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Old 19-04-2002, 02:10 PM
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Originally posted by 3years

WA LA....breast too big also kanna rejected........ don tell me... it is so big it will cause big commotion in gl.
Dunno why also leh, maybe really big or maybe she bimbo cannot pass AV's test... but from what I know, she's hovering in JB hoping to make another entry.

If fail, dun fret...try again...kekeke'

Old 19-04-2002, 02:17 PM
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Does EAST give CIM? Can name a few who allows CIM.
Old 19-04-2002, 02:24 PM
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Originally posted by Michael
Does EAST give CIM? Can name a few who allows CIM.
i think u better ask okt.. they will recommend... if post there... i tell u ... next time i go visit them... e gals will say...... so many wan CIM ..... and think of kissing them...then think of sperm..... urgggggggggg...................................... .......................................
DON BE A CHICKEN...... FUCK HARD RAM HARDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 19-04-2002, 02:24 PM
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Originally posted by kaypoh69
Last night, heard from OKT that of the two new girls arriving (one including ZHIYI), the other kenna rejected & failed by AV.... CuntKing will be disappointed to know that she was damn fucking beautiful but her boobs (according to AV) too obscene & big....
Sibeh TuLan liao!

What a waste, hopefully she go back reduce a bit!

Minus One Big Boobs

bro kaypoh, sounds like absolute rubbish leh....okt must be pulling your leg....I think the way AV work is they always show their authority....they will never give you a reason why they reject not to mention including big boobs in their directives is bit ridiculous......

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Old 19-04-2002, 10:37 PM
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Originally posted by kaypoh69
Last night, heard from OKT that of the two new girls arriving (one including ZHIYI), the other kenna rejected & failed by AV.... CuntKing will be disappointed to know that she was damn fucking beautiful but her boobs (according to AV) too obscene & big....
Sibeh TuLan liao!

What a waste, hopefully she go back reduce a bit!

Minus One Big Boobs

WHATTTTT??? Which stupid idiotic melonphobic grandson of a howitzer AV shit is that? That pathetic moron must have nearly suffocated when breastfeeding, to have deprieved us cantaloupe freaks of yet another set of heavenly orbs. May he condemned to drown in milk for eternity when he report to Mr Yam Mo Ong in the not too distant future.
On second thoughts, could that be a she? If that's so, may that flatchested humpbacked chickenbreasted granddaughter of a pachycephalosaurs be banished to a serve out the rest of her miserable life sucking and licking all the scums, rejects, rift-raffs and castaways of society.
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Old 19-04-2002, 10:48 PM
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Originally posted by kaypoh69

Dunno why also leh, maybe really big or maybe she bimbo cannot pass AV's test... but from what I know, she's hovering in JB hoping to make another entry.

If fail, dun fret...try again...kekeke'

Any idea whether she had landed, even temporarily, at any HC in JB? You can call it kiasuism, but I, and I believe, many other likeminded big boob admirers would love to sample those fabulous melons in case she never make it to our shores.
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Old 19-04-2002, 11:51 PM
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bro kid, I agree with you .... AV will not give the reason to reject the gals ...... the OKT must be just making up some excuse to cover his gal rejection

anyway one less big melon for GL but there will be more to cum

Originally posted by KID278

bro kaypoh, sounds like absolute rubbish leh....okt must be pulling your leg....I think the way AV work is they always show their authority....they will never give you a reason why they reject not to mention including big boobs in their directives is bit ridiculous......

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Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 20-04-2002, 03:42 AM
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well, if av is that stupid enuf .............. there wun be any more big breasted ladies in gl rite?
Old 20-04-2002, 04:22 AM
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Originally posted by cuntking
bro kid, I agree with you .... AV will not give the reason to reject the gals ...... the OKT must be just making up some excuse to cover his gal rejection

anyway one less big melon for GL but there will be more to cum

Let's just all presume that this new girl failed her test with AV for whatever reasons we don't know, please don't presume that the OKT is covering up.... I don't think he/she needs to cover up. The OKTs don't owe us an explanation for this.

Though I just re-confirm with the OKT that the new girl is 80% making her way to our shores, just a matter of changing her base to another that have not exceeded AV's quota.

Will keep you ppl updated once news are in.

Longing for the Bersa Tek Tek

Old 20-04-2002, 04:36 AM
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Originally posted by kaypoh69

Let's just all presume that this new girl failed her test with AV for whatever reasons we don't know, please don't presume that the OKT is covering up.... I don't think he/she needs to cover up. The OKTs don't owe us an explanation for this.

Though I just re-confirm with the OKT that the new girl is 80% making her way to our shores, just a matter of changing her base to another that have not exceeded AV's quota.

Will keep you ppl updated once news are in.

Longing for the Bersa Tek Tek

Big boobs big boobs on the way
Crossing my fingers I pray pray
AV AV please please don't say nay
And Kaypoh Kaypoh thank you leh
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Old 21-04-2002, 01:09 AM
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bro kaypoh, you sure know the OKT and the AV regulations very well. So when the big melon arrives in GL, please keep us informed. I am ever ready for fresh melons ... ha ha ha

Originally posted by kaypoh69

Let's just all presume that this new girl failed her test with AV for whatever reasons we don't know, please don't presume that the OKT is covering up.... I don't think he/she needs to cover up. The OKTs don't owe us an explanation for this.

Though I just re-confirm with the OKT that the new girl is 80% making her way to our shores, just a matter of changing her base to another that have not exceeded AV's quota.

Will keep you ppl updated once news are in.

Longing for the Bersa Tek Tek

We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 21-04-2002, 01:36 AM
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same here ............ melons my personal fetish! but no worri, u and bro king can go in first! i'll queue myself after u guys!
Old 21-04-2002, 01:41 AM
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Originally posted by BigBoobsLuver
same here ............ melons my personal fetish! but no worri, u and bro king can go in first! i'll queue myself after u guys!
Really, than later no more fresh milk do not regret you know. As both of them will suck them real dry and later turn smaller.......
Old 21-04-2002, 01:54 AM
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Originally posted by ming

Really, than later no more fresh milk do not regret you know. As both of them will suck them real dry and later turn smaller.......
not to worry they would fed her with their cums to replenish her breast milk.
Old 21-04-2002, 01:58 AM
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hahahaha, that was a good one ming! but me ok mah, must ley the seniors go first! me da told me we must respects our seniors! ( in experience not age )
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