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Old 01-11-2006, 02:17 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by steamer
is this the same gl150 pei yee b4? anyone can cfm this?

no one knows? was happy for awhile...thot pei yee really came back...
Old 06-11-2006, 04:14 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

checked yesterday that ellaine is not working
BJmydong.. please update the database
Old 06-11-2006, 10:41 PM
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Smile Re: Cat $150 Listing - November 2006

Bro, just a few questions.. I haf never exprienced a 150cat.. been bonking all the tom yum 40cat. Is susan and leena the only malay girls for the 150 cat? Is there a review for susan? Read a few for leena.. seems to be quite ok..

I was wondering if they do entertain fetish? coz i haf a weak spot for women in thigh high stockings.. only a particular escort cum massage operator called "silk stockings" are offering this service.. any of you bros tried this before?

Wat I would like to noe is which is the best house to go to.. if i'm a 1st timer for the 150cat and want to try a malay girl? hopefully any of you brothers could give me some guidance in this matter.. thankz :>
Old 07-11-2006, 08:44 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by steamer
no one knows? was happy for awhile...thot pei yee really came back...
Yes same Pei Yee
Old 07-11-2006, 06:11 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by lancerglxi
Yes same Pei Yee
R U very sure the same pei yee from 1608?

Thought her permit got revoked by AV how come can come back again?
Old 08-11-2006, 12:20 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by lancerglxi
Yes same Pei Yee
I think the Cat80 you guys are talking about is Pei Li, not Pei Yee.

Pei Li was from the old WH04 before with Susan. Had them in a tama during Susan's heydays. Great experience.

Old 08-11-2006, 10:41 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

This will create history if a girl whose card had been revoked before is allowed to come back to work again,and I can't imagine an ang pai like
Pei Yee can be downgraded to cat80
Old 09-11-2006, 09:28 AM
steamer steamer is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by Cummon
This will create history if a girl whose card had been revoked before is allowed to come back to work again,and I can't imagine an ang pai like
Pei Yee can be downgraded to cat80
tats wat i thot too. pity i onli had the privilege of experiencing her once
Old 10-11-2006, 01:05 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by Cummon
This will create history if a girl whose card had been revoked before is allowed to come back to work again,and I can't imagine an ang pai like
Pei Yee can be downgraded to cat80
Sian man... for a moment, i was like bro steamer, my heart skipped a beat.. cos i never had the chance to try her before after all the years of cheongin... the legendary pei yee..

bro cummon, you lucky lor...
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Old 10-11-2006, 01:07 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by Cummon
This will create history if a girl whose card had been revoked before is allowed to come back to work again,and I can't imagine an ang pai like
Pei Yee can be downgraded to cat80
Sian man... for a moment, i was like bro steamer, my heart skipped a beat.. cos i never had the chance to try her before after all the years of cheongin... the legendary pei yee..

bro cummon, you lucky lor...
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Old 10-11-2006, 01:12 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Sorry for the double post...
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Old 10-11-2006, 07:33 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by coolfire69
cos i never had the chance to try her before after all the years of cheongin... the legendary pei yee..
She was best remembered for her resemblance to former Media Corp artise Ericia Lee. It's difficult to get her coz her regulars would usually book her for multiple sessions.
Anyway we can't have it all & no one is indispensable in this world.
Cheers !
Old 10-11-2006, 08:16 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by flameboy
Tried a "Ah Mei". Tried looking up on the list but didn't find
If any bro know who this girl alternate name, would appreciate PM me to tell me instead of naming her out here. I don't like to give a bad name to anyone because they still make a living. So, I never write a bad FR because "Someone's meat could be somebody else's poison"

I was introduce to Serence, a pettie long hair lady.Average look BUT i could not locate her name on the list too ?
Any Bro know her alternate name?
Old 11-11-2006, 07:02 PM
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Pei Yi

Originally Posted by Cummon
She was best remembered for her resemblance to former Media Corp artise Ericia Lee. It's difficult to get her coz her regulars would usually book her for multiple sessions.
Anyway we can't have it all & no one is indispensable in this world.
Cheers !
she had the cutest, sexyist & freshest cunt that i hv ever seen in GL...also the few soft strands of pubic hair added to the thrill)
Old 11-11-2006, 07:16 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Suddenly just recalled,there used to be 2 gals,one of them codename is Vampire & the other Teacher.wonder if are they still around?pardon me if my question sounds a little silly..
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