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Old 26-01-2010, 08:32 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Remember Dumbass?? He gave me his number.......and i decided to google it. Guess what i found???

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

thermo says: (12:17:35 PM)
i m sad
i lost my hp

Michele says: (12:17:57 PM)
hi sorry ah
who is this ah?

thermo says: (12:18:18 PM)
my new hp is 90**01**
i m jo

michele [my-enigma.blogspot] says: (12:18:25 PM)
from where?

thermo says: (12:18:36 PM)
sms me

michele [my-enigma.blogspot] says: (12:18:38 PM)

thermo says: (12:18:40 PM)
boss in
u angry?
we met

michele [my-enigma.blogspot] says: (12:18:59 PM)

thermo says: (12:19:20 PM)
few months ago

michele [my-enigma.blogspot] says: (12:19:25 PM)

thermo says: (12:19:31 PM)
st james

michele [my-enigma.blogspot] says: (12:20:17 PM)

thermo says: (12:20:48 PM)
one of the pub la

michele [my-enigma.blogspot] says: (12:21:01 PM)
which one
your pick up lines are pretty stupid
please try to learn more from your friends
cause if you continue to act this way, NO girl will want to talk to you
and yes, your lying skills are abit lousy as well.
i have no idea why you are doing this but i think going to the red light district would make a better choice for you
and yes, i'm going to block you
thanks for the entertainment.


Why do assholes always use the same trick of LOSING HANDPHONES to get chicks' numbers?

So i asked gave him the link to that post and this was his "explanation":

Dumbass (8:07 PM): u got webcam/
Dumbass (8:07 PM): ?

Me (8:14 PM): no webcam

Dumbass (8:14 PM): tonite u rest early

Me (8:15 PM): is that a question?

Dumbass (8:15 PM): u must b tired
Dumbass (8:16 PM): after a hard day of work

Me (8:16 PM): When the love's there.
Me (8:16 PM): wad's that abt

Dumbass (8:20 PM): do u know her?

Me (8:20 PM): ya *i lied, for the 101st time*
Me (8:20 PM): my fren

Dumbass (8:20 PM): i got the wrongg person i guess

Me (8:21 PM): wrong person?

Dumbass (8:21 PM): thought she is my friend friend we met in st james
Dumbass (8:21 PM): is a mistake
Dumbass (8:21 PM): apologise

Me (8:21 PM): oookae

Dumbass (8:22 PM): really sorry
Dumbass (8:22 PM): that time i lost my mobile
Dumbass (8:22 PM): all my friends contact gone
Dumbass (8:22 PM): not sure where to get back my friends

Me (8:23 PM): oh

Dumbass (8:23 PM): perhaps thru fb would b one great way i found some friends thru there bcos i lost their number'
Dumbass (8:23 PM): added her wrongly bcos of same name

Me (8:24 PM): oh
Me (8:24 PM): same name ah

Dumbass (8:25 PM): yes


I wanta puke. How lame can he get? And now he's complaining that he's "sad" *for the 102nd time* because he felt that he was "unkindly treated".


Colourblind f
Old 26-01-2010, 08:33 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

How come you meeting alone with guy~ Zzzzzzzzzz~ Haa
When will it be my turn my turn..
P.S. The Grass Is Always Greener Over The Other Side
Old 26-01-2010, 08:43 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by Cuntworth View Post
Sis u meeting alone? With a GUY??
Originally Posted by Dan82 View Post
How come you meeting alone with guy~ Zzzzzzzzzz~ Haa
When will it be my turn my turn..

More guys applying to be the next Dumbass??

Colourblind f
Old 26-01-2010, 08:53 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by ColourBlindx2 View Post
More guys applying to be the next Dumbass??

Colourblind f
Hahaha, stupidity is contagious, better be careful.
Bad case of dumb going around.
Old 27-01-2010, 04:02 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

hi colourblindx2,

Im 35 m sin, im really admired your swing life in sing, and till now i still can't believe is really happen in this island.

Do you mind share with me how you started to swing.

I thk itis really interesting, but till now i cant find any swing party to join in.
Received this PM recently.

Guess i should answer this in public.

How did i start swinging? Well, the first thing i did, was to undress myself. Followed by showering. Then we swung.

I am sorry, that's the only way i can answer that "how did you start swinging" question.... Cos i never really gave much thought about it. One day, darling and i met up with hecate (who wanted to have a gangbang) and he said "hey why not we start with having a foursome?" The two sotong girls agreed without hesitation. Well, we kinda had nothing to lose..... We could always say no if we didnt like the extra guy (i do know a little thai kickboxing, and i do know the weak spots of a man. So if they wanta refute my "no", i'll show them what's NO.).

Besides, we were feeling comforted by the fact that we wont be alone.

C'mon, consider the two situations where it's one girl with many men, vs two girls with many men..... The two girls can take care of each other if worse comes to worst! And we couldnt be bothered with the fact that we werent picture-perfect since we couldnt get any uglier!!

And the guys (including darling) were already familiar with the swinging dos and donts, and made sure that we felt comfortable. Meanwhile, Hecate went to shave and i told her that i would wait for her to come out.... But before i knew it, both darling and his friend were attacking my boobs and sucking my nipples. Within a blink of an eye, we were naked and in bed getting all hot and steamy. Hecate came out of the bathroom and took some time to get accustomed to seeing one naked girl and two other naked men in real life. Took even more time absorbing the fact that she was gonna join in!!

So that we how we spent the first day of our swinging lives

It's easy to swing, if and when you're a girl or a couple. Cause the party will come to you, and not you looking for parties!

Colourblind f
Old 27-01-2010, 05:41 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Oh! Found another failed attempt made by Dumbass to jio girls!

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He just keeps losing his handphone eh????

Colourblind f
Old 27-01-2010, 06:23 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Hi Sis COlourblind ....don't know whether u still remember me? We did a threesome n me bringing a lady frenz along for viewing...I do have a female parnter that into costume dun know whether u will be interested to join u the fun or not? Pm me ok? Thanks
Old 27-01-2010, 06:37 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by fullyloadedmk View Post
Hi Sis COlourblind ....don't know whether u still remember me? We did a threesome n me bringing a lady frenz along for viewing...I do have a female parnter that into costume dun know whether u will be interested to join u the fun or not? Pm me ok? Thanks
Not interested Havent you read the news? The Colourblinds are taking leave from the swinging lifestyle la......

And i am not really into costumes. Those who've seen the pics that i posted will be able to vouch for me! Hehehe..

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Old 28-01-2010, 09:05 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

oH sO Sorry....recently too busy havent follow your thread closely..... anyway all the best in your study and get a good score/result
Old 28-01-2010, 01:29 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

hello, please pm me.
Old 28-01-2010, 09:36 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by all2know View Post
hello, please pm me.
PM you for what? You're going to interview me about how wonderful it is for the dirty-minded community that the Colourblinds have swung and dictated almost every swinging encounter so explicitly?

OR are you one of those who thinks that i am a free-for-all?

Hey i know how you don't like to do younger guys cuz it makes you feel super old but yeah i'm 16 and pretty decent looking. Still a virgin haha yeah dont laugh Saw your hot pics and was wondering if you could be my first?
I dont do younger boys simply because i dont. I have a preference for older men, most probably due to my father complex. Combined with the fact that the older men know how to please the girls, not like the ignorant young fools lingering around hoping for wide-eyed girls to land at their feet.

And 16-year-olds should be studying. Or maybe losing their virginity to other virgin skinny 16-yr-old girls who trot around Bugis and Far East with their kawaii looks.......

So, thanks BUT NO THANKS but do let me know about it when you've performed your first penetrative sex.

hello colourblindx2,
i am 25 m chinese, & reading ur FRs really turned me on, really hoped that i can join u
well my dick is arround 7" and my stamina is not bad either *wink* *wink*
Apparently you've only read my FRs and not my "Swinging on Hiatus" post.......... OUT!!

Colourblind f
Old 28-01-2010, 09:46 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Still got a lot of mail to "sort out" huh, Coloublind F?

Don't let the dim bulbs get to you.
Old 28-01-2010, 09:58 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by tubbyt View Post
Still got a lot of mail to "sort out" huh, Coloublind F?

Don't let the dim bulbs get to you.
My enthusiasm is dim-inishing at an amazing pace. Lotsa junk mail lately.

Colourblind f
Old 28-01-2010, 11:48 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by ColourBlindx2
My enthusiasm is dim-inishing at an amazing pace. Lotsa junk mail lately.

Colourblind f
Both surprised & saddened with the bit of hiatus declaration.
One less couple we know we can trust (& thrust) ... nope, make that to read as "one couple we know we can trust most"
Bon voyage in your respective endeavours ... but do give us a buzz when both of you need to surface for some fresh air.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed & blown.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart,
You'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.
Old 29-01-2010, 03:20 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Ok la.... we're back la......

Not fully back ... but BACK nonetheless!

Work .... and School is basically the reason we both need to focus on more than just swinging! When you get into the "swing" of things it can dominate your life a bit.

So we are BACK la... but not as active as before okie?

We know who are 'thrusting' friends are and plan to meet them more often! But unless you are something 'special' we will not meet that many new people.

Love you all.... will post a pic for you pple to guess where we took it...


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