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Old 04-12-2007, 10:59 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Nice FR from JBman2006.

5 pts on the way.

Anyone else who has written FRs in this thread and have not received my 5 pts, pls PM me.
Old 04-12-2007, 03:33 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

natasha is 24.well to some suprise or shock news,there are 2 among them already enter motherhood.familiar dudes should know who she suppose to be ba?will let u know in my later FR.stay tunes.
Old 04-12-2007, 04:06 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by phantomboyz View Post
natasha is 24.well to some suprise or shock news,there are 2 among them already enter motherhood.familiar dudes should know who she suppose to be ba?will let u know in my later FR.stay tunes.
very easy to find out, just suck their breast harder and see whether got milk or not...kekekeke...paiseh paiseh.....bro Phantomboys pls enlighten us!!

Sally told me there are a few from their group base in Kong Kong...emmm...i was wondering how to find motel to bonk in Kong Kong? unless bonk on a fishing boat! hehehe....nice also!!
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Old 04-12-2007, 06:16 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Elloz... i'm back to pass up my homework.... I read about this XY a lot in the forum and wanted to try, in fact, potato sensei already offered me her number somewhere last week but i declined it as I was damn bz whole sat and sun and also was scheduled to be in JB for a week plus on Monday but now postponed to Wednesday (long fucked up story... sigh). He guranteed that i'll definately like her since he sort of know my style.

Back to the story, I finally got her number yesterday morning but when i called her in the afternoon, she told me they're in the midst of changing hotels but she said she'll call me after she settled down. Ard 4pm, i gave DK a call and enquired abt the situation and told me tht they are most probably getting a room at Wenworth so I head there straight and parked my car around there somewhere and suddenly saw StevieG aka SuperItchy walking out of the hotel. I called him but was ignored so I followed him to his car lar... and found out tht he was the one who's helping both of them to change hotels. I joined them in their search for the hotel and ended up at XX Hotel. Both StevieG and I help them to nego the rates and helped them got their rooms.

I asked StevieG whether can i take XY. He said cannot, he wants her... then I know he havent tried Mimi before so asked him to take her instead lar... but he insisted on taking XY so ok lor... I take Mimi. I asked him again, can I take XY after him. Wah... this fellow ar... said cannot... he's gonna bonk her for 3 hours!!! Wah lau eh... so ok lor... believe him lor cause he super itchy mah... So I helped Mimi to carry her luggage to her room and StevieG helped XY.

I was in mimi's room waiting for her to unpack her stuffs, we chatted and was offered a chocolate bar and coffee by her. Very nice of her. She told me she's very hamsup and like young n good looking guys (im young but not gd looking) and she said tht she's gonna rape me later... I was like.... wah!!! Die liao later... Once everything's done we went for the shower together. Wah... during shower period, she used her body to soap me using both her boobs and back to caress my didi.... it made me damn hard and wanted to bonk her straight... I FK and fingered her at the same time.... Both a also cannot tahan, we exited from shower, quickly dried ourselves and proceed to the bed. In bed we FK for a very long time while she was bz with my didi, i was bz caressing and fingering her.... hehehe... she really wet... she proceed to gimme a catbath and a BBBJ. We did it in 4 positions started with her on top and ended in doggie style. She on the mild wild side so ok also lar... Very accomodative and no rush. After we finished, we hugged and chatted on the bed very nice just like GF. After showering, she made coffee for me again... wah... so nice one... She was dolling up again b4 going out cause we're waiting for StevieG to kau tim.... After she got a call frm her client and went out and i went to XY's room since they also kau tim.


Age: 28
Body : 7/10 (slim, lanky no tummy with smooth and soft fair porceline skin, fairer than XY)
Boobs : 6.5/10 (dunno wot cup between A & B quar, but nice and soft)
Face : 6/10
FK: Yes
Fingering: Yes
AR : didnt ask
Daty : dint try cause bushy
BBBJ : 6.5/10
FJ: 7.5/10
GFE : 9/10 (xtra points for being a non-smoker)
WIR : Nope. I prefer XY
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:48 PM
Itto Itto is offline
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by sober View Post

I asked StevieG whether can i take XY. He said cannot, he wants her... then I know he havent tried Mimi before so asked him to take her instead lar... but he insisted on taking XY so ok lor... I take Mimi. I asked him again, can I take XY after him. Wah... this fellow ar... said cannot... he's gonna bonk her for 3 hours!!! Wah lau eh... so ok lor... believe him lor cause he super itchy mah... So I helped Mimi to carry her luggage to her room and StevieG helped XY.
Wau Lau! This SUPER ITCHY really terror lah !
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:51 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by sober View Post


Age: 28
Body : 7/10 (slim, lanky no tummy with smooth and soft fair porceline skin, fairer than XY)
Boobs : 6.5/10 (dunno wot cup between A & B quar, but nice and soft)
Face : 6/10
FK: Yes
Fingering: Yes
AR : didnt ask
Daty : dint try cause bushy
BBBJ : 6.5/10
FJ: 7.5/10
GFE : 9/10 (xtra points for being a non-smoker)
WIR : Nope. I prefer XY
Wow! Your ratings on Mimi also not bad leh ... I have met her but her voice abit low or rough .... Looks wise quite ok lah... Next time can try her
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Old 04-12-2007, 11:53 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

[Sorry for the late posting of this.... cause i hv problems refreshing the website]

After we finished our sessions (see the above post), StevieG, XY and I went for makan. During our makan, I told XY i want her after that, she said ok but need to buy CD and some stuffs. So after makan, I was searching around for 7-11 but cant find any (Im not familiar with tht area) so finally drove to Carrefour to buy stuffs since she need some noodles and bread. Chit-chatted with her during the drive. I found tht she's a very nice lady to hold a conversation.

Once in the room, we decided to take a break since we're both full from dinner. We just lied on the bed hugging, touching and chatted. Very nice GFE feeling. Ard 30mins plus, we proceeded to shower and cleaned ourselves. Was being playful on the bed and we FKed a lot. Another plus point to this lady as she's another non-smoker.

Once we're into action, I was a bit turned off by the ringing of her phone and answering the phone.... ( a few times...), After inserted in her for a few times, I decided to stop as I was really not in a mood after the interuptions but told her i'll be back later tonite since she got clients coming soon and I gotta go to my client's place to collect my cheque. We showered, clean ourselves again and paid her and ciao-ed.... After settling my work stuffs and packed my stuffs (cause originally, i'm suppose to leave for JB early next morning) and reached her place around 2am.

Well, returned to her place and I left her place quite late in the morning as my JB trip got postponed and screwed up. All I can say is, I really had a good time with her last nite and I really enjoyed her company. Early early in the morning, my potato sifu start calling me to kacau me liao... sigh.... Anyway, potato sifu... Thank u very much for the contact.

Bros who are trying her... pls treat this lady well


Name: Xiao Ya
Age: 30+ din ask
Look: 6.8-7
Boobs: 7 (33 dunno what cup)
Body: 7.5 (See picture to believe)
FK: yupz and loved it
Daty: dint try cause bushy
Fingering: allowed
FJ: 7.5
GFE: 9.5 (plus point non-smoker)
RTF: Yes (next week )
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Old 04-12-2007, 11:57 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by Itto View Post
Wow! Your ratings on Mimi also not bad leh ... I have met her but her voice abit low or rough .... Looks wise quite ok lah... Next time can try her
Ello bro. Received my SMS? To be frank lar har... if u dun get coffee service and etc... dun F me lar... but this was wot I got, thtz y I gave her the deserving ratings. She's very chatty with me. As for her voice, I think is ok but not as sweet as XY lar...
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Old 05-12-2007, 08:05 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Well very sorry ah Mr Sober for making so many calls while you are in the mood..

Ayoh sei lohhh Ah sifu why now got so many beg aka milf hunter.. like that me very hard to cari makan liao . why you all the sudden take in so many understudy.

Sigh very hard to cari makan lah...
Old 05-12-2007, 08:27 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Originally Posted by boinker View Post
Well very sorry ah Mr Sober for making so many calls while you are in the mood..
Aiyah bro... calls not from u nia lar... i know one of the calls was from u but tht was earlier lar... Hahahaha.... U even called when she was with both STevieG and I... lolx.... no worries... Cheers...
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Old 05-12-2007, 10:37 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

After lurking around for quite some time, decided to try something different. Previously has been trying only the Spas and HCs. This time after seeing the PRC FL that you taikors wrote , decided to pm dekuip for the contact. At first, i thought he wouldn't want to give me the contact, but after talking to him, he still give me the contact to this newbie. Hurray! Fast fast call this prc called xiao ya. Found out from her that she just changed to a new hotel from the previous one. Ok ok...managed to find the new hotel around Pudu area. Reached there quickly with a nervous heart. First time looking for FL ... i think this is the feeling right?

First time meet her, the impression is she's not so tall, average height. But her looks are killing me.... It's just like the prc KTV gals you see normally. AND her boobs almost popping out from her dress. My god! I'm getting high already. At first, i thought like Spa standard, immediately strip and fuck. But no, she took my hand and led me to her bed and talk cock first. While lying down, she slowly un-button my shirt and pants and slowly carressing me. sometimes she would cat bath me. Also her phone rang few times, but she still play with me while talking on the phone. After 1/2 hr, we only go to wash ourself ready for action. Once on the bed we attacked each other furiously. I cannot tahan already, quickly cap myself and enter her missionary. Bonking her in that pattern really nice as i can see her beautiful face. One thing? how come her boobs very firm? But anyway it's nice to hold. Didn't take long before i shot my load. Overall it's very satisfying.


Age: I guess it's around late 20s
Looks: 7/10
Body: 8/10
FJ: 8/10
GFE: 10/10
Old 05-12-2007, 01:36 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Hot News!!!! Hot News!!!!

Rosally just cut and dyed her hair!!!

don't ask me how i know...i just dream of her that way!!!
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Old 05-12-2007, 05:59 PM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Sorry too lazy to rewrite FR I just posted on another site, just copy and paste MY FR.

Was summoned to KL for emergency meeting. So with a heavy heart (wink wink) booked a room pronto in GS and rushed down kwik kwik. Boy is this hotel crowded. After checking in, jumped into pool and some sauna for some relaxation.

Eyes were auto roaming while having a drink. About 12 WLs, including 1 capati and 2 NLs available. M1 has visit from auntie so just my luck. After CK asked OKT to recommend, Angie is the choice, so be it.

First impression, looks 6, boobs B cup body on the skinny side. No problems. Followed me to room, shit, while waiting for lift, the lift stopped and a pak haji was in it. We got in and he got out. Hmmm... interesting. Whoops, wrong floor. He quicking got back in, mumbling salah tingkat. LOL wonder who is more embarassed.

Reached my floor, room near the end of corridoor. Shit again, a group of teenage girls rehearsing with their teacher some sing song thingy. Paiseh, luckily door opened without problem.

No hugging or kissing, she undressed. Third time shit, heavily padded bra. even a bullet cant penetrate. Boob size A. What to do. Proceed to bath, she helped washed didi and asked to spread eagle to wash where the sun never shines. OK at least didi happier now.

Ask me again spread with back facing her. Cat bath was SOP, then AR for 2 mins, BBBJ a few more mins and she turned her pussy to me for DATY. No sign of KY, good, discovered pussy lips not balanced, LOL, right side significantly longer than left. After 10 mins of 69, she capped me, cowgirl, missionary, doggie and finished with missionary with 5 mins to spare.

Name : Angie
age : early to mid 20s
face : 6/10
body : 6/10 (a bit skinny)
boobs : 4/10 32 A (Aahhh)
AR : 7/10 (quite good)
BBBJ : 8/10 (good suction and very patient)
FK : no
DATY : yes (she enjoys it)
FJ : 7/10
damage : RM198 I think....gave 200 and keep change
WIR : yes for M1
Old 05-12-2007, 06:11 PM
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FR for NL Ann, JB

This afternoon supposed to have a seminar but last minutes it was cancelled. I'm sudden hanging there and finally decided not to go back office, but try to take some action. Life is short mah, my senior bro here also tell me dont waste too much time. so sms this Ann, and got arrangement to meet her at one of the hotel in Jln Serampang.

While waiting in the room, feel abit nervous as this is my 1st time bonking at budget hotel. when ann knock on the door, i quickly open the door for her. well, fair looking NL girl, short straight hair and slightly "meaty" body shape. after a short chit chat with her, she strip off her clothes infront of me.. wanted to help her but she said not used to it, so i just sit back and watching a girl slowly strip off her t-shirt, jean, bra.. and everything. then walk to bathroom for wash-up herself. I also wash up after her turn and then we both lay on the bed naked.. i asked her whether she feel cool or not, she said it's abit cold but later after "main" (playing) will warm up lah.. and also said that raining day good for playing..haha.

then started our playing action.. she 1st kiss on my body, from my neck down to my ball.. feel shiok but not for too long, but one thing is she dont do BJ for me, and i also didnt asked lah.. whatever she did, i just take it. next action she just lay down and want me to play her.. walao, i paid but yet i have to let her shiok. anyway, i just suck her nipple until harden.. then starting fingering her and heard her low moaning. can feel the juice in her well shave pussy .. then she capped me and i started bonking her from low to high speed. missionary action continue for a good 10 minutes until she looks very tired being pumping by my didi.. , i'm the one working on her and sweating like hell but still cannot cum.. finally just put in more concentration on my didi and cummed. when she unload the cd, she said "wow.. banyak nye!" proceed to clean up.. pay her.. then go off.

Overall not a very exciting cheonging experience. No BJ and not accommodating for other style. but she's fairly friendly lah. Actually i'm abit sick (slight fever) yet i can bonk my first NL girl till she exhausted, not bad already lah.

Name: Ann
Age: 20+ (didnt asked)
Look: 5.5/10
Boobs: 6/10
Body: 5/10 (slightly meaty)
FK: nope
BJ: nope
Fingering: allowed
FJ: 5/10
GFE: 6/10
Damage: RM130 (incl room)
RTF: not for the time being until i'm hunger for nasi lemak in future.
Old 06-12-2007, 08:58 AM
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Re: FRs Only. Commercial or Free

Another nice FR from bro JBman2006. 5 pts just given.

Bros aerospeed and fc69 are also on my list for 5 pts. Please continue to contribute to this thread.
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