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Old 23-01-2010, 11:45 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

hecate how can anyone forget u
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Old 24-01-2010, 01:26 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Thanks sister color for the field reports.

Nice story with great adventure.

Lot of fun !!!
Old 24-01-2010, 11:42 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

OMG, I am a vivid follower of this thread.Very steamy FRs.......
Old 24-01-2010, 02:11 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by tubbyt View Post
Hmmm, sounds like the night could have turned out better.

But the situation where the guys are more eager then the girls would occur more frequently no? I would think so simply because the way most guys are wired as opposed to that of girls. I don't know many swingers but from what I've observed, the ones that enjoy the most are the ones where both are into it and have trust in each other. They are also less selfish, for lack of a better word.

But hey, what do I know right?
Well, in a swing...... I realised that a couple can have as much chemistry with each other, but if other participants are such pain in the ass, nobody will be able to enjoy

And we have to see what sort of chemical reactions there are. It may be copper reacting with suphur and hence creating beautiful blue crystals. Or mix nitrogen and hydrogen, getting the ooooooooo-so-smelly ammonia gas...... OH THAT SMELL.

And it's weird... Just a casual observation here: normally guys are the ones who want to swing, and the girls are the one who are usually reluctant to do so (no matter how much they want it deep in their hearts). But many a times, it's the guys who fail to perform while the girl manages to enjoy a lot more..... Especially during the first few swings.

Colourblind f
Old 24-01-2010, 02:42 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Lol Shut up lol:x
Old 24-01-2010, 03:57 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by ColourBlindx2 View Post
Well, in a swing...... I realised that a couple can have as much chemistry with each other, but if other participants are such pain in the ass, nobody will be able to enjoy

And we have to see what sort of chemical reactions there are. It may be copper reacting with suphur and hence creating beautiful blue crystals. Or mix nitrogen and hydrogen, getting the ooooooooo-so-smelly ammonia gas...... OH THAT SMELL.

And it's weird... Just a casual observation here: normally guys are the ones who want to swing, and the girls are the one who are usually reluctant to do so (no matter how much they want it deep in their hearts). But many a times, it's the guys who fail to perform while the girl manages to enjoy a lot more..... Especially during the first few swings.

Colourblind f

What you are saying about the chemistry is very true and I guess it applies to a lot of things. And I get what you are saying about the fart gas, gotta be careful

With regards to the observation on performance, for the ladies I guess it's the self-consciousness and apprehension in the beginning that is followed by comfort and enjoying the moment after. For most guys, it's kinda the opposite. Over-inflated ego coupled with over confidence that turns into a sad realisation that reality is rather different and feelings of inadequacy set in. Strange how we are generally wired no?

Btw, if you are still thinking of catching "Legion", I give it a 4.5 out of 10. FX were ok, really liked the way the angels looked. Action was passable but storyline was weak and thinner than 0.003. May be better to catch it on DVD
Old 24-01-2010, 05:41 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by tubbyt View Post
Strange how we are generally wired no?

Btw, if you are still thinking of catching "Legion", I give it a 4.5 out of 10. FX were ok, really liked the way the angels looked. Action was passable but storyline was weak and thinner than 0.003. May be better to catch it on DVD
Maybe it's because men tend to get ruled by two heads....?

And i am still thinking of catching it simply for the sake of catching it. The angel looks hot enough!! And i heard that the plot is hard to grasp? And i wont be catching it at the cinema, nor via dvd........ There's always an alternate route to watching movies

Colourblind f
Old 24-01-2010, 06:23 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Had many many swings for the past number of weeks. But i could never really find the motivation to post FRs. And the Colourblinds have been swinging rather frequently so much so that my memories of our swinging sessions get all mashed up together

So here are some memorable snippet(s):

Met a couple called Re&Jo (oh so romantic.... Romeo and Juliet) and Ms J is one squirter. Well, she's the first squirting girl whom i've met. And she squirted like there's no tomorrow! What's more, she's bi. The first 15 mins we got to know each other, she called me to sit on her lap! She's on the meaty side, so she could actually lift me. YES SHE LIFTED ME.

Soon we were on the bed, Ms Jo laid on the bed and opened her legs for me to lick. Darling then stood over her and lowered his cock into her mouth. Dammit she could deepthroat better than me And whenever she gagged, her pussy muscles would clench very tightly together (exactly like me when i gag) and force my finger out if i was finger-fucking her.... Soon darling got off and came up from behind me. Instinctively, i raised my ass high, ready for a doggy! And though i was being fucked senseless from behind, i never stopped licking Ms Jo! Suddenly a gush of odourless, colourless, tasteless liquid came flowing out. And i had my first encounter of a squirt!!! Couldnt bear to drink it because of my principle of not drinking pee. But i continued licking!

After that we were licking 69.... Fucking and get fucked... More licking..... And Jo just kept squirting!!!!! Especially when darling was fucking her missionary. It was like a fountain!!! Many many fountains!!! Whenever she was about to squirt, darling would withdraw and start smacking her clit with his cock and make sure her orgasm wasnt half lived. And he had to "siam" a bit when she squirted because she would do it so hard that it could shoot all the way up to the ceiling!!

By the time i could get a proper fuck from darling, the whoooooole bed was soaked with Jo's juices. Totally soaked. It looked like we had a bath on the bed!

And Mr Re is hell of a good pussy licker! Rivals darling's skills!!

Colourblind f
Old 24-01-2010, 10:35 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by ColourBlindx2 View Post
Maybe it's because men tend to get ruled by two heads....?

And i am still thinking of catching it simply for the sake of catching it. The angel looks hot enough!! And i heard that the plot is hard to grasp? And i wont be catching it at the cinema, nor via dvd........ There's always an alternate route to watching movies

Colourblind f
Two heads...... Read something about that.......... It's on the top of my head..... hmmmmm...... (Maybe if I look at the top of the page?)

Paul Bettany plays Michael, I guessing you mean him. Plot's not hard to grasp, just paper thin.
Old 24-01-2010, 11:11 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by tubbyt View Post
Two heads...... Read something about that.......... It's on the top of my head..... hmmmmm...... (Maybe if I look at the top of the page?)

Paul Bettany plays Michael, I guessing you mean him. Plot's not hard to grasp, just paper thin.
Veryyyyyyyy funny.

Who play who??? I dont know anything about the show at all, besides the angel being real hot on the poster!! Hahaha....

Btw, there's this dumbass who pesters me online every single fucking day, including weekends. Out of exasperation, i decided to let him "have" his way!

Dumbass: wana meet tmr

Me: for wad

Dumbass: make love

Me: you know wad?
Me: i'd love to
Me: how about we meet tmw at **** 81

Dumbass: alright..wat time

Me: wad time can you make it?

Dumbass: morning? 11?

Me: great timing

Dumbass: u not working?

Me: off day

Dumbass: ok

Me: see ya tmw!

Dumbass: ur number?

Me: hmmm
Me: 8******2

Dumbass: ok
Dumbass: u got mine

Me: no i dun

Dumbass: where u stay? i can pick u up

Me: nah
Me: i'll be near that area anyway

Dumbass: alright
Dumbass: see u then
Dumbass: rest well tonight

Me: see ya

Dumbass: come i cannot see ur pic
Dumbass: can send me here? or msn?

Me: cannot

Dumbass: hmm..

Me: let my looks be a pleasant surprise for you

Dumbass: u got facebook?
Dumbass: haa..

Me: sorry dun have

Dumbass: ok

What a sucker!!!
NB: this is the FIRST time that i am playing pranks on ppl.... Let's see how this turns out!!

Colourblind f
Old 24-01-2010, 11:31 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by ColourBlindx2 View Post
Veryyyyyyyy funny.

Who play who??? I dont know anything about the show at all, besides the angel being real hot on the poster!! Hahaha....

What a sucker!!!
NB: this is the FIRST time that i am playing pranks on ppl.... Let's see how this turns out!!

Colourblind f
Yeah lah, the angel on the poster is played by Paul Bettany. Got the whole moody, world's-gonna-end-if-I-don't-do-something look working for him.

Hmmmm, over-inflated ego, over confident. Sounds like someone not in touch with reality. But by posting the details here, I hope he gets the hint.
Old 24-01-2010, 11:32 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

haiz.. i think he's juz a desperate man who's seeking FOC sex, juz looking to pay the H rental. Such a loser!
Old 24-01-2010, 11:37 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by tubbyt View Post
Yeah lah, the angel on the poster is played by Paul Bettany. Got the whole moody, world's-gonna-end-if-I-don't-do-something look working for him.

Hmmmm, over-inflated ego, over confident. Sounds like someone not in touch with reality. But by posting the details here, I hope he gets the hint.
Cool...... The protagonist is always the i-am-the-only-one-who-can-save-the-world while the antagonist is always i-hope-to-be-the-one-to-end-the-world-but-i-know-my-ass-will-get-kicked-BADLY

And too bad, that Dumbass aint a member of the SBF.... But from another portal made available for swingers to congregate online. But he'll definitely get the message tomorrow morning!!

Originally Posted by red_squirrel View Post
haiz.. i think he's juz a desperate man who's seeking FOC sex, juz looking to pay the H rental. Such a loser!
Absolutely. But such a man aint hard to find!! Infact, it's too EASY to find one....

Colourblind f
Old 24-01-2010, 11:53 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by ColourBlindx2 View Post
Cool...... The protagonist is always the i-am-the-only-one-who-can-save-the-world while the antagonist is always i-hope-to-be-the-one-to-end-the-world-but-i-know-my-ass-will-get-kicked-BADLY

Colourblind f
The protagonist and the antagonist are both angels, both look kinda cool in the angel armor.

What number did you give dumbass anyway?
Old 24-01-2010, 11:54 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by tubbyt View Post
The protagonist and the antagonist are both angels, both look kinda cool in the angel armor.

What number did you give dumbass anyway?
Another idiot's number

Colourblind f
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