than just drinking, cheonging, talk cocks and singing songs. It involves meaningful conversation and sincerity that is more than just an acquaintances and are willing to put friends 1st or point out when they're doing something we don't agree with. Most importantly, willing to make available to friends at short notice and welcome them if they turn up at our doorsteps.
Very well said and wise words indeed.

Unfortunately, if we can ever have a handful of true friends in life, we are and can be considered extremely lucky.
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Old 07-02-2011, 08:04 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

just met a singer from hao cheng at jalan besar...told me she cannot survive....need six k of flowers if not will go back leow...hahaha...who wants to rescue her
Old 07-02-2011, 08:39 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by MoralEpitome View Post
just met a singer from hao cheng at jalan besar...told me she cannot survive....need six k of flowers if not will go back leow...hahaha...who wants to rescue her
Is she pretty and sweet ?
Old 07-02-2011, 09:16 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by 花场Escapefrom View Post
That is another way of putting things into perspective, Hang Flower Jacket, looking back, it was really crazy, and its all about mind issues and games...
Cheers Brothers, i am not going to hang any single dollar for HFJs till, i get my life back on track.

Escapee #0401
Good sign that u are making the right decision and more good sign when you sign off with Escapee #0401, got number assigned some more!
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:45 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by Ichigo_Kurosaki View Post
It involves meaningful conversation ...
Many use this forum for TCSS, destress, share lobangs etc and I have nothing against this. However, admist all these, insightful sharing of thoughts, multi-faceted perspectives, good situational analysis from the combined wisdom of forumers can form a good learning platform for us to improve ourselves... and continually mproving ourselves is one of the best insurance to help us weather the future. Have fun and learn and that makes learning fun
Xchange welcum. Min 5 pointers pls
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Old 07-02-2011, 10:23 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by besafe View Post
Is she pretty and sweet ?
From Hubei, skin is silky white and smooth....and boobs damn nice shape and just right size for my hand...but I laid the trap for her to get laid by my bro leow...hahaha....she hasn't had sex for 1 and a half months and needs it badly...
Old 07-02-2011, 10:25 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by songest View Post
Many use this forum for TCSS, destress, share lobangs etc and I have nothing against this. However, admist all these, insightful sharing of thoughts, multi-faceted perspectives, good situational analysis from the combined wisdom of forumers can form a good learning platform for us to improve ourselves... and continually mproving ourselves is one of the best insurance to help us weather the future. Have fun and learn and that makes learning fun
Yup today read many insightful and meaning posts from many brudders....I thank them for contributing their learned views and keeping this thread alive after so many years!
Old 07-02-2011, 10:36 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by roamersg View Post
Very much agree w BroME that you need to ask what you want to get out of HFJs / why you go.

Or you just like the atmosphere / company, and don't really view it as a hunting ground for sex. This was my original view of HFJs.
I used to frequent hfjs in China, because I loved the atmosphere and do not look at it as a hunting ground for sex. Unfortunately, I got too close to the managers (or was it I allowed them to get too close to me?).

One of them, a man, borrowed money from me and had the cheek to still invite me to his joint without any mention of returning me the money. We had a falling out because of this. The other one, a woman, nearly broke up my family and nearly destroyed my career.

I have learnt much since then, and have become wiser with my choice of friends, as well as my choice of night activities. Nothing can compare with the comforts of home.
Old 07-02-2011, 10:48 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by chenzong View Post
I used to frequent hfjs in China, because I loved the atmosphere and do not look at it as a hunting ground for sex. Unfortunately, I got too close to the managers (or was it I allowed them to get too close to me?).

One of them, a man, borrowed money from me and had the cheek to still invite me to his joint without any mention of returning me the money. We had a falling out because of this. The other one, a woman, nearly broke up my family and nearly destroyed my career.

I have learnt much since then, and have become wiser with my choice of friends, as well as my choice of night activities. Nothing can compare with the comforts of home.
Yup, no one can be more conniving than singer managers or singers....they are really just more cunning than the average wl....the best thing to do is really just walk away from it all....even this hubei singer whom can't take the stress and want to go home is so much more cunning than the typical ktv mms that sit with me....thanks to the collective wisdom of the brudders here and some personal experience I can tell straight away that she is not simple at all....for married bros my advice is to pay fuck and forget....don't fall into the thrill of KC unless you can execute it with the perfection and ruthlessness of bro bybj....oh oh...going to kena zap for por lanpa again...
Old 07-02-2011, 11:05 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Wise words from Bro ME, CZ, Roamer, LKY and all the rest, since december I had lost my 100k hanging flowers and I realised that it's all a dream, the dream ends when the money ends, sigh, welcome to the ugly world of flower hanging
Old 08-02-2011, 09:27 AM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by Wuji View Post
Wise words from Bro ME, CZ, Roamer, LKY and all the rest, since december I had lost my 100k hanging flowers and I realised that it's all a dream, the dream ends when the money ends, sigh, welcome to the ugly world of flower hanging
Finally you see the light....would some of the brudders pls up his points so he can share on his follies and his repentance?
Old 08-02-2011, 11:41 AM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by Wuji View Post
Wise words from Bro ME, CZ, Roamer, LKY and all the rest, since december I had lost my 100k hanging flowers and I realised that it's all a dream, the dream ends when the money ends, sigh, welcome to the ugly world of flower hanging

Hope its not your only 100k... On a positive note, it could have been much more if the dream carries on. Just treat HFJ as a occasional dose of false ego lifting. And be alert when you start believing that the mm genuinely meant their words. You probably hear things like

etc etc...

Often, walk away is more effective than walking into. You will be surprised.
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