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Old 20-09-2023, 09:29 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by skihon View Post
This is the part me and my friend was confuse and lose. Why would the girl do that when my friend just sit there minding his own business. Some more the girl is only 14 yrs old
With the influence of the likes of Tik Tok, anything is possible, kids are no longer what they were during our time.
There are many kids nowadays who can talk back at their parents, speak or behave like some mafia to be cool. Who's fault? To a large extent, the parents who let the kids to much access to uncensored stuff online. That bit is hard to control.
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Old 20-09-2023, 11:32 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by skihon View Post
This is the part me and my friend was confuse and lose. Why would the girl do that when my friend just sit there minding his own business. Some more the girl is only 14 yrs old
Understand. I am assuming he somehow sit opposite or facing the girl. Also as one bro said young girls now know more and are quite clever at setting people up. If she dun like his face or mannerism and he do something like adjust himself to sit comfortably, a picture like that will f-him up. The girl need not worry as there will be no public record of who she is - as she is underaged and also "victim".
Old 20-09-2023, 03:48 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Just when we were talking about how 'dangerous' the world has become, there's this 22 year old lady who accused her two colleagues for raping her, just because she wanted her aunt to book a Grab as she got no money. How absurd could she be? How did she grow to an age of 22 with an IQ of a 2 year old??
She could have just those men to book for her. For that, she would have a lot to answer to and might even go to jail for lying.
How dumb can she be??
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Old 20-09-2023, 04:20 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Just when we were talking about how 'dangerous' the world has become, there's this 22 year old lady who accused her two colleagues for raping her, just because she wanted her aunt to book a Grab as she got no money. How absurd could she be? How did she grow to an age of 22 with an IQ of a 2 year old??
She could have just those men to book for her. For that, she would have a lot to answer to and might even go to jail for lying.
How dumb can she be??
I am much more interested in what caused her to change her statement and get a heavier sentence.
Old 20-09-2023, 09:43 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Just when we were talking about how 'dangerous' the world has become, there's this 22 year old lady who accused her two colleagues for raping her, just because she wanted her aunt to book a Grab as she got no money. How absurd could she be? How did she grow to an age of 22 with an IQ of a 2 year old??
She could have just those men to book for her. For that, she would have a lot to answer to and might even go to jail for lying.
How dumb can she be??
Yeah man I saw this and was like thinking the two cols' balls must have shrunk for a while...
My stories. Are they real or not? U decide lor. Anyway doesn't matter much cos I am reliving them...

How I got myself with an ex-colleague...

I did not know that side of my sis-in-law...
Old 20-09-2023, 10:19 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by skihon View Post
Still fighting in the court. I hope it will end nicely if not 8 weeks jail term or $20k or both.
Your friend probably not telling you the entire truth..... fyi all public buses operating in SG have CCTVs installed and the AGC will not charge any person without evidence.
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Old 21-09-2023, 07:38 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
This is just so unfair.
Framing people for an offence that can get 20 years or more with canning and she only faces 6 months in prison.

Old 21-09-2023, 09:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Turnip View Post
This is just so unfair.
Framing people for an offence that can get 20 years or more with canning and she only faces 6 months in prison.

As we know it is double standrads law, is how much the parents willing to pay the lawyer to fight the case to lower the sentence. Anyway law between Men and Women can see the difference.
Old 22-09-2023, 05:38 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by skihon View Post
Nope, no photo or video of him doing it. Is just the words of the young girl.
Anyway, in court of law, if its just your word vs my word, will be burden of proof on the prosecuting side. No proof means defendant walk free, and can apply for cost.

I think both sides, prosecution and defence, have to disclose all materials to each other before trial.
If prosecution really just proceed on what the girl say without substantial proof, can apply for penalties against the lawyer as well.
So,very unlikely just what the girl say.
Which lawyer will want to risk potential reprimand/sanctions on file.

I saw this from another thread.
The guy admitted straight from the start and did not contest the charges, and also had family support, so got 3 weeks.
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Old 22-09-2023, 09:38 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by East View Post
Anyway, in court of law, if its just your word vs my word, will be burden of proof on the prosecuting side. No proof means defendant walk free, and can apply for cost.

I think both sides, prosecution and defence, have to disclose all materials to each other before trial.
If prosecution really just proceed on what the girl say without substantial proof, can apply for penalties against the lawyer as well.
So,very unlikely just what the girl say.
Which lawyer will want to risk potential reprimand/sanctions on file.

I saw this from another thread.
The guy admitted straight from the start and did not contest the charges, and also had family support, so got 3 weeks.
I feel our local courts, the onus is on the accused to disprove the accusation and not the accuser to prove his crime..they always say in the USA it "innocent till proven guilty" but here more like "guilty until proven innocent"...
Old 22-09-2023, 10:58 AM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by Frankiestine View Post
I feel our local courts, the onus is on the accused to disprove the accusation and not the accuser to prove his crime..they always say in the USA it "innocent till proven guilty" but here more like "guilty until proven innocent"...
most of the cases don't end up in the courts because they have to be filtered through police investigation (no further action), police administrative action (stern warnings, conditional warnings), correspondence and representation with the prosecutor (lawyers are important here especially if you want to convince prosecutor to go with a lesser charge), pre-trial conferences before the actual trial.

If at any stage the evidence is not strong enough, the prosecutor is very unlikely to proceed because if it goes to trial and the accused gets acquitted, the prosecutor not only ends up being embarrassed but also probably with KPI (and performance bonus) affected. By the time a case gets to trial, the evidence would have given the prosecutor reasonable confidence to jump through all these hoops.
Old 22-09-2023, 01:00 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Just when we were talking about how 'dangerous' the world has become, there's this 22 year old lady who accused her two colleagues for raping her, just because she wanted her aunt to book a Grab as she got no money. How absurd could she be? How did she grow to an age of 22 with an IQ of a 2 year old??
She could have just those men to book for her. For that, she would have a lot to answer to and might even go to jail for lying.
How dumb can she be??
Most likely she fucks with them, she wanna go home but no money, the guys didn't wanna pay for her. Reported them for rape due to spite.
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Old 23-09-2023, 01:50 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Free sex is usually the most expensive sex. Ask the married men, all still paying $$ for the free sex !
Old 23-09-2023, 04:52 PM
ganUSDollar ganUSDollar is offline
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Originally Posted by lzmmcken View Post
Free sex is usually the most expensive sex. Ask the married men, all still paying $$ for the free sex !
If have sex still ok, but most married men are paying $$ but no sex
Old 23-09-2023, 06:42 PM
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Re: Peeping/Accidental saw girl zaogeng or naked

Pay for no sex, that's the way to go. HAHAHA.
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