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Old 24-07-2019, 12:58 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Minimum 3 points for exchange.

Old 24-07-2019, 01:02 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Min 3. No Q.
Old 24-07-2019, 01:08 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

+8 and above to exchange
Old 24-07-2019, 01:10 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

8 apples for exchange

Minimum 6 points
Old 24-07-2019, 01:10 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

8 apples for exchange

Minimum 6 points
Old 24-07-2019, 02:12 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

20 pts for exchange!
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round

33 066 25/2 Returning favour bro thanks=messi, 22/2 Rav1sk+5, 20/2 Exchange+12, 15/2 naysmith=swee+18,

2nd xchange list:
27/1 Samkieu+12, 15/1 marklui520+9, 16/11 4Dguru+18, 23/10 rawmaster101+13, 22/9 Havanna Slicks+23, 29/9 124asf124+7
Old 24-07-2019, 02:53 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Hello Bros,
I am always looking to exchange points with Bros out there.
Minimum ONE point for my 10 points.
My queue has one, then will be empty, so return of points will be fast.
Queue - To up when I get to my second round - 1447, edward1

I like to be Happy. Please up me and make me Happier!!!
Old 24-07-2019, 03:16 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by zhaoxin View Post
16 points to exchange. minimum 6 power. please leave me your nick in comment if u up me.

(priority) waiting for new posting: arse-nal,

current queue:

waiting to up me: amercianpixcel
up u with 7 sexxy pts
Old 24-07-2019, 03:31 PM
Sninja Sninja is offline
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Originally Posted by kiasuking View Post
Upped 12 kiasu points for trade
hihi return pt to u tyty
Old 24-07-2019, 04:03 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by zhaoxin View Post
16 points to exchange. minimum 6 power. please leave me your nick in comment if u up me.

(priority) waiting for new posting: arse-nal,

current queue:

waiting to up me: amercianpixcel
Sent 12 dinings
Jio lim kopi at El Bistro

Minimum 10 points needed

Havanna Slicks
Old 24-07-2019, 04:57 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Min 3pts 4 Xchange. No Q.
Old 24-07-2019, 05:34 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

18 available for exchange .
Please pmz after up .
Old 24-07-2019, 05:54 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by xxadready View Post
up u back..
Up for exchange

On queue to up:

Waiting for latest post to up:
jervis93(+6) CoCk shoCk(+12) Devilchan78(+13) kick_ass(+13) TwinTowers(+6)
Old 24-07-2019, 05:59 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

I only 1 for exchange.TKs
Old 24-07-2019, 08:00 PM
slicker69 slicker69 is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!


11 bullets for exchange... All bros are free to exchange. Cheers!

blitzer------Done 2/6/19
pokeconcrater------Done 2/6/19
SEXHUBVIP------Done 3/6/19
Converse------Done 4/6/19
Continental------Done 4/6/19
nicklite------Done 10/6/19
hcbj------Done 10/6/19
option69------Done 11/6/19
dytakeshi------Done 11/6/19
Koei------Done 12/6/19
Discovery2180------Done 12/6/19
exchange123------Done 13/6/19
shijinan------Done 13/6/19
tangoshow------Done 15/6/19
Gaze------Done 15/6/19
aaronkoh------Done 17/6/19
SirLance------Done 18/6/19
MikeCarl------Done 18/6/19
fargo------Done 19/6/19
Fcukeru------Done 20/6/19
Polar.Bear------Done 21/6/19
senja88------Done 21/6/19
lazyguy------Done 24/6/19
stlover72------Done 24/6/19
decadence666------Done 25/6/19
smashkins------Done 25/6/19
Lola------Done 26/6/19
WongHinKong------Done 26/6/19
anakinskywalker------Done 27/6/19
sonofjack------Done 27/6/19
leong26------Done 1/7/19
dogstar69------Done 1/7/19
mst1------Done 2/7/19
bigbirdbird------Done 2/7/19
potatocernmit------Done 3/7/19
KonKam------Done 3/7/19
koolboy------Done 4/7/19
sonicman369------Done 4/7/19
qwaszx_1235------Done 8/7/19
kingfisher666------Done 9/7/19
loyang222------Done 9/7/19
Asian------Done 10/7/19
Marq------Done 10/7/19
wet10wet------Done 11/7/19
coolermaster------Done 11/7/19
jlkl------Done 15/7/19
EmoLonely------Done 15/7/19
thomas999------Done 16/7/19
e250skh------Done 16/7/19
alvi23------Done 17/7/19
Moderator88------Done 17/7/19
jammer074------Done 18/7/19
Banvan------Done 22/7/19
ahboyb0y------Done 22/7/19
Rxpeh------Done 23/7/19
Sninja------Done 23/7/19
sytlover2------Done 24/7/19

2nd round
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