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Old 14-10-2010, 11:23 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Wakakaka~~ Nice job there bro~~ XD
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Old 15-10-2010, 03:05 AM
azukibun azukibun is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

waiting your update bro..your story really nice one..slowly, but for sure hahaha
anyway gud luck in your real life also
Old 15-10-2010, 03:34 AM
skinskin skinskin is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

camping here for more...
Old 17-10-2010, 03:53 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Good story bro...waiting for more....keep going..
Old 18-10-2010, 09:07 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Hi Bro, I think you did a FJ! I mean Fantastic Job for writing this story! Just Brilliant! I had follow all the 68 pages of posting and would like to express my appreciation for the story!

Keep It UP! Waiting for more to come!
Old 19-10-2010, 01:30 AM
s10002725 s10002725 is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


your story is very well written, love how the way it grows.. read them up within 2 hours or so.. i would say it's one of the best or better story out there.. keep them coming!!
Old 19-10-2010, 01:45 AM
s10002725 s10002725 is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


the story is very well written, love the way it grows.. spent around 2 hours or so reading them up.. keep them coming!!
Old 21-10-2010, 02:56 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


Monday again! Woke up early as usual. But somehow this monday morning was different from before. I got to see June before I head the journey to work. Had a light breakfast prepared by her. I felt so fortunate....

Mid-day at lunch time, I received a SMS from June.

June SMS: "Hey, I have a good news to share with you. I found a job and I am going to report next week. I am going to be a secretary for a MNC director."
Me SMS: "Woh that's a good news. Let's have dinner together. Bring Isabelle alone. I will come home to pick you guys later k?"

June SMS: "Sure....I guess I have to spend sometime doing my apparel shooping. Must top-up my wardrobe."
Me SMS: "Sure....let's jalan jalan later in town later. I will make a early move say 5.30pm?"

June SMS: "Ok....see you. Remember to take your lunch."
Me SMS: "I am eating now. You too. Smooch..."
June SMS: "Smooch...

My lunch was done instantly after SMSing her. The words exchanged was enough to fill my hunger. Hahaha...

Soon I was on my way home to pick them up. We have decided to dine at Crystal Jade palace at Takashimaya. An ideal place for June to do her shopping too.

Shopping time. Walked with June and Isabelle the whole chain of boutique and stores for her work attire. I think shopping is really not my forte. Men just dislike window shopping for no purpose especially when with their partners. And I think most men will face the most daunting question from the partners...."Dear, how do I look on this dress?"

Lucky I learned myself some tricks to get myself off the hook. And true it was, June prompted me...

June: "Hmmm...Shall I choose this black or grey suit?"
Me: "Hmmm.... I think both look good on you. Either one will protraits you well. You have the figure to make the suit looks good. Go ahead if you want to get both."

June: "I think I will take the black ones."
Me: "I am confident that it will definitely looks stunning on you."

See, women always ask men these questions not because they want you to help them make a decision. Rather they just want to hear some encouraging words to boost their own "already made" decision. Trust me, use diplomatic words and you will have a fine day from them.

In the end, June bought 2 suits and 1 top and a skirt on that evening. Huh....all from her own pocket. She refuses my assistance. My wallet save!

To be continued....
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 21-10-2010, 04:02 PM
xmilkbarx xmilkbarx is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

bro i really like your life story. Taught me alot of things. i chased your story since page 1. =) keep it up. I really wish you all the best for you upcoming family
Old 27-10-2010, 02:27 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


Strange to say, my mind was filled with fantasy of making it out with June the whole week. Have been wanting to roam her when we are at home....however due to the ever restriction in the house. As our rooms are just next door either to my sibling or my parents. Also I can't proceed with my 'evil' action when Isabelle was awake...... So in the end, I have to pcc while serving some porn sites.

Weekdays as usual, work, home, dine with parents and June. Only weekends that I was looking forward instead. Arranged a series of activities with June. We have decided to go for a swim in my country club house pool that Sat.

Thursday dinner out and June managed to buy a piece of swim suit for the coming sat swim with me. While shopping at the sports department....

June: "Can help me choose one piece?"
Me: "Hmmm...don't need to wear will be the best....hahaha..."

June: "Yah right....cheeky again.....Hmmm...shall we go to overseas beach where we can officially skinny dip and do suntanning naked next time?"
Me: "Whooooo if we can make love in the open hor...."

June: "No way.....Love making is private. It's between 2 person....I won't let people share the view."
Me: "Neither I want to share you with the rest. You are solely mine.."

June: "Let's do something special where we can't do in sg k?"
Me: "Sure....Just for you..."

Soon I am busy browsing for a suitable swim suit for her. Took a few piece of 2-piece swim suit for her but kenna rejected.

Me: "Why don't you consider a 2-piece one? You have a good figure, no should wear it and show it off mah."
June: "Don't want lah....I very conservative k......"

Me: " just need some self-confident lah....Ok....shall we get this.?"
June: "Noooo..."

After much persuasion June finally settle for a flowery 2-piece swim suit. I am damn confidently say that any men and women will sure attracted to her on that day in the pool!

Soon Saturday arrived.....Pack my swimming stuff and walk to June's room.

Me: "Knock knock...anybody in?"
June: "Come in..."

I entered her room. And I was instantly stunned right in front of me!"

On June's body was that stunning piece of swimming suit. She just look perfect, sweet, words can describe her! She just look like a model doing a swim suit show!

Me: "Woh......woh.."
June: "Huh?"

Me: "Woh...I look stunning...."June: "Huuhhh.....I think too revealing lah....Can I don't wear it?"

Me: "Noooo...of course no.......I want you to make every woman in the pool to be jealous of you....every man in the pool to envy woohh.."
June: "Don't joke lah.....I am feeling so paiseh (Shy) now.....You still tease me."

Me: "Seriously, I am not's look extremely stunning....I just can't tyake my eyes off you..... You're so good to be true. Can't take my eyes off you...."

I started humming the song. I moved up to her, hugged and kiss her.

Me: "I am so honoured to be with you.....To have a stunning partner....I love you."
June: "Hmmm....then you must treasure me k."

Me: "Sure....."

Soon my hands started to auto-roam her. I slipped my palm into the top between her skin and the suit and groped her breast.

June: "Urrrr.......Hey....what are you doing?"
Me: "Cannot tahan."

June: "Watch your act k are doing an indecent act and also spoiling my swim suit."
Me: "Oh....sorry......"

I withdrew my hand. Gave her a kiss. June Put on a t-shirt and shorts and soon we proceed down to the dinning hall for our light breakfast before heading to the club.

To be continued.....
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 27-10-2010, 02:33 PM
rob_onny rob_onny is offline
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Arrow Re: Road Accident Encounter

Bro Urger... how i wish u can't tahan & make out straight in her room...
Nevertheless, u still can try 2 make out in the swimming pool...
Originally Posted by urger View Post
Soon my hands started to auto-roam her. I slipped my palm into the top between her skin and the suit and groped her breast.

June: "Urrrr.......Hey....what are you doing?"
Me: "Cannot tahan."

June: "Watch your act k are doing an indecent act and also spoiling my swim suit."
Me: "Oh....sorry......"
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it
Old 28-10-2010, 01:51 AM
DewaKarma DewaKarma is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

wah bro..ur story really tok beh lomantik and 3 hrs of reading...but worth it....
Old 28-10-2010, 10:59 AM
xnorax xnorax is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

haha.. romantic indeed.. i guess you are a humorous person bro!
Old 28-10-2010, 12:14 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


Light breakfast eaten, conducted a last check on our swimming gears and belonging and off we go to the club for a swim.

As it was a weekend, alot of families and their kids were in the pool. Found a shaded location and placed our stuff. Then we stripped to our swimming attire. Then I notice alot of men turned their attention to our direction. Besides admiring my athletic-toned body, I realised that they are eyeing June just like a gang of wolfs eyeing for their long-awaited prey!

My ego shoot up at an instant! Hahaha....I moved up to June and help her to fold her t-shirt then hold her hands and guided her to the edge of the pool together with Isabelle. Damn.....a few buayas pretend to swim near us! Trying to steal a glance at June! Never knew that my club's swimming pool has turned into a safri with lots of animals and crocodiles! Hahahaha....

June: "Wah....such a long time since I last swim already...."
Me: "Let's make it a routine about that?"

June: "Sure....I think Isabelle would love it."

June turned to Isabelle.

June: "Dearly, do you want to swim often here?"
Isabelle: "Yes mummy."

June: "Ok....we will come here more often alright?"
Isabelle: "Yes......."

June: " you come here often?"
Me: "Yah.....but not after I got to know you. All my time has since spent on you."

June: " it? So sorry."
Me: "No need to say sorry. Now I can swim and be with you.... Isn't it better? One stone kill 2 birds."

June: "Hahaha....hey you can go ahead to do your laps if you want. I will take care of Isabelle."
Me: "Hmmm....ok....Give me about 35mins to complete my 20laps then I join you guys."

June: "Go ahead dear."
Me: "Ok See you later."

I proceeded for my 20 laps and slightly over half an hour later, i joined them back. While walking back to her, saw 3 mens leaning the pool wall near June. So I stopped halfway and moved to a corner and watch the progress.

June perhaps was busy entertaining Isabelle that she did not notice of the men there. From my location I can observed the 3 fellows action and even their eyes movement. Obviously they are preying on June's body. 1 fellow even doing a "thumbs-up" to the friends!

I made my way back to June.

June: "Finished your laps? How is it?"
Me: "Well...abit tired....hasn't do this for a few weeks....a bit slow in the beginning."

June: "Hmmm....must be me."
Me: "Not lah....I volunteered to slack. Not your fault baby. Hey, Isabelle! Want to learn frog style?"

Isabelle: "Hmmm.....don't want."
Me: "I don't like frog.....I like dog!"

I look at June and she looks back and we both broke out into laughter.

Me: "Ok....maybe your mummy looks doggie style!"
June: "Hey.....mind your words.....We are in the public!"

Me: "Oopps! Sorry."
June: "Aiyoh...I m embarassess!"

Me: By the way, did you notice those 3 men just now?"
June: "Yah....why?"

Me: "I saw them commenting on you."
June: "Is it? What did they say?"

Me: "I didn't hear what they say, but I saw 1 fellow commenting about you...I guess he is commenting about your figures."
June: "Is it? I did even pay attention to what they say. I was playing with this little babe."

Me: "Hmmm...I am so proud of myself to have you."
June: "Is it? I think I am nothing lor....Just normal."

Me: "Should have know you earlier and have made you mind."
June: "If only..."

We stay on for another half an hour before heading to the shower room for a bath.

To be continued.....
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 28-10-2010, 07:36 PM
holdmygoldengun holdmygoldengun is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

up la bro ur story sibei solid give me the hweelings of like bf gf feeling damm power but im more looking forward to the juicy PART .! shall tune in tmr wahahahahaha .
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