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Old 26-07-2018, 02:15 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Good updates TS, thx.
Old 26-07-2018, 02:30 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Originally Posted by Dollyqueen View Post
Maybe all the boys will enjoy deborah this time round...
Waiting for this too
Old 26-07-2018, 03:55 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

While the kids roamed the streets, looking for fun stuff to do. The first thing the adults did was to drag Auntie Kat to a random shop where they entered a dressing room. To make it less suspicious, only Auntie Maxwell went in with Auntie Kat after grabbing some random clothing articles whereas the Uncles stayed outside. Less than a minute later, the dressing room door opened and Auntie Maxwell came out and passed the shop's clothing over to the shop attendant, citing that it wasn't suitable to their liking. The shop attendant simply cocked her head to the side, unsure if the Aunties really did try the attires on just because of how fast they were but being service-orientated, she thanked Auntie Maxwell for coming as Auntie Maxwell flamboyantly walked out of the dressing room with Auntie Kat scurrying behind, fidgeting around.

There was no difference in their attires before and after coming to this shop. But if one was to look closely enough, there were some minor changes, one of which was Auntie Kat's behavior and the other one being two small nubs were poking at the top that they were wearing. Without being seen, Auntie Maxwell then walked over to her husband who was carrying around a paper bag and stuffed both Auntie Kat and her lingerie inside, both of which still contained both of their body heat since it was clinging onto their skin just moments ago.

" Nice. " Uncle Maxwell whistled as he slapped his wife's butt as they exited the shop.

Unlike Auntie Kat who was dressed in somewhat of a baggy attire, Auntie Maxwell was clad in a tight tank top which clung to her skin, boldly highlighting her body curves. Her breasts were no exception as without the bra obstructing, you could clearly see the contours of her shapely breasts and her nipples poking out on the fabric. Similar to Auntie Kat, she was also wearing a decently short mini skirt. If she was to bend over, one could probably see everything underneath. In contrast to Auntie Maxwell who walked out like nothing was wrong, Auntie Kat was pressing down onto her stomach with her arm to prevent her zaogeng from the wide open sides. Her other hand was desperately pulling down her skirt to cover as much as possible. It was obvious that she was super uncomfortable. Without a bra, she could probably live with since she's braless at home but the wind blowing at her bare crotch must be very unsettling for her, especially when they are in public.

" Nice. " Uncle D mimicked Uncle Maxwell and slapped Auntie Kat on the ass as well.

The two Uncles then took their place beside their respective couple and walked closely together. Both groping at their butt as they roamed the streets to their next location which was a pub just about 10 minutes walk away from where they were. Needless to say, many eyes were drawn upon them as they simply paid the bystanders no heed and continued walking. The same couldn't be said for Auntie Kat who was not enjoying the extra bit of attention at all. Her face was flushed beyond belief. She looked as though she wanted to dig a hole and just hide her head inside.

" Calm down. The more suspiciously you act, the more attention you are going to draw towards yourself. " Uncle D whispered to Auntie Kat.

" I can't help it! I can feel the wind brushing against my crotch. " Auntie Kat whispered back to him.

" Just ignore it. Can you see it? People are staring at you because of how weirdly you're walking. "

Auntie Kat scowled, her facial expression telling Uncle D that they were only staring because of what they were making her do. But also at the same time, she also realized how awkwardly she was walking. Her arm was still glued to her stomach, pulling on the fabric so that people would not be able to see her breasts from the side but because of that, her pokies became more evident than ever. Her other hand was tightly clutching the front hem of her skirt in an attempt to cover as much as possible. No one in the world would ever walk like that. That was why she was attracting so much attention compared to Auntie Maxwell who strutted proudly as if there was nothing wrong. Bypassers may look at her and whistle or comment saying that she's fine but that was it. Auntie Kat on the other hand, in an attempt to hide her embarrassment, was attracting even more attention. Modesty had become a double-edged sword.

" Fine. " Auntie Kat then took a deep breath and let go of her arms and tried to be like Auntie Maxwell.
Old 26-07-2018, 05:57 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

At first, it looked like Auntie Kat was really forcing it but upon letting go of her hands, her pokies had become less apparent and she appeared to be walking much more normally now compared to before where she looked like she was having a really bad cramp. She could probably feel the number of eyes reducing as they continued walking. Heaving a sigh of relief, she began to strut more confidently to pretend to be normal just like Auntie Maxwell. It was just like the golden rule of the working industry - even if you don't know jack shit, so long as you look confident enough, people will believe in your bullshit even if it may sound or look ridiculous.

As the adults continued their game of exposing their spouses, the kids, on the other hand, were just messing around. To be fair, Bali was about the watersports, nature and the amazing nightlife. While it can't compare to the likes of let's say Pattaya, there were many things that one could still do at night here. Unfortunately for us, since all of us were 'underage' we couldn't really find much to do other than walking around and ordering street food and such. Jack has been clinging on me for the entire day now and I was growing tired of his bullshit.

Basically, he has been showing off that he had apparently struck 'first base' with Auntie Maxwell. Knowing what had truly happened because Uncle Maxwell had told me earlier, I could only smile wryly at his comment. Yeah, while you strike a fake first base with Auntie Maxwell, other people are striking your Mom's third base to the point of using her as a sperm toilet. As much as I wanted to tell him that, I stopped myself from doing so so as to not ruin the adult's fun. We still have a lot of time to fool around. Having nothing in mind, we decided to follow the Maxwell children since they were much more familiar with the place than we were. Surprisingly, they brought us to a bar in which they then stated that the security was lax and they don't check for IC and such.

As such, we took our seats and ordered our alcohol. And being the idiot Jack is, he tried showing off to Deborah but ended up getting drunk as the night went on. By the time an hour went past, Jack was as dead as a corpse and was sleeping on me. The Maxwell children just give me a thumbs up. Daryl was the first one to break it out to me.

" Let's continue on from where we left off last night. Shall we make our way back to our resort now? "

" Yeah. Sure. " I nodded in response to his invitation.

Apparently, they had already set this up beforehand. Jack was the only obstruction so getting him drunk was the prerequisite. Having him around would only ruin the fun, although using him as a leverage against Auntie Kat was also a great idea just like what had happened this afternoon. But the Maxwell family had decided against it so they had instructed the kids to get him drunk before going back to the resort. While that happens, they would try to get Auntie Kat drunk or at least tipsy enough to entertain us when we get back. We then flagged a cab and head back towards the resort.

Upon reaching the resort, we realized that we were early despite having spent an hour at the bar. It seems like the adults have yet to return as I then laid Jack on his bed and closed his door. The Maxwell kids then invited me over to their compound to have a few drinks while we wait for the main star of the show to come back. Oddly enough, Deborah seemed to have taken Jack's role and latched onto me as we went by the drinks. Daryl and Daniel didn't seem to mind it at all. Were they in cahoots or something to tease me? Talk about rubbish. I'm not as stupid as Jack to fall for something this stupid. I then excused myself and went to the toilet. While I was peeing, I then heard the bathroom lock behind me click open. It was one of those old locks where you can take a coin and turn it. No surprise, it was Deborah as she entered and locked the door behind her.

" Hey Sam. " she whispered to me in an enticing voice. Is this seriously happening?
Old 26-07-2018, 06:11 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Nice... Deborah turn
Old 26-07-2018, 07:57 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Nice updates TS, camping for more sexciting encounters
Old 27-07-2018, 10:46 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Wow, the more exciting story is coming up....
Old 27-07-2018, 11:29 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Nice update bro, camping for more!
Old 27-07-2018, 08:34 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Originally Posted by SamLoMo View Post
At first, it looked like Auntie Kat was really forcing it but upon letting go of her hands, her pokies had become less apparent and she appeared to be walking much more normally now compared to before where she looked like she was having a really bad cramp. She could probably feel the number of eyes reducing as they continued walking. Heaving a sigh of relief, she began to strut more confidently to pretend to be normal just like Auntie Maxwell. It was just like the golden rule of the working industry - even if you don't know jack shit, so long as you look confident enough, people will believe in your bullshit even if it may sound or look ridiculous.
trump return, more please
Old 27-07-2018, 10:48 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Great story bro! Do you mind Pming me the exhibits? Thanks!
Old 27-07-2018, 10:53 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Nice story bro, please keep going!
Old 28-07-2018, 12:01 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

How did things turn out like this? I guess one thing simply led to another. Being slightly tipsy from all the alcohol we drank in the bar and when I had realized it, both Deborah and I had stripped naked already. She had pushed me down onto the toilet seat as she straddled over me. There was no need for words as both of us got caught up in the mood and started kissing each other, exploring each other's mouth with our tongues. She was the second girl whom I had kissed if you don't count Auntie Maxwell. Genuinely, all of them had tasted different. If I had to describe Deborah's mouth, it tasted similar to raspberry, probably due to the alcohol that she had ordered that night. Needless to say, my didi started flag raising ceremony.

Sensing that, Deborah then started grinding her soft body against mine. Her modest chest which was of similar size to Auntie Kat brushed against mine. I could feel her pink nipples hardening as time went past. Using my length to gyrate her entrance with, I could feel that her entrance was already moist despite not even having much foreplay. Seems like it really does run in the family huh? I couldn't help but wonder how many guys have enjoyed this teen's pussy already? From what the Maxwell parents had told me, her brothers often took turns with her as well. In terms of experience, she would definitely win. Perhaps that was why she was aggressively attacking me from my mouth all the way down to my crotch. It was something that I wouldn't be able to feel with Alicia. The touch of an experienced woman was really something.

" Mmm.. " she sighed as she used her hand and directed my cock into her entrance, slowly lowering herself down.

All I could say was, god damn. Unlike Alicia who belonged to the slightly curvy side, Deborah belonged to the petite and slim side. Their insides felt completely different. I wasn't sure if it was just because of the difference in their experience or was it because of the way their body is built but my didi was experiencing a sensation far different from what I experienced with Alicia. With my cock buried inside of her, she began to take control of the situation and started bobbing up and down on top of me. Throughout our Bali adventure, Deborah would usually take the back seat and away from attention but I could feel it. She was similar to her mother - a dominant figure as she simply smiled at me while bobbing away, gauging my reaction.

" Like I thought, you're not a virgin huh? " Deborah grinned.

" Sadly the only virgin here is Jack. " I smirked.

" Hehe, I thought you were one too so I wanted to tease you a little. " Deborah muttered.

" Haha. You thought wrongly then. " I then grabbed hold of her hips and started thrusting into her, using the toilet seat as a cushion.

" Ngg.. Oh my.. Quite aggressive huh? " Deborah's face winced a little from my surprise attack.

Something had told me that if I simply let her take the ropes, I would be nothing but a boy toy to this girl despite being younger than me. That's why I had taken the initiative. The thing is that despite going on the aggressive, I couldn't tell if she was faking her reactions or not. Surely enough she must have had cocks bigger than mine inside of her. Just look at Daniel and Daryl's, surely theirs must be longer and bigger compared to us Asians. Perhaps it was due to insecurity? But that was also why I stepped up to the plate and started thrusting in random directions in an attempt to find her weak spot.

Probably understanding what I was going to do, Deborah smirked and tightened her pussy even more. God. With each thrust, it felt like I was nearing my ejaculation even more. But refusing to lose to her, I continued my thrusting. It was about then I found her G spot as her face winced a little when I thrust my hips there. I wasn't sure if it was voluntary but her pussy tightened up even more as I continued pumping in and out of her. But regardless of which, it seems that I have hit the bingo. Unfortunately, I was running out of gas as she grinned.

" Reaching your limit? " she then leaned forward and nibbled on my earlobe. Jesus. I couldn't take it any longer and blasted my load inside of her as both of us caught our breath.

" Hehe, you're pretty good. Too bad though. " Deborah smiled as she got off of me, my semen trickling down from her entrance as she then started washing up. I followed suit as well.

" I will get you next time. " I retorted, refusing to lose.

It was then we heard a knock on the door. It was Daryl who then notified us that the adults were back. Seems like me cumming there and then was a blessing in disguise. Who knew what would have happened if we were still at it and they find out.
Old 28-07-2018, 12:08 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

I’m sure they won’t have much reaction even tho they know haha. They will be like “ oh, u guys started without us?”
Old 28-07-2018, 06:52 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Sure hope TS will update more soon, this story is nice.
Old 28-07-2018, 09:46 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

return +10, ts more please
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