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Old 04-12-2005, 03:53 PM
lestat_666 lestat_666 is offline
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Siamcutey, so you say and state that romances with cat40 thai WL(or maybe all WL) in GL is impossible, fake or doomed to failed.

Ok, I respect your opinions and views on relationships with WL and clients. I trust you must have a good reason for thinking that way.

However, this thread is for samsters who already know about the dangers of tirakship, heard about the disasters and seen the bitterness of samsters who got burnt pursuing the same thing. But that does not mean the samsters who believe in this thread are sad, hopeless romantics that expect an easy time pursuing tirakship or romance with WL.

The difference between a samster who has heard everything about the dangers of tirakship and a samster who has heard the same things but believes in this thread is that, the latter is someone who wants to take the road less travelled. Someone who willingly takes a risk.

There are already many threads out there like "Woes of a tirak' that warn about the dangers of tirakship and trust me, we've read them. We're not ignorant. Are we stubborn, then? Maybe. But why should that be your problem? We all know the risks but we want to take it. There is always an exception or minority.

But siamcutey, the bottomline is: I or any other samster in this thread don't try to change your mindset and tell you what to do. Everyone is free to their own opinions and thoughts. Therefore I feel you should reciprocate the same treatment and respect to me and other "hopefuls" and "players" out here in the forum.

If you don't believe in this thread and have nothing relevant to contribute to it but still want to perhaps "help" the supposed newbies hanging around here, I suggest you PM them and give them links to all the anti-tirak threads.

Thank you. I really would appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

For the original contributors to this thread, don't be discouraged.

The Road Not Taken

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

And that difference can be determined by your current and future actions. Hopefully and in good spirit, this thread can help advise on those actions. It might even become an interesting read once the stories come back. Just remember to keep some salt nearby.
Old 04-12-2005, 04:00 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by lestat_666
Siamcutey, so you say and state that romances with cat40 thai WL(or maybe all WL) in GL is impossible, fake or doomed to failed.

Ok, I respect your opinions and views on relationships with WL and clients. I trust you must have a good reason for thinking that way.

However, this thread is for samsters who already know about the dangers of tirakship, heard about the disasters and seen the bitterness of samsters who got burnt pursuing the same thing. But that does not mean the samsters who believe in this thread are sad, hopeless romantics that expect an easy time pursuing tirakship or romance with WL.

The difference between a samster who has heard everything about the dangers of tirakship and a samster who has heard the same things but believes in this thread is that, the latter is someone who wants to take the road less travelled. Someone who willingly takes a risk.

There are already many threads out there like "Woes of a tirak' that warn about the dangers of tirakship and trust me, we've read them. We're not ignorant. Are we stubborn, then? Maybe. But why should that be your problem? We all know the risks but we want to take it. There is always an exception or minority.

But siamcutey, the bottomline is: I or any other samster in this thread don't try to change your mindset and tell you what to do. Everyone is free to their own opinions and thoughts. Therefore I feel you should reciprocate the same treatment and respect to me and other "hopefuls" and "players" out here in the forum.
I never say its doomed to fail. Maybe my statement here can give "hopers" like you some hope.

If seeking solace from the internet forum this way can make u guys feel better, and to make the relationship seem more legitimate, then i guess u guys really are woeful.


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Old 04-12-2005, 04:30 PM
lestat_666 lestat_666 is offline
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Alright. I dare say I've been really respectful, nice and receptive about your comments so far. However, I must confess it was not reciprocated in your reply. Thats ok, I usually have a high tolerance level. But really, that line about "your statement giving us hope"? The tone ot it was totally antagonistic, bitter, scornful and arrogant.

Look, no one is looking for hope from you or anyone else. We've found it already in the relationships we pursued or are pursuing. What this thread is meant for is for samsters help each other in the romancing of their tiraks or soon-to-be tiraks. The proliferation of information. Relevant information. Anti-triak sentiments might be relevant to you but please look at the title of the thread.

This thread is meant for samsters already in relationships and those experiencing or have experienced similar situations(all positive) to share. Stories are not meant to be a cheap ego-trip but more as a case study. This is cyberspace and no one is naive enough to believe everything one reads. We all have to use our own judgement and gut feeling.

Leave us alone. We've left you alone. Do you realise you're the one imposing your draconian ideals on us? You're the one coming here and making all the noise, distracting us on what we've set out to do? And all this for what purpose? We never tried to do the same to you.

Please just stay away from this thread if your mindset is so different from us. There is a right thread for the right kind of samster. This thread isn't for you, clearly. You youself have implied that.

I really mean well for you. Just dont bother to read this thread or post here if you have so many disputes with it.
Old 04-12-2005, 05:38 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
ok lah,i respect u and post FRs okies?
I support ur FRs .Quick post. singrakthai no good.He don share.
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 04-12-2005, 09:54 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by lestat_666
Please just stay away from this thread if your mindset is so different from us. There is a right thread for the right kind of samster. This thread isn't for you, clearly. You youself have implied that.

I really mean well for you. Just dont bother to read this thread or post here if you have so many disputes with it.
WOW!!!!!! I'm impressed!!!!!!

You should be a moderator for the Boss leh... since you know how to identify which thread is for which samster and can decide who should come here and post and who shouldn't.

Seriously, all the while I thought anyone can read and post in any thread regardless of whether he agrees or disagrees, etc, etc, and so on and so forth.... Didn't know that it is supposed to be specific thread for specific samsters.

Wow!!! I'm so ignorant leh...

Tee Vee
Old 04-12-2005, 09:58 PM
E8 Food house E8 Food house is offline
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
WOW!!!!!! I'm impressed!!!!!!:

You should be a moderator for the Boss leh... since you know how to identify which thread is for which samster and can decide who should come here and post and who shouldn't.

Seriously, all the while I thought anyone can read and post in any thread regardless of whether he agrees or disagrees, etc, etc, and so on and so forth.... Didn't know that it is supposed to be specific thread for specific samsters.

Wow!!! I'm so ignorant leh...

Tee Vee

kekeke.....bro tv,i cant stop laughing!!!!u r the man indeed!!!wahahahaha....
Old 04-12-2005, 11:06 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by E8 Food house
kekeke.....bro tv,i cant stop laughing!!!!u r the man indeed!!!wahahahaha....
can tcss here bo?u also boss here.

oii lestat ask this boss if u can continue ur romance first.
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 05-12-2005, 12:51 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by lestat_666
Alright. I dare say I've been really respectful, nice and receptive about your comments so far. However, I must confess it was not reciprocated in your reply. Thats ok, I usually have a high tolerance level. But really, that line about "your statement giving us hope"? The tone ot it was totally antagonistic, bitter, scornful and arrogant.

Look, no one is looking for hope from you or anyone else. We've found it already in the relationships we pursued or are pursuing. What this thread is meant for is for samsters help each other in the romancing of their tiraks or soon-to-be tiraks. The proliferation of information. Relevant information. Anti-triak sentiments might be relevant to you but please look at the title of the thread.
How would u feel if one day the someone who is reading this kind of thread is your son, and he is still pondering what will come out from a relationship with a WL.

U want to go romance, tactic or whatever schemes u have with a WL, go ahead, but keep it in check. Talk about ownself but unknowingly, u are giving "motivation" to those who are currently in one or want to be in one such relationship.

Don't spur others on.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 05-12-2005, 01:32 AM
lestat_666 lestat_666 is offline
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Please lah, you really think we're such a small group? Who do you think you are? What do you think you're trying to do or prove?

Spur others on? Everyone has to make their own decisions and theirs should not be your problem. The anti-tirak threats are out there warning others about the dangers of tirakship... people here know about them but still take a risk.

You are just being bitter. Yeah, its a risk we're taking. We know the dangers. It might be our own funeral at the end of the day but really, who is asking you to attend it?

Four words to sum it up for you; mind your own business.
Old 05-12-2005, 04:07 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by lestat_666
Please lah, you really think we're such a small group? Who do you think you are? What do you think you're trying to do or prove?

Spur others on? Everyone has to make their own decisions and theirs should not be your problem. The anti-tirak threats are out there warning others about the dangers of tirakship... people here know about them but still take a risk.

You are just being bitter. Yeah, its a risk we're taking. We know the dangers. It might be our own funeral at the end of the day but really, who is asking you to attend it?
Four words to sum it up for you; mind your own business.
Wah, Monday Morning liao, hahaha, u getting pissed?

So how, u want me to do a banner, promotion flyers for you to distribute around for advocating tirakship with a prostitute?

So what are the dangers u know of?
Knowing there's fire, u go in nevermind, and yet u can don't care about others. Maybe u treat your life as cheap, but then others don't. U don't need direction, but then others do.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 05-12-2005, 04:10 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

The irony of this kind of tirak thread.

Starting sounds ok, but after 20-30 pages with the presence of 60 pages shown here, u guys should really read back the 1st few pages to see how this kind of thread will evolute into.

I call it the evolution of humans due to relationship with a Thai WL.

It ain't the first, and it definitely wouldn't be the last.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 05-12-2005, 11:36 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Wah, Monday Morning liao, hahaha, u getting pissed?

So how, u want me to do a banner, promotion flyers for you to distribute around for advocating tirakship with a prostitute?

So what are the dangers u know of?
Knowing there's fire, u go in nevermind, and yet u can don't care about others. Maybe u treat your life as cheap, but then others don't. U don't need direction, but then others do.

Waaaa bro, take it easy lah....

You think they are really "in" into having thai WLs as genuine "tiraks" that they are going to marry in the future? You think they are so noble meh????

Already the title of the thread tells you their intention mah... It didn't say "how to woo a Thai WL to be your tirak?" or to that effect.

They are actually asking for tactics and schemes to romance a Thai WL. You really think anyone who scheme to romance a thai WL is going to be truthful? "Romance" is a nicer word to put it lah... Actually the real implication would be to "cheat" the Thai WL, heart and if possible, everything lah..

So when they see this thread not giving out enough tips on how to scheme the WLs, of course they start complaining lah...

Tee Vee
Old 05-12-2005, 11:42 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
The irony of this kind of tirak thread.

I also find it very ironical that you were minding someone else's business and another person comes in to tell you to mind your own business. How do you say it? The pot calling the kettle black? or something like that?

By the way, I like to mind other people's business too leh... like now lah..

Tee Vee
Old 05-12-2005, 12:15 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

suteerak got a new supporter......
Old 05-12-2005, 03:01 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by lestat_666
.........Four words to sum it up for you; mind your own business.
bro, my exact sentiments as per some of my correspondences with him in the recent past (or shall i say in the last yr - since 05 is coming to a close).

its a forum, we're all entitled to share our opinions here. somehow, some just continue to see things in light that we're being advocators and encouragers for tirakship. for that, these fellas just come wave after wave repeating themselves, drawing baseless/groundless conclusive remarks on those who share.

for some wierd reason(s), they have the tendency of directly/indirectly trying to dictate how others should run their lives. unknowingly/subconsciously display their "mr been there done that" enthics, and in turn claim they're just being kind to share, to regurgitate their ingestions.

am not much of a laujiao here, had my fair share of rebutals, conflicts, debates on the tirak issues. i mean nothing malicious, but i've also 4 words for you: get used to it...
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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