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Old 31-05-2013, 09:26 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by waterboy View Post
No wonder i kena PJ, at least my hiadi let me know in advance.

MF is your homeground mah. u will alwayssss get to choose first.
Excuse me.....i naver pj hor!

Originally Posted by Scuz View Post
back...even though I brought the ICE Queen to OY the day after as your Taikor say wan to listen to her singing..
But back in the room without makeup is quite failed plus zero service...

Compare to the horniess, plus service attidude the gal have...the ice queen is really been thousand million miles of the best gal i have since i cheong cp in 2004....
Got Ice queen meh?I naver noticed ler.U brought dj to oy ler.

Originally Posted by Scuz View Post
I always ask for the trend every trip must PJ one time arbo can renew title liao...

MF is u all too picky it very different for YH and OY...Selectable gals always gone fast..perharps the price tag is lower than YH and OY..
its not was hardly any gal is pickable. full of dwarf and pork chop. how?

Originally Posted by Scuz View Post
Take private taxi to MF...very simple always ask them to go by the road beside the canal then pass Jinmei Bridge..dun go by Bu Xing Jie, Swan Lake or Train station...that time cfm jam one...

Our dear PJ Grandmaster 3m took a cab 20 mins later than us but end up in MF early than us...I was suprised
NB...he gave 50rmb to the driver hor.


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Old 31-05-2013, 10:43 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post
Got Ice queen meh?I naver noticed ler.U brought dj to oy ler.
U too engrossed wif ur barbie doll liao...OY leh where got DJ..
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Old 01-06-2013, 12:11 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by p-(^_^)-q View Post
something to add,
most pimp n bbs , are opp swan lake hotel, just follow where the pretty girls go or male customer coming out from n you will reach the treasure hidout. if they shift their location most of the times are at swan lake 2nd rd. yalan also hav , these days got sec sch gals heehee.. oh did i mention if u are thick skin enuff while staying at clipper or swan lake, hotel ard yalan just call the front desk n they will arrange . y? becoz they get to earn comission

the pimps ard operators are now working together to fight or "settle" fake bbs as it scare aways their customer too..

there used to have bbs behind huimei /haoyun hotel too.
Can any bro enlightened the chinese equivalent of BBS?
Old 01-06-2013, 12:31 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Acidman View Post
Can any bro enlightened the chinese equivalent of BBS?
U mean 发廊?
Old 01-06-2013, 12:49 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Scuz View Post
Of course...u the ulimate PJ, KC & Drama me get the red dress gal wx from ur KC pls...

And special thanks to your advice..i glad to bring her back...even though I brought the ICE Queen to OY the day after as your Taikor say wan to listen to her singing..
But back in the room without makeup is quite failed plus zero service...

Compare to the horniess, plus service attidude the gal have...the ice queen is really been thousand million miles of the best gal i have since i cheong cp in 2004....
It's quite funny. I spoke with the red dress gal today & told her that I go CP look for her tomorrow (as I'm in HK now). And she doesnt want to meet me for fear that her friend (my KC) will be angry.

Anyway my KC went back to hometown liao.

Next trip in July - difficult for me as I need to travel to BKK. Maybe got chance to meet up with Bro Scanner in TW end of July.

But Sep trip to CP is confirmed. Tintin is also confirmed.

Old 01-06-2013, 01:39 AM
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Re: Events In CP

posting an FR on my brief visit to CP especially having benefited so much from other bros in the forum. unfortunately it was just a 2-day, 1-night solo affair in town as a stopover enroute to other cities for sight-seeing, but as most bros would probably agree, 1 night is better than none.

arrived in GZ in the morning abt 10am, immediately took metro line 3 from Airport S station to GZ East Railway station (RMB 7, ~30 mins). Hunted for the ticket counter selling the GZ-Shenzhen route and bought tickets to Dongguan (RMB 54.50, ~40 minutes).

at about 1pm, i finally stepped foot onto Dongguan. Called bro ken for booking of huihua hotel and hailed a cab (RMB 15, ~10 mins). cabs in DG dont seem to go by meter nowadays, unlike my last visit 3 years back. but i digress.

1st stop - BBS
Checked in to hotel and arranged for bro ken to bring me to BBS (my virgin BBS visit). it was likely the same place bro draken had reported earlier - into a back alley, up some old and smelly stairway into a dark hallway and into an apartment with a red-lit room. not much gals for selection, but one gal caught my eye the moment i stepped in.

despite the OKT auntie advice against my selection and counter-recommendation of another not bad looking gal (which i subsequently regretted after reading bro draken's FR), i stuck with my choice and paid OKT RMB 100 upfront, with another RMB 150 to be paid to gal. in the car while going back to hotel room, i noticed my gal has got armpit hair! (knnbccb sian half) on closer inspection in shower, lucky not the bushy kind, only a cluster of fine strands so not so big a turnoff for me. the bigger turnoff was that the gal was a deadfish - literally just laid on the bed waiting to be kissed and not providing any service. quite pissed liao, finished off my entitlement and sent her packing.

wanted to recuperate my vitality, so took a short walk to 华润 along 市场路for shopping of clothes and groceries. good selection of children clothes and toys, although IMHO i think they are overpriced and not worth buying.

2nd stop - PZL
after the shopping, stopped for a quick hair wash/massage (RMB 30) at 千枝花 opposite virgin hotel. on the way back to huihua hotel, i stopped by PZL after reading so many reviews from bros on the place. opted for a 港式按摩 (RMB 169, 90 mins) and gleefully awaits a pretty gal to come into my room for massage - clean and decent one of cos. alas a slightly plump and not so pretty gal walked in and i sian half once more (by now fully sian already). however, the masseuse made up for her lack of visual attractiveness by being candid and chatty, had a good time talking to her about life in CP, her work (pozolim not so much business nowadays compared to previous years), her love life (how she used to have a malaysian bf, but broke up due to differences in life direction, about her engagement to a childhood classmate whom she doesnt like but being "forced" into marriage cos he helped her family thru some difficult times etc). i dont really know how much of her stories are true, but it made interesting conversation topics. the 90 minutes were up before i knew, and i was quite refreshed at the end of the session.

being a n00b, the gal also told me to order food and drinks at the resting area after the massage. the food standard was pretty decent and for the massage price, i tink the money was quite well spent.

3rd stop - Huihua SN
I returned to my room to put down my shopping stuffs and arranged for a visit to HH SN. was advised by bro ken to be there at 11pm for FS, with an earlier one already started at 7pm. by time i went to level 4, there were already about 10 bros sitting in the lounge waiting.
FS started quite punctually, but the gal selection wasnt really breath-taking. only about 20-25 gals came on, out of which half wasnt my type. i quickly chope one that caught my eye (#836 if i rem correctly, RMB 850 inclusive of room) and learnt that i can book her ON by paying double the price (850+850, gal stay until 7am, guest can stay in the room till 12noon). shall remember to try that for my next visit

gal was from guangdong, pretty chatty and chirpy kind. good service, gave a long BBBJ ending with CIM (one box checked on my bucket list) and gave me a good scrubbing down before completing the 2nd shot. we ended by chatting abt her life, how she will save enough money and quit after next month to start a new life in sichuan doing some sales stuff in the auto industry, hoping to find a bf/husband, get married and have kids. such stories always give me warm fuzzy feelings inside, but i was wise/ngeow enough not to dispense any additional tips too
on my way out, a gal in OL costume walked past and caught my eye. a voice in my head told me to get her SN working number for visit the next day but i didnt act on it

4th stop - Virgin SN
woke up at abt 10am the next day. HH hotel breakfast was a sham, food definitely not their strongest suite.

checked out of HH, deposited luggage at hotel recep, and called bro ken for appt at Virgin SN at 12pm. arrived and per modus operandi, gals grouped according to their uniforms were brought into the room in batches for viewing and selection. chose #535 (RMB 400, room charge another RMB 260). this time round, i wasnt in the mood to be chatty and neither was the gal. nothing memorable this round, the usual small talks, bbbjs and fjs. abit regret that i didnt get the 2nd HH gal number from last night

Final stop - Silvery Spa
silvery spa was my last stop since it is near Dongguan Railway station for me to move on to other destinations. i have always wanted to come back for their volcano massage after trying it on my last visit, but realize they have renamed it as some 养身 massage (RMB 318/100 mins, 加钟 RMB 138/50 mins).

previously the massage was done with the guy lying buck naked on the bed but this time, i was asked to wear a pair of disposable shorts (i was thinking, wtf?!?). massage was pretty good, with decent rubs on my back, shoulders with the occasional teases on my butt and balls. the main event started abt an hour later with the masseuse detaching the sides and bottom of the disposable shorts to gain full access to 2IC. it wasnt as shiok as being buck naked though, cos of the disposable shorts, i can't see what her hands and her massage on my 2IC, although the feeling remains heavenly. at the end, the masseuse asked if i would like her to "按出来" or "留在里面,养养身". no brainer, i chose option A la! when signing out for the service, i added RMB 40 as tips, to which she complained saying "all other customers give RMB 100 as tips" and i had "按出来" so she deserved more. i simple shrugged, gave her a smile and said "不用给那么多啦,谢谢".

i washed up in the shower area and walked to DG railway station to board a late night train to my next sightseeing adventure (no sleaze, damned!). until my next CP adventure...
Old 01-06-2013, 08:39 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
recently lots of power outage are reported through out CP ... wonder is that due to the over development of such a tiny town .... CP has more star ranking hotels than any towns in the whole PRC .....
affirmative ... my friend was in cp when the power supply breakdown affecting hotels and buildings on thurs ...
miraton hotel and 天虹 was badly affected ... it's a whole day shutdown ... not just a couple of hours .. this is bad ...
i hope this is a one off thing ...
Old 01-06-2013, 09:12 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
affirmative ... my friend was in cp when the power supply breakdown affecting hotels and buildings on thurs ...
miraton hotel and 天虹 was badly affected ... it's a whole day shutdown ... not just a couple of hours .. this is bad ...
i hope this is a one off thing ...
That will suck if it happens again cos I'm currently staying in huihua:/
Old 01-06-2013, 09:17 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
affirmative ... my friend was in cp when the power supply breakdown affecting hotels and buildings on thurs ...
miraton hotel and 天虹 was badly affected ... it's a whole day shutdown ... not just a couple of hours .. this is bad ...
i hope this is a one off thing ...
Originally Posted by Akiraine View Post
That will suck if it happens again cos I'm currently staying in huihua:/
one building in TEH out of power for 5 days ...

everyday on wechat have report from mms that no power ... and summer arrives pretty early too this year .....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 01-06-2013, 10:43 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by darth.vader View Post
posting an FR on my brief visit to CP especially having benefited so much from other bros in the forum. unfortunately it was just a 2-day, 1-night solo affair in town as a stopover enroute to other cities for sight-seeing, but as most bros would probably agree, 1 night is better than none. i washed up in the shower area and walked to DG railway station to board a late night train to my next sightseeing adventure (no sleaze, damned!). until my next CP adventure...
thanks for the FR ....

last time in jan no need diaper and you can request her to go for the didi right from the very beginning if u can tahan more than an hour of HJ ....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 01-06-2013, 11:45 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
one building in TEH out of power for 5 days ...
... 5 days ....

looks like it's safer to stay in 5 stars hotel like OUYA for the time being ...
Old 01-06-2013, 12:31 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Acidman View Post
Can any bro enlightened the chinese equivalent of BBS?
Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
U mean 发廊?
BBS = Bar Ber Shop ..... =发廊 = Brothel = Chicken Farm = Whore House = ? = ?
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Old 01-06-2013, 12:32 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
... 5 days ....

looks like it's safer to stay in 5 stars hotel like OUYA for the time being ...
This only apply to us .... not you ! Cos you have your own GENERATOR !
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Old 01-06-2013, 01:23 PM
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Re: Events In CP

to all dear bros,

after reading up so many post, i have decide to be a contributor to this thread as well.

i went to CP back in early May.

One SN i went to is JInLang.

How it happen is because i stayed there but has been going to different KTV for the last few nights.. decided to be adventerous and venture to the SN myself.

basically i called the service desk and was told that the spa located at lvl 6 and when i reached i was asked if i have "book" a room. i said no.. they told me i have to wait like 10mins which i am fine.

A mommy came and bring me to see her gal about 10-20 gals when i am in the room, while walking to the room.. she say i have to pay 68rmb for not booking the room ( i was like u got to be kidding... trying to con me is it), bo bian i said ok lor..

the gal came in and the category is 500-700. 500cat is really cui only 1 caught my eyes and i choose the 700cat one. (apparently she say she only have the 10-20gals, but i think got to be fake as i think more gals is working)

was told that i have 1CIM and 2 FJ (is all the SN the same?), i must say i enjoy the SN very much. service orientated.

after the CIM, with some ear candling and massage, she begin to wear black stocking ( i was like ) cos how come she is dressing up again... next thing i know, she ask me whether i would like to tear her stocking?

of course lah! (stocking is harder to tear compare to my imagination ), hear a small hole and begin FJ. simply love it. as i am running late for FS, i only opt for 1CIM and 1FJ and leave it 430pm.

when i go out to pay, mommy forgot i need to pay 68 and i only pay 700rmb for the whole thing. ( cheaper than other SN?)
mommy pass me her namecard and give me a meal voucher for JL hotel. overall i think quite value for money. (bros any SN to recommend too?)

in summary,

dmg 500-700rmb cat ( all inclusive)

kindly up my humble points if you like what i mentioned above.. thanks bro!
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Old 01-06-2013, 03:15 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by uhoo View Post

kindly up my humble points if you like what i mentioned above.. thanks bro!
Thanks for the FR , try harder for more points
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