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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 07-07-2007, 12:22 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Hi tongkat.ali Bro,

The book I got by chance is a old publication from China which I dun think is available any more. The reason why I bought it was because I find the explanations are more clear and in details and address my doubts. However, sad to say also is this book is also very technical that I think either we are already familiar with Chi Gong or we need someone who knows Chi Gong to guide us in order to practice it. And you must be very fluent with chinese in order to understand it. However, I have already scan the book in JPEG files, just PM me a email that I can email to you.

Honestly, my apologies, I'm not knowledgeable enough to comment if Estee JG routine is consider fast and is it a problem. But what I do know is there is a certain routine and area to cover in order to make the JG effective and the overall time on JG should be average between 20~30mins so as not to over-stress or stimulate it.

For a good JG routine, it should cover all the veins and pressure pts around the groin, such as from stomach towards, at both thighs from outer to inner, below the groin, the shaft and not forgetting the 2 ping-pongs . The techniques used is either "rubbing" to regulate the blood flow, "pulling" to strengthen the veins or "pressing" to stimulate the pressure pts. Throughout the routine, you would experienced erections due to the blood flow to your groin. She will then stop the blood flow by pressing the pressure pts and continue to repeat this throughout the massage. The intent is to circulate and improve the blood flow in and out of the manhood.

Usually immediately after the JG, you can see the effect when u urinate. If the urine flow was previously weak, it will now be strong and furious, hehe. The effect will usually last for a few days with stronger erection (depend on individuals). And if the treatment is performing on a regular basis, it should improve the manhood in the long run. Although I'm not very sure myself on this as well, but I think its likely to be true if we sees it like to conditioning the muscle and improving the blood circulation of any part of our body.

However, as a word of caution, as per all massage and even acupuncture treatment. It tends to become addictive once we enjoy it and do it too often. So some self-discipline needs to be exercised as well to regulate the treatment as we see fits and not over-doing it.
Old 07-07-2007, 01:19 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service


I share the exact sentiments with. These ladies that you have mentioned are the forefrontners in the ever improving 'juagen' industry. I would want to further elaborate of their ratings based on my years of dealings:

1. Estee - Present: Dorris
While she provides a comprehensive package that encompass 'really strong' massage and implausible therapy, she can also slower her pace throughout the entire session. As if she is rushing through a midnight train with customers calling her now & then. She always uses her elbow to rub on our shoulders that causes painful experience on many occasions. Damage: $60+45 w/o releasing for jg is slightly on the high side. Prepare to burn at least $100 per visit - anyway this is common among HC chiongers.

2. Cindy - Present: Xiang Li Spa
I can attest that Cindy is none other than the one whom is deem fit to be comparable to Estee in terms of skills. Maybe you can put it to their years of training,as chinese always phrased - tai sang yi fen zhong, tai sia shi nian gong! One of her main strength is the ability to substain almost an 'Instant' effect. The differences between estee and her is the ability to approach and accomodate to each and every customer's penis condition. It is recommendable to try her for those regularly using their equipment for live firing. Great massage that blends both thai & swedish style in one package. Damage: $40+$30

Hope the above will clarifies any doubts.

Originally Posted by ee_enjoy View Post
So far, I have tried all 5: Estee(Dorris), Mandy(Skill Massage), Penny(Dorris), Linda (Zen) and Li Li (Yi Xin). All have been rated by the bros here as good JG service.

For proper JG, I strongly recommend only estee and mandy (at least for now until I have tried better one). In terms of skill and technique, Estee and Mandy focus on the muscle and veins around your groin area and I would them very good and are on par. Only difference is that Estee tends to stretch harder on the veins while Mandy is softer. And both dun release for u by default unless u specifically asked for it, which they will charges additional $40 more. JG alone is $60.

For Penny wise, hers is more a semi-shiok JG whereby although the general JG technique is still there, she tends to massage the sensitive area that makes you shiok and slowly building the climate and release for you by default. Interesting to note is that her JG includes the "Hai Di Lau Yue" position. And she charges $60 only for both the JG and release, which in my opinion is reasonable.

Now if I were to compare between Penny and Linda (I consider both are of the same category under semi-shiok JG), personally I would feel that Penny massage and JG is slightly better in term of strength and massage routines. However, I will give Linda the thumb up for a more presenting herself nicely (make-ups, sexy dress, teasing and soft-moaning during HJ). Linda charges $60 for JG and $70 if autoroam (at least that was the rate that I was charged, not sure about her regular). Btw Linda also provides the "Hai Di Lau Yue" position, hehe.

So when I'm in the mood for proper manhood therapy, I would go to Mandy. On those days that I need to cool my "internal fire", hehe, I would look for Penny or Linda instead.

If you have read some of my previous FR, I'm one that is quite particular in massage technique/routine. To better explain this, for example,

For finger press - adequate strength is required to the pressure point and soft muscle, else it would not be effective.
For rubbing - it should follow the direction of the veins and more importantly perform in a continuous manner from the start to the end to feel the efffectiveness and shiokness
Strength - depending on which area, different pressure is necessary. So a good combo of finger, knuckle, palm, elbow and even kneel will definitely make the massage more enjoyable.
Accuracy - Even if all the above are done properly, its effectiveness is only half way there even if they dun applied on the pressure pts/soft muscle and direction of the veins accurately.

To have a good and enjoyable massage, the massage should have enough variety in its routine to cover the body comprehensively, i.e. the neck, the back (upper and lower), the spine, the buttock, the joints, pressure pts, soft muscles & etc. If not enough variety, its just rubbing the same spot over and over again which actually does more pain than good.

So regardless going for JG or HJ, I would preferred one that provides a good massage to get value for money

In my most recent visit, I found "Li Li" from Yi Xin, Geylang Lor 1, is another one which I felt is not a bad choice if you are looking for a good massage, JG & HJ for $80 (1 hr). Her massage is fairly good and she does proper JG (although technique still not up to Estee/Mandy level). However, her HJ tends to be a bit mechanical. However, what I dislike is that place is rather poorly decorated and the massage bed is those make-shift low bed, but ..... can't complaint liao at this price, hehe)

For sharing
Old 07-07-2007, 02:37 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Agreed with you Bro ee_enjoy.

Like yourself, I did a lot of research a lot too. What interest me most is Taoisat Sexual Massage. The closer which I can find is Estee. Her "jua-gen" is quite close to Taoist sexual massage of the groin.

Brothers who wants to have a good understanding of sexual issue may wants to refer to this site , alternatively, you may wants to read books by Mantak Chia. He present a good concept on Taoist sexual massage.

I have wrote a similar report on manhood therapy at the post "Rita"
Old 07-07-2007, 04:53 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Hey folks.

I'm new here. Was kinda bored and so decided to browse around SBF. Chanced upon this quote Jua Gen, took me more than 10 mins to realize it's actually meaning in chinese. I thought it was some very chim english words. Haha. Stupid me.

Anyways, I'm real interested to try out their services as I'm not really into HJ or whatever job in public places.

Can anyone advise me where can i get a good massage + JG from gals like estee, mandy, linda etc etc??

Old 07-07-2007, 05:14 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

used to chiong tanjong pagar there... i think call apple or something like that...
Old 07-07-2007, 07:48 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

thanks bro ee enjoy for provding the suggestions and address. i have tried mandy's juagen skill today. overall, it is a quite nice experience. however, the price is a bit high 45 plus 60 plus 4.5 parking fee and 8.5 erp fine. they also put ads on the new paper.
Old 07-07-2007, 07:54 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Not familiar with HC, meaning can request particularly for mandy to massage us?
Old 07-07-2007, 07:59 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Originally Posted by tyrannize View Post
Not familiar with HC, meaning can request particularly for mandy to massage us?
call the no. and make appointment.
Old 07-07-2007, 08:20 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Oh! Ok. thanks!!
Old 08-07-2007, 12:15 AM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Originally Posted by ezez11 View Post
thanks bro ee enjoy for provding the suggestions and address. i have tried mandy's juagen skill today. overall, it is a quite nice experience. however, the price is a bit high 45 plus 60 plus 4.5 parking fee and 8.5 erp fine. they also put ads on the new paper.
My apologies, Bro ezez11, I still thought the entrance rate was $40 and misquote the wrong rate to u early. The other one u could consider is Li Li from Yi Xin at Geylang Lor 1. Both her massage and JG is not too bad but rate wise only charges $30 (entrance for 60mins) and $50 (for JG + HJ). However to note, the place is a bit shabby and massage bed also not as comfortable.
Old 08-07-2007, 03:07 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Originally Posted by ee_enjoy View Post
The other one u could consider is Li Li from Yi Xin at Geylang Lor 1.

Just to clarify, I went to look for Li Li about two weeks back and the girls told me that she had went back to China.
Old 08-07-2007, 06:27 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

got it. thanks bro ee enjoy and txasmania.
Old 08-07-2007, 10:17 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Brothers who loved Estee should consider trying out Cindy from Xiang Li Spa whom provide the exhilarating experience but at a much cheaper price.. imho I feel that Estee prices is over exhorbitant given rush throughout the session..

Gd luck
Old 09-07-2007, 12:39 AM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

oh, seems like Cindy could be another shifu to try out.

Where is xiangli spa? can't seem to find it from yellowpages.
Old 09-07-2007, 08:03 AM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Originally Posted by griffenz View Post

2. Cindy - Present: Xiang Li Spa
I can attest that Cindy is none other than the one whom is deem fit to be comparable to Estee in terms of skills. Maybe you can put it to their years of training,as chinese always phrased - tai sang yi fen zhong, tai sia shi nian gong! One of her main strength is the ability to substain almost an 'Instant' effect. The differences between estee and her is the ability to approach and accomodate to each and every customer's penis condition. It is recommendable to try her for those regularly using their equipment for live firing. Great massage that blends both thai & swedish style in one package. Damage: $40+$30

Hope the above will clarifies any doubts.
Hi Bro Griffenz, Can I check with you how many Cindy is there at Xiang Lee? cuz based on the FRs on Xiang Lee, most if not all of the FRs are on Cindy's HJ and not JG. I would like to try out Cindy and give a FR on her.

Although I have Xianglee's contact, possible to share Cindy personal contact with me, if any, so that I wont get the wrong person when I go down. Thanks.
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