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Old 15-12-2024, 05:48 PM
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Re: My boring story...

It takes two hands to clap.
If Mark wasn't weird in his way of managing relationship, Ann wouldn't be able to click with him. As far as Ann is concerned, she probably still happily bedding some random men she hits off in clubs.
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Old 16-12-2024, 07:29 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
It takes two hands to clap.
If Mark wasn't weird in his way of managing relationship, Ann wouldn't be able to click with him. As far as Ann is concerned, she probably still happily bedding some random men she hits off in clubs.
If I could pick up random guys in clubs when I'm 50+ I'd definitely be happily bedding them.
Old 16-12-2024, 07:42 AM
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Re: My boring story...

So the entire month of November flew by so fast.

Tom moved out the next weekend to be with Alicia. I don't know how long that would actually last, but to his credit, he really did what he said he would, which was not to sleep with anyone else. So I guess perhaps I lost a FWB but at least Alicia would be happy, even if it was for a while.

I saw Mark for lunch over the next few Mondays. I wondered how awkward it would be if he was still staying at Ann's house and Alicia and Tom moved in, but apparently Alicia had rented a place somewhere instead, leaving Mark the whole house to himself, and her brother Alan.

Alicia and Tom still came over on weekends to chill and have dinner with me and Mike. Thankfully, they didn't need to use our bed, or even the now spare bed in the computer room. Mike was a little irritated that he had lost a gaming buddy. He tried getting Mark or EoS to play Diablo with him but they seemed to have lost interest in that game and so Mike ended up going back to his old favourite, Football Manager.

Work was normal I guess. I was still working only one day in the office which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, except that when I was working from home, and I got horny, I had to entertain myself with the clones, since Mike was at work and I really shouldn't call Tom to come over.

I should state that I'm still a very sexual person, and I do still have a normal sex life with my husband, but sometimes I do crave for someone else, which was why Tom came into the picture in the first place.

Mark was obviously an option, but of course now he preferred using his hands, so nothing happened there.

I did consider bugging the hell out of EoS to see if he'd be interested, even though there would no longer be any gangbangs for him to watch. But I guess my better judgement prevailed and I pretty much just left him alone.

I was also tempted to text Dan to see if he wanted to rekindle our old flame, but the last interaction with him and his comments about find someone younger kind of stung a little so I eventually gave up that thought.

In case anyone is wondering, no, I'm not looking for a new FWB, so kindly do not blow up my inbox with applications. These days I'm just browsing the forum, wondering if any of my favorite writers would continue their stories or start new ones. Unfortunately, those that I actually met in real life, namely Mark and EoS, I was pretty sure they wouldn't be writing anything soon.

Without Tom around, Mike and I sort of reverted back to almost daily sex, whether it was in the shower, on the bed, or in the living room. I'm so glad that even as I reach 4 decades on this earth, and my body isn't the way it used to be, I'm still attractive to my husband. Of course I wouldn't mind if Tom was still around, but Alicia deserved some happiness in her life, so who was I to interfere? If one fine day Tom comes back, I guess we'd probably just go back to what we were before. But for now, it will just be me, Mike, and my toys.

The start of December was kind of weird to be frank. The first Monday I wanted to meet Mark for lunch as usual but he told me he would be eating with Jasmine. So I ended up meeting Shirlyn and Kate for lunch.

I don't know why, maybe it was a sixth sense or something, but there was a sadness in Shirlyn's eyes. I guess she really followed through with her boss’s wishes to rehire Jasmine. Nothing wrong with that really, but I wondered how she could actually endure being with both of them in such close proximity daily knowing she probably wouldn't end up with him.

In comparison, Kate looked really cheery. I guess being back with Jasmine in close proximity was something she was really looking forward to. Then I thought about how she was figuring out if she actually liked guys and the things she did with them. Maybe she was just pleased to be close to Jasmine again.

We didn't really talk much over lunch so I just left it as it is. Who knows, perhaps in the future there would be more BBQs to catch up.

I did manage to catch Mark on the second Monday though. For some reason he looked really tired.

Me: Hey, everything ok?

M: Huh? Yeah. Work stress I guess.

Me: Shouldn't it be easy for you? It's technically your old job.

M: Yeah. It just feels different somehow.

Me: Must be distracted by Jasmine.

M: Erm.

Me: Why? Is she wearing you out?

M: Huh? Is it that obvious?

Me: And I thought you had your hands.

M: Well…

Me: So you're together again?

M: Actually, I don't know. It was just last weekend.

Me: Uh huh.

M: We spent so much time at work, everything just felt so familiar.

Me: So you started again?

M: We just had a couple of drinks with the others on Friday night to celebrate her return to work.

Me: And then you ended up in bed?

M: Yeah. Something like that.

Me: Wow. Just wow.

M: Kate wasn't really pleased.

Me: Kate was there too?

M: We all had drinks together. I thought I'd just send her home and that was it. But we ended up having more drinks at her place with Kate and Shirlyn.

Me: Holy shit. You slept with all three of them?

M: Nope. Just Jasmine. Shirlyn and Kate left. But I could tell Kate wasn't happy.

Me: Then you spent the entire weekend there just having sex with her.

M: Yeah.

Me: Predictable. So she just wants sex now? That's it?

M: I guess so.

Me: And you're just going to do it. Because you want her to be happy.

M: Yup.

Me: You're impossible. You're back to square one. Next you'll be moving in with her again.

M: We actually didn't talk about that.

Me: You really don't listen to others advice do you?

M: I guess not.

Me: Urgh.

M: I really can't explain the feelings I have for her.

Me: And what about the feelings you supposedly had for me. The feelings that made the sex so good for you?

M: Different feelings.

Me: Fuck. Now I feel used.

M: I'm sorry.

Me: I mean, it was good. But wow. You fucked me well then you dumped me for your ex.

M: Why do you sound angry?

Me: Yeah. I guess that came out wrong.

M: Is it because Tom left you too for a younger girl?

Me: What the fuck. I'd like to think I let Tom go.

M: You didn't have to. Alicia is acting out. She's not serious about him.

Me: And how would you know?

M: Trust me.

Me: Kind of hard to trust what you say these days.

M: I know her better than you.

Me: And you hurt her.

M: Well, yeah. I did.

Me: Asshole.

M: Do you want to have sex with me again?

Me: Don't fucking tempt me. I still think you're an asshole.

M: Let me know if you do.

Me: Argh. Can you please just be with Jasmine properly or something?

M: We're all just human beings who want to fulfill our desires.

Me: I think right now my desire is to slap some sense into you.

M: Sure. Go ahead.

Me: I've got no real reason to. I think.

M: Well I'm available if you want to have sex. Just let me know in advance.

Me: Who else are you intending to sleep with?

M: Obviously Jasmine. Nat if she asks. Crystal too.

Me: You're seriously one sick fuck. After all you went through, you want to go through it all over again?

M: It makes them happy.

Me: Oh god. Not that crap again.

M: It made you happy too.

Me: Errr.

M: Admit it.

Me: Fine.

M: See.

Me: You're fucked up in the head. Which guy would be so willing to be used like this?

M: Tons of us I'm sure.

Me: I think I better stay out of this. Should not indulge you on this. It's really not healthy.

M: And it was healthy being with Tom? For how long? At least 5 years?

Me: Don't bring Tom into this.

M: He's exactly the same as me. He just wants to please others. And you benefited from it.

Me: Then you're both crazy.

M: You know you want to sleep with me. You aren't satisfied with Mike alone. You need me since you don't have Tom anymore.

Me: Seriously. Stop it.

M: I don't need a big dick to make you feel good. So how about it?

I don't know what had gotten into him, but somehow Mark had regressed to who he was before, except now he had a lot more confidence or something. But from constantly denying me full-blown sex previously, to now just badgering me for sex when he really should be with Jasmine properly, or maybe even Alicia, that was something I really couldn't stomach.

Me: I think I'd like to go back to work now.

M: Call me ok?

Me: I don't need a dial-a-dick.

M: We can do a threesome with Mike.

Me: No.

M: What's wrong with you? I thought you wanted this?

Me: I did. Not anymore. Something is wrong with you.

M: Quickie in the handicapped toilet? Staircase?

Me: No.

I stood up and grabbed my tray, even though my lunch was not even half-finished.

Me: Good bye. Maybe we'll talk again when you've woken up.

I didn't even bother to hear what he was saying as I left.

Maybe I was overreacting. And sex with him was really good. But somehow I didn't really like the way he approached it this time around.

Was it really so hard to have a proper relationship with Jasmine? Was it so hard for Jasmine to have a proper relationship with him? Then again, who was I to judge considering my own situation?

But he was right. I guess I did use Tom in a sense. Maybe even Dan. Perhaps Ben too.

Maybe I was the crazy one.
Old 16-12-2024, 04:30 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
If I could pick up random guys in clubs when I'm 50+ I'd definitely be happily bedding them.
You are so funny.
In fact, if by the time you are in your 50s and still have a high sex drive, that can be quite a curse. Same applies to men. A lao uncle at that age still always on a lookout for ONS or FWB. Of course if it's commercial sex then it's a different game altogether. As long as have money, then can have daily doses.
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Old 16-12-2024, 04:43 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
You are so funny.
In fact, if by the time you are in your 50s and still have a high sex drive, that can be quite a curse. Same applies to men. A lao uncle at that age still always on a lookout for ONS or FWB. Of course if it's commercial sex then it's a different game altogether. As long as have money, then can have daily doses.

11 more years to find out I guess.
Old 16-12-2024, 06:36 PM
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Re: My boring story...

probably still have lots of ppl here queing to fk u when u are 50. unless you changed drastically.
Old 16-12-2024, 07:06 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by thevilone View Post
probably still have lots of ppl here queing to fk u when u are 50. unless you changed drastically.
Lol what. I'm... 68kg now. Please don't join the queue. Hahaha.
Old 17-12-2024, 12:41 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
Lol what. I'm... 68kg now. Please don't join the queue. Hahaha.
that number doesn't mean much. u can still have a hot bod.

anyway, dont know why it sounded like he deliberately pissed you off. some hidden reason
Old 17-12-2024, 06:12 AM
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Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
Lol what. I'm... 68kg now. Please don't join the queue. Hahaha.
haha... I'm not joining. you got lots of options in the que for your pick. 68kg probably just thicc depending on your height.
Old 17-12-2024, 07:16 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by Asakura View Post
that number doesn't mean much. u can still have a hot bod.

anyway, dont know why it sounded like he deliberately pissed you off. some hidden reason
Ok la. Maybe Mike secretly likes chubby girls so he looks hotter.

Yes, Mark was... Pretty antagonist during our lunch last week. Or maybe I just didn't react the way he expected so he reciprocated in kind? It's frustrating when you care for someone and yet they don't seem to care about themselves.

Originally Posted by thevilone View Post
haha... I'm not joining. you got lots of options in the que for your pick. 68kg probably just thicc depending on your height.
165/68 is a very bad combination for me. My thighs and butt were already chunkier than normal when I was young and nowhere near the current weight. But oh well, ageing.

Not so sure about options in the queue, I'm really the sort that prefers someone familiar and can talk to. Now with Tom being with Alicia and Mark being an asshole, there's not much else. Maybe I need to go to the dentist again. Lol.
Old 17-12-2024, 08:39 AM
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Re: My boring story...

165 should be tall enough to make 68 not look chubby
Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
Ok la. Maybe Mike secretly likes chubby girls so he looks hotter.

Yes, Mark was... Pretty antagonist during our lunch last week. Or maybe I just didn't react the way he expected so he reciprocated in kind? It's frustrating when you care for someone and yet they don't seem to care about themselves.
its like a "yeah im back to doing that sh1t again, i know you are going to be disappointed in what im doing to myself again, stay away from me"
Old 17-12-2024, 09:51 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
11 more years to find out I guess.
Enjoy your youth, XMM.
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Old 17-12-2024, 10:17 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by Asakura View Post
165 should be tall enough to make 68 not look chubby

its like a "yeah im back to doing that sh1t again, i know you are going to be disappointed in what im doing to myself again, stay away from me"
Considering I was only 50+ kg last time, highest was probably 58kg, and my thighs and butt already extra fleshy. 165cm definitely not enough. It's my body shape also la.

And this Mark... He wanted to meet for lunch yesterday when I was in office, but I declined. Still a little irritated.
Old 17-12-2024, 11:02 AM
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Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
Ok la. Maybe Mike secretly likes chubby girls so he looks hotter.

Yes, Mark was... Pretty antagonist during our lunch last week. Or maybe I just didn't react the way he expected so he reciprocated in kind? It's frustrating when you care for someone and yet they don't seem to care about themselves.

165/68 is a very bad combination for me. My thighs and butt were already chunkier than normal when I was young and nowhere near the current weight. But oh well, ageing.

Not so sure about options in the queue, I'm really the sort that prefers someone familiar and can talk to. Now with Tom being with Alicia and Mark being an asshole, there's not much else. Maybe I need to go to the dentist again. Lol.
based on your height and weight, thats still not fat. probably more thicc depending on how your body is. that would be nicer to hug and doggy. I'm sure you have other aspect that make up for it, like ur horniness. haha

I'm sure there will be a que of people waiting to talk to you and build a connection in order to have their chance.
always nicer to have someone with a connection. can talk and flirt, teasing is way more fun. rather than just fk and go.
Old 17-12-2024, 11:35 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Me: Yeah. I guess that came out wrong.
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